11 Free Printable Checklists to Help You Conquer Spring Cleaning

Alright everybody, it’s that time again. Time to open up the windows, turn on your most productive playlist, grab your favorite natural cleaning products and get to work. If you’re having trouble getting organized or just want to get that extra boost of satisfaction that comes from checking off a task, you’ll love these spring-cleaning printables. Print one off and then put it on your fridge, in your journal, on a clipboard or anywhere you’ll see and use it. Whether you use one of these colorful lists or a spring cleaning app, we’re here to help make that big job a little less intimidating.

1. Reusable Spring Cleaning List: The nice thing about this spring cleaning list is that you can use it year after year. That way you don’t miss anything and you can keep track of what you have and have not cleaned. (via Craftaholics Anonymous)

2. Visual Checklist: Because color coding is the key to a successful spring cleaning. (via Studio 5)

3. Fill in the Blanks: Since cleaning is never just an annual event, this printable keeps the yearly cleaning tasks all in perspective and allows you to prioritize the tasks that are most important to your home. (via Pinch a Little Save a Lot)

4. Simply Brilliant: Print out one of these colorful checklists every week and you’ll be amazed how tidy the house is by the weekend. (via Thirty Handmade Days)

5. Clean in a Week: Set a little bit of time every day, check these little tasks off one at a time and you’ll have a sparkling clean house in just one week. (via Happy Money Saver)

6. Mini List: Getting into a regular cleaning routine will save you from having to commit days to scrubbing. Instead, set aside a few minutes every day to get done the most important tasks and check off the circle. It’s *almost* fun, right guys? (via Clean Mama)

7. Clean House Worksheet: Obviously, we don’t only clean our houses when spring comes around. If you are getting unexpected house guests or just have an afternoon to whip the house back into shape, these worksheets will ensure you cover all your bases in the least amount of time possible. (via Fab ‘n’ Free)

8. The Ultimate List: This is the ultimate mega-super-cleaning list for anyone who really feels like they need to do a deep clean of the house. (via Little Miss Robinson)

9. Month of Clean: If you break down the spring cleaning tasks over a month, it will seem less daunting. Get the kiddos involved and assign tasks to everyone to make spring cleaning more of a family event. (via Fresh and Organized)

10. Challenge Accepted: Each of these tasks will take about 20 minutes to complete, so if you just start today and follow the schedule for the next 30 days, you’ll have the cleanest house ever by the end of the month. (via PopSugar)

11. Lazy Girl’s Checklist: If you’re not ready to tackle the master list of spring cleaning, this easy little list breaks it up by one room per day. (via Simply Designing)

Would any of these checklists help with your spring cleaning? Tell us how you’re tackling your cleaning projects in the comments below!

It’s never too early to get a start on a basic spring cleaning checklist that will make your home (and you) feel and look better. And as we all crawl out of our winter hibernation and inch towards the warmth of spring, it’s time to give your home some TLC. Staying on top of these maintenance to-dos will give you peace of mind and ultimately save you money in the long run — because we'd rather spend that money on a spring wardrobe, am I right?

I know the sheer volume of things to do can feel like a never-ending list, but there's no need to be overwhelmed or intimidated by these simple tasks! I’m here to hold your hand and walk you through each item on the checklist. Together, we’ll clean our way to a well-loved home, finding confidence along the way. And I have no doubt you've got this.

Each task on this spring cleaning checklist includes a fool-proof step-by-step guide, a time estimate, and level of difficulty so you know which ones to save for a Saturday morning, which ones to knock out after work on Tuesday, and which to add to your Sunday reset. Your home will thank you.

Deep Clean Your Most-Used Appliances

Image via Ello/Unsplash

Whether it’s your fridge, microwave, washing machine, toaster, or coffee machine — now is the perfect time to give your household appliances a good scrub with some cleaning tips. A deep clean keeps them working in tip-top shape and can keep you healthy. Over time, grease, grime, and food particles can accumulate, affecting just how well your machines work or how clean their output becomes.

How Long Should It Take: Approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the number and type of appliances.

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

How To: Each appliance will have its own cleaning requirements, but here's a general overview.

