5 Things You Need to Know If You’re Curious About Float Therapy

Want to feel your best? Stick with a solid personal wellness routine that includes sufficient sleep, regular exercise, good nutrition, and self-care to keep your body and mind in tip-top shape. Another wellness trend you might want to have on your radar is float therapy. We caught up with Shane Stott, founder of Zen Float Co., maker of an affordable at-home float tank, to talk about the proven benefits that float therapy can bring such as combatting stress and anxiety, as well as helping promote mindfulness and enabling your bod to rest and repair.

“Floating is one of the most effective ways to give your body and mind true rest,” Stott explains. “When you eliminate all sensory distractions in the dark tank, your mind scrambles to find input. Then, it eventually settles, which allows for a total recharge.” Stott reminds us that magnesium is one of the most important minerals — it helps your body maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports the immune system, helps keep your heartbeat steady, and makes your bones strong — but many people are deficient. “Float tanks use water warmed to skin temperature (93.5ºF) with Epsom salt, which will render you weightless and give your body a break from gravity; your skin simultaneously absorbs the benefits of the magnesium too,” he offers. Given all of these benefits, we’re not surprised that float therapy has earned praise from athletic superstars like NBA champ Steph Curry and Super Bowl star Tom Brady who float to rest and repair their bodies.

When it comes to how often a person needs to float, Stott says there’s no right or wrong approach. “30 minutes is a good starting point simply to de-stress, but 60 or 90 minutes is even better,” he shares. “What’s most important is that you carve out the time you have available and schedule it like you would any other commitment or appointment.” Stott also let us know the best times to float. “A morning float will help you focus and mentally prepare for the busy schedule ahead, while a mid-day float can help restore energy with a much-needed boost.” Even more, floating after work as a way to wind down can set you up for a good night of sleep.

5 Things to Know Before You Float

Want to give floating a go? Before you book your first session at a local float center, here are five things Stott says every first-timer should know.

1. The first float is the hardest. Floating can be blissful, but Stott warns that in the beginning, your mind will try to resist. “This can be a result of fear or perceived discomfort such as getting salt in your eyes or disliking the quiet,” he explains. “Without sight, sound, or gravity to tell your mind which way is up, it’s hard to predict what’s coming and fully surrender to the experience.” To get over this hurdle, Stott suggests powering through and floating at least three times before you throw in the towel. “This is about how long it takes for the magic to start happening,” he says.

2. Floating belongs in your wellness routine. Stott likens floating to exercising regularly and eating well and says that it’s a practice that needs a regular spot in your routine to provide solid benefits. “Floating also calls for discipline and consistent practice because it’s a skill that has to be learned through experience,” he notes.

3. You can use floating to help you meditate. It’s common to encounter distractions when you meditate, which can make it especially tough as a beginner. Floating, however, naturally strips away many things that might cause you to lose focus, such as unexpected sounds or visuals. “Use meditation methods [while you float] to keep your thoughts calm and focused on the present,” Stott suggests.

4. You might experience a natural high. “Many people emerge in a state of euphoria with renewed mental clarity, energy, and enhanced creativity,” Stott says. “It almost feels like a natural drug!” He tells us this happens because of the deep state of relaxation you’ll experience; it reduces the body’s cortisol levels for a total reset.

5. You’ll find peace. Floating will help you feel peaceful because it frees your brain from stress and chaos with time away from distraction, allowing it to return to its natural state of harmony. “From your first few floats, you’ll realize the possibilities of introspection and self-improvement,” Stott assures.

Have you tried float therapy before? Tell us what you thought about the experience on Twitter @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)

Chances are, you vaguely remember your Sex Ed class in high school. The awkward shuffle of students into the “health” class you all know is code for sex ed. The ancient TV playing videos from the 80s of incredibly cringey (and totally out of date) lessons on the birds and the bees. Maybe they mention STIs (which were definitely still called STDs back then) and why teen pregnancy is the greatest sin on planet Earth (And it was always the woman’s fault, wasn't it?), but they were quick to gloss over sex ed for literally anyone other than heterosexual men and women. Oh, and all of this was being “taught” amidst the giggles of teenage boys, who undeniably made it uncomfortable to ask any questions (provided the genders weren’t segregated, that is).

Obviously, this isn’t a practical education for anyone in present-day society. Sex is way more complicated than anything taught in high school, and far too many people are learning about STIs, disorders, pregnancy prevention and how to actually have great sex way too late in life. We’re covering the basics for everyone — LGBTQ+ included — so you can be a more informed intimate partner.

