Everything You Need to Know About Turmeric and Its Health Hype

In recent years, turmeric has found its place at the top of the supplement world, touted as a powdery gold panacea for all manner of health issues from headaches to diabetes. If you’ve ever choked down a turmeric smoothie, though, you may have found yourself crossing your fingers that the hype is worth the sometimes off-putting taste. (Or if you’ve ever plunked down six bucks for a golden milk latte, hoped that you’re getting your money’s worth in health benefits.) Thankfully, there is quite a body of research to support the notion of this spice as a food-as-medicine powerhouse. So what can it actually do, and how much of it do you need to consume to experience its effects?

First, it’s helpful to understand that it’s not turmeric itself that confers health benefits. The active ingredient it contains, a biological compound called curcumin, takes that credit. Thus far the results of studies on curcumin look pretty promising. Its primary benefit appears to be its ability to quell inflammation — and since inflammation fuels so many chronic diseases, this is very good news for a variety of health conditions.

turmeric for various health conditions

When considering inflammation and chronic disease, your thoughts may justifiably turn to autoimmune conditions. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, approximately 50 million Americans — or around one in five — suffer from autoimmune disease, the symptoms of which are caused or exacerbated by inflammation. Could turmeric help alleviate discomfort for these many sufferers? It’s possible. Some research has linked curcumin supplementation to symptom improvement in multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and even prolonged remission in ulcerative colitis, among other benefits.

Navya Mysore, MD, a primary care provider with One Medical in NYC, emphasizes that, when it comes to turmeric’s potential as an anti-inflammatory wonder for autoimmune disease, it’s important to note whether research has been performed on humans. (Thus far, many studies have been conducted solely on animals.) “Humans are clearly different, and we need clinical trials to establish any solid evidence-based facts,” she says. “That being said, I personally take these supplements and recommend my patients do so for any inflammatory issues. I’ve had positive results from both my personal experience and in my patients.”

Turmeric shows promise for other health problems besides autoimmune disease that involve an inflammatory process, especially arthritis. In fact, research around turmeric for arthritis is some of the most convincing on the subject. A meta-analysis on the spice as a treatment for this painful condition concluded there is “compelling justification for its use as a dietary adjunct to conventional therapy.” Another study revealed that patients with osteoarthritis of the knee experienced the same level of pain relief with turmeric supplementation as with ibuprofen.

Modern understanding of turmeric as a potential medicinal food began not around autoimmune conditions in general, but related to one specific disease: diabetes. In a study conducted in India in 1972, researchers noticed that consumption of curcumin led to improved blood sugar in a single diabetic subject. Since that time, interest has grown around how curcumin could play a role in the management or even prevention of diabetes. In 2013, a thorough systematic review concluded that curcumin could benefit diabetics by improving insulin resistance and high blood sugar and might even help stave off some of the disease’s complications like vascular disease and erectile dysfunction.

Perhaps the most surprising bonus turmeric may offer is help for mental health. Though the mechanism behind depression is poorly understood and may or may not be related to inflammation, a 2017 review of six clinical trials determined curcumin was a safe and efficacious treatment for depressed patients. Mysore attests that she also recommends turmeric for patients with anxiety.

With the many health benefits of turmeric, it would be nice if you could guarantee them all by knocking back a few golden lattes a week, but consuming curcumin in pill form appears to provide the most impact, since on average, the culinary spice contains only about three percent curcumin. (Eating it certainly can’t hurt, however. As always, herbs and spices are an excellent way to add flavor to food and drinks without adding sugar, fat, or anything artificial.)

so how much should you take?

To get the most anti-inflammatory effects out of a turmeric supplement, experts recommend taking approximately 500 milligrams two to three times daily, or as directed. When purchasing a supplement, be sure to choose one that contains at least 95 percent curcuminoids and includes black pepper (or the more science-y sounding name of its extract, “piperine”). Curcumin in isolation is extremely difficult for the body to absorb, but pairing it with black pepper increases its bioavailability by 2,000 percent. The same goes for using turmeric in cooking, so don’t forget to sprinkle a few grinds of pepper into any recipes. And be sure to give it a little time. “Generally patients should start seeing effects after about three to four weeks,” says Mysore. Whether you choose to enjoy this spice in aromatic foods or take it in convenient pills, you should know by that time if turmeric is right for you.

Have you tried turmeric for a specific condition or for general health? Tweet us your story at @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)

Bloating is a common digestive issue that can make you feel sluggish, uncomfortable, and self-conscious. While bloating is often caused by overeating, there are other factors that can contribute to this uncomfortable sensation, such as consuming gas-producing foods or experiencing hormonal changes.