  1. Declutter or remove everything from inside the appliance. That could mean taking everything off the shelves of the fridge, or disposing of your coffee maker's filter and grounds. This is an excellent time to dispose of expired foods or takeout you’re never going to eat.
  2. Take out any removable parts and soak them in warm, soapy water. Dish soap and warm water in your sink work well.
  3. Wipe down surfaces with a suitable cleaning solution. I like vinegar and baking soda because it gets rid of odors and the chemical reaction can actually lift grime and dirt. Plus they’re both food-safe.
  4. Vacuum or wipe dust from coils, vents, filters, etc. Trust me, if you’ve never done this before — you will be horrified and never forget to do it again.
  5. Reassemble and restock.

Clear & Clean Your Gutters (& Check Your Roof While You’re Up There)

Image via Carter Baran/Unsplash

No one likes to realize their home has water damage, and regularly cleaning gutters and inspecting the roof will keep the surprises to a minimum. Leaves, debris, and even pests can accumulate in gutters, leading to clogs and water overflow that can damage your home's roof and foundation. Make sure you’ve cleared those gutters to keep rainwater flowing, especially if your home has lots of trees around it.

How Long Should It Take: 2-4 hours, depending on the size of your home

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

How To: Adjust this tip depending on if you live in a single- or multi-level home, and make sure to practice extra caution — feel free to have someone nearby keep an eye on you.

  1. Safely climb a ladder to access gutters. Have someone hold the ladder for you and make sure to wear shoes with a good tred and ankle support.
  2. Remove debris by hand or with a gutter scoop (make sure to wear safety gloves!). You’ll most likely find wet leaf clumps. Leaves fall into the gutters and when it rains, they stick together, clogging up your home’s way of redirecting water. You can use a leaf blower to lift some of the gunk too.
  3. Once the big pieces are out, flush out remaining dirt. Then, run a hose down the gutters to check for leaks. Take note of where the water funnels out and make sure it’s away from the house, ideally downhill towards your street’s gutters or another water source.
  4. Inspect the roof for damaged shingles or potential issues. Carefully walk the roof and feel for “soft spots,” where sitting water may have soaked into the roof, compromising the structural integrity. Cracks, punctures, or corrosion are common, but fixable.
  5. Make the necessary repairs or consult a professional for assistance. Many fixes can be done by simply visiting your local hardware store. But for any extensive damage, be sure to call your home insurance company first, and then a recommended professional.

Protect Your Home From Pests

Image via Oxana Doroshkevich/Unsplash

As the weather starts warming up, you may notice a few unwanted guests. Spring is a time when pests become more active, so don’t skip your pest maintenance or you’ll spend summer swatting away mosquitoes! Preventing infestations early on helps protect your home from potential damage and can make outdoor relaxation much more enjoyable.

How Long Should It Take: 1-2 hours, depending on the size of your home

Level of Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

How To:

  1. Seal cracks and crevices to prevent entry points. The first line of protection is prevention. Bugs come in through windows, doors, crawlspaces, porches, and more. Do a quick walkabout to ID any potential entry points and close them off.
  2. Remove standing water. Mosquitos love a resort-style pool so make sure your yard and surrounding areas are draining properly. Don’t let planters, wheelbarrows, chairs, or buckets fill with water. Turn them upside down to avoid creating bugs’ ideal vacation spot.
  3. Trim vegetation and keep a distance between plants and your home. Plants bring bugs and while they’re not all bad, if they’re too close to your house, they may try to break in. Keep everything manicure to avoid a breeding ground for bugs of any kind.
  4. Use natural repellents or consult with a pest control professional. Many pest control companies will come quarterly or monthly to spray and keep pests at bay. If you prefer to do it yourself, there are plenty of at-home kits or natural ways to deter bugs, like repellent plants or essential oils. Bugs are deterred by lavender, basil, peppermint, citronella, mint, and rosemary. Other solutions include neem oil, dryer sheets, vinegar, and Diatomaceous earth.
  5. Regularly inspect and clean areas prone to pests, such as basements and attics. Be vigilant, and stay on top of those suckers!

Declutter Closets/Donate:

Image via Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

This spring cleaning checklist definitely extends to decluttering closets, creating a more organized and spacious living environment. Donating unused items not only reduces clutter but also benefits those in need. You’ll be better to make some space and your home will be easier to maintain. Looking to make some extra money? Try these sites for selling your clothes.

How Long Should It Take: 4-6 hours, depending on the size of your closet.