Sex ed doesn’t end in high school. Here are 5 important tips you may have missed.

1. Tips for safer sex practices.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

There are several different ways to have sex — and everyone’s preferences are different. If you’re not comfortable engaging in certain practices, remember: you never, ever have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Consent is key, and just because you've consented to one doesn't mean you've consented to all. We’re going to walk you through safe sex practices for a variety of ways to have sex, so you can make informed decisions that feel right for you.

1. Anal and vaginal sex

This type of sex has the highest risk of contracting an STI or HIV. If you’re having anal sex or vaginal sex, it’s important to use internal condoms or external condomsand a water-based or silicone-based lube. “Make sure that you use a different condom with each partner or when a penis or dildo/sex toy is moved between the vagina and anus,” healthcare company FOLX says. “Infections such as herpes, genital warts, syphilis, and monkeypox can be transmitted through regular skin-to-skin contact. Barrier methods such as condoms, dental dams, or latex gloves can reduce your risk of contracting these infections, but will only cover the protected area.”

2. Oral sex

Oral sex is when someone uses their mouth to stimulate the genitals of another person. With oral sex, there is a low risk of STI or HIV transmission, but it’s still possible to contract unwanted infections. “Using an external condom on a penis during oral sex can help contain body fluids such as semen, ejaculate and pre-ejaculate and reduce the risk of STI transmission,” says FOLX. “Condoms can also be used on a sex toy/dildo, especially if [you plan to use it] with multiple partners without proper cleaning.”

For transgender folks who recently underwent bottom surgery, avoid oral sex until you are fully healed. Anyone who has bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, a sore throat, or has gotten dental work done recently should also avoid oral sex.

Photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS

3. Rimming

Rimming is when someone uses any function of their mouth around/in someone’s anus. According to FOLX, “this can function as a way to prepare for anal sex and/or as a fun, pleasurable sexual activity in its own right. Rimming has an extremely low risk for HIV, but it’s possible to get hepatitis A or bacterial infections like gonorrhea.” Reduce your risk by practicing good personal hygiene and using a barrier method like a dental dam, especially if you or your partner haven’t had a recent anal STI check.

4. Fingering

“Fingering is when someone uses their hand, finger, or multiple fingers to stimulate and penetrate their partner’s vagina and/or anus,” says FOLX. “Fingering is considered low-risk since there’s only a small chance of spreading an STI. There is a small chance that STIs can spread through fingering if you have any cuts on your hands or fingers, or if there are internal tears in the anus or vaginal tissues.” If you engage in fingering, reduce your risk by practicing good hygiene and washing your hands with soap and water, especially if you’re fingering multiple partners. You can also use latex gloves or finger condoms to cover your fingers for extra protection.

2. The lowdown on STIs.

STIs are sexually transmitted infections (AKA STDs or sexually transmitted diseases) and can be transmitted through different kinds of sexual activities. While there are dozens of unique types of STIs, common STIs to test for include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomonas, and HIV. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to be tested for STIs, especially since you may have an infection or disease that doesn’t present any noticeable symptoms.

“If left untreated, STIs can cause serious health problems, including cervical cancer, liver disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, and pregnancy problems,” says thewellproject. “Having some STIs (such as chancroid, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) can increase your risk of acquiring HIV if you are HIV-negative and are exposed to HIV. People living with HIV may also be at greater risk of getting or passing on other STIs.”

For more comprehensive information, visit thewellproject.

3. STI prevention and testing.

Rachel Wakefield

Luckily, there are plenty of ways for us to prevent the transmission of STIs. Many people request any intimate partners to be fully tested for STIs before engaging in sex with them, which is a great way to feel safe and comfortable during sex.

Obviously, anyone with a penis is advised to wear a condom during any form of sex, especially oral, vaginal, or anal. It’s a simple way to reduce the risk of both partners, which is a win for everyone. For women seeking oral sex or rimming, we recommend wearing Lorals, a FDA-cleared, wearable STI protection to keep both you and your partner safe.

Sex toys/dildos are another great way to reduce the transmission of STIs, but be sure to clean before switching between partners. When searching for the right sex toy(s), make sure they are made of body-safe materials, like medical-grade silicone. We love Bellesa’s line of sex toys because they are made from premium quality silicone, are waterproof and are USB rechargeable. Like they say, “good orgasms are a lifestyle!”