The thing is that bloating happens to the best of us so it doesn't mean you're weird if you haven't figured out what's causing your tummy issues. Between weight fluctuations and hormonal changes post-birth, I still haven't cracked the 'happy digestive system' code. But, that lack of knowledge is no match for the expertise of Dr. Brynna Connor, MD — a Healthcare Ambassador at NorthWest Pharmacy.

Based in Austin, Texas where she has her own private practice, Dr. Connor is a member of the Texas Academy of Family Practice, the American Academy of Family Practice, and the Texas Medical Association. In other words, she has nearly two decades worth of medical experience that makes her the right person to answer all our "How to get rid of bloating" questions.

Whether you're dealing with the occasional bloat or chronic digestive issues, Dr. Connor has expert tips to help you find relief and get back to enjoying healthy meals that your body loves.

How can I tell if I'm bloated?

Image via Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

Before I became a mom, it was easy for me to recognize the immediate signs of bloating. I only experienced it during PMS and the week of my cycle, but it always went away for a few weeks. Not only that, I used to be able to pinpoint which foods were the culprit of horrific period cramps and the inevitable gassiness that seemed to make my cycles 10x worse. Now, things are up in the air and I'm joining the ranks of other curious women who want to know what's considered bloating.

Dr. Connor says, "There are various symptoms a woman may experience if she’s bloated. Bloating may make you feel like your stomach is tight or full and can cause abdominal pain, swollen/distended stomach, flatulence, belching, and/or stomach cramps. It’s not uncommon to experience multiple symptoms of bloating at once."

I don't think I need to mention just how uncomfortable things can feel when experiencing multiple bloating symptoms.

What triggers bloating symptoms?

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

I mentioned my daily cycle as one of the reasons I knew I used to experience bloating, but there are more things that can trigger it. "Bloating occurs when your gastrointestinal or digestive system(s) are filled with gas or liquid and there are six common potential causes," says Dr. Connor.

She lists having gas as one of the first reasons. "It’s normal to experience symptoms of excess gas, especially after eating and/or drinking as you may have also swallowed small amounts of air. Certain factors may increase the likelihood that you experience bloating after eating, such as chewing gum, drinking carbonated beverages, and/or eating or drinking too fast."

Hearing this reminds me of the moments I was told to slow down when eating my food as a little girl.

Image via Maksim Goncharenok/Pexels

There's also the chance that you have a food intolerance. I only speak for myself when I say that I'm only able to consume dairy in small increments and tomato sauce? Well, I can just forget that because lately my stomach skips bloating and heads right to nausea. What gives, you ask?

Dr. Connor says, "You can experience bloating if your digestive system has trouble breaking down certain foods. Common food intolerances that can lead to bloating include lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and/or fructose intolerance." Feeling mind-blown about possibly having a fructose intolerance? Same here, but Dr. Connor explains what happens when our body breaks down certain foods.

"There are also chemicals found in particular foods that can increase the chances of bloating after they’re ingested, including histamine (found in wine and cheese), caffeine, alcohol, sulfites (found in beer and wine), and monosodium glutamate (MSG – found in ripe fruit and cured meat)," she says.

If you're hearing someone play the world's smallest violin, it's me mourning the fact that my two greatest loves — wine and cheese — may not be the best things to consume together.

Image via Miriam Alonso/Pexels

I can say it's been a while since I've been constipated, but only because my doctor all but demanded that I start taking probiotics and eating more probiotic-rich foods. Still, it always sucks when constipation happens which explains the bloating that tends to follow.

"When your large intestine absorbs too much water from your stool, it becomes harder and more difficult to pass. The resulting buildup of stool in your colon can lead to bloating, swelling, and stomach/abdominal pain, and you’re particularly susceptible to constipation if you’re not getting enough fiber, water, or exercise. Changes to your daily routine or an increased level of stress can also contribute to constipation and bloating," says Dr. Connor.

Somehow this is oddly comforting to know that stress can also be a culprit.

Image via Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Like I mentioned before, starting your period is one of the reasons you can experience bloat. What Dr. Connor says next will occupy a space in your mind if you're never considered what happens during that special time of the month.

"Certain hormones, like estrogen, can cause your body to hold onto water, which can cause swelling in the abdomen. Estrogen can also interact with progesterone in your digestive system, leading to increased gas in your intestines. Bloating prior to your period may also be caused by the increase in volume in your uterus just before your period starts," she says.

Image via Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

I've been prescribed different medications after two of my surgeries and found that I experienced unusual bloating that led to horrific cycles. Dr. Connor says there's a reason why certain medications or supplements can cause this to happen.

