How To Become More Eco-Friendly At Home Beyond Going Plastic-Free

We all know the phrase “reduce, reuse, and recycle.” But for decades, we really only thought about the “recycling” part, which is arguably the least important.

As an adult, I’ve tried to take stock of what single-use products I purchase and how I can cut back or repurpose. Much to my dismay, I find that doing what’s best for the environment is often more expensive and more labor-intensive than turning a blind eye to the staggering amount of waste we all create.

Small, incremental changes can feel like using a paper towel to clean up after a busted fire hydrant: ineffective and too little, too late. But I’m determined to make my little impact and encourage others to do the same. While I often feel hopeless on the macro scale, I know I am making real changes on a micro level. And you can too.

Here are a few easy and affordable swaps you can make in your home that will save you money, time, and ultimately lead to noticeable climate-conscious change.

In The Kitchen

Image via Amazon

The kitchen is a huge source of waste. Between paper products, food scraps, and toxic chemicals, this heavily-used space in your home could use a few changes.

Reusable towels

Ditch the paper towel rolls for something more cost-effective and Earth-friendly. Whether you prefer reusable paper towels, a compostable option (I like these), or an entirely different alternative, you will quickly notice how many paper towels you’re really using every day.

In our house, we completely ditched paper towels about two years ago and never looked back. We went to the dollar store and bought a pack of 40 white washcloths. We keep these in a basket and use them for cleaning up messes and wiping down countertops. They go into a “dirty” bin and get washed regularly in our washing machine.

Instead of paper napkins, we opted for cloth napkins that get washed along with our paper towel alternatives.

Clean cleaning

Another big one that people underestimate is your household cleaner. In a post-pandemic world, we’re all more aware of germs than ever before, however, the answer is not chemical cleaners. Avoid cleaners made with ammonia, bleach, and phthalates. These products are dangerous to produce and threaten our waterways. They also come in plastic containers, which we all know isn’t the best.

Save money by making your own cleaning products at home and buying the ingredients in bulk. I use watered-down baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice to scrub our countertops, sink, appliances, and even clothes. For tougher stains, opt for club soda, tea tree oil, or hydrogen peroxide. These products may need to sit and soak for longer than your store-bought cleaners, but they’ll get the job done without the nasty side effects.

More Kitchen Swaps I Swear By

In The Bathroom

The bathroom also yields a large percentage of waste in homes. We’ve been conditioned to fill our bathrooms with extra thick toilet paper, 18 different skincare products, and harsh chemicals to keep it clean. A few swaps can make a huge difference.

Your Business

I’ll be the first to admit that much of the eco-friendly toilet paper I’ve tried is just not it. It’s a significant downgrade from the plush stuff we’re used to. However, there are still ways to improve your routine without compromising comfort.

Installing a bidet in our bathroom has cut our use of toilet paper in half. It’s something to get used to, but has made a noticeable difference in how often we buy toilet paper. There are so many affordable options that can be added to your toilet without any difficult plumbing.

As far as compostable toilet paper goes, I cannot recommend Repurpose enough. Their products are much better for your plumbing and the planet without feeling like you’re using a leaf to clean yourself.

Ingredients Matter. Period.

As a menstruating human, I’ve always been absolutely appalled by the waste that comes with period products. Not only are many of these products made with chemicals (bad for us and the environment) but the amount of cardboard, plastic, and paper that goes into a single tampon is absurd. And just think… half the population is using these multiple times a day for multiple days, every single month of the year.

I made the switch to a menstrual cup last year and I’ll never go back to tampons. There is no waste associated with it and frankly, I feel better about what is going into my body. I have yet to try the discs or even used one of those cool applicators, but will say that the learning curve was well worth it in the end.

Image via Amazon

Our deodorant options stink, frankly

Many of us have jumped on the all-natural deodorant bandwagon…and many of us have fallen off. I think every person is different, and while one option may work for me, it may not work for you. Take the time to find and really test a deodorant that you feel good about applying to your body and then disposing.

For me, Hey Humans has an entirely recyclable container, made using 100% recycled cardboard — a huge win for me considering it also smells great and keeps me fresh. Another option I’ve loved is Saltair, which is made with plastic, but comes with refillable inserts so you only have to buy the plastic outside once. If you’re feeling frustrated with effectiveness, I encourage you to stay with it. It does get less stinky, I promise.

More Bathroom Swaps I Swear By

Lifestyle Changes That Make The Biggest Impact

Small and seemingly insignificant changes in your lifestyle can make a big impact. You don’t have to fully convert your home to solar power, or collect your own rainwater to shower (although kudos for that!) to lead a sustainable lifestyle.

Shop Consciously

Take the time to find products you like and feel good about their footprint. Unfortunately, we really can’t rely on advertising or “eco-friendly” labels to lead us to the right products. “Green washing” is wildly out of control and it’s up to us as consumers to shop smart.