Remember: you need to test for STIs! Regularly! Fortunately, testing for STIs has (literally) never been easier. While you can be fully tested for STIs by your Primary Care Physician or OB/GYN, there are some great at-home tests if a doctor isn’t your jam. stix offers a range of vaginal and sexual test kits delivered straight to your door. We also love Cheeky Bonsai for at-home UTI testing and relief. Oh, and you can order both of these brands on Amazon. Talk about a win-win!

4. Different forms of birth control.

Photo by Pixabay / PEXELS

This ones for all the ladies out there. If you’re not looking to get pregnant now (or ever), then practicing safe sex is a MUST. If you are having sex with someone who has a penis, make sure they have a condom on. It’s seriously the simplest way to ensure there are no babies in your immediate future. In addition to condoms, birth control is the best way to ensure you’re as pregnancy-protected as possible.

You can read up on all of the different types of birth control here, and visit your OB/GYN to get started. If you don't have a doctor who can prescribe you birth control, try NURX or Hey Jane (they offer medical abortions, emergency contraception and UTI/yeast infection treatment too).

A morning-after pill (AKA emergency contraception) is another way to protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy, particularly if you believe your partner ejaculated in you during recent sex. Get fast, discreet emergency contraception delivered straight to your door with Julie, or head to your local CVS or Walmart if you simply cannot wait.

5. How to have pleasurable sex.

Photo by Edward Eyer / PEXELS

Pleasure looks different for everyone, but there are some resources you can reference for better sex. Practical Intimacy gives great advice on how to have incredible sex as a woman, but really, the tips are simple. Give yourself time to get aroused, engage your whole body and your mind, let go of the pressure to orgasm, ask for what you want and make sure your partner is seeking to please you, too. Sex should never be one-sided, and we should all seek to close the orgasm gap, one mind-blowing orgasm at a time.

If you need tips on where to start, we highly recommend watching Angel Ardito’s TikToks. Her tips are informative, practical, and sure to make you (and your partner) much happier people.

And remember: you are way sexier than you think! Negative self-talk deserves no place in your mind or your bedroom, so get it out of there!

This is just the basics of sex ed, and we’re guessing it’s probably more than you ever learned in school. Educating yourself is imperative to engaging in safe sex, so do your research, figure out what’s comfortable for you, vocalize your needs and most of all — have fun.

Stay updated on the latest sex and wellness news with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Rachel Wakefield.

It's almost summertime which means parents are going to be thinking about how many kid-friendly summer vacation ideas we can fit in before a new school year starts. I know I'm not the only parent feverishly planning toddler activities to keep my son entertained, so I'm thinking long-term — and thinking of something fun we can all do together.

Last year we took a family trip to the Wild Adventures Theme Park in Valdosta, GA and my son still talks about it. He also walked around the entire park without losing an ounce of energy which means I've got my work cut out for me. In the same boat as I am and need ideas that won't require you to travel out of the country? Keep scrolling for fun, family-friendly summer vacation ideas!

Kid-Friendly Summer Vacations

Image via Brett Sayles/Pexels

Gonzales Jambalaya Festival (May 24-26) in Gonzales, LA

Take a trip to Gonzales, LA in time for the city's annual Gonzales Jambalaya Festival! According to official site for the festival, Gonzales has the best Jambalaya you'll find in the bayou. Each day will feature live music from popular acts that truly capture Louisiana's sound and will make your bones feel good as you enjoy food that makes your taste buds swirl.

There's also a cooking contest, pageant, car show, plenty of vendors, and a carnival for the whole family to enjoy!

Image via Caroline Cagnin/Pexels

Universal Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL

I'm a Florida native so any theme park or resort is always at the top of my list, but I'm partial to visiting Universal Orlando Resort during the summer. Although it's at the top of my own kid-friendly summer vacation ideas list, there's tons of stuff adults can have fun doing. The resort usually have packages that allow you to bundle a few days together so you visit a different park each day — something my mom and stepdad definitely took advantage of.

From there you and your kids get to let loose. There's rides dedicated to Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and Dr. Suess, and you dine at the famous Hard Rock Café! Everyone will need a nap once you're done exploring which isn't a bad idea.

