21 Instagram Cats We Want to Cuddle Right Meow

Here’s something maaaaybe you can relate to: You’re super allergic to cats. And yet, every time you’re around a cat, you decide that maaaaybe you won’t be that allergic to this one so you insist on petting it and cuddling it until the sneezing, the itchy eyes and the wheezing inevitably starts. At some point, you’ve decided it is probably best if you admire their cuteness from afar… like through social media only. Here are 21 Instagram cats to follow in 2015.

1. @macchacat: “Don’t look at me. I didn’t take the last piece.”

2. @princesscheeto: Cheeto is always always ready to party.

3. @emonemon: Muahahahaha… if this Scottish fold isn’t the most evil cat on Instagram, we’d like to see who is.

4. @colonelmeow: Okay, maybe this guy is the most evil. Colonel Meow’s plots to take down the world rival even Grumpy Cat’s.

5. @hamilton_the_hipster_cat: “Mustache cats on mustache cats.”‘

6. @pudgethecat: Pudge has a strong preference for boxes over bags. He’ll talk your ear off about it.

7. @bengal_pyu: This pretty Korean kitty is the cutest when she’s hiding in drawers, sheets and standing upright on her two hind legs.

8. @leepyu_cat: This dandy green-eyed cat is @bengal_pyu’s husband. Awww, Bengal cat power couple.

9. @ashmiemu: “Let’s hold hands.”

10. @mycatkyle: According to his bio, Kyle is a moustachioed “rescue with three teeth, no claws, severe dandruff, hip dysplasia and a crooked ear.” Also, a bad attitude about sombreros.

11. @samhaseyebrows: Sam was blessed with perpetually surprised eyebrows.

12. @basilsclubhouse: “A time to reflect upon how much better looking I am than every other cat.”

13. @snoopybabe: Oh gosh.

14. @onesassybengal: When you’re all ready to go to that holiday party and then your mom says you have to stay home.

15. @pitterpatterfurryfeet: Alice and Finnegan are too adorbs.

16. @princessmonstertruck: That underbite. Come on.

17. @lindy_the_cat: Lindy has an affinity for crawling into bags and boxes, and also pretending a pile of blankets is a waterslide.

18. @richard_kitty: “A Lannister always pays his debts.”

19. @weeklywhiskers: Romeo isn’t your typical stay-at-home feline. He’s got places to be and can be found adventuring all over Seattle.

20. @hankthekitten: “My everyday is better than your best day.”

21. @gizmothehimmie: A gentleman. A scholar. A kitten.

Who is your favorite cat on Instagram? Let us know in the comments!

"I love your aura." You may wonder what this means. We are now living in a time when we are beginning to wonder beyond the linear and physical reality of existence. The Age of Aquarius has been approaching these past years, encouraging us to look into spirituality and the collective consciousness. Our energy is precious – and learning about your aura can be the first stepping stone to level up your spirituality. Celebrities such as Emma Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Zosia Mamet have revealed their spiritual selves by promoting aura photography.

What are auras?

Getty/Aleksandra Konoplia

Auras are the unseen spiritual energy field surrounding all living things' bodies. They manifest as vibrations and colors throughout the body. Depending on what you are experiencing, it will manifest into the type of color filter around the body, revealing your spiritual and emotional self and state of wellness.

It is not always easily accessible to see auras, but it can be felt. Observe celebrities such as Taylor Swift or Beyonce. They have a magnetic yet powerful aura that swirls with creativity and prestige. Or suppose you are crossing paths with someone who gives off a warm and sunny persona. You can't help but smile. This indicates you are feeling or sensing their auric energy. The same also applies to those who store a negative vibe – only in this case, you decide (hopefully) not to engage due to the clashing of energies.

If you are an astrology lover like me, then there is a chance that you have invested time in learning about yourself, leading to non-stop Google searches. Learning about astrology can help you see things from an entirely new view because each zodiac sign holds strength and characteristics revealed in different aspects of energy and, best yet – self-acceptance.

How do I find my aura colors?

Lumi Pelinku

If you want to uncover your aura colors, one way is to get your aura photographed. A special camera, known as the Kirlian camera, captures your halo or colorful, energetic field using an electrified photographic plate. Or you can have a clairvoyant read your aura, and you will have a better idea about which parts of your birth chart you are in tune with your life story or address what needs work.

For example, five years ago, when I had my aura photographed, the most prominent colors in my energy field were bright red, green, and indigo. I was most in tune with my Mars, Venus, and rising sign. This was the time in my journey when I was unknowingly invested in my toxic relationship while over-compromising my individuality, which resulted in my Mars and Venus covering my indigo color. Last year, I took another photo of my aura that turned out burnt orange and murky while I still held on in the relationship. My indigo color was nowhere to be seen in my aura photo. This was a wake-up call and a red flag for me to realize what was in store for my well-being if I ignored my feelings about my relationship. Months later, and energetically depleted, I decided to part ways. Enlightening, isn't it?