For me, this means shopping for locally-sourced products and food through farmer’s markets, seasonal eating, and refill centers. All of these choices reduce transportation-effects on the planet and remind me to live in harmony with the Earth rather than with the notion to consume, consume, consume.

Shopping at a local refill station is by far the best change we’ve made over the past several years. We are lucky enough to have a fully-stocked store where we can bring our own containers and fill up on dish soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, witch hazel, and dishwasher tablets. There’s no plastic involved and we pay by the weight.

Photo by Sarah Chai / PEXELS

Better Recycling

While you should always try first to reduce and reuse, we live in a world that makes it difficult to do that. So if recycling is your last option, make sure you’re doing it really well. Each city or municipality has different recycling rules and regulations, so be sure to check yours.

For us, taking our own recycling to the city’s plant allows us to recycle much more than our trash pickup was willing to do. In fact, about three years ago, we canceled our city trash service and began taking our own trash and recycling each week. It saves us $1000 per year, and now we can recycle glass (we couldn’t before)!

People are quick to say that not much gets recycled once it makes it to the plant… and unfortunately they’re right. But that’s because there are strict rules that most people just don’t know. For example, your recyclable needs to be completely clean of food scraps, plastic wrap, or other debris. It’s good practice to fully rinse and dry anything you recycle. If you want the lowdown on what and how you can recycle properly, Waste Management has great, accessible resources.

I’m not here to guilt you into cleaner living, or look down on anyone who simply doesn’t have the time for these things. I get it. Our society is not set up to be friendly to the environment. It costs money and time and many of us are already short on those things.

So if I can give you any advice, it’s this: make one swap per month. Maybe this month you’ll ditch the paper towels. Give yourself a month to fully adjust to this sustainable swap. Then next month, maybe try a bidet? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Small steps to sustainability are not a waste of time. You’re building a better lifestyle, one swap at a time.

We’re all aware by now that switching to reusable straws, mugs, and water bottles is one of the easiest ways to reduce your environmental footprint, but there’s more we can do in reducing the amount of waste we produce by reusing and recycling often.

“Plastic goes deeper than just straws — there is plastic hidden in so many items, from tea bags to gum,” says Kathryn Kellogg, founder of Going Zero Waste and author of101 Ways To Go Zero Waste.

It’s not just plastic that’s getting thrown away to landfills in exorbitant amounts. It’s paper products, textiles, and more miscellaneous materials that are unnecessarily ending up there.

“The average American throws out 4.4 pounds of trash every day,” Kellogg says. “But a few simple swaps can make a huge difference.” We don't have to wait for Earth Day to band together for Mother Earth — here are some small changes we can all make to change our trash habits, starting today.

Image via Kathryn Kellogg

1. Swap out plastic food wraps and containers for more sustainable options.

Plastic wraps and containers are another big environmental “don’t,” Kellogg says. Instead, opt for reusable beeswax wraps to preserve your food and invest in reusable, plastic-free containers and silicone bags instead of plastic ones to store food.

This especially comes into play during meal prep when you’re packing lunches, Kellogg adds, which is often the most wasteful meal of the day when it comes to using disposables.

Photo by DS Stories / PEXELS

2. Be a beauty product minimalist.

Kellogg is a proponent of keeping a “capsule collection” of versatile staple beauty products, and she employs a “one in, one out” rule with all of her makeup and other products, so everything gets used to capacity before she buys something new. If she decides she isn’t a fan of a certain shade or type of product, she gifts it to a friend to try out rather than pitching it.

Kitsch Shea Butter Nourishing Conditioner Bar ($13)

3. Reduce the number of items used in your beauty routine.

It’s important to keep down the number of disposables you’re using in your skincare and beauty routine. “Put toner in a spray jar, and spray it on your face that way instead of using a cotton pad,” suggests Kellogg as one example. “It doubles the life of your toner, too.”

There are also easy opportunities for upcycling used beauty products, such as cleaning off and donating old mascara wands to help care for wildlife. Another great hack for reducing beauty disposables is opting for bars of soap rather than bottled products. Brands like Lush, Kitsch, and Brixycarry shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and body wash bars that omit plastic containers for eco-friendly, recyclable packaging.

Tushy Classic 3.0 Bidet Attachment ($99)

4. Make your toilet into a bidet.

“The number one thing I can recommend in your bathroom is getting a bidet attachment for your toilet," Kellogg says. "They help cut down on how much toilet paper you’re wasting, which for the average American is about three rolls a week.”

Getting the attachment is a financial and environmental investment, but it can even be more sanitary than toilet paper. If you do want to supplement with toilet paper, make sure you buy rolls made from recycled content or cardboard-less rolls.

Photo by Anna Shvets / PEXELS

5. Rethink your menstrual products.

You can’t stop your period from coming, but you can make more eco-friendly choices in dealing with it. Some people choose a menstrual cup, reusable cloth pads, or period underwear, but another solid option is a reusable tampon applicator and organic cotton tampons (not the standard kind, which contains other materials like rayon), which can actually be composted!

