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Imaginatively awesome science and art activities.

12 Kid-Friendly Instagram Accounts to Follow for Creative Inspiration

12 Kid-Friendly Instagram Accounts to Follow for Creative Inspiration

Your tot is a real da Vinci in the making. They’re all about exploration and can’t get enough of tinkering with just about everything around them. Yep, you’ve got a full-STEAM-ahead kiddo: That’s STEAM as in science, technology engineering, art, and math. (Think of it as STEM plus one.) Don’t stress if you’re far from a scientist, artist, or mathematician yourself — no one expects you to be. When you need a little help keeping your creative kid’s schedule filled with STEAM, we’ve got a few totally rad kid-centric IG accounts that you need to follow right now.

1. Blastastic Day: Let’s say your kid wants to get into that slime fad. You can find that here! You can also find all kinds of awesomely artsy activities paired with super science ones too. Paint pinecones, play with chalk pastels, and see what happens when the kids paint with fidget spinners (oh, it’s pretty darn cool).

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✨ Cellograff #sashaandkids_historyofart Want to share our last year's outdoor fun again for @earlylearning101 challenge. (Hope, not too late 😁). We were inspired by Russian street and forest artist #ches_ches #cellograff. @possibility_mom has a lovely Cellograff under the table fort idea, aswel. ✨целограф По следам русского уличного художника #ches_ches. ****"" ****** It was the first time we painted outside and it was great fun! Inspired by #cellograff - street art on the plastic wrap stretched between two supports. French graffiti artist Kanos and Astro are the inventors of Cellograff. Check under #ches_ches to see stunning artworks of Russian forest Cellograff. #getoutside #naturewalk #kidscrafts101#so_unconventional#cfyc #smockson #famousartistfriday

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2. Curiosity Sprouts: The creator of this IG account is a homeschooling mama to two. You’ll find everything from pics of painting outdoors on cellophane to videos of paint-soaked bubble-blowing fun. There’s plenty of art, nature, and awesomeness here.

3. The Dad Lab: Let’s not forget that dads are totally into kids’ activities too. This dad has put together a supremely STEAM-friendly mix of videos that encourage exploration, ignite the imagination, and just look like tons of fun. Let’s give him some props here: In an activity world that seems totally dominated by mamas and professional educators, he’s got it going on.

4. Brainy Beginnings Network: The name kind of says it all. If you’ve ever wondered, “What would it be like to make ginormous wiggle eyes with my child?” you’ve got your answer here. But that’s not all — far from it. Crystal rocks made from reused egg cartons, popsicle-stick-and-pom-pom dandelions, and painting on beeswax fabric are just a few of the creative treats you’ll find here.

5. Left Brain Craft Brain: Again, it’s all in the name. This STEM-plus-arts-and-crafts Instagrammer gives your little one plenty to look at — and do! There’s serious hands-on fun in store. Learn about liquid art panels, mix up some ooblek, get stretchy with slime, and make unicorn snot (yes, unicorn snot).

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Such great #insect #learningactivities #Repost @munchkins_and_moms with @repostapp ・・・ Alright it is Monday!! Time to choose the winners of this week's #steamkidschallenge (drumroll please) 🥁🥁🥁 These 8 ladies shared some wonderful ideas (as did everyone who participated. I LOVED the creativity I saw! 😍) Click on he collage to see all the winners (and click over to their accounts to show some love 💕) Did you participate this week? If you missed this week, no worries. Join up next week for another great STEAM challenge from the lovely ladies @steamkidschallenge 🙌🏻 @preschoolsteam @littleloftstudios @littlepinelearners @tala_and_mommy @themamaworkshop

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6. STEAM Kids Challenge: So you’re looking for an awesome array of creative activities? This IG account has just that. With weekly challenges, you’ll get a new batch of Instagrammers stepping up to the STEAM plate and showing off their best. And, bonus, if your tot makes something they’re totally proud of, you can enter the contest too!

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🎈❄️ Ice Sculpture Balloons ❄️🎈 We're in the middle of a heatwave here in Los Angeles, and the power went out when I was in the middle of writing a caption for a different post. It's still 88 degrees out. Which feels like 1000 degrees when you're preggo. ••• So I switched my post to something cooler-these ice sculptures, inspired by Angela (@curioustots). Then, halfway through, I put down my phone and convinced my husband to come swimming. I love it when I come up with a good idea in the midst of swirling hormones and crankiness. Ideas that actually cure my crankiness! Now we're out, cooled off, the power's back on, and I'm happy as a clam on high tide, ready to share an easy recipe that will give you 45 minutes of peace. 😊 ••• 🎈1. Tuck some treasures into a balloon. We used seashells and sparkly blue rhinestones bc we're really missing living in Santa Monica on days like today. Angela filled hers with flowers, and they were absolutely beautiful! 💦2. Fill with water. (We added a squirt of blue food coloring in half of ours.) Tie and freeze overnight. ✂️3. Cut the balloons open and set them in a tub or a water table with squeeze bottles full of warm water and hammers. Relax while your Little's work away to free their treasures! ••• The kids went 🍌🍌🍌 for this activity. They were SO engaged. They got an amazing fine motor skills workout and were exposed to science concepts. I can't recommend this project enough!

