12 Green Cleaning Tips That Will Save You Money

As members of the generation raised on the Roomba and the frozen microwave dinner, we’ve missed out on the household lessons needed to juggle dust bunnies and protect the environment. Luckily, cleaning Grandma-style is often both cheap and environmentally friendly. And now it’s time to check out 12 green cleaning tips that won’t break the bank or your back.

1. DIY Furniture Polish: Rescue family heirlooms and garage sale treasures marred by misuse with an all-natural polish that doubles as a scratch filler. Rub a shelled walnut into deep scratches and its oils will serve as a natural camouflage. (via Design Sponge)

2. Clean Your Floors Without the Chemicals: Turns out hot water and tea bags are all you need for a bright, shiny wood floor. Have tile? Your job’s even easier. Warm water alone will cut it. (via DIY Network)

3. Clean Your Window Tracks: Soap, water and elbow grease are all that’s needed for dirt-free, squeak-free, easy-to-raise windows. Even if you’ve been putting off this task for longer than you care to admit, we promise you can handle that. (via The Real-Life Housewife)

4. De-Mildew Your Washing Machine: Though it may seem illogical to clean a machine that you run detergent through on a weekly basis, your washing machine can actually be a hiding place for mold and mildew. Chalk it up to being warm and damp, like the towels in your hamper, and banish the mold with vinegar! (via A Bowl Full of Lemons)

5. Clean Microfiber Furniture: You bought that microfiber couch because you thought it would resist stains… turns out it does, but it isn’t so tough against plain old dirt. Make it like new with rubbing alcohol. (via 551 East)

6. De-Tarnish Silver: This polish-free method will return your silver to its shiny, useable glory in five minutes, so bust it out and have a retro-themed dinner party! (via On Sutton Place)

7. Shampoo Your Own Carpets: Never pay for a professional carpet cleaner again! All you need is vinegar, borax, salt and a vacuum! (Maybe rent a steam cleaner if your carpets are really bad. It’s worth it.) (via Apartment Therapy)

8. Green Clean Your Grout: Baking soda and vinegar come to the rescue once again. Bonus? The toothbrush is optional. If your grout isn’t too bad, you can just wipe away the cleaner with a damp rag. (via Apartment Therapy)

9. Homemade Garbage Disposal Refreshers: You sanitize your sink, but aren’t sure how to de-grossify the drain? Worry no more. You can also follow a real retro tip, and pour boiling water down sink to make sure your pipes are flushed. (via POPSUGAR)

10. Improve the Quality of Your Dishwasher With Vinegar: Yep, another cleaner you have to clean. Get rid of leftover food, soap scum and dirty water with white vinegar. (via One Good Thing by Jillee)

11. Clean Refrigerator Coils: Potentially the least pleasant task on this list, cleaning fridge coils is vital to a clean, green home. Clean coils will save you money when it comes to your energy bill, and they’ll prolong your fridge’s life. Which is pretty cool, even if your fridge can’t be as cool as these. (via DIY Life)

12. Clean Your Oven With Baking Soda + Vinegar: The household dream team, vinegar and baking soda, to the rescue once again. This method is much more pleasant than running your oven’s clean cycle. (via The Graphics Fairy)

Have you ever used any of these tricks? Share some of your green cleaning tips with us below or Tweet us @BritandCo.

It’s never too early to get a start on a basic spring cleaning checklist that will make your home (and you) feel and look better. And as we all crawl out of our winter hibernation and inch towards the warmth of spring, it’s time to give your home some TLC. Staying on top of these maintenance to-dos will give you peace of mind and ultimately save you money in the long run — because we'd rather spend that money on a spring wardrobe, am I right?

I know the sheer volume of things to do can feel like a never-ending list, but there's no need to be overwhelmed or intimidated by these simple tasks! I’m here to hold your hand and walk you through each item on the checklist. Together, we’ll clean our way to a well-loved home, finding confidence along the way. And I have no doubt you've got this.

Each task on this spring cleaning checklist includes a fool-proof step-by-step guide, a time estimate, and level of difficulty so you know which ones to save for a Saturday morning, which ones to knock out after work on Tuesday, and which to add to your Sunday reset. Your home will thank you.

Deep Clean Your Most-Used Appliances

Image via Ello/Unsplash

Whether it’s your fridge, microwave, washing machine, toaster, or coffee machine — now is the perfect time to give your household appliances a good scrub with some cleaning tips. A deep clean keeps them working in tip-top shape and can keep you healthy. Over time, grease, grime, and food particles can accumulate, affecting just how well your machines work or how clean their output becomes.

How Long Should It Take: Approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the number and type of appliances.

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

How To: Each appliance will have its own cleaning requirements, but here's a general overview.