Level of Difficulty: Easy

How To:

  1. Remove all items from the closet. Sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better. Don’t let the chaos deter you — it’s a crucial step in the process!
  2. Sort items into keep, donate, and discard piles. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and ask “does this bring me joy?” If the answer is no — let it go. Also consider how frequently you wear or use the item. If it’s been six months or more (and the item is in season), you can probably live without it.
  3. Clean and vacuum the closet space. Say goodbye to dust bunnies and hello to a blank slate. Wipe everything down and give your clothes or other items a clean place to live.
  4. Organize remaining items by category or use. For clothing, some people like to organize by color, others by article of clothing like jeans, sweaters, and tees. Find a system that not only looks nice but will easy to maintain. If you find yourself never putting your sweaters back on their hangers, maybe find some baskets to fold and store them in instead.
  5. Donate gently-used items to local charities or organizations. Or at least take it to your car. It’s ok if it sits there for three months. You’ll get to it eventually.

Change HVAC Filter

Image via Dan LeFebvre/Unsplash

Changing the HVAC filter on your heating and air conditioning is a simple yet crucial maintenance task that enhances indoor air quality, improves system efficiency, and extends the life of your HVAC unit. While you're at it, there are plenty of filters throughout your home that need to be cleaned or replaced including your water filters, air purifiers, and laundry filters. Keep a running list of each.

How Long Should It Take: 5-10 minutes

Level of Difficulty: Easy

How To:

  1. Turn off the HVAC system. You don’t want it to be blowing air out while you’re dusting and cleaning.
  2. Locate the filter access panel. It’s usually on a wall and looks like a grate with a small door that open and closes. You may even notice dust accumulating on the outside. Go ahead and vacuum that.
  3. Pull out the old filter and place the new one in. I buy filters in bulk so I have 6-12 at a time. I replace my filter once a month and only have to purchase filters 1-2 times a year. Each unit will have specific filters or sizes. Consider buying higher end filters if you have lots of pets or live somewhere that’s dusty or sandy often.
  4. Install a new filter, ensuring it's positioned correctly. It should slide right in, filling the existing hole in your system.
  5. Turn the HVAC system back on and keep an eye on it.

​Other Home Maintenance Tasks To Add To Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

Image via Volha Flaxeco/Unsplash

  • Check your windows and doors, and their weatherstripping, to ensure a proper seal and prevent drafts.
  • If you’ve been using your fireplace all winter, give it a good clean before closing it up for the season.
  • Fluctuating temperatures can be hard on your pipes. Inspect them for leaks or corrosion.
  • Prepare your outdoor living space for epic get-togethers. Wipe down patio furniture and clean your grill.

Looking for a full list of home maintenance tasks for your spring cleaning checklist? Check out my Homeowner Handbook, which includes seasonal cleaning tasks that make caring for your home so much easier. In addition to checklists for every season, it also includes an easy way to organize your home DIY projects, warranties and key home information, as well as a glossary of helpful terms and power tool cheat sheets.

The goal in keeping up with home maintenance is not only to keep your home looking beautiful, but to protect your investment and ultimately YOU. A healthy environment makes for a healthier you. And if we can avoid costly repairs by checking a few times each year, why wouldn’t we? Just a few hours a week can mean the difference between spending your bonus on a summer vacation or a new HVAC unit.

Together, we can hold each other accountable and tackle those daunting yet necessary tasks. If no one has told you today, I’m proud of you for creating and caring for your home, and by extension, yourself!

Loving this spring cleaning checklist? Check out our Weekend Scroll for more stories that'll get you in the mood for spring!

Lead image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

We all have big feelings. And thanks to social media and rising levels of anxiety, those feelings, well, feel bigger than ever. That’s exactly where resources like Wondermind come in. The self-proclaimed “mental health ecosystem” is all about exploring, discussing, and navigating our emotions together. This Mental Health Awareness Month, Wondermind wants you to live your mental health journey in community because Mandy Teefey, who co-founded the company with daughter Selena Gomez, knows what it’s like to walk that journey alone.

Image via Wondermind

“As I went through a very long journey of finding I did have a mental health diagnosis — and then I was misdiagnosed and then I had to go through that — I was blessed to have the resources to do that,” Teefey, who received an ADHD and trauma diagnosis after a 20-year bipolar misdiagnosis, says. “Whenever I started my journey of discovering what mental condition I had…I didn't have anybody to lean into or explain the way I was feeling.”

While these personal experiences helped Teefey better understand mental health, it wasn’t until she produced Netflix’s 2017 series 13 Reasons Whythat she saw just how far the mental health conversation goes. The hit show went viral almost as soon as it aired because of its realistic depiction of mental health and all the aftershocks of trauma.