Connecting with your aura will illuminate what part of your life needs attention. The colors of your aura correspond to one of the seven rays of the rainbow spectrum—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. With each life experience, traumatic or blissful, your colors are bound to change. It can appear clear and vibrant if you are on cloud nine or murky and dark if you are going through a tough time. The best part is that if you know this information, you can navigate past your life issues and figure out the core of your happiness, as each color has a theme.

However, everyone has a base color connected with their zodiac sign. Learning about your aura and what imbalances you will help you live a more authentic path in alignment with your sign.

Understanding your aura colors based on your zodiac sign

Getty/We Are


As the first sign of the zodiac, you are meant to step into the path of realizing the ability to initiate and set the tone of your success by being bold. The ram is notable for its ability to aim with its horns during conflict. Taking ownership of what you set your sights on will ignite willpower. You lead with great stride and confidence by emanating truth and authenticity behind your purpose. Hope and seeing life as a new conquest will help you see yourself through success.

Aura Color: Bright Red

You are the zodiac's spark of light radiating bright red in your aura. Red is the most primal and attention-grabbing of the colors. It connects with the Root Energy Center of the body, which stores your stability and security. This color embodies passion, sexuality, competitiveness, and persevering will – which are your major life themes. The ruling planet that is your support in this life is Mars, which adds fuel to your fiery spirit. This color adds momentum and confidence in pursuing your goals.

Imbalanced Aura

When imbalanced, Aries can hold an air of becoming overly authoritative, domineering, and untactful. To diffuse this tendency, this sign will have to shift the focus to the benefit of others instead of designating themselves as a priority.


As an earthy and patient being, you are a stabilizing energy force. You are legendary for persistence and known to take your time in moving. As the bull sign, you are granular in your energetic makeup and persevering. Your will is so strong that you do not lose yourself due to mental conflict, resulting in you connecting with the sensuality of life by living in the moment, which so many aspire to master.

Aura Color: Jewel Green

Green is the color of relaxation, abundance, and love. With your Venus-ruled energy, this color is linked to the Heart Energy Center, and it can help support you by living more consciously with your decisions involving love – or, on the flip side of that, transmuting jealousy. Green is often used as a supportive color in healing by enhancing feelings of balance and renewal. As the earthy sign, this color is associated with nature and growth.

Imbalanced Aura

If your aura is imbalanced, you may be prone to indulging in the extreme of earthly pleasures such as food, materialism, inflexibility, and sex. Observe your life logically and change your patterns to balance out these extremes.


Like the wind, you spiral out in different directions with your communication and ideas. As the messenger of the zodiac, you enable the conversations to flow in others. As seen in the Twins, this air sign reveals the polarity in situations and bridges the gaps of missed information. You are here to share the truth, strengthen yourself by confidently speaking openly, relate to all walks of life by embracing diversity, and engage the mind and instill this in others.

Aura Color: Yellow

Yellow is the most polarizing of all colors. This color transmutes your moods and emotional needs and invokes productivity and movement. With Mercury as your ruling planet, your thoughts formulate your reality. Solar Plexus energy center becomes the driving force behind you finding empowerment in alignment with your ideas.

Imbalanced Aura

If experiencing imbalance, it can manifest in scattered ideas and fall prey to playing out the messages in their head, and have a hard time developing the context of their findings. Grounding is essential to help you balance this tendency and ensure the practicality and meaning behind your motivations.

More aura colors and their meanings

Getty/Justin Lambert


Naturally sensitive, you are here to establish your roots and build security in your relationships. Intuitive in nature, you are absorbent to the feelings of others and aim to extend empathy. Cancers are here to learn how to invoke self-care and safety to withstand the ebbs and flows of life while accepting help from others. Known to be compassionate and nurturing and possesses such camaraderie with humanity. You value tradition and have the talent for spreading wisdom to others.

Aura Color: Silvery White

White is the color in association with tranquility and surrender. However, it may be noted as an absence of color – quite the opposite. It stores all colors, like a spectrum. The Moon phases reflect your understanding of nature and experiences, and working with white helps you see and understand self-acceptance in alignment with your soul self.

Imbalanced Aura

With an imbalanced aura, you are prone to be excessively worried and become overly involved in others life problems, this leads to codependent routes in relationships. This stifling tendency can deplete your energetic capacity to build life as you see fit.


As the showstopper of the zodiac, you are the life of the party and child-like at heart. Even for Leos, who feel they are not outgoing, that spark hides somewhere. They lead by the heart and aim to immerse in their creativity. Leos are meant to stand on their pedestal, firmly holding their individuality. You generate your power by igniting and following through with your goals. As Leo instills hope, their inner radiance glows and inspires others to follow their dreams.