  1. Declutter or remove everything from inside the appliance. That could mean taking everything off the shelves of the fridge, or disposing of your coffee maker's filter and grounds. This is an excellent time to dispose of expired foods or takeout you’re never going to eat.
  2. Take out any removable parts and soak them in warm, soapy water. Dish soap and warm water in your sink work well.
  3. Wipe down surfaces with a suitable cleaning solution. I like vinegar and baking soda because it gets rid of odors and the chemical reaction can actually lift grime and dirt. Plus they’re both food-safe.
  4. Vacuum or wipe dust from coils, vents, filters, etc. Trust me, if you’ve never done this before — you will be horrified and never forget to do it again.
  5. Reassemble and restock.

Clear & Clean Your Gutters (& Check Your Roof While You’re Up There)

Image via Carter Baran/Unsplash

No one likes to realize their home has water damage, and regularly cleaning gutters and inspecting the roof will keep the surprises to a minimum. Leaves, debris, and even pests can accumulate in gutters, leading to clogs and water overflow that can damage your home's roof and foundation. Make sure you’ve cleared those gutters to keep rainwater flowing, especially if your home has lots of trees around it.

How Long Should It Take: 2-4 hours, depending on the size of your home

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

How To: Adjust this tip depending on if you live in a single- or multi-level home, and make sure to practice extra caution — feel free to have someone nearby keep an eye on you.

  1. Safely climb a ladder to access gutters. Have someone hold the ladder for you and make sure to wear shoes with a good tred and ankle support.
  2. Remove debris by hand or with a gutter scoop (make sure to wear safety gloves!). You’ll most likely find wet leaf clumps. Leaves fall into the gutters and when it rains, they stick together, clogging up your home’s way of redirecting water. You can use a leaf blower to lift some of the gunk too.
  3. Once the big pieces are out, flush out remaining dirt. Then, run a hose down the gutters to check for leaks. Take note of where the water funnels out and make sure it’s away from the house, ideally downhill towards your street’s gutters or another water source.
  4. Inspect the roof for damaged shingles or potential issues. Carefully walk the roof and feel for “soft spots,” where sitting water may have soaked into the roof, compromising the structural integrity. Cracks, punctures, or corrosion are common, but fixable.
  5. Make the necessary repairs or consult a professional for assistance. Many fixes can be done by simply visiting your local hardware store. But for any extensive damage, be sure to call your home insurance company first, and then a recommended professional.

Protect Your Home From Pests

Image via Oxana Doroshkevich/Unsplash

As the weather starts warming up, you may notice a few unwanted guests. Spring is a time when pests become more active, so don’t skip your pest maintenance or you’ll spend summer swatting away mosquitoes! Preventing infestations early on helps protect your home from potential damage and can make outdoor relaxation much more enjoyable.

How Long Should It Take: 1-2 hours, depending on the size of your home

Level of Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

How To:

  1. Seal cracks and crevices to prevent entry points. The first line of protection is prevention. Bugs come in through windows, doors, crawlspaces, porches, and more. Do a quick walkabout to ID any potential entry points and close them off.
  2. Remove standing water. Mosquitos love a resort-style pool so make sure your yard and surrounding areas are draining properly. Don’t let planters, wheelbarrows, chairs, or buckets fill with water. Turn them upside down to avoid creating bugs’ ideal vacation spot.
  3. Trim vegetation and keep a distance between plants and your home. Plants bring bugs and while they’re not all bad, if they’re too close to your house, they may try to break in. Keep everything manicure to avoid a breeding ground for bugs of any kind.
  4. Use natural repellents or consult with a pest control professional. Many pest control companies will come quarterly or monthly to spray and keep pests at bay. If you prefer to do it yourself, there are plenty of at-home kits or natural ways to deter bugs, like repellent plants or essential oils. Bugs are deterred by lavender, basil, peppermint, citronella, mint, and rosemary. Other solutions include neem oil, dryer sheets, vinegar, and Diatomaceous earth.
  5. Regularly inspect and clean areas prone to pests, such as basements and attics. Be vigilant, and stay on top of those suckers!

Declutter Closets/Donate:

Image via Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

This spring cleaning checklist definitely extends to decluttering closets, creating a more organized and spacious living environment. Donating unused items not only reduces clutter but also benefits those in need. You’ll be better to make some space and your home will be easier to maintain. Looking to make some extra money? Try these sites for selling your clothes.

How Long Should It Take: 4-6 hours, depending on the size of your closet.

Level of Difficulty: Easy

How To:

  1. Remove all items from the closet. Sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better. Don’t let the chaos deter you — it’s a crucial step in the process!
  2. Sort items into keep, donate, and discard piles. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and ask “does this bring me joy?” If the answer is no — let it go. Also consider how frequently you wear or use the item. If it’s been six months or more (and the item is in season), you can probably live without it.
  3. Clean and vacuum the closet space. Say goodbye to dust bunnies and hello to a blank slate. Wipe everything down and give your clothes or other items a clean place to live.
  4. Organize remaining items by category or use. For clothing, some people like to organize by color, others by article of clothing like jeans, sweaters, and tees. Find a system that not only looks nice but will easy to maintain. If you find yourself never putting your sweaters back on their hangers, maybe find some baskets to fold and store them in instead.
  5. Donate gently-used items to local charities or organizations. Or at least take it to your car. It’s ok if it sits there for three months. You’ll get to it eventually.