“After we did 13 Reasons Why and saw the reaction and the need for that support, me and Selena were trying to really figure out what could be next,” Teefey says. “Everybody was releasing things [at] different times. It's like you have to have 12 apps to have a program, and then remember to use them all. So that's when we decided to create a mental fitness ecosystem. So it's all-encompassing, but there's something for everyone.”

“We're not a medicinal company [but] we do have an advisory committee that oversees everything that we do,” Teefey continues. “We're technically not doctors, but we are for everyone when it comes to feelings. Everybody has feelings and they can go to our content hub and just kind of explore that for a while.”

Image via Brit + Co

Admittedly, that exploration bit is pretty fun. The articles are inspiring, and the worksheets (which are each created by an expert) are incredibly helpful. Seeing every program, article, and podcast episode feels like an opportunity to start fresh, but once you have all the ideas in front of you, what do you actually do? Teefey recommends journaling, even if it’s just a sentence every day. (She also loves watching journaling videos from Planning Annie: “Anytime I'm feeling sad or like a little unmotivated, I put her on.”)

Journaling every day, even if your entries are short, allows you to track your mood over an extended period of time. If you notice a consistent sadness, for example, it could be a sign it’s time to check in with your doctor. Plus, journaling can help prepare you for the conversations mental health appointments bring up.

“Sometimes if you go into a therapy session and you're not really settled or concrete in who you are and what may be going on, you might go through what I went through, which is being misdiagnosed,” Teefey says. “It's more important for you to know who you are and what you need prior to going in. So you can give that to them instead of them guessing and working around that process with you.”

Image via Brit + Co

Establishing a consistent routine can help decrease your stress, whether you’re eating the same breakfast every day, or you stick to a tried and true skincare regimen like Sydney Sweeney’s Cassie does on Euphoria. I immediately thought of this teen drama when Mandy Teefey mentioned how important her 4 a.m. routine is. But while Cassie spends time doing her skincare and makeup, Teefey spends time nurturing her soul.

“If I don't have [that routine], I'm usually really off kilter,” she says. “So I get up at 4 when everyone's still asleep, and I found that time could be about me, and I'm not taking it away from anybody. And so that's really what helped me be more grounded throughout the day.”

I can attest that my own quiet time in the morning is vital for a successful day — as is knowing what my boundaries need to be. Because honestly, boundaries can change daily! Teefey and I both acknowledge we have to stay away from sad music to protect our mental health, and she also recommends staying off social media when you feel your mental health struggling.

“I can go three days without looking at social media and then when I go on there, I start having anxiety because I'm like, ‘Oh my gosh, I haven't liked this person. I haven't even liked our own pictures [for] Wondermind.’ And then I start feeling guilty,” she says. “There's just some kind of [expectation] to do social media and you really don't. Not everybody needs to know everything, you know? There's beauty in privacy.”

Even Selena Gomez admitted at the 2024 Time100 Summit that taking time off Instagram "was the most rewarding gift I gave myself."

Image via Brit + Co

The idea of staying off social media is way easier said than done (speaking from first hand experience here). If you feel like you’re drowning in engagement announcements, anxiety-inducing news, and FOMO, Teefey recommends keeping tabs on your reactions to gauge when it’s time to take a serious break.

“If it invokes any emotion that is a negative emotion, I [know] it's not worth being angry about, it's not worth losing sleep about,” she says. “It just feels like there's an unintentional taunting on social media and, ‘Wait a minute, is that about me?’ You don't know this person and then you start running with all this stuff in your mind.”

Like every area of life, social media is all about balance, and if you’re looking to unplug while still staying informed, Mandy Teefey recommends bringing a journal with you when doing your morning news scroll — that way, you can process emotions while keeping tabs on what’s happening. “If anything evokes emotion, I'm meditating during the quiet time,” she says.

Studies have found journaling can help decrease your anxiety, and that it can help you break obsessive thought cycles. And while you’re the only one who can process your thoughts and emotions, it’s important not to isolate yourself from your community — especially when you’re struggling. “You gotta build trust and you gotta build the boundary of who you volunteer [your] help to,” she says.

When it comes to her own daughters, Mandy Teefey knows it’s a process. “You have to work with them and meet them where they're at, and then see the help they need and don't assume [they’re going through] what you went through,” she says. “You've got to really understand them to be able to give that advice.”