Aura Color: Orange

Orange combines the fiery energy of red with the optimism of yellow. With the Sun as your planetary guide, this color, too, emits the same effect of warmth, happiness, and high energy. Working with the color orange can curb procrastination and boost confidence to pursue your goals.

Imbalanced Aura

An unhappy Leo rarely goes unnoticed, and this is reflected in the aura. Imbalance manifests when you are not entirely accepted or feeling secure. To balance this out, look for the essential benefit of your life's work instead of surface-layered validation. This opens pathways for you to shine.


As the service-oriented sign, you are here to extend the purity of purpose while assisting others. They have a strong work ethic, and measuring up to their promise of crystal-clear delivery is guaranteed. Virgos are to live out a path of finding order in their lives and becoming comfortable with inevitable chaos. With a sensitivity to environmental imbalances and external influences, it is crucial for you to honor your body with wholesome foods, clear away self-deprecating thoughts, and be flexible to life's rhythms.

Aura Color: Blue-Green

Blue is a primary color associated with logic, honesty, trust, and communication, while green is associated with the grounding element of the earth. These two colors fused align with Mercury as your ruler planet. Working with these colors instills a laser focus to look at the minor details and modify anything to perfection.

Imbalanced Aura

Experiencing the darker shade of your aura can manifest in excessive perfectionism, self-doubt, and criticism. Once you learn the art of self-acceptance and humility while making mistakes, you will feel stronger and at peace when things go haywire.

What is your aura color?

Getty/We Are


Instilling balance within oneself while shifting the lens of the opposing forces of others is a part of your life purpose. You have a knack for challenging the status quo and aim to find justice and fairness in all aspects of life. Libra is also notable for their quest to find love. Attracting friendships or partnerships that challenge you will keep the spark alive. By having a natural gift of mediating amid conflict, you also desire to spread grace and beauty in the world.

Aura Color: Pink

Pink is associated with love, kindness, and compassion. Venus, your guiding planet, powers up your pink aura by supporting your mission to find beauty and love. Pink helps you connect with your heart center while boosting feelings of self-love.

Imbalanced Aura

An imbalanced aura manifests when you fall prey to codependent relationships or people-pleasing tendencies. Remaining in these scenarios to avoid confrontations dims your inner light and leads to delayed results in line with your goals. Mastering boundaries and sticking with assertion is vital for you to find balance.


Life is a rite of passage for you. Understanding the shadow and the light is not for the faint of heart, but as a Scorpio, you evolve and rise above life's trials. This stems from your psychic ability to see the darker depths of life and the shadows of others. The constant regenerating expression triggers inner conflict, but you emerge stronger as you learn to surrender to the process.

Aura Color: Indigo

Associated as the color of wealth, mystery, and spiritual awareness, you, too, hold these treasures within your auric field. With the shortest wavelength of light, this acts as a shield to your energy, protecting you from unwanted circumstances. Guided by the planet Pluto, this color extends support and boosts your connection to a higher level of awareness for creative flow and intuition work.

Imbalanced Aura

As the sign with its fair share of intensities in life, you have a gift of persevering. However, your inability to change your ways or views can result in a murky aura and, therefore, block opportunities to invite joy into your life. Embracing change and new opportunities leads to empowerment and soul fulfillment.


As the archer sign, they are on the path to spreading their joyful experiences and helping others see the silver lining even when things appear bleak. Their expansive and bright auras can stretch out to the heavens, and when they learn to bridge this connection down to earth, they can find their stroke of luck. They are here to bridge the philosophical connection from their past experiences by breaking free from the primal nature of ego expression. Teaching and empowering others is a part of their soul's fulfillment.

Aura Color: Gold

Governed by the sign Jupiter, its expansive energy extends a stroke of luck in whatever you set your heart on. In connection with your gold aura, this planet infuses you with the ability to absorb information. It is also the color of independence, confidence, and motivation. Working with gold will allow you to go after your dreams while remaining levelheaded.

Imbalanced Aura

When you experience disappointment with your goals not being met, you lose faith, leading to an imbalanced auric field. This in itself can close you off from life and its opportunity. Aiming to see the big picture and becoming receptive to other ideas can lead to fulfillment and a rebalanced aura.

Zodiac aura colors continued

Getty/Glen Pearson


As a Capricorn, you are the zodiac's powerhouse and capable of achieving your goals. Honing in on instilling structure while embracing discipline will ensure success in life. You are here to mark upon the world by reaching heights of success that align with your passion honorably. As you tap into your ability to rise above the physical pull of greed and live by authenticity, it will inspire many to step into their light.

Aura Color: Violet

Your auric field extends a pull of prestige, honor, and respect. Guided by the planet Saturn, it instills the need to preserve humility while igniting strength to power through obstacles. Violet helps you find your purpose while finding solutions to unresolved issues.