Image via Los Muertos Crew/Pexels

Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, CA

If you've memorized all the different versions of "Baby Shark," you may be entitled to a kid-friendly trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium. While the trip itself won't be free, you'll love watching your kid's face light up when they get to see real sea animals. You can enjoy visiting the following habitats with them:

  • Beaches & dunes
  • Coastal waters
  • Coastal wetlands
  • Coral reefs
  • Deep sea
  • Kelp forest
  • Open waters
  • Reefs and pilings
  • Sandy seafloor
  • The rocky shore

Image via Momentos Reales/Pexels

Dollywood's DreamMore Resort & Spa in Pigeon Forge, TN

Take a dream to Pigeon Forge, TN to book a fun stay at Dollywood's DreamMore Resort & Spa! The theme park alone is situated on 160 acres of land which should tell you how much fun you and your family will have. Still need convincing? No worries!

If you have smaller kiddos, rides like Busy Bees and Black Bear Trail are available for them to enjoy. But if they need to burn off excess energy, they can run and jump as much as they want inside of Hidden Hollow. It's a secret play area that's based on the forest so your kids will feel like they're little explorers.

If you want to sneak off for a little me time, you can find goodies at The Southern Pantry or Mountain Laurel Home!

Image via Arthur Krijgsman/Pexels

Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio, TX

Everything's bigger in Texas, including the kid-friendly summer vacation ideas. That's the main reason why Morgan's Wonderland is on my list. The 4D Cinema alone is enticing, but there's also tons of other rides and attractions to see! There's everything from the classic carousel to Pirate Island (sorry Squidward — there's not any robots here), plus a Sensory Village that encourages creative play!

And if your kid's birthday is this summer, you can throw a birthday party for them at Morgan's Wonderland.

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

Keystone Resort in Summit County, CO

All I can picture is the episode of Bob's Burger when the Belchers spend a night at a national park so that Tina can make up for a Thunder Girls event she missed, but the tubing that'll be done at Keystone Resort will be supervised. It'll officially open June 20 for a summer of fun that your family will love remembering.

There's Lakeside Village activities to enjoy, snow tubing, hiking, tennis, yoga, and more! You can also choose from 16 dining options.

I don't know about you, but I love having options.

Image via Valdemaras D./Pexels

Atlantic White Shark Conservatory in Cape Cod, MA

Still have "Baby Shark" on the brain? Travel to Cape Cod, MA to visit the Atlantic White Shark Conservatory. Beginning May 16, Shark Center Chatham and Shark Center Provincetown will be open for the 2024 season. You can book an expedition that lets you see everything from great white sharks to various seabirds. It's an all day tour so make sure you and your family are prepared for that if you choose this option!

Image via Olya Harytovich/Pexels

The Lodge at Blue Sky in Park City, UT

If you prefer to deal with nature in a different way, The Lodge at Blue Sky in Park City, UT may be just the place you need to visit this summer. Besides hiking, you can introduce your kiddos to the Little Vaqueros Camp. Here's a daily breakdown of what each day offers:

  • Monday — Wilderness Explorers
  • Tuesday — Cowboys & Cowgirls
  • Wednesday — Mountain Creativity
  • Thursday — Culinary Exploration
  • Friday — Discovering Gracie's (rehabilitation center for animals)
  • Saturday — Little Miners
  • Sunday — Love of the Land
If one of your kids is a teenager, they'll be able to participate in activities like axe throwing, mountain biking, and horseback riding.

Image via Sergey Makashin/Pexels

Explore Activities in Hilton Head, SC

Instead of focusing on one singular thing, I decided Hilton Head, SC deserves it's own spotlight. There's so much to do and it's probably one of the best kid-friendly summer vacation spots to create new memories in. You can visit The Sandbox Interactive Children's Museum, Station 300 Bowling Lanes, or Commander Zodiac Kids Camp. At the latter, you and your kids can go on a private boat tour that allows you to see wildlife like dolphins.

Image via Ivan Torres/Pexels

Niagara Falls State Park in Niagara Falls, NY

Have your kids been expecting to see a big miracle and can't stop talking about what they think it could be? Sounds like it's time to plan a trip to Niagara Falls State Park! There's literally so much to do that you'll even be talking about this trip during Thanksgiving. Here's some of the attractions that are available to visit:

  • Cave of the Winds
  • Aquarium
  • Maid of the Mist
  • Fireworks Show
  • Observation Tower

There's also hiking trails you and your kids can take advantage of!

Which kid-friendly summer vacation ideas sound like they're perfect for you and your kids to enjoy in the coming months?