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric / PEXELS

6. Always buy lonely bananas.

Did you know that many grocery stores and markets throw away single bananas detached from a bunch at the end of each night? This is a huge environmental bummer, and it massively contributes to food waste and food insecurity.

“Bananas have a high carbon footprint, because many of them aren’t grown in the US,” Kellogg explains. There’s nothing at all wrong with a single banana, so you should buy them instead of letting them go to waste, she says. And when you do pick up produce, bring your own mesh produce bags or canvas totes to eliminate the need for single-use plastic grocery bags.

Photo by Dominika Roseclay / PEXELS

7. Brew your own tea.

Tea bags are one of those surprising items that actually contain microplastics, which then gets in our tea, and then in our bodies, Kellogg says. Brewing your own loose-leaf tea with reusable infusers is healthier for you and for the planet — and with the option to perfectly customize the blend, it can be even tastier, too.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

8. Find creative ways to cook with food scraps.

Ideally, we should waste no part of the ingredients that we’re cooking with, especially if they’re plants (many leaves, stems, and greens of fruits and vegetables are edible and can be incorporated into recipes — though there are a few notable exceptions, so be sure to Google first). To make a flavorful vegetable stock in your slow cooker, Kellogg recommends using the skins of onion and garlic.

Photo by Ron Lach / PEXELS

9. Enforce a 30-day clothing buy delay on yourself.

“Put a 30-day hold on anything you’re eyeing and feel like you want to buy — separate yourself from the feeling of wanting the item,” advises Kellogg. Marketers can really trap us and get us to spend money in stores or on their sites, but fast fashion and its processes, in particular, are hugely detrimental to the environment.

“If you feel like the piece is an investment for your closet, that you’ll get many wears out of, then purchase it,” Kellogg says. If not, shop secondhand at the thrift store, make use of clothing rental sites like, or swap clothes with friends!

Image via mill.

10. Rethink your trash.

If you aren't in a great position to compost, but still want to do more than just throw your food scraps away, check out Mill. Every member receives a Mill kitchen bin that dries and grinds kitchen scraps overnight to turn your banana peels, pizza crusts, and egg shells into food grounds, which can be sent back to farms instead of going into the landfill. The best part is that it can take the meat and dairy your compost bin can't, you only have to empty it every couple of weeks, and you don't have to deal with stinky trash anymore!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska / PEXELS

11. Donate your clothes and household items to charities.

Once you’ve decided what does and doesn’t spark joy in your home, think twice before dumping bags off at a large donation center or thrift shop – where you don’t exactly know what will be done with the items, Kellogg says.

Be especially wary of curbside collection boxes, which often belong to for-profit organizations that ship the clothes overseas, where they flood the market, reducing demand for local craftspeople. These shipped textiles often end up in the ocean, too, harming the environment.

Reselling your clothes is a smart option, plus Kellogg suggests that you “try to find a specific charity for the specific pieces you have,” such as an organization that collects gently used prom dresses or interview-appropriate clothing for those in need.

Check out our Sustainability page for more creative ways to reduce waste!

Lead photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

George and Amal Clooney are one of the celebrity couples I’d personally be upset over if they ever break up. heart just wouldn’t be able to handle it because their love story is one for the books — not to mention all the power couple fashion moments we'd miss out on!

I was introduced to George Clooney’s work via Quentin Tarantino’s movieFrom Dusk ‘Til Dawn (thanks, dad) and have always found him to be a force of nature, but I didn’t take him for the ‘settling down’ type. Imagine my surprise when the man who once claimed he’d never get married eventually found himself smitten with Amal Alamuddin, an intelligent Human Rights Lawyer.

Since their fateful first meeting at George’s home years ago, the two have gone on to get married, have children, and even established the Clooney Foundation for Justice together. If you can’t get enough of their relationship either, here’s a full timeline of their love story!

George and Amal Clooney's Full Relationship Timeline

Image via Andrew Goodman/Getty Images for Celebrity Fight Night

July 2013: George And Amal Clooney’s First Introduction

In 2018, George sat down with David Letterman on My Next Guest Needs No Introduction to recount various moments from his life, including when he first met Amal. He remembers being at home at Lake Como when one of his friends asked if they could bring a plus one with them.

To make things even wilder, his own agent let him know his bachelor days would soon be over. “I got a call from my agent who called and said, ‘I met this woman who’s coming to your house who you’re gonna marry,’” he said.

Once he met Amal and began talking to her, it was apparent they had chemistry that resulted in them exchanging emails. George told The Hollywood Reporter, “I thought she was beautiful, and I thought she was funny and obviously smart…Then she sent some pictures from when she was here, and we were writing each other, emailing, talking, mostly about what was going on in each other’s lives, and over a period of time it became clear we were more than just friends.”