Imbalanced Aura

Capricorns within the materially driven path lead them to isolation and constant suspicion of others' motives. If you are disconnected from your energy, your emotive ability will be nonexistent, resulting in living on autopilot. Honoring everyone as your equal will instill trust in life and lead to a clean auric field.


Your purpose is to live an exciting life filled with innovation and to be a service to humanity. Their brilliance and intellectual capability come at lightning speed due to being one of the most innovative signs of the zodiac. Becoming involved in a cause greater than yourself drives you towards your soul's fulfillment. The ability to reinvent oneself is not easy, but as the water bearer sign, you can ease into changes better than any other sun sign.

Aura Color: Electric Blue

With an electric blue aura, you are infused with wisdom and innovation that inspires people in your life. This color invokes energy, action, and excitement for your future vision while extending support to see through your vision. With Uranus, the future-oriented planet, as your guide, you are given access to information that helps humanity evolve to a better place.

Imbalanced Aura

Your pure and absorbent aura can absorb an overflow of information from people you connect with. The nature of the groups, negative or positive, can result in a murky aura. Remembering to honor your individuality and holding ground with your sense of self will enable you to discern your connections while keeping your aura pristine.


As a Pisces Sun, you are here to find groundedness while extending wisdom. You hold an archive of information within your consciousness that is otherworldly and yet archaic. Your sign can read into the auras of those you connect with by just feeling or strictly intuition. You are on this path to freely share divine wisdom while extending the lessons for others to understand the importance of unconditional love and acceptance. Since you hold etheric baggage of past lifetimes, your role in this lifetime is to learn how to surrender karmic ties and to live more in the present.

Aura Color: Pastel Purple

This shade of purple is tethered to the higher realms of existence, helping you coordinate your understanding of how life works in the present moment. It is magical and infuses you with the ability to draw in information and creatively utilize it. With the mystical planet Neptune as your planet, it powers up your ability to extend wisdom and empathy to each person you meet.

Imbalanced Aura

With an imbalanced aura, you can fall victim to disconnecting from reality and lose yourself in the pain of others and your own. You may feel lost and unmotivated in life if you do not practice discernment and personal awareness. Human connection and letting others know about your fears and insecurities can help you feel more in control and grounded.

As cute and clever as store-bought greeting cards are, there's something incredibly thoughtful that can be felt in a homemade birthday card from a friend or loved one. Not only does the act of creating DIY birthday cardsgive you the chance to slow down from the business of life and reflect on what you cherish most about the people you're celebrating, but the one-of-a-kind touch will be super memorable for your recipients as well.

Even if you're not the craftiest person, don't fret, because we've put together a straightforward guide on how to craft your own DIY birthday card for your besties and S.O.'s. Step into the world of DIY magic as we embark on a quest to create birthday cards that will leave your recipients in awe. From unexpected pop-up surprises to mind-bending interactive features, discover fresh ways to make birthday cards burst with fun and excitement. Prepare to unleash your inner artist as we dive into all the tips to help you craft unique and captivating birthday cards. And keep reading for some thoughtful text ideas to ensure that your birthday wishes are just as fun as the card design they're on.

Step 1: Gather Your DIY Birthday Card Supplies

Image via Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Before embarking on your DIY birthday card adventure, gathering all the necessary supplies is essential. A well-prepared crafter is a confident crafter! So, let's make sure you have everything you need to bring your imaginative card ideas to life.

  1. Start with colored cardstock or paper as the foundation of your cards. Choose a variety of vibrant hues to suit different themes and moods. Scissors are your trusty sidekick, enabling you to precisely cut out shapes, create borders, and trim your cardstock.
  2. Grab glue or adhesive tape to hold everything together securely. Opt for a glue stick for a mess-free experience or double-sided tape for a clean and seamless finish.
  3. Round up all the art supplies you have, from markers and colored pencils, or pens. These magical tools will be your gateway to adding personalized messages, whimsical doodles, and vibrant colors to your DIY creations.
  4. Stock up on a dazzling array of embellishments for an added dose of flair and personality. Let your creativity soar as you explore the boundless possibilities of stickers, sequins, ribbons, twines, buttons, beads, and more. Watch your creations come alive with vibrant colors, textures, and eye-catching details. With these delightful elements at your fingertips, there's no limit to the magic your birthday cards can be infused with.

Step 2: Choose Your Card Design

Image via George Dolgikh/Pexels

The card design will function as the first impression that sets the tone for the entire experience. A well-designed card can evoke emotions ranging from joy and excitement to nostalgia and warmth, leaving friends and family in awe of the thoughtful gesture.