Image via Natalie Rhea

In her own life, Mandy Teefey got to experience building that trust first-hand with Selena Gomez! “One time it was very, very cold in California and me and Selena were on the opposite sides of the pool,” she says. “We were in sweats and she says, ‘Do you trust me?’ And I went, ‘Yeah.’ And she goes ‘Okay, if you trust me, on three, we're gonna jump in this ice cold pool.’”

While Teefey wasn’t convinced, she trusted Gomez, and they both ended up in the freezing cold water! Which is both a funny story and a fond memory: “We couldn't get out of the pool because [our clothes were] so heavy. It was madness!”

“There's a lot of things I know my daughters don't tell me and that's their right,” she continues. “It's so sensitive between teenagers — especially teenagers — and their parents. They're going through that phase and they don't want to be around them and they don't wanna tell them things. It's definitely not easy but maybe put some feelers out there and just make sure that they know you're there and make it okay to have these conversations.”

Thanks to all this actionable advice, we know that Mental Health Awareness month isn’t limited to TikTok videos or Instagram posts we can reshare. There are real tips we can use to take care of ourselves — and a place to go when we need a boost.

Watch Our Full Interview With Mandy Teefey Here!


Wondermind Co-Founder Mandy Teefey Helps Us Navigate Big Feelings For Mental Health Awareness Month

If you're struggling with your mental health, check in with your doctor or check out the mental health resources Wondermind offers. You can also use Psychology Today to find a therapist near you.

Lead image via Getty

Spring cleaning time is just around the corner, but why wait until spring? After all, the last thing you want to do when the weather warms up is stay indoors and clean! Get started now by decluttering, donating, and organizing your messiest spaces. Create a regular cleaning routine to keep your home organized and tidy and store seasonal items such as clothing, decorations, or sports equipment in labeled containers. You might already have the things you need to start getting organized. Here are 40 organization hacks to repurpose, sort, store, and tidy, all in the name of organization. Get creative with our DIY organization projects too!

Desk Drawer Organizer

Use this set of 32 containers in your desk, cabinets, closets, and more to organize all the little necessities in your life, from pencils and pens to makeup and hair accessories.

Get a Grip Mop and Broom Organizer

Install shelves, hooks, and racks on walls to make use of all your vertical space for storage. This can free up floor space and make your small space feel less cluttered.

Wall-Mounted Mail Organizer

Add this to your entry area for incoming mail, bills, and all the things you need outside, like keys and bags.

Mobile Filing Cabinet

Declutter your digital space by organizing files into folders, unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, and deleting old or unused apps.This filing cabinet doesn't look like your typical cabinet and can store all your tech, like your printer and charging station.

12-Pack Storage Bins

You can never have too many storage bins. This colorful 12-piece set can be used for art supplies, pantry items, socks, nursery items and more.

Backseat Organizer

Got kids? Car messes are a given. Create a backseat organizing station to keep messes at bay.

Makeup and Nail Polish Organizer

Makeup can make a mess in your bathroom. Store it all away in this neat caddy.

Art Supply Organizer

Stow away art supplies, from yarn to paint to kids art supplies, in this colorful rolling organizer.

16 Pair Shoe Storage Cabinet

Keep shoes organized and your floors clear with this 16-pair cabinet.

Pant Hangers

Use slimline hangers to maximize closet space. You can also hang multiple items like scarves, belts, or ties on a single hanger using shower curtain rings.

Shelf Dividers

Keep sweaters, blankets, scarves and more tidy with these handy shelf dividers.

Sweater Organizer

Store seasonal items in these containers for when winter fades away.

Yamazaki Purse Organizer

Keep your favorite bags organized in your closet for easy reach.

6-Shelf Hanging Closet Organizer

Take advantage of vertical space with two three-shelf hanging shelves with three drawers for the perfectly organized closet on a budget!

Etsy Personalized Earring Holder

Organize your earrings with these sweet holders you can personalize. They make great gifts!


DIY Dreamcatcher Earring Caddy

Prefer to DIY? Check out this throwback project that gives your earrings good vibes and keeps them easily within view. (via Brit + Co.)

Jewelry Organizer With Earring Tray

Organize your necklaces, bracelets and earrings with this minimal jewelry organizer.


The Ultimate DIY Accessory Organizer

If all your jewelry won't fit on this huge organizer, you might have a hoarding problem. (Guilty!) (via Brit + Co.)

LED Light Jewelry Organizer

Keep your jewerly hidden in this vanity-style box with LED light.