I’m being dramatic, but I think this dispels the idea that it’s impossible to find love if you don’t leave home.

Image via Cindy Ord/Getty Images

October 2013: George and Amal Have Their First Date

George also told The Hollywood Reporter about how their first official date came to be. He was in London overseeing the music for Monuments Men and decided to invite Amal for a visit. “Then we went for dinner…and when we came out, there were 50 paparazzi there. But she handled it like a champ. And pretty quickly, things escalated once I was in London,” he said

While they dated and got to know each other, they told CBS that they wrote each other letters. While they described that courtship, Amal added that some of the letters George wrote to her came from...his dog? Talk about bringing someone into your inner world! TBH, I'm more than here for it — let your sweet, goofy flag fly, George!

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Turner

April 2014: George and Amal Get Engaged

I always say there’s no denying when you’ve fallen in love with someone, and that couldn’t be more true for George and Amal Clooney who got engaged after six months of dating. Seriously, the way George proposed is something out of a romantic fairytale because he planned it. Not only that, but he cooked for her and sent her on a short scavenger hunt — except she didn’t know she was supposed to be looking for a ring.

He revealed even more details about the moment during his interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “I did all the stuff, got down on my knee and did all the things you’re supposed to do. I had a playlist with my Rosemary [Clooney] songs on it, and I was waiting for this song, ‘Why Shouldn’t I,’” he said.

Needless to say, Amal happily accepted his proposal! Ironically,I’m starting to realize there’s not always a set timeline for people to get engaged or married after dating. Some people only date for a few months while others date for years before deciding to get married. It’s all very personal.

Image via Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for BFI

September 2014: George And Amal Clooney Get Married

It wouldn’t be right if the couple didn’t get married in Italy, the country where they first met. Of course they were free to get married wherever they wanted, but leave it to the Clooneys to keep the romance going.

People reported the lovely couple wed at the Aman Canal Grande resort and guests like Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, and John Krasinski were in attendance.

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty Images

January 2015: George and Amal Grace the Red Carpet Together

For the first time ever, George and Amal Clooney made an appearance on the red carpet at the beginning of 2015. They attended the Golden Globes together where George received the famed lifetime achievement award.

Towards the end of his speech, George praised Amal in only a way that a man truly in love with his wife could. He said, "You make every single day — every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday — feel as special as tonight..."

Image via Duncan McGlynn/Getty Images

Late 2016: George and Amal Found the Clooney Foundation for Justice

By 2016, George and Amal Clooney decided to found the Clooney Foundation for Justice — an organization that aims to shed light around social injustices found across the globe. They've prioritized spending their own money to help those in need without a second thought and have even donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Image via Clemens Bilan/Getty Images

February 2017: PEOPLE confirms George and Amal are expecting twins

Almost three years after getting married, a source close to George and Amal Clooney revealed the two were expecting a baby together. They told People, "They’re all very happy," referring to the couple's family.

George later revealed to The Hollywood Reporter that he was shocked when he discovered the couple would actually become parents to twins. He recalled their experience in the ultrasound room. "He goes, 'Well, there's one.' And I said, 'Great.' And then he goes, 'And there's the second one.' And I was like, 'What?' We just sat there, staring at that piece of paper they give you, and I kept thinking there was a mistake," he said of the exchange between the doctor and the couple.

Image via Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

June 2017: George and Amal Clooney Welcome Their Twins

People also reported the birth of George and Amal Clooney's twins — Alexander and Ella — during the summer of 2017. "This morning Amal and George welcomed Ella and Alexander Clooney into their lives. Ella, Alexander and Amal are all healthy, happy and doing fine. George is sedated and should recover in a few days," they revealed in lighthearted joint statement.

September 2017: George and Amal Clooney Make Their First Appearance After Becoming Parents

Later that year, George and Amal Clooney graced the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival in support of George's film Suburbicon. George — an ever dapper gentleman — wore a classic black tuxedo while Amal wore a lilac Versace gown.

Image via Gareth Fuller - WPA Pool/Getty Images

May 2018: George and Amal attend Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding

Things were quiet for the couple until the spring of 2018. They attended Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's highly publicized wedding. They were just a few of the celebrities that were seen in the crowd.

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

February 2022: George and Amal accept the Catalyst Award together

A couple of years later, George and Amal Clooney were the proud recipients of the joint Catalyst Award from the Elevate Prize Foundation. The amazing work they'd been doing in connection with the Clooney Foundation for Justice hadn't gone unnoticed and they were praised for their amazing philanthropic work.

While accepting the award, George gave a moving speech about their foundation's purpose. "One of the Elevate Prize Foundation's core values is human safety and freedom...Our goal at the foundation is to free the innocent and punish the guilty. I think we're both inspired by the young people out there challenging injustice in their communities, a new generation that won't accept the status quo," he said.