Handmade Watercolor Design:

Express your artistic side by creating a handmade watercolor masterpiece for a genuinely one-of-a-kind birthday card. Start with a blank cardstock or watercolor paper as the base, and let your creativity flow. Use watercolors to paint a vibrant and personalized design, such as flowers, balloons, or a recipient's favorite hobby or color palette. Add a heartfelt birthday message inside to complete the card.

Pop-Up Surprise:

Add an element of surprise and delight to your card with a pop-up feature. Cut out a simple pop-up mechanism using cardstock or colored paper and attach it to the inside of the card. Then, unleash your creativity by designing and cutting out fun shapes, such as cakes, candles, or balloons, and attach them to the pop-up mechanism. When the card is opened, the surprise element will make the birthday celebration of your loved one even more memorable.

Quilled Creations:

Quilling is a paper art technique that involves rolling and shaping thin paper strips to create intricate designs. Use quilling techniques to create beautiful and delicate patterns, flowers, or even personalized messages on your birthday cards. Experiment with different colors and shapes to bring your design to life and make it truly unique. The recipient will appreciate the time and effort put into crafting such an elegant and artistic card.

Hand-Stitched Greeting:

Consider incorporating those skills into your DIY card if you enjoy sewing or embroidery. Use a needle and thread to create hand-stitched designs or patterns on fabric or cardstock. You can stitch the recipient's name, a birthday message, or even cute motifs like balloons or cupcakes. The texture and charm of a hand-stitched card will make it a cherished keepsake.

Interactive Slider Card:

Create an interactive slider card to take your birthday card to the next level. Use cardstock to make a slider mechanism that reveals a hidden message or image as it is pulled. Write a heartfelt message or attach a memorable photo that slides out when the recipient pulls the tab. This interactive element adds a playful touch to your card and makes it truly engaging.

Step 3: Write A Clever Message

Image via June/Pexels

Elevate your birthday card by personalizing it with a heartfelt note to enrich the receiver's experience. Share warm wishes, inside jokes, or memories that make the card even more special and meaningful. Not sure where to start? Here are a few ideas for what to write inside your DIY birthday card!
  1. "Happy birthday, queen of the hashtags! May your day be as fabulous as your Instagram feed."
  2. "You're the avocado to my toast, the squad to my goals. Happy birthday, superstar!"
  3. "It's your birthday, so let's turn up the 'Lit' level and celebrate like it's 1999... or 2023!"
  4. "Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake. Enjoy your special day!"
  5. "May your birthday be filled with good vibes and a bottomless brunch. Cheers to another fabulous year!"
  6. "Sending you birthday wishes with all the heart emojis. You deserve all the love and happiness today and always."
  7. "Happy birthday to my favorite extremely online friend. May your Wi-Fi always be strong and your battery never die."
  8. "Time to celebrate another trip around the sun. Let's make this year even more epic than the last!"
  9. "You're not getting older, you're leveling up! Happy birthday, gamer!"
  10. "Happy birthday, trendsetter! May your day be filled with selfie-worthy moments and viral-worthy adventures."

Step 4: Add The Perfect Finishing Touch

Brit + Co

As a bonus, consider creating a DIY envelope to complete the package. Choose decorative paper or repurpose materials like magazine pages or fabric scraps to craft a unique envelope that adds creativity and thoughtfulness to your handmade card. Personalize it by adding hand-drawn designs, stamps, or calligraphy for an extra special touch.

So, there you have it! DIY birthday cards offer endless possibilities for fun, creativity, and the chance to unleash your imagination. With just a few simple steps, you can create customized and sincere cards that will bring joy to your loved ones on their special day. Remember, the beauty of DIY is that there are no limits or rules. Let your creativity run wild, experiment with different techniques, colors, and textures, and, most importantly, have fun. Happy crafting!

For more crafty ideas, check out all of our DIY ideas on Brit + Co.

When we think of Christmas, we think of gifts. And what's more special than the gift of life (okay, we know that's a little corny, but we're rolling with it)? Whether you just found out you're expecting or are about to pop, the holiday season is the BEST time to share your excitement with loved ones. Sneak a peek at these 11 ideas for a little inspiration for a festive Christmas baby announcement.

Minted Merriest Occasion Announcement

Share the big news with a foil-pressed announcement that can also serve as your holiday card - win, win! For a more festive approach, your shoes can be little Santa booties! Here are more pregnancy announcement ideas from Minted.

Sibling Wish List

If you already have kiddos, have one of them make a Wish List with the item "Brother or sister in {Month} 2021," and share the photo on social media. There's nothing cuter than your child's wishlist with a sibling listed as a gift. (via Blue i Style)

Winter Picnic

Pack up a cozy picnic and use some trendy chalkboard art to share the news. (via Alyssa Rock)

Minted Best Gift Ever Announcement

Shimmery rose gold add a festive flair to this sweet announcement. Belly photo optional!