Change HVAC Filter

Image via Dan LeFebvre/Unsplash

Changing the HVAC filter on your heating and air conditioning is a simple yet crucial maintenance task that enhances indoor air quality, improves system efficiency, and extends the life of your HVAC unit. While you're at it, there are plenty of filters throughout your home that need to be cleaned or replaced including your water filters, air purifiers, and laundry filters. Keep a running list of each.

How Long Should It Take: 5-10 minutes

Level of Difficulty: Easy

How To:

  1. Turn off the HVAC system. You don’t want it to be blowing air out while you’re dusting and cleaning.
  2. Locate the filter access panel. It’s usually on a wall and looks like a grate with a small door that open and closes. You may even notice dust accumulating on the outside. Go ahead and vacuum that.
  3. Pull out the old filter and place the new one in. I buy filters in bulk so I have 6-12 at a time. I replace my filter once a month and only have to purchase filters 1-2 times a year. Each unit will have specific filters or sizes. Consider buying higher end filters if you have lots of pets or live somewhere that’s dusty or sandy often.
  4. Install a new filter, ensuring it's positioned correctly. It should slide right in, filling the existing hole in your system.
  5. Turn the HVAC system back on and keep an eye on it.

​Other Home Maintenance Tasks To Add To Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

Image via Volha Flaxeco/Unsplash

  • Check your windows and doors, and their weatherstripping, to ensure a proper seal and prevent drafts.
  • If you’ve been using your fireplace all winter, give it a good clean before closing it up for the season.
  • Fluctuating temperatures can be hard on your pipes. Inspect them for leaks or corrosion.
  • Prepare your outdoor living space for epic get-togethers. Wipe down patio furniture and clean your grill.

Looking for a full list of home maintenance tasks for your spring cleaning checklist? Check out my Homeowner Handbook, which includes seasonal cleaning tasks that make caring for your home so much easier. In addition to checklists for every season, it also includes an easy way to organize your home DIY projects, warranties and key home information, as well as a glossary of helpful terms and power tool cheat sheets.

The goal in keeping up with home maintenance is not only to keep your home looking beautiful, but to protect your investment and ultimately YOU. A healthy environment makes for a healthier you. And if we can avoid costly repairs by checking a few times each year, why wouldn’t we? Just a few hours a week can mean the difference between spending your bonus on a summer vacation or a new HVAC unit.

Together, we can hold each other accountable and tackle those daunting yet necessary tasks. If no one has told you today, I’m proud of you for creating and caring for your home, and by extension, yourself!

Loving this spring cleaning checklist? Check out our Weekend Scroll for more stories that'll get you in the mood for spring!

Lead image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

There are two things I know for sure: Ken loves Barbie, and Ryan Gosling loves Eva Mendes. The couple met on the movie set for The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011, and have created such a beautiful life together! Eva's just as excited for the Christmas remix of "I'm Just Ken" as we are, and Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes' constant support of one another is making us think back on all their cutest moments.

A Full Timeline Of Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes' Relationship

Images via Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

August 2011 — Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Meet During The Place Beyond The Pines

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes took a chance at romance after they played a couple in 2011's The Place Beyond The Pines. Once they were linked, they were seen walking around Disneyland "like a dating couple, [walking] very closely, holding hands and their arms touching side-by-side," according to a PEOPLE eyewitness.

Image via Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for SXSW

November + December 2011 — Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Spend The Holidays Together

During Thanksgiving in 2011, Eva Mendes was filming Holly Motors in Paris, so Ryan Gosling took a trip to the City of Lights so they could spend the holiday together. They also ended up going on Funny or Die's Drunk History Christmas the next month to reenact a 21+ version of The Night Before Christmas *and* spent New Year's together!

Image via Sonia Recchia/Getty Images

September 7, 2012 — Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Attend The Toronto International Film Festival Together

To promote The Place Beyond the Pines, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes spent a lot of time together on the TIFF red carpet. Years later in 2019, when Kelly Clarkson pulled up the picture, Eva couldn't help but gush over Ryan — especially since they hadn't announced they were dating at the time. “Oh my God, that’s so old," she says of the photo. "That’s literally me going, ‘I’m not in love with him. What? I’m not in love.’ ‘Cause we were trying to be very professional."

Image via Warner Bros. Pictures

May 2014 — Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Work Together On Lost River

Ryan and Eva reunited on a film set again for Lost River, which was both Ryan's directorial debut and served as a semi-autobiographical story for him. "For me, it was crucial to work in this intimate, low-budget, small way, with people I had worked with before, because I feel like in my experience that’s where everyone was at their best," Ryan tells Sunday Style (via Mangalorean). "They know what is at stake for you personally, and all the work that’s gone into getting there."