"...fiber supplements can cause bloating or constipation when the supplement isn’t taken with enough water. Other medications that can lead to bloating and/or constipation include opioids like hydrocodone or oxycodone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, iron supplements, and antihistamines like Benadryl," she offers.

Although I no longer take Benadryl, I can confirm I experienced a ton of bloating when trying to combat my allergies.

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

Lastly, Dr. Connor says there could be underlying medical reason you're experiencing bloating. "People living with gastrointestinal diseases like Celiac Disease, an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome are more likely to experience bloating, excess gas, and constipation."

She also says, "Underlying liver disease or cancers can also cause bloating in the abdomen, which is why you should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing prolonged symptoms associated with bloating, or if you’re having any additional symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, or pelvic pain, blood in your stool, difficulty swallowing, or any excess fatigue or unexplained weight loss."

What are some ways to reduce bloating in general and during PMS/menstrual cycles?

Image via KoolShooters/Pexels

Dr. Connor says managing bloating can depend on what's triggering your symptoms. It's always best to schedule an appointment with your doctor if you concerned about your digestive health, but there are things you can do at home to provide some relief.

"At-home solutions include over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Gas-X or antacids that can be taken together or separately. Probiotics can also help reduce gas and restore the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract. Herbal remedies like peppermint, chamomile tea, or turmeric, can aid digestion, and peppermint oil can help relax muscles in the stomach that aid in the passing of gas."

She also suggests that you increase your fiber intake, incorporate exercise in your routine, and stay hydrated.

By taking steps to reduce bloating, you can improve your overall health and feel more comfortable in your daily life.

Want more health tips? Sign up for our email newsletter!

This post has been updated.

Header photo by Anete Lusina/ PEXELS

Figuring out how to buy gifts for new moms that they actually like — and need — can feel hard. Should you go with the generic postpartum gifts or knock it out the park with something extravagant? These are extremely valid questions that will have different answers based on who you ask. But, the main person you should keep in mind is the mom you want to surprise. After all, entering motherhood for the first time can bring on a lot of emotions — just ask Ylleya Fields, mother of 6 and author of children’s book series, Princess Cupcake Jones.

"The first couple of years [of motherhood] are not your own, especially when you have multiple children," Ylleya said. She also mentioned that postpartum depression is such a real thing that's not always fully understood until someone experiences it. Even if new moms don't experience it, she said, "Anyone can feel inadequate or have moments of sadness while going through it." It's something she felt with every child, but Ylleya and I both agree that these moments are temporary.

That being said, she believes it's important for moms to receive gifts that will help them with their babies and self-care. Whether you're gifting a food delivery subscription or making sure baby can safely practice independent play, here are top 37 essential gifts for new moms!

Gifts For New Expecting Moms

Frida Mom Pregnancy Skincare Set

Take it from a toddler mom — being gifted a skincare set is top tier. Sure things are shifting and stretching over a long period of time, so having items that prioritize a pregnant mom's skin is necessary.

Urban Skin Rx Super C Body Bright Oil

I can't speak for other moms, but I started developing body acne and more visible stretch marks when I was pregnant. I would've loved to use a body oil that's meant rejuvenate and refresh my skin. It also targets discoloration and premature aging of the skin, making it one of the perfect gifts for expecting moms.

ESARORA Ice Roller

Sometimes a puffy face during pregnancy is inevitable. It can be a little jarring for an expecting mom who's not used to it, so I recommend using an ice roller to help with any puffiness she may experience.

Earth Mama A Little Something for Mama-to-Be Gift Set

As much as it's important to make sure you growing baby is nourished and taken care of, mams deserve to pamper themselves too. Let this gift set serve as a little pick-me-up on the days where she feels drained by pregnancy.

Boppy Multi-Use Total Body Pillow with Removable Pillow Cover

"I used a Baby Bjorn pregnancy pillow during my pregnancies and feel like this is hands-down one of the most important gifts to give," Ylleya said.

Michael Kors Extra-Large Pebbled Leather Reversible Tote Bag

Although it's tempting to make sure a new mom has all the essentials she'll need in her hospital bag, don't forget to give her a 'just because' gift. Help her become comfortable with carrying tote bags by surprising her with Michael Kors' reversible design.

Lila Maternity Labor & Postpartum Gown in Sage

Gifts for expecting moms can be cute too! Although it may not matter to everyone, some moms would prefer to get out of their hospital gown after giving birth. This postpartum gown will be a real treat as mom recuperates from birthing her little one.