DIY Wall Jewelry Organizer With Frame Front

We love the look of this for earrings and necklaces, and we could slide a few love notes in the picture frame front. (via House Full of Handmade)

Etsy Wipeable Weekly Planner

Let's not forget mental organization — it's just as important as home organization.


DIY Magnetic Whiteboard Calendar

Get your life organized with a weekly planner that's in clear view. Update every week! (via Damask Love)

Canvas Half-Wall Organizer

This elegant wall organizer is perfect for crafts, gardening, desk and art supplies -- all the little things you need in life.


DIY Wooden Bungee Organizer

Why settle for a boring shelf when you can easily make these? (via Brit + Co.)

Boho Printed Laundry Hamper

Brighten your laundry day with this boho-painted hamper.


Painted Laundry Basket

We're not sure if all the wash would actually get put away if we had one of these, but we'd still like to try it out and see if it solves our laundry pile issues. (via Brit + Co)

Filerix Portfolio Organizer with Clipboard

This organizer keeps your wallet, notes, calendar, receipts, and more organized in one pretty place.


DIY Notebook Organizer with Envelopes

This is genius! We're always tucking notes and receipts and business cards and who knows what into our notebooks, and now there is a great way to keep it all in there. (via Simple As That)

Skip Hop Grab & Go Stackable Food Container Set

Keep kid snacks organized for lunch and on the go with this stackable food container.


Repurpose Easter Eggs as Snack Containers

Does anyone else have a ton of plastic eggs lying around post-Easter? Now we for sure won't be throwing ours out. Yay for upcycling! (via A Kailo Chic Life)

World Market Natural Seagrass Utility Basket

Use these storage bins to store items in closets, under beds, or in cabinets.


DIY Storage Basket Centerpiece

It's amazing what you can do with some crates and paint. (via Brit + Co)

H&M Rainbow Hanger Rack

This adorable hanger rack is perfect for baby or kid rooms.


DIY Rainbow Hook Organizer Rack

This ivory rainbow organizer is a total DIY masterpiece. Consider hanging it by the front door for keys. (via A Bubbly Life)

Scout Regalia Wall Rack

Make a statement with this colorful wall rack in the kitchen, bedroom, or entry.


DIY Accessory Organizer

Admire your accessories with this simple shelf organizer, which is a total upgrade for any entryway. (via Brit + Co)

Wayfair Ladder Bookcase

Available in more than 10 colors, this ladder bookcase is the perfect addition to your living room.


DIY Ladder Shelf

Add some storage to that neglected corner with this easy to DIY ladder shelf. (via Brit + Co)

Storage Rack Boltless Shelving

Easy to assemble, these five adjustable shelves will keep your books and things organized and within reach.


DIY Modular Crate Bookcase

What a cute way to turn old crates into a colorful storage unit. Try a mix of colors for a mod effect. (via Brit + Co)

Follow us on Pinterest for more design inspo!

This post has been updated.

After The Gray Man and a year full of Barbie and Ken, The Fall Guy (plus the upcoming Ocean's 11 prequelwith Margot Robbie) continues to prove Ryan Gosling is THE definition of a star. And between his friendship with Emma Stone and his relationship with Eva Mendes,Ryan seems like the kind of guy we'd all want to be best friends with — and not just because of his endless #Kenergy.

Not only is Ryan the sweetest partner, he's also the ultimate girl dad to daughters Esmeralda and Amada. Their "interest in Barbie and disinterest in Ken," as Ryan tells People, get him to Barbieland in the first place, but he also just revealed they "asked specifically" he avoid one The Fall Guy stunt. “My kids didn't want me to be set on fire,” he says. “Even though I said, ‘Well, it's actually, technically the safer thing to do because there's a lot of protective stuff involved, [they] were like, ‘No. No fire.’ So I didn't do it.”

It's clear that Ryan Gosling's children are spitfires and I love to see it! Here's everything you need to know about Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling's kids.

How many children do Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have?

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have two children, Esmerelda Amada and Amada Lee. Amada was named after Eva's grandmother — both my sister and I have family names and I love seeing the way different families carry on that tradition!

How old are Ryan Gosling's kids?

Image via Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Universal Pictures

Esmerelda was born in September 2014, meaning she'll turn 10 this fall. Amada just turned 8 at the end of April!

How does Ryan Gosling prioritize his kids?