Image via Joe Maher/Getty Images

September 2022: George and Amal attend London premiere of Ticket to Paradise

The couple then attended the London premiere of Ticket to Paradise where they looked refreshed and glowy. This is my attempt to be appropriate, but they truly looked smoking h-o-t!This time George wore a three-piece suit while Amal stunned in beautiful slip dress.

Image via Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images

October 17, 2022: George and Amal attend Ticket to Paradise Los Angeles premiere

They then attended the L.A. premiere of Ticket to Paradise where George looked debonair in a grey suit. Amal wore a gorgeous Alexander McQueen number that was an appropriate nod to the film's paradise theme.

Image via Mike Coppola/Getty Images

December 3, 2022: George and Amal Attend The Kennedy Center Honors

George and Amal Clooney attended the Kennedy Center Honors where he, along with honorees, received a nod for lifetime achievements. They were a picture of perfection on the red carpet, especially Amal. She dazzled in a lovely Valentino gown that looked amazing on her frame.

Image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

August 31, 2023: The Couple Attend The DVF Awards in Venice

While attending the DVF Awards in Venice, Amal received the DVF Leadership Award. During her acceptance speech, Amal thanked George for being by her side. People reports she said, "Venice is the place where almost nine years ago we were married. I just wanted to say, you, my love, like this city, take my breath away, and you make our lives magical. It is sometimes hard to believe you exist, so thank you for being the brightest light in my life.”

September 28, 2023: George and Amal host The Albies

Before the end of 2023, People reported George and Amal Clooney hosted their foundation's second annual Albies at the New York Public Library to continue highlighting the importance of securing human rights for all.

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Header image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

In our consumerist, fast-paced world, it's easier than it should be to be wasteful, and we're always looking for eco-friendly (and simple) changes we can make. In honor of Earth Month (and Earth Day on April 22nd), we rounded up 30 challenges that will educate, reduce waste, and even help you save money. From using up your food scraps to being more intentional with your gasoline emissions, try one of these sustainabilitychallenges every day of April, and keep them going all year long. Let's get into it!

30 Sustainability Challenges For April

Image via Brit + Co

  • Use stainless steel straws: Instead of throwing away plastic straws, invest in a set of stainless steel straws. That way, you can use, wash, and repeat!
  • Shop with a reusable bag: Bring your own tote bag to the grocery store instead of taking home a paper or plastic bag.
  • Text yourself receipts: At coffee shops and boutiques, pick the "text me" option to prevent yourself from throwing away a paper receipt.
  • Read a sustainability book by a WOC: Learn about sustainability from an expert or someone who lives a zero-waste lifestyle.
  • Wash on the cold water cycle: Cold water in the washing machine uses up less energy, and it's actually better for delicates and dark colors than hot water.
  • Shop second-hand: Grabbing something another person has already used prevents those items from ending up in a landfill *and* cuts down on fast fashion production. Check out our Beginner's Guide To Thrift Stores for more inspo!

Image via Brit + Co

  • Choose sustainable fashion: If you do want to grab something new, instead of shopping from fast fashion retailers, purchase any items you may need from a sustainable fashion brand like Sézane, Reformation, MATE the Label, Marine Layer, Girlfriend Collective, or others.
  • Buy seasonal produce: Buying produce in season means you're cutting down on the energy costs of long-distance shipping. There's a good chance it'll be cheaper *and* you'll be supporting local farmers.
  • Get a reusable water bottle: Ditch the single-use plastic bottles in favor of a reusable bottle that will last you at least a few years.
  • DIY oat milk in a glass bottle: Oat milk is surprisingly simple to make. DIY it yourself and store it in a glass bottle to cut down on your trash.
  • Follow a sustainability activist: If you're active on social media, find a sustainability activist that will offer some inspo and tips + tricks every time you get on your phone.
  • Buy a menstrual cup/reusable period products: There are tons of reusable period products to pick from, from menstrual cups to period underwear. In addition to being kinder to your body, they're more sustainable and way cheaper in the long run.

Image via Brit + Co

  • DIY beauty products: Make DIY face mask or sprinkle a mix of cocoa powder and corn starch on your roots in lieu of dry shampoo.
  • Shop in store: While online shopping from the comfort of your couch is easy, head to the store to save yourself from dealing with the paper, tape, and cardboard boxes your shipments will come in.
  • Upcycle out-of-style clothing: Cut the ankles of your skinny jeans and add printed fabric for one-of-a-kind upcycled wide-leg pants. Embroider a top to make it feel more you, or make a quilt out of all the old camp shirts you don't wear but can't part with.
  • Go on an experience date: Instead of getting takeout or grabbing coffee, go on a walk or browse a museum with one of our Affordable Date Ideas.
  • Grocery shop in bulk: Products like nuts, frozen foods, and canned goods can be bought in bulk, which is both cheaper in the long run and less wasteful than a bunch of pre-packaged bags.
  • Turn off the A/C and cool your home passively: Cut down on your electric bill by using passive methods to cool a room. All you have to is close your curtains during hours of bright sunlight to avoid heating the air inside your space. Then open up your windows at night to let the cool air in!