Postpartum Gifts For New Moms

Frida Mom C-Section Recovery Kit

There are many recovery kits that moms should be gifted after giving birth, but I truly love that Frida mom has a c-section recovery kit. Not every mom experiences a vaginal birth, so this gift is a nice gesture to remind c-section mamas that their care is equally important.

Frida Mom Postpartum Disposable Underwear

Recovering from giving birth can get messy whether you've had a vaginal delivery or a C-section. One of the things that helped me tremendously during postpartum was investing in comfortable underwear things healed down there.

Ingrid & Isabel Post Birth Gel Pack

In addition to having postpartum underwear, moms who have recently given birth need something to help heal their perineal area. The unfortunate fact about vaginal births is that sometimes moms can experience perineal tearing so having something that helps soothe and heal that area makes a world of difference. Luckily Ingrid & Isabel offers a Post Birth Gel Pack that can help provide relief down there!

Lansinoh Postpartum Essentials Recovery Bundle

Go the extra mile and make sure the new mom in your life has access to as many healing postpartum products as possible! With Lansinoh's Postpartum Essentials Recovery Bundle, moms will have access to an upside down perineal bottle to help clean her tender areas during bathroom breaks, an herbal postpartum spray that soothes any aches she may be feeling down there, and two cooling packs for her to place in her postpartum underwear!

Nurtured 9 The Peaceful Postpartum Gift Set

Help the postpartum mom in your life ease into her new normal with this thoughtful gift set. She'll appreciate drinking tea that helps soothes her uterine cramps while wearing soft slippers.

What's included:

  • Earth Mama Organic Periodic Tea
  • Blush Pink Slippers
  • Agni Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies for Postpartum
  • Nurtured 9 Bloom No. 2 Non-Toxic Candle
  • Nurtured 9 "Moment For Mama" Apothecary Matches

Nurtured 9 The Soothing Recovery Postpartum Gift Box

If you're truly in the giving mood, surprise a new mom with this soothing recovery postpartum gift box.

What's included:

  • Nurtured 9 Maternity/Postpartum Pajama Set
  • Nurtured 9 Bloom No. 2 Non-Toxic Candle
  • Mother Mother Organic Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath
  • The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother

Untie The Bow Gifts Fall New Baby Gift Box

This cute little gift box is a congratulatory set that includes items for baby and mom.

Everyday Medical Store Post Surgery Abdominal Binder

Ylleya said, "After carrying a baby for 10 months, the diastasis recti muscles aren't going to be the same. Having a belt that helps those muscles contract — especially if a new mom isn't breastfeeding [for whatever reason] — is something that's needed."

Willow 360 Wearable Breast Pump

If you know a new mom who interested in breastfeeding her newborn, take the pressure off her shoulders by giving her a hands-free breast pump system. It can be isolating to use one that has a bunch of wires, so be sure to add this to the top of your 'gifts for moms' list.

Skims Maternity Nursing Sculpting Bra

Don't forget to give the new mom in your life a nursing bra to go with her hands-free breast pump!

Ode To Us Wellness French Terry Breastfeeding & Pumping Hoodie

This breastfeeding and pumping hoodie is for all my cozy girls who love when fashion is combined with functionality. One of the best features are the dual zippers that'll make your nursing or pumping sessions super easy. If that's not enough to convince you, it also helps keep your temperature regulated.

The Poppy Brand Crossbody Diaper Bag — Classic Black

Carrying a huge diaper bag can be overwhelming for some moms, plus there's a chance she can get flustered when looking for her keys or wallet! Eliminate her stress by gifting her this compact and stylish crossbody diaper bag by The Poppy Brand. It has two zippered sections — one for her baby's essentials and one for anything she needs — to help her find what she needs when she's looking for it.

It has features an elastic opening to store baby wipes and has a matching changing pad that can easily be folded to put back in the bag when she's not using it. Trust me, she'll love this gift!

The Essentials Gift Set

Made with no synthetic scents and organic ingredients, these bathing essentials are clean and refreshing for baby and their mamas. Enjoy the soothing scents of lavender and rosemary for a relaxing bath experience.

Aura Cacia Shower Tablets - Refreshing Peppermint

Chances are that a new mom won't be able to get to a spa, so bring it to her with these refreshing peppermint shower tablets.

Farmacy Honey Milk Hydrating Essence

Gifts for expecting moms should include something that's going to provide optimal hydrating for their skin. As their hormone levels balance out, they can experience dry and sensitive skin from head to toe. However, Farmacy's Honey Milk Hydrating Essence works to rebuild the skin's moisture balance with the aid of white honey, chamomile, and vitamin B5!

NUDESTIX Peptide Body Creme

This Peptide Body Creme is packed fulled of great ingredients like coconut oil and 3% AHA Complex to help repair a new moms skin while also moisturizing it. t's one of the most nourishing skincare gifts for expecting moms that just makes sense.