For more travel inspo, be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

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Hi there! We’re here to remind you that you need to take care of your sexual health. Chances are, you probably overlook this critical area of care when it comes to monthly (and yearly) medical check-ups. Caring for your sexual health is imperative to ensure a healthy overall wellbeing, and we’ve rounded up a series of brands dedicated to providing at-home care for your sexual health (and pleasure).

Before we jump into the brands, it’s important for us to define what sexual health even is. In short, sexual health includes self-esteem, personal attractiveness, competence, as well as freedom from sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual assault/coercion. It goes beyond testing for the aforementioned STIs and fertility and rather encompasses just as many mental components as physical ones.

Keep reading for our go-to brands for fertility testing, STI care, discreet emergency contraception, sex toys, LGBTQ+ sexual healthcare, and so much more — all of which can be accessed with a simple internet connection.

And don’t worry — these brands operate on the DL to provide you with the best (and safest) care possible.

You Want To Test Your Fertility

Image via Natalist


Natalist is “led by a team of moms and doctors on a mission to reduce the historical shame, misinformation, and outdated product offerings women experience on their path to parenthood. Inspired by [their] own complex fertility journeys, Natalist offers fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum essentials that are science-backed and designed with sustainability in mind.”

Beyond their product offerings (like pregnancy tests, ovulation test kits, male care and supplements), Natalist offers an incredibly thoughtful and thorough blog for anyone interested in parenthood (or anyone in the trenches of it 😂).

​You Need Simple Reproductive Health Tests

Image via bird&be


bird&be is on a mission to assist, coach, fuel, and cheer you on throughout your fertility journey. With a variety of offerings for male and female fertility care, bird&be is a great place for any future American and Canadian parents to start.

​You *Think* You May Have An UTI

Image via Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai was founded because of a desire to make everyday health feel like selfcare. With a Harvard Urogynecologist backing up their selection of UTI care and treatments, Cheeky Bonsai is an effective way to alleviate (and test for) any potential UTIs.

​You Need Emergency Contraception, Like, Now

Image via CVS


Julie is a new healthcare company helping people prevent unwanted or mistimed pregnancies with an FDA-approved morning after pill. When taken within 72 hours of having sex, it can help prevent pregnancy by temporarily delaying or stopping ovulation.

​You Want To Test Your Sexual And Vaginal Health

Image via stix


Like so many of us, Stix’s co-founders realized that they both had terrible experiences buying health products — and when it came to learning about and managing their health, there was much to be desired. That’s exactly why they started Stix; to create a convenient, discreet, and judgment-free way to get the products you need. With a variety of science-backed and doctor-approved products that are designed to work for you, Stix also offers “Sex-Ed Without the BS” through real talk, a blog dedicated to answering your most personal questions.

​You Need *Intimate* Care

Image via wisp


Wisp offers healthcare on your terms — with products to treat a variety of conditions. Whether you need a quick prescription or a trusted over-the-counter remedy, wisp connects you with real-time providers and guides to help you safely navigate your symptoms and get back on track.

You’re Looking For Comprehensive Healthcare As An LGBTQ+ Person

Image via FOLX


If you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community, then you’re well aware of the barriers to comprehensive care within the traditional healthcare system. FOLX is designed for “everybody and every body,'' with a focus on providing quality, specialized healthcare to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for primary care, gender-affirming care, sexual and reproductive care, or something else, they offer plans for both insured and uninsured people as well as an amazing library of info on *literally* any issue you can think of.

​You Want To Add Some (Discreet) Pleasure To Your Life

Image via Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa is on a mission to close the pleasure gap. Through a wide range of five-star sex toys made with 100% body-safe premium materials, Bellesa empowers their community to embrace, explore and celebrate their sexuality. Unapologetically.

Hopefully these resources will help you, no matter what your sexual health journey looks like. Everyone is deserving of excellent care, so grab a seat, do some research and start on a path towards your healthiest (and happiest) self.

Be your healthiest self with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Bellesa Boutique.

My favorite time of year for media is, without a doubt, summertime. Colors are brighter, the sun is shining, and everyone gets a little more pep in their step. In addition to some of the best new music and summer movies, this year's summer TV show lineup is STACKED. Here's everything you need to add to your watchlist.

Bridgerton Season 3 — On Netflix Now (Part 2 Coming June 13)

Image via Netflix

Bridgerton season 3 (whose first part dropped today!) focuses on Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton (whose ship name is "Polin," meaning you can always use the bee emoji when texting your friends about the show). Check out our Bridgerton season 4 post for more news, and our interview with Claudia Jessie, Jessica Madsen, and Hannah Dodd here!

