If you’ve ever slung a piece of toast on your breakfast plate and thought the crispy markings on your nine-grain bread kiiiiiinda resembled Ryan Gosling, your roomie probably blamed it on your late night The Notebook screening and asked you to pass the jam. But now a Vermont company is offering a service that will let you personalize your morning meal staple by grilling faces on toast — from #selfies to the guise of your imaginary bf.
We sing about them, we post them and, yes guys, now the Vermont Novelty Toaster Corporation is helping us toast our likenesses onto sliced bread. Just send in a high-res close up to the offbeat kitchen appliance company and they’ll fashion a lookalike toaster grill and mail out your personalized toaster within a week. While the novelty of a duckface on rye is pretty chuckle-worthy (breakfast has never been so (self-indulgent), you have to be 110% wacko for the reverse cam in order to throw down for the $75 appliance. All we’re saying is that if we get to splurge on one device that dishes out edible selfies, we’re going all in on a PancakeBot.
Really, would you ever splurge on a selfie toaster? If you’re tempted, tell us why in the comments below.
(h/t The Daily Dot)