Food-Related Gifts For Expecting Moms

Hello Fresh Subscription

This is self-explanatory, but the last thing a new mom will be thinking about is buying ingredients to cook a full-course meal. Gift her with a Hello Fresh subscription so figuring out what to cook doesn't feel like another chore.

Stanley Cup The Quencher H2.0 FlowState Tumbler

Whether she's breastfeeding or not, a new mom is going to be thirsty. Luckily, Stanley Cup has a 64 0z. tumbler that'll quench her thirst and then some.

Keurig K-Mini Single-Serve K-Cup

And if she wasn't a big coffee drinker before, she'll likely need as much energy as she can get via coffee. Trust me — you can't go wrong with Keurig's single-serve coffee maker.

Dunkin' French Vanilla Flavored Medium Roast Coffee Keurig K-Cup Pods

Just don't forget to include a box of Keurig K-Cup Pods when you surprise her with a new coffee maker!

Gifts For New Moms & Babies

Wildbird Aerial Buckle Baby Carrier (Desert Lark)

If your new mom wants to do light housework without worrying about keeping an eye on her baby, she absolutely needs a baby carrier. "Baby carriers make things a little easier," said Ylleya.

What makes this baby carrier so special is that it's made of 100% natural linen and woven with European linen fibers. It features a padded waist belt, comfortable shoulder straps, and is designed for front or back carrying.

Nature Friends Baby Activity Chair

Activity chairs are so adorable and will entertain a newborn like no one's business. Help the new mom in your life out by bringing this with you during your next house visit.

Skip Hop x pbk Animal Friends Classic Activity Gym

If a new mom isn't really keen on the idea of an activity chair, gift her this activity gym instead. It's one of those gifts for moms that'll help them encourage tummy time.

MAM Matte Starter Set — Pacifiers & Baby Bottles (Set For Newborns)

Whether a mom plans to breastfeed or not, having bottles nearby can be a big help for her. One of the brands that worked for my son was MAM because they have an anti-colic design that reduces the chance of newborns developing colic. The nipples on the bottles also have an anti-slip feature that ensures baby's milk will stay in their mouth instead of spilling down their chins.

As a bonus, this gift set features three pacifiers for mom to keep handy in case she decides she wants to give one to her baby.

HONEST Diaper Cake - Pandas, Deluxe

I'm going to be candid — newborns go through a ton of diapers. This diaper cake by HONEST will be a blessing to a new mom for at least a month.

Hatch Rest 2nd Gen

Speaking of restful sleep, this dream machine is — wait for it — a dream for new moms. It helps baby get used to resting at night with soothing sounds that lull them to sleep.

Nanit Baby Monitor with Camera

Ylleya said, "I'm one of those moms who still has a baby monitor, especially for my younger kids. I like to see what's going on." To help ease any fears a new mom may have about letting their babies sleep in nurseries, bring this baby monitor with you if you plan on visiting after she's given birth.

Wildbird Cloudblend Footed Pajamas (Desert Lark)

Your wee little one is going to need comfortable pajamas to lounge around in. After all, they've got a busy job of drinking milk, filling their diapers, and learning about the new world they're in. Wildbird's pajamas are made with an exceptional Cloudblend fabric that won't irritate your baby's skin and comes in either a footed or footless option. There's also zero chances that neck irritation will occur (IYKYK) which is so considerate!

From one mom of a toddler with eczema-prone skin to another, Wildbird is the only brand you'll want to purchase cute pajamas from!

Pottery Barn Paxton Swivel Glider & Recliner

Recliners are essential for a new mom who will likely be up for late-night or early morning feedings. I spent countless hours in a rocking chair during the first few weeks after giving birth. It probably explains why my toddler prefers to be rocked to sleep now!

Peg Perego Ypsi Stroller

Gifts for expecting moms should benefit them as well as their little one like this Peg Perego stroller. It's designed to be easier to maneuver and collapse when not in use — two very important things that'll decrease a mom's stress! Also, the 360 degree wheels will help mom turn tight corners or simply walk through the grocery store without having to worry about the wheels locking while she's trying to pick up items.

While you're at it, be sure to gift her Peg Perego's compatible baseless infant carseat!

For the new moms who may be taking notes to share with their loved ones, Ylleya wants you to remember a few things. She said, "Don’t be hard on yourself if you're experiencing different emotions during postpartum. If you can, ask people to support you mentally or physically as you make the transition from being pregnant to caring for a child for the first time."