Part one of Bridgerton season 3 drops on Netflix May 16, and stars Luke Newton, Nicola Caughlin, Claudia Jessie, Luke Thompson, Ruth Gemmell, Florence Hunt, Will Tilston, Simone Ashley, and Jonathan Bailey.

The Acolyte — On Disney+ June 4, 2024

Image via Disney+/Lucasfilm

After hit series like Andor and Ahsoka, this summer TV show focuses on a Jedi Master, who has to stand against a warrior from the past after an unexpected crime spree rocks the galaxy.

The Acolyte premieres on Disney+ June 4 and stars Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-jae, Manny Jacinto, Dafne Keen, Charlie Barnett, Jodie Turner-Smith, Rebecca Henderson, Dean-Charles Chapman, Joonas Suotamo, and Carrie-Anne Moss.

House Of The Dragon Season 2 — On Max June 16, 2024

Image via Theo Whitman/HBO

If you loved the complex storytelling in Game of Thrones and you loved the vibe of Damsel, then you won't want to miss House of the Dragon season 2. It'll have just as much intrigue as the first season, and (hopefully) lots and lots of dragons ;).

House of the Dragon season 2 drops on Max June 16. The show stars Olivia Cooke, Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith, Eve Best, Steve Toussaint, Fabien Frankel, Ewan Mitchell, Sonoya Mizuno, Harry Collett, Rhys Ifans, Bethany Antonia, Tom Glynn-Carney, Phoebe Campbell, Phia Saban, Jefferson Hall, and Matthew Needham.

Orphan Black: Echoes — On AMC June 23, 2024

Image via AMC

Any summer TV show that centers a group of women gets a stamp of approval from me, and this one is all about how complicated, engaging, and scary life can be. The storylines weave in and out of one another, and it touches on themes like identity, which I love.

Orphan Black: Echoes hits AMC June 23 and stars Krystin Ritter, Keeley Hawes, Amanda Fix, Avan Jogia, Rya Kihlstedt, and James Hiroyuki Liao.

​Land of Women — On Apple TV+ June 26, 2024

Image via Apple TV+

In this new TV show, when a New Yorker learns about her husband's financial scandal, she trades the chaos of midtown for a small Spanish town with her mom and teen daughter. In addition to being a heartwarming story about family, this is going to give you the travel bug!!

The Bear Season 3 — Coming To FX June 27, 2024

Image via FX/YouTube

While I have a ton of questions about The Bear season 3, there is one thing we know for sure: Will Poulter is coming back. (And honestly thank goodness). Once you've read up on everything you need to know about the new season, check out the latest tea about season 4!

The Bear season 3 is coming to FX June 27. We'll see Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, Abby Elliott, and Matty Matheson.

Cobra Kai Season 6 — Coming To Netflix July 18, 2024

Image via Netflix

First there was The Karate Kid, then there was The Karate Kid (this time with Jaden Smith), then we got Kickin' It. The latest in the lineup of karate-focused entertainment is coming to a close this season. You won't want to miss this first part of the emotional goodbye!

The first part of Cobra Kai season 6 hits Netflix July 18 and stars Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Martin Kove, Xolo Maridueña, Jacob Bertrand, Mary Mouser, Tanner Buchanan, Peyton List, Gianni DeCenzo, Courtney Henggeler, Vanessa Rubio, Dallas Dupree Young, Yuji Okumoto, Alicia Hannah-Kim, Griffin Santopietro, and Oona O'Brien.

The Summer Olympics — On NBC Friday July 26, 2024

Image via Elina Sazonova/Pexels

Drop everything because the Summer Olympics are the event of the year!! I love watching the gymnastics and the swimming, but I also can't wait to see the rest of the athletes do incredible. Check out our Fruity Olympic Torch Desserts for snack inspiration!

Emily In Paris Season 4 — Coming To Netflix August 15, 2024

Image via Netflix

Emily in Paris season 4 is trading Paris for Italy (as if we needed any MORE of a comparison between Lily Collins and Audrey Hepburn, she's going on a Roman holiday!) TBH, above all, I just hope Emily and Gabriel FINALLY get together!

Emily in Paris season 4 is coming to Netflix August 15 and will star Lily Collins, Lucas Bravo, Ashley Park, Camille Razat, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Samuel Arnold, and Bruno Gouery.