Eva also told her Instagram followers in a since-deleted postthat Lost River is the project she's most proud of. "There was one film I'm extra proud to be a part of," she said. "A dark fairy tale. A magical fantasy. To all the struggling single mothers, to all of us in cities that feel like they're burning down or flooding around us, to everyone fighting for the ones they love, this was a good one."

Image via Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

September 12, 2014 — Eva Mendes Gives Birth To Their First Child

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes welcomed Esmerelda Amada Gosling into the world in September of 2014. Eva later said that she didn't even want kids until she got together with Ryan. "I was lucky enough to work my bum off for 20 years," she tells Nova 96.9's Fitzy & Wippa (via PEOPLE). "I never wanted babies before until I fell in love with Ryan, and it kind of worked out to where I was 40 and having my first baby. I think I was 42 for the second one, so it worked out in that way that I had a career and then I change my focus to my family."

Ryan also went on to tell GQ in 2023 that he was in a similar place before meeting Eva. "I wasn’t thinking about kids before I met her, but after I met Eva, I realized that I just didn’t want to have kids without her," he says. "And there were moments on The Place Beyond the Pines where we were pretending to be a family, and I didn’t really want it to be pretend anymore." I could cry!!

Image via Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

December 7, 2015 — Ryan Gosling Gives A Rare Interview About His Relationship

While Ryan and Eva have kept their relationship very private, he told Hello! that "I know that I'm with the person I'm supposed to be with" and that literally the only quality he looks for in a woman is "That she's Eva Mendes. There's nothing else I'm looking for." Swoon!

Image via Brad Barket/Getty Images

April 29, 2016 — Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Have Their Second Child

Eva Mendes gave birth to her and Ryan's second baby, a daughter named Amada Lee Gosling, in April 2016 — after keeping the pregnancy a secret until it was almost time to deliver! Amada is named after Eva's grandma.

Image via Paul Drinkwater/NBCUniversal via Getty Images

January 8, 2017 — Ryan Gosling Dedicates His La La Land Golden Globe To Eva Mendes' Brother

While accepting his Golden Globe for Best Performance in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, Ryan Gosling made sure to let the world know just how much of a role Eva had played in the process. “I would like to try and thank one person properly, and say that while I was singing and dancing and playing piano,” he says in his speech, “my lady was raising our daughter, pregnant with our second and trying to help her brother with his battle with cancer.”

Eva's brother, Juan Carlos Mendes, had passed away the previous April and Ryan took the opportunity to dedicate the award to him.

Image via Dominique Charriau/Getty Images

February 12, 2020 — Eva Mendes Reveals Ryan Gosling Is A Great Cook

When an Instagram account asked what Eva and Ryan liked to cook, Eva revealed just how amazing Ryan is with food. "Ryan is an amazing chef AND baker," she says in her reply. "For reals. Incredible. No joke. I'm not sure that what I do is cooking. It's more like steaming veggies and juicing and making rice. He really cooks. I survive." Can I get Ryan Gosling to make me a meal sometime?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

January 1, 2022 — Ryan Gosling Shares About Their Quarantine Life

“Time, in general, is something I think about a lot now. My kids are growing up so fast I need to keep an eye on the clock in a way I never used to,” Ryan Gosling tells GQ. “I feel like I need more time to process [how much the pandemic played into that]. But [Eva and I] have two kids, so we spend a lot of our time trying to keep them entertained.”

While they enjoyed their time together, Ryan's also candid about the effect of lockdown on their children: “Our kids were at a difficult age not to be able to see other kids and interact with people, even though Eva and I did our best.”

Image via Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros. Pictures.

June 2022 — Eva Mendes Embraces The Kenergy

When the world went crazy for every bit of Barbie news, so did Eva Mendes. "So. F. Funny," she says in an Instagram caption sharing the first look at Ryan Gosling's Ken. "So. F. Good. So F excited for you to see this…#Thatsmyken."

"It's a funny photo and he's trying to be funny, so it worked on all levels," she goes on to say on The Talk. "But when I saw it, when he sent it to me from work, I was like, 'Can I please have that underwear? Please, I never ask for anything'...So, anyway, I do have it. I'm wearing it right now."

Via Eva Mendes/Instagram

November 2022 — Eva Mendes Begins Dropping Hints She Married Ryan Gosling

When Eva showed off a new tattoo on her wrist in November of 2022 on Instagram, fans immediately began dissecting its meaning. The tattoo, which reads "de Gosling" (which is similar to Mrs. Gosling) could mean that Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are actually married! She went on to tell Today in Australia (via DailyMail) that "Everyone is so welcoming here and my husband Ryan is here, and we are having the best time." 👀

Image via Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for SiriusXM

August 9, 2023 — Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Love Family Time

In the midst of crazy release schedules and commitments (not to mention the actors' strike), Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes always prioritize their family life. "When they are not working, they are all about their girls," a source tells People. "Ryan is such a fun dad. He is goofy and his girls love it." The source continues by saying the family loves to go to the beach or the desert (same TBH).