By far, one of my favorite things she said during our conversation is, "Being a parent is a learn-as-you-go process. Even with being a mom of 6, I'm still learning and that's okay. You just have to trust yourself and the process."

Which gifts for new moms are you thinking about adding to your holiday shopping budget? Let us know and sign up for our newsletter for more holiday gift guides!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Lead image via Nurtured 9.

Between work commitments, grocery runs, and coffee dates, it feels like we barely have time to even make it to the gym. So when we do actually get our gear and go amid all these responsibilities (hello, 2024 New Year’s resolution), who can blame us for simply wanting to skip straight to cardio, burn as many calories as we can in 30 minutes, and then bounce? Unfortunately, this is a super ill-advised way to exercise, because it means you’re skimping on an essential part of the workout routine: stretching. Although adding a warmupmight mean tacking an extra 20 minutes onto your workout (you can do it!), the numerous benefits should make integrating stretching into your gym time a no-brainer. Nichole Tipps — lead trainer for V Shred, a virtual fitness training program — offers us some insight about the importance of stretching.

Everything You Need To Know About Stretching During A Workout

1. Why to Stretch: It’s not just for gym rats. According to Tipps, all of us, no matter how athletically inclined, should be incorporating stretching into our schedules.

“Many people ignore stretching when working out or just as a daily routine,” she says. “Stretching has an array of health benefits that serve as building blocks for longevity and physical well-being.”

Stretching increases flexibility, which improves range of motion in addition to improving workouts, and it delays the effects of atrophy later in life. It also aids posture and relieves stress. In terms of exercising, stretching has advantages both pre- and post-workout.

“Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles and improves your circulation,” explains Tipps. Because of this, failing to stretch beforehand can result in injury, and neglecting to do it afterward can lead to enhanced soreness and a longer recovery period. You’re also making yourself more susceptible to pain, inflammation, and tension in general, Tipps warns.

2. When to Stretch: Most people are at least vaguely aware of the benefits of stretching, but a lot of confusion surrounds when to actually do it during a workout. Contrary to popular belief, the heavy-duty stretching should be reserved for when you’ve finished exercising.

“After your workout is a better time to stretch with more dedication,” Tipps confirms. “Your muscles are tense, and they are tired and stressed in a good way. So stretching can help relieve that tension and reduce the soreness that results from working a muscle.”

Allot 10-15 minutes for these post-sweat stretches. Before your workout, simply stretch lightly, keeping the time to less than 10 minutes.

“Ease your muscles into the idea that you will be challenging them to perform,” Tipps instructs.

3. What to Stretch: Both of these stretch seshes should always address your arms, legs, and back, regardless of what areas that workout focuses on.

“There are different parts to each of these areas, so concentrate on those that your workout calls for that day, but don’t neglect everything else altogether either,” advises Tipps. “Remember, a lot of workout routines include compound exercises, which are multi-joint movements that work several muscles at one time.”

Although stretching might initially seem like yet another chore to add to your to-do list, its benefits are invaluable enough to no longer ignore. As Tipps encourages, “Stretch regularly, and over time you will reap the benefits and maintain your mobility.”

How do you stretch when working out?

There are quite a few stretches you can do when working out depending on what your body needs. No matter what you end up going with, remember not to force it — stretching should, well, stretch your muscles, but it shouldn't be painful! Check out these Pro Tips To Reach Your 2024 Fitness Goals, The Best At-Home Workouts, and 9 Easy Stretches You Can Do To Exercise At Your Desk for more ideas!

Is it better to stretch during or after a workout?

Nichole Tipps recommends saving your more intense stretches for after a workout. But don't be afraid to do a few easy stretches beforehand!

What’s your favorite stretch during a workout? Let us know on social media!

This article has been updated.

All images via Brit + Co

I'm all here for reboot, sequels, and spinoffs, and there are plenty to pick from. New iterations of both The Office and Harry Potter are on their way, and this summer, we're getting a brand new follow-up to 1996's iconic movie Twister. But instead of Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Cary Elwes, and Philip Seymour Hoffman this year's summer movie stars Daisy Edgar-Jones, Glen Powell, Brandon Perea, and Anthony Ramos. Here's everything you need to know about Twisters!

Is Twisters a sequel?

Image via Universal Pictures

Twisters exists in the same universe as the OG movie, but it's a standalone sequel — at least, as far as we know. Like all good follow-ups (and Emily Henry books), there's a chance we'll see at least one tie in to the first film. Maybe Daisy's Kate will be related to Helen Hunt's Jo?

When does Twisters coming out?

Image via Universal Pictures

Twisters comes to theaters on July 19, 2024.

What is the plot of Twisters?