Family of Snowmen

Don't let all that fresh powder go to waste. Build a family of snowmen and be sure to include any new ones on the way. (via Popcorn and Pandas)

Formal Affair

Leave all the gimmicks behind and strike a pose for a formal portrait. You'll look your best, and the baby will too. (via Emily Egan Photography / Pink Peonies)

Bow Tied Baby

Put a bow on it! Wrap some ribbon around that belly and create a giant gift tag for an adorable announcement. (via J Is for Jones)

Holiday Stockings Pregnancy Announcement

Santa's leaving something extra special in the mail for your relatives and close friends in the form of this cute holiday pregnancy announcement! They'll love placing it on their mantles or coffee tables. (via Minted)

The More, The Merrier Pregnancy Announcement

Spread your family's holiday cheer with this pregnancy announcement from Minted!

(via Minted)


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Letter Board

Savor your final silent nights and share the news via letter board with sweet holiday trimmings.


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Backlit Bump

Draw attention to your silhouette by backlighting yourself with a glowing Christmas tree. You'll get bonus points if there are gifts under it.


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Holiday Ornament

Announce the news with an ornament on the tree or tree stump.


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Santa Photo

A visit to Santa can serve as a holiday baby announcement for the ultimate #memories.

Tag us on your favorite Christmas pregnancy announcements @BritandCo and join our newsletter for more creative ideas and inspiration.

This post was updated in partnership with Minted. Shop Minted to find more creative birth announcements.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Minted.

Paleodesserts typically avoid processed ingredients, grains, dairy products, and refined sugars – but that doesn’t mean they have to be bad. Sure, they primarily focus on using whole foods, but there are tons of paleo desserts out there that don’t feel like you’re eating on a diet at all.

Common ingredients in paleo desserts include almond flour, coconut flour, coconut oil, dates, and various fruits like berries or bananas. You can feel really good about eating these 11 paleo desserts. They’re nutrient-dense and perfectly sweet! From snack-sized bites to fully-fledged cakes, we’ve got you covered.

Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cookies are superior when it comes to paleo desserts, or any desserts for that matter. These addictive bites take on the flavors of pumpkin and chocolate, all without leaning on process ingredients! (via Brit + Co)

Cherry-Cranberry Almond Paleo Scones

These paleo scones are just as good as the ones you'd snag from your local coffee shop. Cherries and cranberries dot the sweet dough for a fresh touch, plus there's a delicious cranberry glaze to top it all off! These paleo desserts would work so well for serving a large party crowd – or, you could save the leftovers all for yourself. (via Brit + Co)

Fudgy Paleo Brownies

Though you might assume paleo desserts say 'no' to chocolate, this brownie recipe will instantly prove you wrong. The batter, made primarily from almond flour, coconut flour, and cocoa powder, gets balanced out in terms of moisture with coconut oil, eggs, and maple syrup. Dark chocolate is the key to this dessert's success! (via The Real Food Dietitians)

Paleo Gummy Bears

Our list of paleo desserts wouldn't be complete without the more fruity snacks! These paleo-friendly gummy bears only require three ingredients and a gummy bear mold with a dropper. You can make any flavor you want depending on the type of fruit juice you use – just make sure it's labeled “not from concentrate” and is organic to abide by the paleo guidelines. (via Clean Cuisine)

Berry Paleo Banana Bread with Lemon Glaze

Banana bread is the ultimate treat you can snack on in the morning, afternoon, and at night. This paleo version is doctored up with even more healthy stuff like three types of berries and an addictively tart lemon glaze. Swoon! (via The Endless Meal)

Coconut-Coated No-Bake Energy Bites

For paleo desserts that you *don't* have to actually bake, energy bites are the sweetest solution. These can be crafted within minutes using a short list of ingredients: prunes (healthy fiber FTW!), almonds, chia seeds, and surprisingly, orange juice! Pop one in your mouth for a workday snack, or wait for bedtime to indulge in this daily sweet treat. (via Live Eat Learn)

Raw Chocolate Avocado Pudding

This spoonable paleo dessert is also plant-based, gluten-free, and made with 5 ingredients. The creamy base is made with 2 ripe avocados, which get masked with the flavors of cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and the natural sweetener of your choice. (via Veggie Society)

Paleo Coconut Cream Pie

You may be a bit skeptical at just how good a keto, paleo, vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free pie could really taste, but we promise this one is ahh-mazing. The coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut whipping cream, and *actual* shredded coconut form the signature flavor without taking over too strongly. You'll wanna eat slice after slice! (via No Eggs or Ham)

Paleo Thin Mints

Wanna enjoy your fave Girl Scout cookies year-round? Look no further than these paleo thin mints that incorporate the minty, chocolatey flavors you love, without any harmful additives. (via Whole and Heavenly Oven)