Image via Warner Bros Pictures.

December 18, 2023 — Eva Mendes Can't Wait For The "I'm Just Ken" Christmas Remix

If the original version of "I'm Just Ken" wasn't good enough, Ryan Gosling is blessing us with a Christmas remix — and Eva Mendes is just as excited as we are. "Ken not wait for this," she says in an Instagram caption.

Image via Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for Warner Bros.

January 13, 2024 — Ryan Gosling Mentions His Family During His Acceptance Speech

At the 2024 Santa Barbra International Film Festival, Ryan Gosling won the Kirk Douglas Award for Excellence in Film — and he totally deserves it! With a career that includes iconic films like La La Land and Barbie, as well as The Notebook, Blade Runner 2049, and Crazy Stupid Love, all kinds of film lovers have gotten to see Ryan's work onscreen. During his acceptance speech, Ryan got choked up talking about how acting allowed him to meet "the girl of [his] dreams."

"I dreamed of one day making movies and now movies have made my life a dream," he says in his speech. "So the way I see it, there's no way I have contributed half as much to cinema as cinema's contributed to me."

Image via Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros. Entertainment

January 24, 2024 — Eva Mendes Celebrates Ryan Gosling's Oscar Nomination

After the Oscar nominations were announced January 23, Eva Mendes took to Instagram to celebrate Ryan Gosling's nomination for Best Supporting Actor. "So proud of my man. So much hate when he took on this role," she says alongside screenshots of the first (very negative) reviews of his casting. "So many people trying to shame him for doing it. Despite all the #Notmyken ridicule and articles written about him, he created this completely original, hilarious, heartbreaking, now iconic character and took it all the way to Oscars. So beyond proud to be this Ken’s Barbie."

Image via Caroline McCredie/Getty Image

February 22, 2014 - Eva Mendes Announces Upcoming Children's Book

Yesterday Eva Mendes shared with People that she's penned a children's book named Desi, Mami, and the Never-Ending Worries that'll debut September 17. It's all about a little girl who's always worried that her scary brain is the real monster she's afraid of at night. Through gentle reminders, Desi's mom helps her understand that being afraid is normal and teaches her how not to let scary thoughts control her.

Eva Mendes told People the books is like "a love letter to my kids and yours" because "...Learning how to train our brain to work for us and not against us is easier said than done!" Since we know racing thoughts doesn't just affect adults, we love that Eva is finding a way to share some of her parenting tips with other parents.

Pre-Order Eva Mendes' Children's Book:

Desi, Mami, and the Never-Ending Worriesby Eva Mendes

Image via Eva Mendes/Instagram

March 10, 2024 — Eva Mendes Celebrates Ryan Gosling's Oscars Performance

Eva Mendes celebrated the Oscars on March 10 with a post highlighting Ryan Gosling's performance, and his entire run as Ken! "You took Ken all the way to the Oscar’s, RG," she says on Instagram. "Now come home, we need to put the kids to bed."

We love the way this couple can have fun with each other — and highlight how much teamwork parenthood requires!

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

March 13, 2024 — Ryan Gosling Details How Eva Mendes And Their Daughters Helped Him Prepare For His Oscars Performance

Leave it to Ryan Gosling not to take credit for his amazing Oscars performance. He gushed to People about how Eva Mendes and their daughters helped him make sure his Kenergy truly shined bright. "They are such a huge part of this for me...it was my girl's interest in Barbie and disinterest in Ken that got me into this in the first place. It was beautiful to have them there at the end," he said.

As we all saw, the unmistakable Kenergy was in full force and effect during the Oscars.

Image via Eva Mendes/Instagram

March 26, 2024 — Eva Mendes Says It Was A "No Brainer" To Stay Home With Her Kids

Deciding how to maintain a work-home balance when you have kids is something every parent thinks about, and it turns out that extends to celebs, too! After starring with Ryan Gosling in The Place Beyond The Pines, Eva Mendes decided it was a "no brainer" to stay home with their family since acting can take you all over the world, which the actress revealed in a recent episode of The Today Show. “It was almost just like a non-verbal agreement that it was like, ‘Ok, he’s going to work and I’m going to work, I’m just going to work here,'” she says. She also says she's “so lucky” to “have this time with [their] children.”

“I have never experienced anything like [working with Ryan Gosling]. The way he works, his commitment to his craft, how he wants to make everything as best as it can be, and that means making his co-stars as best as they can be,” she continues. “But unfortunately — or fortunately — there is only one Ryan!"

Image via Eva Mendes/Instagram

April 1, 2024 — Eva Mendes Says Her Daughters Make Everything Better

After losing her brother in 2016, Eva Mendes says she has a "complicated relationship" with the month of April — but that her daughters make it infinitely more bearable. "[April 2] would have been my brother’s birthday," she says on Instagram. "In a couple of weeks from now is the day we lost him…but then, the end of April we got the biggest blessing of all, my little girl was born 8 years ago. I hate you April. But I love you more."