Only Murders In The Building Season 4 — Coming To Hulu August 27, 2024

Image via Patrick Harbron/Hulu

In a totally unexpected turn of events, Only Murders in the Building season 4 won't be in the building at all — it won't even be in New York! Our favorite trio is traveling to Hollywood to meet a producer who's interested in turning the podcast into a film. Now THAT's a movie ticket I'd buy.

Only Murders in the Building season 4 is coming to Hulu August 27 and stars Selena Gomez, Martin Short, Steve Martin, Meryl Streep, Eugene Levy, Eva Longoria, Kumail Nanjiani, and Molly Shannon.

Which summer TV show are you excited for?

Lead image via Hulu

There are few celebrity breakups as infamous as those of the 2000s — just looks at Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, and Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck! But when Ben and Jen (or Bennifer, as fans like to call them) got back together in 2021, it felt like a literal movie. In Jennifer Lopez' new documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told, the couple finally reveals why they actually broke up in the first place: "the massive amount of scrutiny around our private life." Here's everything you need to know about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, in the 2000s and now.

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck's Relationship Timeline

Image via Columbia Pictures

Winter 2002 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Meet On The Set Of Gigli

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck first met while filming their 2003 movie Gigli. "The first time meeting him on that film was at the read-through," Jennifer tells Variety. "I remember kind of just walking in and I think he was outside, smoking a cigarette...I don't remember a whole bunch more about it, but I remember being on the set with him every day and loving it."

Image via Vinnie Zuffante/Getty Images

November 2002 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Announce Their Engagement

During an interview with Diane Sawyer at the end of 2002, Jennifer Lopez showed off the engagement ring from Ben Affleck. The platinum band + pink diamond combo is absolutely beautiful, just like the proposal itself. "[It was] traditional, but also in a very spectacular way, as of course Ben would do it," Jennifer says, via ABC News.

"He is brilliantly smart, loving, charming, affectionate," she continues. "And I just admire him in every way. I respect him. I feel like he teaches me things."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Early 2003 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Experience The Tabloids Firsthand

Before the age of iPhones and TikTok, celebs constantly dealt with the tabloids — even more than they do now. And as one of the hottest couples in the world, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez constantly faced paparazzi and tabloids. “We didn’t try to have a public relationship,” Jennifer Lopez tells PEOPLE in 2016. “We just happened to be together at the birth of the tabloids, and it was like ‘Oh my God.’ It was just a lot of pressure.”

"People were so f*cking mean about her," Ben Affleck says on The Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcastin 2021. "Sexist, racist. Ugly, vicious sh*t was written about her in ways that if you wrote it now you would literally be fired for saying those things you said...Now it's like, she's lionized and respected for the work she did, where she came from, what she accomplished — as well she f*cking should be!"

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September 10, 2003 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Call Off Their Wedding

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were supposed to be married on September 14, 2003, but four days before their wedding, they postponed the ceremony. "Due to the excessive media attention surrounding our wedding, we have decided to postpone the date," the couple says in their official statement, via PEOPLE. "When we found ourselves seriously contemplating hiring three separate 'decoy brides' at three different locations, we realized that something was awry."

"It was so painful after we broke up," Jennifer tells Apple Music's Zane Lowe in 2024. "Once we called off that wedding 20 years ago, it was the biggest heartbreak of my life. I honestly felt like I was going to die. It sent me on a spiral for the next 18 years where I just couldn't get it right. But now, 20 years later, it does have a happy ending. It has the most would-never-happen-in-Hollywood ending."

Image via Barbara Nitke/Courtesy of STXfilms

February 18, 2020 — Ben Affleck Supports Jennifer Lopez In Hustlers

At the beginning of 2020, in an interview with The New York Times, Ben Affleck voiced his support for Jennifer Lopez. "She should have been nominated [for Hustlers]," he says. "She's the real thing. I keep in touch periodically with her and have a lot of respect for her. How awesome is it that she had her biggest hit movie at 50? That's f*cking baller."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

May 10, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Take A Trip Together

After Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez broke up in the spring of 2021, J.Lo was seen hanging out with Ben Affleck around Los Angeles. "[Jennifer] spent several days with Ben out of town," a source tells PEOPLE. "They have a strong connection. It's all been quick and intense, but Jennifer is happy."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

July 24, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Make Their Relationship Instagram Official

Hidden at the end of an Instagram carousel, Jennifer Lopez posted a photo of her kissing Ben Affleck. "5 2 … what it do …" the caption reads.