Image via Lionsgate

In his recent profile with WSJ, Ryan Gosling revealed he only picks roles that will benefit his whole family. "I don't really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place," Ryan says. "The decisions I make, I make them with Eva and we make them with our family in mind first."

"I think La La Landwas the first," he continues. "It was sort of like, 'Oh this will be fun for them too, because even though they're not coming to set, we're practicing piano every day or we're dancing or we're singing.'"

Every couple needs to figure out what prioritizing their kids looks like for them, and considering how much I love all Ryan's recent roles, I'd say this is a shift that benefits everyone ;).

When did Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have their daughters?

Image via Andrew Toth/Getty Images for New York & Company

Eva Mendes gave birth to Esmerelda on September 12, 2014 and later had Amada on April 29, 2016.

Are Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes still together?

Image via Sonia Recchia/Getty Images

Yes, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are still going strong, and thank goodness. Eva just revealed that Ryan provides a ton of support for her. "When I was 40, it was a big deal for people when I was pregnant, and it wasn't for me," she tells People. "And then I was 42 and I was pregnant with my second one and people were like, 'Oh my God, you're going to be so tired. That's why people have kids in their 20s.' I was like, that's the most sorry, asinine thing I've ever heard."

"[Ryan supports me] in all the ways I need to be supported," she continues. "He's got me in all the ways."

How has fatherhood affected Ryan Gosling?

Image via Hector Vivas/Getty Images

Considering Ryan Gosling's daughters are such a huge part of his life now, it's hard to believe that earlier in life, he wasn't sure he wanted kids. "After I met Eva, I realized that I just didn’t want to have kids without her," he tells GQ. "And there were moments on The Place Beyond the Pines where we were pretending to be a family, and I didn’t really want it to be pretend anymore." Now, I'm going to need you to pause and reread that quote because I can't believe that's a real sentence. I'm obsessed!

A source also told People in 2023 that "Ryan is such a fun dad. He is goofy and his girls love it."

Via WSJ, we also know that since Ryan Gosling's kids have started learning Spanish, they now call him Papi. "It kills me every time," he says. "There's just nothing, nothing better than that."

What has Eva Mendes said about their daughters?

Image via Eva Mendes/Instagram

Eva Mendes is just as obsessed with her and Ryan Gosling's children as he is, and she's talked about how they make life so much better. "Oh April…I have such a complicated relationship with you," she says on Instagram. "[April 2] would have been my brother’s birthday…..in a couple of weeks from now is the day we lost him…but then, the end of April we got the biggest blessing of all, my little girl was born 8 years ago. I hate you April. But I love you more."

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Bloating is a common digestive issue that can make you feel sluggish, uncomfortable, and self-conscious. While bloating is often caused by overeating, there are other factors that can contribute to this uncomfortable sensation, such as consuming gas-producing foods or experiencing hormonal changes.

The thing is that bloating happens to the best of us so it doesn't mean you're weird if you haven't figured out what's causing your tummy issues. Between weight fluctuations and hormonal changes post-birth, I still haven't cracked the 'happy digestive system' code. But, that lack of knowledge is no match for the expertise of Dr. Brynna Connor, MD — a Healthcare Ambassador at NorthWest Pharmacy.

Based in Austin, Texas where she has her own private practice, Dr. Connor is a member of the Texas Academy of Family Practice, the American Academy of Family Practice, and the Texas Medical Association. In other words, she has nearly two decades worth of medical experience that makes her the right person to answer all our "How to get rid of bloating" questions.

Whether you're dealing with the occasional bloat or chronic digestive issues, Dr. Connor has expert tips to help you find relief and get back to enjoying healthy meals that your body loves.

How can I tell if I'm bloated?

Image via Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

Before I became a mom, it was easy for me to recognize the immediate signs of bloating. I only experienced it during PMS and the week of my cycle, but it always went away for a few weeks. Not only that, I used to be able to pinpoint which foods were the culprit of horrific period cramps and the inevitable gassiness that seemed to make my cycles 10x worse. Now, things are up in the air and I'm joining the ranks of other curious women who want to know what's considered bloating.

Dr. Connor says, "There are various symptoms a woman may experience if she’s bloated. Bloating may make you feel like your stomach is tight or full and can cause abdominal pain, swollen/distended stomach, flatulence, belching, and/or stomach cramps. It’s not uncommon to experience multiple symptoms of bloating at once."

I don't think I need to mention just how uncomfortable things can feel when experiencing multiple bloating symptoms.

What triggers bloating symptoms?