Paleo + Vegan Caramel Apple Slices

Us any apple variety you love alongside some melted dark chocolate and caramel to create these mouthwatering apple slice pops. You can go crazy with with topping 'em with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and the like, but it's really up to you on how to best enjoy them. (via Rachel Mansfield)

4-Ingredient Chocolate Chia Pudding

This chocolatey chia pudding is too tasty. With an ample serving of chia seeds, cocoa powder, almond milk, and maple syrup, this is a certifiably healthy paleo dessert. (via Two Spoons)

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ICYMI, the 15th anniversary of Glee is coming up on May 19 and we're feeling all the feels. But we're not the only ones! "It's incredible, like, that's my family. We did something that was groundbreaking," actress Amber Riley says in an interview with ET. "I'm always grateful to Glee for being the catapult for my whole entire career, and for giving me such a vast knowledge and vocabulary of music."

The teen drama played a huge role in the careers of stars like Lea Michele, Matthew Morrison, and Alex Newell, and so many members of the cast of Glee has starred in a number of other titles. Their continued success proves just how talented they are, which is why I rounded up all their latest projects so you can spend more time watching them! Here's where you can see the cast of Glee in 2024.

Lea Michele as Rachel Barry

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images/Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions

Without a doubt, the most notable thing Lea Michele has done since the end of Glee is FINALLY starring as Fanny Brice in Broadway's Funny Girl. It was a super meta moment that brought reality and Glee lore together, and the entire internet lost their minds. You can also watch her in Scream Queens and New Year's Eve. Lea is currently expecting her second child with husband Zandy Reich, and has been very vocal about her struggle with PCOS.

Corey Monteith as Finn Hudson

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Before he was on Glee, Corey Monteith had roles on Smallville and Supernatural. He's also reportedly the inspiration behind Taylor Swift's "Mine" from Speak Now. You can also see him in Monte Carlo and Final Destination 3. Corey passed away on July 13, 2013.

Chris Colfer as Kurt Hummel

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Chris Colfer is one of my personal favorite members of the cast of Glee, especially since Kurt is such a sweetheart. You can see him in Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie and RuPaul's Drag Race: All Stars, and you can read his The Land of Stories book series! The actor and author has been in a relationship with Will Sherrod since 2013.

Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester

Images via Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Fox/Presley Ann/Getty Images for DAOU Family Estates

Jane Lynch is one of the most iconic members of the cast of Glee thanks to her portrayal of Sue,and since the show wrapped, she's been involved with a number of other hit projects. You can see her in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Wreck-It Ralph, Selena Gomez's Another Cinderella Story, and Only Murders in the Building. The actress lives with her wife Jennifer Cheyn, who she married in 2021.

Jenna Ushkowitz as  Tina Cohen-Chang

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images/Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images for Gold Meets Golden

Jenna Ushkowitz joined the cast of Glee after her run in Spring Awakening on Broadway. She's done a few other Broadway shows like Waitress, and won Tonys for as a producer on Once on This Island and The Inheritance! You can also see Jenna in Lady Gaga's "Marry the Night" music video, as well as Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj's "Swish Swish," and listen to her And That’s What You Really Missed podcast, which she co-hosts with Glee star Kevin McHale. Jenna married David Stanley on July 24, 2021 (Kevin was her "man of honor" — cute!!) and in June 2022, gave birth to their daughter.

Kevin McHale as Artie Abrams

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images/Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images for Gold Meets Golden

In addition to starring in Glee (and listening to his And That's What You Missed podcast, of course), you can see Kevin McHale in Bratz, Zoey 101, and American Horror Stories. He's been in a relationship with actor Austin P. McKenzie since 2016.

Ali Stroker as Betty Pillsbury

Images via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images/Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions

Ali Stroker was a finalist for The Glee Project (a reality show that gave contestants the opportunity to appear in the show) before guest starring in season 4. Since the 2013 episode, Ali has starred in Lifetime's Christmas Ever After and also had a small role on Only Murders in the Building. The actress also became the first person with a disability to both receive a Tony nomination and award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical for portraying Ado Annie in Oklahoma!

Dianna Agron as Quinn Fabray

Images via Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Fox/Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

After playing Debbie Marshall on Milo Ventimiglia's Heroes, Dianna nabbed the role of complicated cheerleader Quinn on Glee. She's also had roles in Burlesque, I Am Number Four, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and The Chosen One. In 2022, Dianna finished her third residency Café Carlyle which is sooo giving Quinn Fabray.

Alex Newell as Wade "Unique" Adams

Images via Jason Merritt/Getty Images for Trevor Project/Jenny Anderson/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions

Alex Newell stole hearts as Unique on Glee, and since the finale, they've also starred in Empire and Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, as well as Broadway's revival of Once on This Island and Shucked (for which they became the first openly nonbinary performer to win a Tony).