You'll Love These Sustainability Hacks For 2024

Image via Brit + Co

  • Use empty candle jars as decor: Candles these days are so cute — turn the jars into decor to store your makeup brushes or even Hershey kisses!
  • Turn the lights off: When you leave a room, turn the lights off to prevent unnecessary waste. You can also try and keep the lights off until the sun sets. Your wallet will thank you!
  • Carpool: Hop in the car with a friend or family member to save gas money, take up less room in a parking lot, and cut down on gas emissions.
  • Use reusable utensils: Besides the fact that reusable utensils cut down on waste, you can also get them in super cute colors. That's a win-win in our book.
  • Bike or walk around town: If you're able, ditch your car entirely and bike or walk all over town instead! Work out and run errands at the same time.
  • Compost food scraps: Everyone can compost, even if you live in a tiny apartment! Compost egg shells, banana peels, and coffee grounds. They'll breakdown naturally instead of sitting in landfill and they make for a great addition to garden soil. If you live in a big city, chances are there's a composting service you can sign up for to take away your scraps at the end of each week.

Image via Stasher

  • Use Tupperware/silicone baggies: With alternatives like glass storage containers and silicone bags, you'll never need to throw away a plastic bag again.
  • Sew worn-out clothes: Just because your toe is peeking through your sock or you have a hole in your shirt doesn't mean you have to get rid of it! Check out our online sewing class or Google a few beginner's tips to fix them yourself.
  • Get a library card: Instead of ordering books from Amazon, get a library card! Plus, you won't have to find a place to keep all your books.
  • Go vegetarian/vegan: A vegan or vegetarian diet uses up a lot less water than a meat-eating diet. Even making two vegan recipes a week can help the environment, and might just have a positive effect on your health too!
  • Save all your errands for one drive: Instead of driving out multiple times in a few days, figure out all of the places you need to go, figure out the best route, and do it in one go.
  • Get shampoo bars:Shampoo bars are a way to cut down on shampoo plastic bottles while still keeping your hair clean.

Tag us with your sustainability hacks on Instagram and subscribe to our email newsletter for more earth month content!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Featured image via Mike Ostrovsky/Unsplash.

This post has been updated.

Nails breaking constantly? Wishing you didn't have to rely on tips at the salon? Desperate for that long nail look? You’re not alone. Despite it being used as an annoying and vapid phrase women would say in TV shows, breaking a nail is very painful and can ruin a (usually expensive) manicure. But don’t fret — we’ve rounded up five simple ways to get your nails to grow longer and stronger.

What causes weak fingernails?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

But first, what causes unhealthy, brittle, breakable nails? A lot of factors that may not instantly come to mind. According to WebMD, these factors can contribute to weak nails:

  • Aging: As we get older, our nails get thinner and can crack or peel.
  • Harsh nail products: Both nail polish and nail polish remover can have strong chemicals that can damage and dry out your nails, leading them to break.
  • Wet nails: Consistently have your hands in water, maybe doing the dishes or bathtime for the kids? This could be drying out your nails.
  • Underlying health issues: Vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, and many other health issues could be the cause of nails breaking.

How can I strengthen my nails?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska/PEXELS

Dealing with some of these factors? While we can’t help you with the underlying health issues (please see a doctor if you think you may be dealing with something!), there are many easy things you can do to improve your nails and encourage growth.

  • Cuticle oil
  • Biotin
  • Diet
  • Nail protection
  • Avoid picking and peeling
Here's why each factor is important, plus how you can go about successfully achieving them.

Find a Cuticle Oil

You may only use cuticle oil when your manicurist applies it, but that doesn't have to be the case. Cuticle oils are an inexpensive and easy way to promote nail health and growth by keeping your nails hydrated. Cosmetically, cuticle oils encourage longer-lasting manis and leave your nails looking shiny and polished. But they do much more below the surface: cuticle oils create a healthier environment that allows strong growth for your nails.

Interested in adding cuticle oil to your beauty routine? Check our a few of my faves:

Photo via Cora Pursley/Dupe

Explore Biotin

Biotin is an important type of B vitamin that helps our bodies turn food into energy. It’s also one of the top recommended supplements for hair and nail growth, and for good reason. Many scientists say a daily biotin supplement can improve nail strength in as little as a few weeks.

“Since it is water soluble, biotin (or vitamin B7) can’t be stored in the body and must be acquired from diet or through supplementation,” shared Rachel Kilroy, Director of Product Innovation at Solaray, the original pioneers in supplement health and wellness. Solaray has developed a new supplement that provides biotin in a unique way.

Solaray’s Timed Release Biotin strategically supports nail health with a powerful 5,000 mcg of this important nutrient, delivering half of the biotin rapidly and the other half gradually over a period of up to 8 hours for sustained support,” Kilroy continued. “With consistent use, this vegan formula—lab verified for purity and potency—can provide comprehensive support for longer, stronger nails.”

