Growing My Man Bun, Week 3: How to Train Your Hair to Grow
Another week, another few centimeters (hopefully) added to my growing man bun. After sharing what hair products I’ve started using to help tame these locks last week, this week is all about “training” my hair. Add that to the “Things I Didn’t Know About Hair Care” column.
Now that I’ve gotten into the routine of using hair products other than a simple pomade here and there, I figured it was time to branch out into other ways to help this man bun grow some more. Namely, tools/accessories.
After sharing that I’d love if my naturally curly hair got a little less curly, my reliable hair stylist Mario revealed something unbeknownst to me: you can train your hair. Honestly, I was totally unaware that you could teach your hair how to do things. Here I was going through life the past 24 years thinking the only way to “tame” my head of hair was to stick a handful of stuff in it, making it look acceptable for the day. If only I had thought about growing a man bun in my early teens…
Mario told me that after I complete the process I shared last week (TL;DR: Marula Oil Rare Oil Treatment + brush) I should work a handful of duck bill clips into place to “train” my locks as they dry on a daily basis. He assured me that styling my hair back and putting the clips in would help to train and tame those curly waves into a softer, sort-of-straight head of hair, making it look less messy when it’s not up in a mini knot.
Just like with the whole blowdryer situation (not doing it, ICYMI) I’m only half keeping up with this routine. Whoops. I’ll typically clip these pieces into my hair a few times throughout the week (not every night) post-shower as my hair is drying and I’m doing some late-night chores before I PTFO. Luckily though, I have totally seen a difference in the way my hair is naturally setting already. Instead of looking like a curly mop when I don’t have it hidden under a hat or tied up in a little man bun, it lays flat and pushed back (kinda like a fuller undercut). You could say I’m making my own styling-outside-the-lines rules ;)
I’m making progress in not only taking better care of my hair with products, but also using some tools. That’s worth an A for effort at least, right? Make sure to check in on my man bun journey next week when who knows what will go down (or up in a bun). Until then, leave any suggestions for me in the comments or tweet us @britandco. Any input is good input.
Got any tips, tricks or hacks for growing out my hair to get that man bun? Share them with me in the comments!