Image via Will Heath/NBC

April 13, 2024 — Ryan Gosling Hosts SNL

During his latest stint hosting SNL, Ryan Gosling did a hilarious sketch about a man who picks up a Cuban accent after getting married to a Cuban woman. Eva Mendes was all over it! "Coño! My Cuban Papi made this Cuban Mami so happy with this!!" Eva wrote on Instagram. "Years of hanging out with my Dad paid off."

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

May 1, 2024 — Ryan Gosling Is The Ultimate Support System For Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes is not here for the mom-shamers. She told People (in honor of its 2024 Beautiful Issue) that staying home to focus on Ryan Gosling and her kids was the "easiest decision I've ever made" because she wanted to be there for their formative childhood years.

"When I was 40, it was a big deal for people when I was pregnant, and it wasn't for me," she says. "And then I was 42 and I was pregnant with my second one and people were like, 'Oh my God, you're going to be so tired. That's why people have kids in their 20s.' I was like, that's the most sorry, asinine thing I've ever heard."

"[Ryan supports me] in all the ways I need to be supported," she continues. "He's got me in all the ways."

Check back here for the latest news on Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes, and don't forget to read up on Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce's Relationship and Tom Holland and Zendaya. :)

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Sonia Recchia/Getty Images.

This post has been updated.

Spring cleaning time is just around the corner, but why wait until spring? After all, the last thing you want to do when the weather warms up is stay indoors and clean! Get started now by decluttering, donating, and organizing your messiest spaces. Create a regular cleaning routine to keep your home organized and tidy and store seasonal items such as clothing, decorations, or sports equipment in labeled containers. You might already have the things you need to start getting organized. Here are 40 organization hacks to repurpose, sort, store, and tidy, all in the name of organization. Get creative with our DIY organization projects too!

Desk Drawer Organizer

Use this set of 32 containers in your desk, cabinets, closets, and more to organize all the little necessities in your life, from pencils and pens to makeup and hair accessories.

Get a Grip Mop and Broom Organizer

Install shelves, hooks, and racks on walls to make use of all your vertical space for storage. This can free up floor space and make your small space feel less cluttered.

Wall-Mounted Mail Organizer

Add this to your entry area for incoming mail, bills, and all the things you need outside, like keys and bags.

Mobile Filing Cabinet

Declutter your digital space by organizing files into folders, unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, and deleting old or unused apps.This filing cabinet doesn't look like your typical cabinet and can store all your tech, like your printer and charging station.

12-Pack Storage Bins

You can never have too many storage bins. This colorful 12-piece set can be used for art supplies, pantry items, socks, nursery items and more.

Backseat Organizer

Got kids? Car messes are a given. Create a backseat organizing station to keep messes at bay.

Makeup and Nail Polish Organizer

Makeup can make a mess in your bathroom. Store it all away in this neat caddy.

Art Supply Organizer

Stow away art supplies, from yarn to paint to kids art supplies, in this colorful rolling organizer.

16 Pair Shoe Storage Cabinet

Keep shoes organized and your floors clear with this 16-pair cabinet.

Pant Hangers

Use slimline hangers to maximize closet space. You can also hang multiple items like scarves, belts, or ties on a single hanger using shower curtain rings.

Shelf Dividers

Keep sweaters, blankets, scarves and more tidy with these handy shelf dividers.

Sweater Organizer

Store seasonal items in these containers for when winter fades away.

Yamazaki Purse Organizer

Keep your favorite bags organized in your closet for easy reach.

6-Shelf Hanging Closet Organizer

Take advantage of vertical space with two three-shelf hanging shelves with three drawers for the perfectly organized closet on a budget!

Etsy Personalized Earring Holder

Organize your earrings with these sweet holders you can personalize. They make great gifts!


DIY Dreamcatcher Earring Caddy

Prefer to DIY? Check out this throwback project that gives your earrings good vibes and keeps them easily within view. (via Brit + Co.)

Jewelry Organizer With Earring Tray

Organize your necklaces, bracelets and earrings with this minimal jewelry organizer.


The Ultimate DIY Accessory Organizer

If all your jewelry won't fit on this huge organizer, you might have a hoarding problem. (Guilty!) (via Brit + Co.)

LED Light Jewelry Organizer

Keep your jewerly hidden in this vanity-style box with LED light.


DIY Wall Jewelry Organizer With Frame Front

We love the look of this for earrings and necklaces, and we could slide a few love notes in the picture frame front. (via House Full of Handmade)

Etsy Wipeable Weekly Planner

Let's not forget mental organization — it's just as important as home organization.


DIY Magnetic Whiteboard Calendar

Get your life organized with a weekly planner that's in clear view. Update every week! (via Damask Love)

Canvas Half-Wall Organizer

This elegant wall organizer is perfect for crafts, gardening, desk and art supplies -- all the little things you need in life.