Supplements not your thing? Biotin can be found naturally in many foods, like cooked eggs, whole grains, soy and other beans, nuts and nut butters, salmon, mushrooms, and cauliflower.

Photo via Daniella Cappellari/Dupe

Eat A Nail Friendly Diet

Nails require a balanced, healthy diet for proper growth and strength. According to Medical News Today, making small tweaks to your diet can make a big impact on your nails. Adding in nutrients like more iron or calcium in your diet will have your nails growing long and strong.

Dieticians recommend a colorful diet for nail growth consisting of colorful fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat, avocado, sweet potato, and whole grains.

Photo via Sash Gabriel/Dupe

Protect Your Nails While Wet

Constantly doing dishes, managing bath time, gardening, or swimming? The water may be the cause of your breakage.

Your nails are like sponges, constantly expanding and contracting when water goes in or out of the nail cells. This can strain your nails, causing them to weaken, peel, and then break.

When possible, grab a pair of rubber gloves to wear while cleaning to protect your nails from the water and make sure to fully dry your nails after they’re in water. Hand creams are also a win for your nails after water exposure.

Avoid Picking, Peeling or Biting

Bad habits that are addicting. While peeling off your gel manicure can be so satisfying, it’s one of the worst things you can do for your nails. Same with constantly picking or biting your nails. As someone who used to constantly bite her nails down, I can assure you my nails are much healthier and stronger after kicking that habit.

Want to quit that habit? Try a nail bite deterrent, like this one from ella+mia or this one from LONDONTOWN and watch your nails grow before your eyes.

Looking for more beauty tips and inspo? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter for more!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Laura Walt/Dupe

I've got a thing for Reese Witherspoon's book club which is why I couldn't wait to get my hands on Yulin Kuang's debut novel How to End a Love Story. Chosen as Reese's Book Club's May Pick, it features a romance that almost shouldn't make sense. I mean, when's the last time you realized you trauma bonded with someone? Except Helen Zhang and Grant Shepard's character arcs as well as the entire plot of How to End a Love Story doesn't even feel like that.

Instead, Yulin uncannily peels back the layers of what it means to be a layered human being who happens to be carrying trauma, talent, success, imposter syndrome, and burning desire in their hearts. Even that doesn't scratch the surface of who Helen and Grant are. Trying to capture their essence feels like I'm stumbling over my words which points to how great this novel is and that means Yulin's goal has been accomplished.

Though she loves perfectly executed rom-coms and is fortunate to be working on them in the filmmaking space, she doesn't consider How to End a Love Story as one. "...I was searching for something more aligned with the Brontë sensibility of romance in the writing of this book. Less warmth and charm, more id-level storytelling and unchecked carnal desire," she explains.

Yulin Kuang's Journey To "How To End A Love Story"

Image via Zach Wallnau

Some people seem to be born knowing they're destined to right, but some of us stumble into it and realize, "Hey, I'm pretty good at this." For Yulin, her journey to her debut novel How to End a Love Story takes the latter route. Her first dream, you make ask? To be an Olympic figure skater.

"...that didn't pan out so I turned to storytelling," Yulin admits. That pivot led her to set her sights on becoming an author as she began honing her creative writing skills via your classic marble composition notebooks. If you're still wondering if she kept some of them, the answer is yes!

The screenwriter and author then found herself drawn to other aspects of writing and film. She says, "I eventually fell in love with screenwriting and directing while in undergrad at Carnegie Mellon, and I spent my first decade post-grad concentrating on my filmmaking career."

Yulin Kuang's Approach To Filmmaking

It's a reason why her hard work and the stars aligned for her to adapt Emily Henry's Beach Read and People We Meet on Vacation.

When I ask what helps her approach the book-to-film trajectory, she credits writing fan fiction. This feels similar to Christina Lauren's own experience, further proving that fan fiction deserves the utmost praise for helping some of the best literary and film minds who ultimately birth what I could only describe as masterpieces.

Yulin says, "Fan fiction is where I first learned you could play with characters originated by someone else to discover what you’d make them do in your own version." Although it would be easy for anyone to snap their fingers and have their first pitches accepted by everyone, she learned to lean on what writing fan fiction taught her.

"Early in my career, I would pitch on book-to-film adaptations and I’d be like, 'Change nothing, just shoot the book!' And I wouldn’t get those jobs, because I didn’t have a clear “take” and because you can’t actually just shoot a book – adaptation is an art form unto itself. So onceI started approaching adaptation with more of a fan fiction mindset – 'What is my take on these characters and this world?' – that helped me approach the book-to-screen trajectory more successfully," she proudly says.

However, this doesn't mean she never questioned if she could still find ways to create new ideas. " 2021, at a time when everything else I was working on was an adaptation, I found myself wondering if I had anything original left within me," she remembers.