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7. Momma Teaching: This IG account belongs to a momma who’s also a teacher. (Of course!) You’ll find all kinds of easy-to-try activities that are perfect for little hands. Paint, play, and get creative as you try out some of these picks.

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Happy Montessori Inspired Monday! Here are what are on our shelves this week. We have Watermelon theme at our place for this next week. 🍉🍉🍉 To find out more about each tray and how it works be sure to turn on notifications to my page so you don't miss them through out the week. 1. Watermelon numeral and dot match 2. Seed punching 3. Pattern match 4. Roll and count 5. Life cycle of the watermelon 3 part cards #watermelon #lifecycle #punching #patterns #momducator #homeeducation #thisismyhomeschool #montessorimonday #montessori #montessoriathome #montessorimaterials #montessoriinspired #montessorikid #kidsmath101 #toddlertime #MM #playistheirwork #numberrecognition #earlylearning #handsonlearning #homeschooling #estherdd_age4 #eveld_age6

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8. Momducator: There are so many imagination- and exploration-fueled options here, your kiddo won’t know which one to try first. Excavate chocolate chip cookies (whoa), chisel colorful ice away to get to a plastic dino inside, and play all day with plenty of other STEAM surprises.

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Want some pretty art and a house that smells, in the words of my tiny art teammate, "like a Jolly Rancher factory"?! Well, I've got ya covered friend! • You need: 👉🏼 flavored gelatin 👉🏼 hot-ish water 👉🏼 pipettes 👉🏼 paper towels • I put 2 cups of water in the microwave for 2 minutes -- hot enough to dissolve some of the gelatin, but not too hot so Kinley could help me pour it without a trip to urgent care 🚫👨‍⚕️ • While it was heating up, I poured about a quarter of each packet of gelatin into its own little container and when the water was ready, we carefully poured a little at a time into each cup. We stirred them up and added more gelatin powder to get brighter colors, but I suspect the amount of powder would be different with any brand you use. If you try it, just experiment. You are looking for a watercolor consistency, but there will be undissolved stuff at the bottom. The making of the paint is almost as exciting as the actual art part! • Now, you can just paint normally with a paintbrush with this stuff and that's totally fun, but K and I decided the best kind of rainbow gelatin painting is squirty kind! We grabbed our pipettes and our paper towels and got our creative on. Kinley even squirted pipettes full directly in her mouth, you know, tongue art! 👅🎨😜 • This was supposed to be our smell art for @friendsartlab's Sensory Art Week over on @smocks.on but our weekend got too crazy and we were too late 😔 Speaking of which, wasn't Kristian the ultimate fun host?! I hope you are following her -- she fills me with inspiration DAILY 💕 • We've got the whole process in our stories from yesterday, so if you hurry you can see it all going down 😁 Happy Monday! • • • #mommyandme #yum #artchallenge #familytime #createtogether #creative #creativekids #arttime #artproject #creativelifehappylife #creativeparent #sensoryart #touch #taste #smell #preschoolathome #preschoollife #preschooliscool #iteach #homeschool #365homeschool #ihomeschool #childhoodunplugged #sensoryfun #kidbloggersofig #raisingkinley

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9. Cara Raising Kinley: Colorful and cool, this preschool-focused account is absolutely filled with fun. Not only will you get pretty rad pics, but you’ll also get materials lists and how-to steps.

10. Learn 2 STEAM: It’s artsy. It’s science-y. It’s so much little-kid fun! From learning about erosion to making rock-and-stick portraits, this IG account has a buffet of ideas that are ready for your creative kiddo to explore.

11. Mac-n-Taters Play.Learn.Grow: If you’re looking for themed activities, this Instagrammer is it! Find pic after pic that all feature one theme (such as dinosaurs), and create your own mini study unit.

12. Raising Dragons: With tons of STEAM activities, this educational Instagrammer has plenty of ideas to keep your kid engaged. Learn about building with sticky notes, see what happens when your child combines oil and colorful water, and check out the gorgeous results when the kids paint with pool noodles.

What’s your favorite STEAM activity? Tweet us your best ideas @BritandCo!