DIY Wooden Bungee Organizer

Why settle for a boring shelf when you can easily make these? (via Brit + Co.)

Boho Printed Laundry Hamper

Brighten your laundry day with this boho-painted hamper.


Painted Laundry Basket

We're not sure if all the wash would actually get put away if we had one of these, but we'd still like to try it out and see if it solves our laundry pile issues. (via Brit + Co)

Filerix Portfolio Organizer with Clipboard

This organizer keeps your wallet, notes, calendar, receipts, and more organized in one pretty place.


DIY Notebook Organizer with Envelopes

This is genius! We're always tucking notes and receipts and business cards and who knows what into our notebooks, and now there is a great way to keep it all in there. (via Simple As That)

Skip Hop Grab & Go Stackable Food Container Set

Keep kid snacks organized for lunch and on the go with this stackable food container.


Repurpose Easter Eggs as Snack Containers

Does anyone else have a ton of plastic eggs lying around post-Easter? Now we for sure won't be throwing ours out. Yay for upcycling! (via A Kailo Chic Life)

World Market Natural Seagrass Utility Basket

Use these storage bins to store items in closets, under beds, or in cabinets.


DIY Storage Basket Centerpiece

It's amazing what you can do with some crates and paint. (via Brit + Co)

H&M Rainbow Hanger Rack

This adorable hanger rack is perfect for baby or kid rooms.


DIY Rainbow Hook Organizer Rack

This ivory rainbow organizer is a total DIY masterpiece. Consider hanging it by the front door for keys. (via A Bubbly Life)

Scout Regalia Wall Rack

Make a statement with this colorful wall rack in the kitchen, bedroom, or entry.


DIY Accessory Organizer

Admire your accessories with this simple shelf organizer, which is a total upgrade for any entryway. (via Brit + Co)

Wayfair Ladder Bookcase

Available in more than 10 colors, this ladder bookcase is the perfect addition to your living room.


DIY Ladder Shelf

Add some storage to that neglected corner with this easy to DIY ladder shelf. (via Brit + Co)

Storage Rack Boltless Shelving

Easy to assemble, these five adjustable shelves will keep your books and things organized and within reach.


DIY Modular Crate Bookcase

What a cute way to turn old crates into a colorful storage unit. Try a mix of colors for a mod effect. (via Brit + Co)

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This post has been updated.

Thanks to Challengers and The Watchers, I can already tell 2024 is going to be a year of shocking movies (and shockingly good movies), and that trend is going to continue thanks to Verity & Colleen Hoover. While It Ends With Us might be the most popular Colleen Hoover book, Verity is arguably the craziest, and The Hollywood Reporter just confirmed that a movie is officially in development! While we wait for more news, browse the Colleen Hoover merch you can wear to opening night ;).

Is there a movie about the book Verity?

Image via Amazon

Yes, a movie based on Colleen Hoover's Verity is officially on the way! The movie's in development at Amazon MGM Studios (the studio behind Florence Pugh's A Good Person and Zendaya's Challengers). Hillary Seitz is currently writing the script for the film, and Eat the Cat's Nick Antosca and Alex Hedlund are producing.

What is Verity about?

Image via Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

In Verity by Colleen Hoover, Lowen Ashleigh is a writer struggling to make ends meet. That is, until she's offered the job of a lifetime by Jeremy, husband to the ultimate it-girl author, Verity Crawford. The thriller writer is no longer able to finish the remaining books in her series, and Jeremy wants Lowen to pick up where she left off. While Lowen is over the moon to step in (both into the job and their huge family estate), a secret manuscript and family secrets lead Lowen to realize Verity's hiding a lot more than she's letting on. B+C editor Haley Sprankle says this is one of the craziest books she's ever read, and I know this is definitely going to be one of the craziest movies we've seen!

Who's in the Verity cast?

Image via Mike Coppola/Jon Kopaloff/Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

Since the movie is just now in development, we don't have an official Verity cast list yet. But considering It Ends With Us is starring beloved actors like Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni, and Jenny Slate, I'm confident the cast of Verity will feature some incredible names.

Popular fancasts for Verity include You's Victoria Pedretti or The White Lotus' Alexandra Diddario as Lowen, Rosamund Pike or Margot Robbie as Verity, and Shia LaBeouf or Theo James as Jeremy. Without a doubt, the cast of Verity needs to be warm and welcoming at first glance, but also have an unexpected edge that reveals itself as we move through the story.

One Reddit user points out that the characters need to offer "just toxicity but also feigned innocence," and each of these actors do exactly that, which makes them incredible picks for the movie. If Blake wasn't already in It Ends With Us, I know she'd do a great job because she proved her thriller acting chops in A Simple Favor!

When did Verity come out?

Image via Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for TIME

Colleen Hoover self-published Verity in 2018, and in 2021, the book was acquired by Grand Central Publishing. It sold more than one million copies in 2023, and has more than 340 thousand Amazon ratings and over two million Goodreads ratings. Talk about a hit!