It's natural for creatives to experience moments of doubt, but Yulin has been able to turn the tide and discover untapped ideas in her mind. Just don't expect her to set her own expectations about any adaptations she's working on.

She says, "Know that I am an avid reader of romance and a frequent consumer of this genre across mediums, and I will be bringing everything I know going into these adaptations. But more specifically to Beach Read, which I have more creative ownership over as the writer/director."

How Yulin Kuang Relates To Her Main Characters In "How To End A Love Story"

And since How to End a Love Story is truly Yulin's own creative body of work, it makes sense that main characters Helen and Grant have pieces of her personality as well as her characteristics.

"I gave Helen all my hopes and insecurities from high school and gave her the alternate universe path where I had pursued publishing instead of Hollywood. I examined what might have happened if I’d grown into certain qualities I’ve actively tried to grow away from," she says of Helen Zhang.

Right away, readers get the sense that Helen is a whip-smart and hardworking, but her penchant for being cautious about her success also peeks through. Though she's written highly successful YA (read: young adult) novels, Helen waits with bated breath for the moment people will call her bluff. She's relatable because many of us wonder if we're simply cosplaying as versions of ourselves who've reached any level of success.

On the other hand, there's Grant Shepard. He's seemingly this cool, calm, and collected screenwriter who has a complicated past with Helen. Yulin says, "I gave Grant a lot of the qualities I’m proud of and/or have coveted as a working screenwriter, and I certainly relate to many of his thoughts on screenwriting and the current state of our industry."

The more the reader learns about Helen and Grant, the more it becomes obvious that there's more to them than meets the eye. Sure, they are complicated...but who isn't?

"At their core, Helen and Grant are just two kids from Jersey trying to make it in Hollywood, and of course I relate deeply to that," she says.

Yulin Kuang's View Of Rom-Coms

Based on Yulin's genuine interest in romance novels and the fact she's well-versed in adapting them, she knows what it takes to make rom-coms flourish. Her first take? "Romantic tension is key to any romance – I always need to know why our couple can’t be together now. The second that tension is gone, so is audience interest," she points out.

This explains why we can't get enough of reading books about it, listening to albums dedicated to it, or watching films that depict all levels of romance. Still, there are some people who approach the genre with a side eye.

"There seems to be a natural human suspicion of things that make us feel too good – like, 'That can’t possibly be good for us, that’s just candy!' I wonder if it’s something evolutionary at work," she says before doubling down. "You can’t argue with the fact that people absolutely fucking love rom-coms, and I will die on the hill that a well-earned happily ever after is both harder to achieve and more narratively satisfying when it’s pulled off successfully."

She's the type of writer who really appreciates a big kiss that's handled correctly onscreen, but she's also not afraid to "groan every time it's fumbled." But, she knows everyone still won't see romance the way she and so many others view it, but she doesn't really care.

"Ultimately, I don’t concern myself too much with changing minds that don’t want to be changed.There are enough smart people who recognize the power and value of rom-coms, and I’d rather spend my precious time creating art to surprise and delight the people with good taste."

Need I say that this is yet another reason why How to End a Love Story works so well?

How Yulin Kuang Wishes The World Would Celebrate AAPI Month

As much as she's vocal about screenwriting and rom-coms, Yulin also has thoughts about the way society-at-large talks about BIPOC creative artists. "There’s a real, 'This is important, eat your vegetables,' vibe to things. And while that might be true, it’s not the most appealing way to market or discover art," she says.

She admits this could be due to how many diversity-in-film panels she's attended. As a Black woman, the conversations I see every year during Black History Month seem to have a certain "Let's check this box so everyone can be happy" vibe, so I can imagine attending panels about diversity and inclusion can start to sound repetitive after awhile.

Yulin doesn't hold back when she says, "I’m a little jaded when people ask me diversity questions at this point. I don’t want to attract the kind of readers who are only showing up to be supportive of my Asian-ness. It’s a bit like showing up to a date where someone says, 'I’m so excited that you’re Asian!!!'" This is an analogy I can so get behind because it makes a lot of sense!

It's one thing to have representation, but I like to think it's always obvious when people are approaching the conversation in a way that 'others' BIPOC people. We're literally not asking for a trophy, but more so an acknowledgement that we shouldn't be excluded from conversations, spaces, and careers or treated differently.

This sentiment is shared by Yulin who says, "That’s the thing about me that I didn’t do on purpose, and while I’m glad you’re excited, I hope there are things that I did do on purpose that you find exciting, too" and feels there is a way to be a genuine ally.

" AAPI creatives by all means, and perhaps begin by celebrating us as individual artists even after the designated month ends. And where applicable, talk about our work like it’s candy, not vegetables. I’d rather be irresistible than important," she states.

Take a page from Yulin Kuang's book and pick up a copy of How to End a Love Story today! You won't regret it!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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