Image via Universal Pictures

According to the official synopsis, Twisters also takes place in Oklahoma and follows "Kate Carter, a former storm chaser haunted by a devastating encounter with a tornado during her college years who now studies storm patterns on screens safely in New York City. She is lured back to the open plains by her friend, Javito test a groundbreaking new tracking system. There, she crosses paths with Tyler Owens, the charming and reckless social-media superstar who thrives on posting his storm-chasing adventures with his raucous crew, the more dangerous the better."

Who's in the Twisters 2024 cast?

Image via Universal Pictures

Twisters stars Daisy Edgar-Jones, Glen Powell, Brandon Perea, Anthony Ramos, Maura Tierney, Sasha Lane, Harry Hadden-Paton, David Corenswet, Daryl McCormack, Tunde Adebimpe, Katy O’Brian, Nik Dodani, Kiernan Shipka, and Paul Scheer.

Where can I stream Twister 1996?

Image via Universal Pictures

You can rent Twister on Amazon Prime now!

Check out the rest of the 2024 movies coming out this year, and mark July 19 on your calendar — Twisters is one movie you won't want to miss.

Lead image via Universal Pictures

Salad cravings come and go, but they can definitely linger when you find the perfect mix of fresh, seasonal ingredients and an irresistibly delicious dressing! These hearty, tasty salads are all of those things, and stand on their own as a meal for one or a crowd.

The versatility of each salad recipe here is what makes them shine as our very best salad recipes, too. Top 'em with your favorite protein for a delicious dinner, proudly bring one along to a summer BBQ potluck, or pack a serving for a week's worth of healthylunches.

Whether you're craving a taco-style salad, an all-veggie mix, or a salad-y spin on your favorite cuisine like Thai, Mediterranean, or Southern, these are the best salads to add to your recipe box!

Spring Mix Salad with Lemon Baked Tofu

Pack protein like lemon tofu and edamame to this salad that's filled enough to be its own stand-alone dish. The tangy vinaigrette is so refreshing, too! (via Two Spoons for Brit + Co)

Fennel Salad

This light meal is made magical with some crispy chicken cutlets that you can either prepare yourself, or buy at the store to save you some weeknight time! The blood orange brightens things up a bit, while the fennel and toasted walnuts add some wondrous texture. (via Brit + Co)

Butternut Squash Salad

Rich in nutrients, this veggie salad packs a mouthful of sweet flavors from the roasted butternut, paired with perfectly with a homemade apple cider dressing. (via Brit + Co)

Space Salad

This NASA-inspired recipe, originally developed for deep space travelers, only requires seven ingredients: soybeans, poppy seeds, barley, kale, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and sweet potatoes are all tossed together to create an (ahem) out-of-this-world salad. (via Brit + Co)

Nicoise Salad

There's a little bit of everything in this tasty salad recipe: protein from fish and eggs, crunch from spinach and tomatoes, and tons of flavor from the homemade dressing. (via Brit + Co)

Strawberry Arugula Walnut Salad

Here's our favorite go-to spring salad recipe, chock full of fresh fruit + veg we love to savor all season long. (via Brit + Co)

Whole30 Chicken and Avocado Salad

We recreated one of Pinterest's most popular Whole30 recipes and learned exactly what all the fuss is about, so good! (via Brit + Co)

Winter Greens & Citrus Salad with Tahini-Ginger Dressing

The Japanese-style tahini-ginger dressing in this salad is so good that you'll want to drizzle it on all your veggies — sauteéd kale, steamed broccoli, and more. (via Season Cookbook x Brit + Co)

Spring Chicken Salad With Sauce Verte

Low-carb fans will love this bright spring salad with seasoned chicken and a mix of veggies like asparagus, English peas, and plenty of greens. (via Brit + Co)

Summer Watermelon Radish Salad

Watermelon radishes are nothing like your average watermelon. Earthy and packed with a spicy kick, these vegetables go best paired with a simple balsamic vinaigrette. (via Brit + Co)

Sweet Potato Salad

This hearty salad mixes together roasted sweet potato, fluffy quinoa, arugula, crumbled feta, and a quick + delicious hummus dressing. (viaLive Eat Learn)

Pesto Chicken Avocado Orzo Salad

Grilled Cajun chicken, orzo, romaine lettuce, and avocado and peppers tossed together with a creamy thousand island dressing is a meal we'll happily add to our weekly salad rotation ASAP. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Roasted Golden Beet Salad with Farro

Roasted beets, farro, goat cheese, and crunchy almonds is hearty enough to serve as a meal on its own but also a dish you'll totally want to share. (via Barley & Sage)