What movie is similar to the book Verity?

Image via Lionsgate

If you love thriller books like Verity, then I'd recommend checking out other relationship-centric thrillers like Gone Girl, Rebecca, and A Simple Favor. For period drama fans, I cannot recommend Will Poulter and Lucy Boynton's Why Didn't They Ask Evans enough!

Follow us on TikTok and YouTube for the latest entertainment updates, and check back here for new info on Verity & Colleen Hoover's other books!

Lead image via Amazon.

Personal style is personal for a reason. Whatever you wear is a complete reflection of who you are, and this is especially true for what shoes you slip into every day. Everyone’s got their go-to sandals, but sneakers are an entirely different game, I tell ya.

If your fave footwear brand is New Balance and you just so happen to be in the market for some squeaky-clean sneaks, I’ve basically done all the research for you to help you find your perfect pair. This list of the most popular New Balance sneakers details not only each style’s practicality, but their personality, too.

Ahead, find your perfect New Balance sneakers – based on your vibes!

New Balance 9060: The ‘Fit Flexer

If you just can’t resist dressing to the nines every single day, the New Balance 9060s will fit right into your fashionista flair.

These “proudly futuristic” New Balance sneakers deliver on Y2K aesthetics beyond compare. The wider base is reminiscent of Nike Shox – very tech-y and otherworldly. The upper part is made from mesh and suede, supplying a super elevated vibe.

The white and cream white coloration is so easy to pair with most every ‘fit. They’ll match with cargo pants, vintage jeans, or even mini skirts and denim shorts.

Reviewers of the New Balance 9060 are glad they invested in this $150 shoe because it's so versatile.

One reviewer toted the 9060’s for fitting into “all aspects” of their lifestyle. Another said that the arch supports “unreal,” so though they’re more fashion-forward than other New Balance kicks, they’re still uber-comfortable for a range of activities.

New Balance 990: The Thrift Shopper

The New Balance 990s are straight-up dad sneakers to the core, so if you gravitate towards the thrift store (or all things vintage-y), you’ll find that they go swimmingly with most outfits and will stand up to long thrift trips.

While they were originally manufactured for running (and they still are), the 990s scream streetwear to me. They appear more elevated than your average athletic running shoe, thanks to the smooth pigskin and fine mesh.

The inside is fitted with a bouncy FuelCell midsole cushioning, and the shoe is available in 4 different widths. The range!

The New Balance 990s are very similar to the New Balance 993s, which is less performance-based.

New Balance 574 Core: The Weekend Warrior

Whether you're hitting the club or the farmer’s market on the weekends, you want to be comfortable (I mean, who doesn't?). The New Balance 574 Cores are made for the weekend warriors.

New Balance describes this signature shoe as “uncomplicated, rugged, durable, and comfortable.”

Though the 574s are pretty basic, they’re earned themselves icon status. You’re sure to see at least one pair when you go out.

The outer layer is made from suede and mesh materials dotted with 100% recycled polyester details.

New Balance 550: The Sneakerhead

These New Balance sneakers aren’t just black and white. They’re “sea salt” with “gray matter” and “magnet.” So yeah, if you consider yourself overly particular about your sneakers, the New Balance 550s are the shoe for you.

These were revived from the late 80’s and early 90’s then re-released full-time in 2021, and they’ve been a modern fan-favorite ever since.

The flatter soles on these sneaks mean they’re not as practical for running or walking long distances, but since they have a history with basketball, you might be able to rock ‘em on the court. More than anything, they definitely give basketball vibes, which is perfect for any streetwear ensemble.

The mixed materials and chunky approach to the classic New Balance logo give these an unmistakable air.

According to New Balance, these best fit people with an average arch height. The thick sole and cushy ankle padding work the hardest to support your feet, rather than an arched insole.

New Balance 530: The Gym-Goer

The New Balance 530s are giving Erewhon baddie. They’re giving I drink smoothies for breakfast. They’re giving I live and breathe pilates.

The stark white colorway of these sneakers reminds me of the clean girl aesthetic, and they’re so pretty, you may have a hard time getting them dirty.

Though very stylish on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that counts with the New Balance 530s. They’re fitted with an ample midsole section that cushions and compresses your step.

New Balance Fresh Foam: The 10K Steps A Day-er

For the more athletic among us (hello, hot girl walks!), the New Balance Fresh Foam sneakers are the way to go. They’re designed especially for walking and running, so you can count on them to be comfy.

They have an extra-soft cushioning for a cozy step, and every aspect of the footbed is intended to stabilize the foot.

This shoe especially supports walkers or runners with the tendency to step heel first, a bonus co-signed by the American Podiatric Medical Association – this pair received their Seal of Acceptance.

The upper part of the shoe is made of mesh, so it’s highly breathable, even on hot days. They’re great for high arches, too!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Images via New Balance.