Melissa Benoist as Marley Rose

Images via Kevin Winter/Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

Melissa Benoist just starred in Max's Girls on the Bus (watch our interview with her here!), but she might be best known for the title role in The CW's Supergirl. You can also see her in Patriot's Day, The Longest Ride, and Whiplash. Like other members of the cast of Glee, Melissa starred on Broadway and made her debut as Carole King in Beautiful. After splitting from Glee co-star Blake Jenner in 2017, Melissa got remarried to Chris Wood in 2019 and gave birth to their son in 2020.

Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans

Images via Kevin Winter/Getty Images/Jeff Schear/Getty Images for Verizon

My personal favorite project from this Glee cast member is Falling for Christmas, which also stars Lindsay Lohan! You can also see him in iCarly, The Bold Type, and The Middle. The actor and singer dated Emma Watson in 2018, and in 2020, Chord released his song "Hold On," which has over 826 million streams on Spotify.

Jayma Mays as Emma Pillsbury

Images via Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Fox/Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney

In addition to being a part of the cast of Glee, Jayma Mays has starred in Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Heroes, and Red Eye. She married Adam Campbell in 2007 and gave birth to their son in 2016. Most recently, Jayma starred opposite Amy Adams and Maya Rudolph in Disenchanted!

Amber Riley as Mercedes Jones

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Hubert Vestil/Getty Images

Amber Riley's Mercedes is one of the best parts of Glee (and her rendition of "Bust Your Windows" is among the best performances on the show!!). Since the end of the series, Amber has starred in The Wiz Live!, The Little Mermaid Live!, and Monster High. She won Dancing with the Stars season 17 in 2013, and released her RILEY EP in 2020.

Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson

Images via Jason Merritt/Getty Images/Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images for Alzheimer's Association

Darren Criss won an Emmy in 2018 for his role in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, which is only slightly more impressive than his involvement in the viral, deep-cut production of A Very Potter Musical (kidding!). You can also see him in Melissa Benoist's Supergirl and Muppets Haunted Mansion. Darren married his longtime girlfriend Mia Swier in 2019, and the couple welcomed their first child in 2022.

Blake Jenner as Ryder Lynn

Images via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Blake Jenner starred in The Edge of Seventeen with Hailee Steinfeld and Haley Lu Richardson, as well as Supergirl and What/If. Blake married Melissa Benoist while they were both in the cast of Glee, but the couple divorced in 2017. In 2019, Melissa revealed in an Instagram video that she's a survivor of domestic violence + injuries she received from a past partner. Blake responded in 2020, revealing he had been the partner Melissa referenced.

Dot-Marie Jones as Coach Beiste

Images via Jason Merritt/Getty Images/Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for GLAAD

Not only does Dot-Marie Jones play a coach in the cast of Glee, but she's also a 15-time world arm wrestling champion IRL. You can see her in Lizzie McGuire,Material Girls, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, and Killing It. Dot-Marie has been married to Bridgett Casteen since 2013.

Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images/Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Naya Rivera's Santana was one of the best characters on TV, and she had incredible vocal chops to boot. You can see the actress in Step Up: High Water, CSI: Miami, and Even Stevens. Naya passed away in 2020 while boating with her son Josey in 2020.

Heather Morris as Brittany Pierce

Images via Frederick M. Brown/Amy Sussman/Getty Images

After you've binge watched Glee (again), you can see Heather Morris in Santa Fake, Cora Bora, Raven's Home, and So Help Me Todd. She competed in season 24 of Dancing With the Stars (she was also a backup dancer for Beyoncé, slay!), and shares two children with husband Taylor Hubbell.

Matthew Morrison as Will Schuester

Images via Amy Sussman/Getty Images for Fox/Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Matthew Morrison has been in a number of musical productions outside of Glee, including the OG Broadway casts of Hairspray,The Light in the Piazza, and Finding Neverland. Most recently, he starred in Christmas movie Paris Christmas Waltz. Matthew shares two children with his wife Renee Puente.

Harry Shum Jr. as Mike Chang 

Images via Michael Buckner/Getty Images for InStyle/Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Netflix

Harry Shum Jr. starred opposite Nina Dobrev in Love, Hard on Netflix, and you can also see him in Step Up 2: The Streets and Step Up 3D, as well as Everything Everywhere All At Once. He plays a small role during the credits of Crazy Rich Asians, and will reportedly star in a spinoff about his character and Gemma Chan's Astrid. He shares a child with wife Shelby Rabara.

Mark Wayne Salling as Noah "Puck" Puckerman 

Images via Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Fox/Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for The Viper Room

Before joining the cast of Glee, Mark Salling starred in Walker, Texas Ranger, Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering, and The Graveyard. He also released his Pipe Dreams album after founding Pipe Dreams Records. Mark passed away in 2018.

Who have you kept up with from the cast of Glee? Check out Where Is The Gilmore Girls Cast Now? for more info on your favorite actors!

Lead image via FOX