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I mentioned my daily cycle as one of the reasons I knew I used to experience bloating, but there are more things that can trigger it. "Bloating occurs when your gastrointestinal or digestive system(s) are filled with gas or liquid and there are six common potential causes," says Dr. Connor.

She lists having gas as one of the first reasons. "It’s normal to experience symptoms of excess gas, especially after eating and/or drinking as you may have also swallowed small amounts of air. Certain factors may increase the likelihood that you experience bloating after eating, such as chewing gum, drinking carbonated beverages, and/or eating or drinking too fast."

Hearing this reminds me of the moments I was told to slow down when eating my food as a little girl.

Image via Maksim Goncharenok/Pexels

There's also the chance that you have a food intolerance. I only speak for myself when I say that I'm only able to consume dairy in small increments and tomato sauce? Well, I can just forget that because lately my stomach skips bloating and heads right to nausea. What gives, you ask?

Dr. Connor says, "You can experience bloating if your digestive system has trouble breaking down certain foods. Common food intolerances that can lead to bloating include lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and/or fructose intolerance." Feeling mind-blown about possibly having a fructose intolerance? Same here, but Dr. Connor explains what happens when our body breaks down certain foods.

"There are also chemicals found in particular foods that can increase the chances of bloating after they’re ingested, including histamine (found in wine and cheese), caffeine, alcohol, sulfites (found in beer and wine), and monosodium glutamate (MSG – found in ripe fruit and cured meat)," she says.

If you're hearing someone play the world's smallest violin, it's me mourning the fact that my two greatest loves — wine and cheese — may not be the best things to consume together.

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I can say it's been a while since I've been constipated, but only because my doctor all but demanded that I start taking probiotics and eating more probiotic-rich foods. Still, it always sucks when constipation happens which explains the bloating that tends to follow.

"When your large intestine absorbs too much water from your stool, it becomes harder and more difficult to pass. The resulting buildup of stool in your colon can lead to bloating, swelling, and stomach/abdominal pain, and you’re particularly susceptible to constipation if you’re not getting enough fiber, water, or exercise. Changes to your daily routine or an increased level of stress can also contribute to constipation and bloating," says Dr. Connor.

Somehow this is oddly comforting to know that stress can also be a culprit.

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Like I mentioned before, starting your period is one of the reasons you can experience bloat. What Dr. Connor says next will occupy a space in your mind if you're never considered what happens during that special time of the month.

"Certain hormones, like estrogen, can cause your body to hold onto water, which can cause swelling in the abdomen. Estrogen can also interact with progesterone in your digestive system, leading to increased gas in your intestines. Bloating prior to your period may also be caused by the increase in volume in your uterus just before your period starts," she says.

Image via Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

I've been prescribed different medications after two of my surgeries and found that I experienced unusual bloating that led to horrific cycles. Dr. Connor says there's a reason why certain medications or supplements can cause this to happen.

"...fiber supplements can cause bloating or constipation when the supplement isn’t taken with enough water. Other medications that can lead to bloating and/or constipation include opioids like hydrocodone or oxycodone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, iron supplements, and antihistamines like Benadryl," she offers.

Although I no longer take Benadryl, I can confirm I experienced a ton of bloating when trying to combat my allergies.

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Lastly, Dr. Connor says there could be underlying medical reason you're experiencing bloating. "People living with gastrointestinal diseases like Celiac Disease, an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome are more likely to experience bloating, excess gas, and constipation."

She also says, "Underlying liver disease or cancers can also cause bloating in the abdomen, which is why you should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing prolonged symptoms associated with bloating, or if you’re having any additional symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, or pelvic pain, blood in your stool, difficulty swallowing, or any excess fatigue or unexplained weight loss."

What are some ways to reduce bloating in general and during PMS/menstrual cycles?

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Dr. Connor says managing bloating can depend on what's triggering your symptoms. It's always best to schedule an appointment with your doctor if you concerned about your digestive health, but there are things you can do at home to provide some relief.

"At-home solutions include over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Gas-X or antacids that can be taken together or separately. Probiotics can also help reduce gas and restore the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract. Herbal remedies like peppermint, chamomile tea, or turmeric, can aid digestion, and peppermint oil can help relax muscles in the stomach that aid in the passing of gas."

She also suggests that you increase your fiber intake, incorporate exercise in your routine, and stay hydrated.

By taking steps to reduce bloating, you can improve your overall health and feel more comfortable in your daily life.

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This post has been updated.

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