Image via Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images

September 10, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Walk The Red Carpet

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck attended the premiere of his film The Last Duel at the 2021 Venice Film Festival. They both looked amazing in old school glam!

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

April 8, 2022 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Announce Their Second Engagement

PEOPLE confirmed that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were engaged again in the spring of 2022. Jennifer also revealed the news via email and on social media. "So I have a really exciting and special story to share," she said on Twitter.

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

July 16, 2022 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Finally Get Married!

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck finally tied the knot in July of 2022. Jennifer shared the details about the "best night ever" via On The JLo newsletter (via PEOPLE) the next day. The couple later had a larger ceremony in Georgia.

"It's a beautiful outcome that this has happened in this way at this time in our lives where we can really appreciate and celebrate each other and respect each other," she says. "We always did, but we have even more of an appreciation because we know that life can take you in different directions."

"[Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck] were attentive only to each other, didn't have eyes for anything else," a PEOPLE source said after spotting the couple on their honeymoon in Lake Como, Italy.

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

February 14, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Reveals Her Tattoo With Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck showed off their coordinating tattoos on J.Lo's Instagram. The tattoos (hers of an arrow through an infinity sign on her ribcage and his of two arrows tied to one another) are super cute together!

"Commitment," Jennifer says in her Instagram post. "Happy Valentine’s Day my love."

Image via Monica Schipper/Getty Images

May 3, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Calls Ben Affleck A "Wonderful Father"

When she was on the Today Show (via Twitter) at the beginning of May 2023, Jennifer Lopez had high praise for Ben Affleck's relationship with all their kids. Jennifer has twins, Max and Emme, with Marc Anthony, while Ben Affleck shares three kids, Samuel, Seraphina, and Violet, with Jennifer Garner.

"He's a wonderful, wonderful father," J.Lo says in the interview. "And a father figure to [Max and Emme] as well, because he has his own three beautiful children, and then there's us...They love him. And they appreciate him, and so do I."

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

August 21, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Celebrates Her One Year Anniversary With Ben Affleck

In honor of their first wedding anniversary, Jennifer Lopez shared some photos, and some lyrics from "Dear Ben, Pt II", to Instagram. "One year ago today," she says in the caption. "Dear Ben, Sitting here alone / Looking at my ring ring / Feeling overwhelmed / It makes me wanna sing sing / How did we end up here / Without a rewind / Oh my / This is my life...Jennifer"

Image via Dunkin'

February 11, 2024 — Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez Star In A Super Bowl Commercial

Following Ben Affleck's iconic, viral photos with his Dunkin' coffee, the couple starred in Dunkin' Donuts' 2024 Super Bowl ad — in addition to Matt Damon, Jack Harlow, and Tom Brady. The commercial features Ben and his friends coming into the studio while Jennifer records her newest album This Is Me Now... — a move that is not well received.

Image via Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for 20th Century Studios

February 26, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Reveal Why They Originally Split Up

"Ben and I, we broke up three days before our wedding," J.Lo recalled in her new documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told. "We had a big wedding planned—14 ushers and bridesmaids—and three days before, we just crumbled under the pressure."

"For all those years, it was really hard because I didn't just feel like I lost the love of my life, I felt like I lost the best friend that I ever had," Jennifer continues. "I've made it through. I've made something good of my life. I'm proud of that."

Image via Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images

May 2024: Rumors Swirl About Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's Alleged Divorce

Though Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have reconnected, there have rumors that their marriage may be in trouble. A source alerted InTouch Weekly that there have been obvious signs that something is wrong for a while.

"The writing is on the wall – it’s over," the source claims before saying, "They’re headed for a divorce – and for once, [Ben’s] not to blame!" The source believes the two have a lot of love for each other, but that they're jus too different to be together.

TMZ has also reported that Ben seems like he hasn't been living at home — yikes! He was photographed leaving going to and coming from a L.A. home without Jennifer. It's also being reported that he's been allegedly spending the night there.

But, TMZ also pointed out that the pair are still wearing their wedding rings so it's hard to say if there's any merit to the breakup rumors. Until Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck actually give a statement, I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best!

What's your favorite Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck moment? Check out The Latest On Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce's Relationship and The Latest News On Blake Lively And Ryan Reynold's Kids for more of your favorite celebrity couples!

Lead image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

This post has been updated.