Peach Salad

Peach lovers, unite! This salad puts the juicy stone fruit front and center and finishes with a sweet and tangy olive oil dressing. (via Feel Good Foodie)

Curly Endive and Stone Fruit Salad

The best thing about salads is their versatility. Swap the endive here for radicchio, chicories, frisée or some other favorite and grill the stone fruit for added flavor. (via Most Hungry)

Easy Beef Taco Salad

Top this beef salad with your favorite taco toppings and an easy and delicious 2-ingredient dressing! (via Salt & Lavender)

Spring Orzo Salad

Loaded with asparagus, peas, and a delicious lemon vinaigrette dressing, this salad will satisfy you through summer and beyond. (via Munching With Mariyah)

Shaved Broccolini, Brussel Sprouts, and Kale Salad

This gluten-free and vegetarian salad features shaved broccolini, Brussels sprouts and kale (*all* the greens) and is so easy to make. (via Rachel Mansfield)

Grilled Buffalo Chicken Salad

Toss crispy romaine hearts, spicy buffalo chicken, and all your favorite veggies with a healthy and super tasty avocado ranch dressing for your next salad craving. (via The Endless Meal)

Apple Berry Walnut Salad

Berry season is a perfect time to make this salad, mixed with kale, red leaf lettuce, blackberries, blueberries, apples, and walnuts. (via Pink Owl Kitchen)

These Are The Best Salad Recipes To Mix Up This Summer

Snap Pea + Burrata Salad

Snap peas, cucumbers, radishes, and creamy burrata cheese is the healthy + totally satisfying mix we want in a salad. (via Cozy Cravings)

Santa Fe Chicken Salad

This Chili's copycat salad recipe is loaded with spicy chicken, yummy veggies, tortilla strips and a zesty Santa Fe sauce. (via The Girl on Bloor)

Panzanella Bread Salad

This salad made with grilled bread, heirloom tomatoes, capers and herbs can be served warm or cold depending on the season and mood. (via Veggie Society)

Authentic Fattoush Salad

Make the most of summer's best produce with a delicious dressing and crunchy homemade pita chips for the ultimate bread salad. (via Forks & Foliage)

Turmeric Rice Salad

Grains are a great way to turn a salad into a meal. This Mediterranean-inspired salad uses turmeric and rice to add a beautiful color, great texture and a lot of nutrition. (via Feel Good Foodie)

Vegan Grilled Club Salad

Inspired by the classic club sandwich, this salad uses similar ingredients grilled to perfection. (via The Edgy Veg)

Bright Winter Salad

This easy, 10-minute salad is packed with antioxidants and introduces dragonfruit to your salad go-to ingredients. (via No Eggs Or Ham)

Easy Fennel Arugula Salad

Mix in sundried tomatoes and artichoke hearts to create a simple and satisfying salad with huge flavor. (via Gastroplant)

Turkish Shepherd Salad

Tomato season is our favorite salad time. Add fresh summer tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, plus sumac, lemon juice and olive oil to make this tasty and refreshing salad in just 5 minutes! (via Give Recipe)

Thai Quinoa Salad

A simple Thai vinaigrette made of sesame oil, lime juice, fish sauce, ginger, and garlic turns your summer produce into a delightful feast! (viaA Spicy Perspective)

Bo Luc Lac

This peppery, sweet, and savory bo luc lac is delicious served on a bed of crisp watercress, red onions, and cherry tomatoes, so salad-esque. (via Takes Two Eggs)

Kale Salad

This colorful kale salad made with a fresh strawberry vinaigrette is an ode to California cuisine. (via Culinary Hill)

Cauliflower Citrus Salad

This winter salad is a great one to bookmark come the holidays or try anytime you're craving crunchy and sweet. (via Allo Simone)

Chickpea Shawarma Salad

This plant-based version of the Middle Eastern dish still has the same kick of spices but with hearty chickpeas and a dressing that’s tangy, sweet, and tart all at once. (via Chef Bai)

Strawberry Spinach Salad

This healthy summer salad is quick and easy, featuring toasted almonds, sliced cucumbers and in-season strawberries, plus an easy balsamic vinaigrette dressing. (via Two Spoons)

Watermelon Feta Basil Balsamic Salad

There are few things better than watermelon in season, and this salad takes advantage of all of it with complimentary flavors of feta, basil, and balsamic. (via Cilantro Parsley)

Black Eyed Pea + Cornbread Salad

This Southern-style salad had us at cornbread, plus plant-based toppings that are healthy and delicious and totally filling. (via This Wife Cooks)

Follow us on Pinterest for more summer dinners, and check out our online cooking classes for delicious ideas!

This post has been updated.