Hip Dips Are Latest Body Positive Trend to Sweep the Internet

Instagram can sometimes be a slippery slope of insecurity, especially when picture-perfect, retouched images flood your feed. But every once in a while, a trend sweeps the web that’s actually incredibly empowering to women (like #mermaidthighs). Hip dips are the latest body positive movement to pop up on the social media site.

What are hip dips, you ask? Put simply, it’s the spot where your femur (that long bone in your thigh) connects to your pelvis. Instagram user @jenneydoll sums up her struggle and appreciation for her hip dips quite succinctly, “In recent years, proportionate hour glass bodies have been glamorized in the media heavily.. but I have realized that I will never have a perfect hour-glass shape because I have very prominent hip dips (even though I do carry more fat in my lower body). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it is one of those things I don’t absolutely love about my body. However, I accept it and i’m learning to love all my imperfections because that’s what makes us human.”

So, no, perfectly rounded, hourglass-type hips aren’t the only kinds of beautiful hips. Just check out the #hipdip hashtag for proof.

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I've seen a lot more posts about hip dips (or violin hips) recently. This is something I've posted about before and think its really important to bring awareness to; especially in our current society where we're told the 'body ideal' is big hips/ bum, tiny waist and hourglass figure. 🎻 My hips dip in like this and always have done. As you can see from this video my hips actually pop out. This doesn't cause me any physical discomfort or problems but it does mean I have and will always have hips that significantly dip in. 🎻 This has been a huge source of self-consciousness for me. I was taught to believe my hips were "unnatural and wrong". My hip dips highlight my 'love handles' and minimise my hips meaning the current 'body ideal' isn't a possibility for my body. As women we are told we need big hips/bums to be 'womanly' or attractive. BUT THIS IS CRAZY! 🎻 There is nothing wrong with hip dips! The only reason we believe there is is because of what society tells us. But I'm not buying it! Beauty isn't just one thing and hips do not define an individual's beauty. I appreciate the #beautyinthebend that hip dips bring. 🎻Seeing my hip dips in this video was actually really therapeutic. As a source of insecurity my mind had completely transformed how I saw my hips into a completely different shape. So seeing a video where I'm actually highlighting my hips rather than hiding them allowed me to finally see their true form. 🎻 Hip dips effect the majority of people in varying levels. They occur because of the shape of your hip bones and vary in prominence. Hip dips are often caused by having 'high hips' leaving a dip between your hip bone and where your femur starts. 🎻 Hip dips are natural and beautiful and we should be celebrating them, not shaming them! So I would like to start the hashtag #hipdipsarebeautiful as a way to spread awareness and hopefully inspire acceptance and even pride. 🎻 So get sharing your own beautiful hip dips and let's change how we look at ourselves and our amazing hips! Be sure to tag me so I can see and share your wonderful posts.

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@discovering_sarah captioned her pic, “Hip dips are natural and beautiful and we should be celebrating them, not shaming them!” Preach, sister.

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Lately on my dash I’ve seen lots of posts about hip dips. I just want to let you know that they're normal! It’s part of our anatomy, and on some is more noticeable than others. It all depends on your body type, muscle, and fat distribution. 
In case you didn't know, the femurs connect to the pelvis. Wow! Reference the 2nd picture if this is confusing!
That is exactly what a “hip dip” is. The space on the sides between the top of your pelvis and your femurs. You get a hip dip from being born with a skeleton. Incredible. Everyone has one, but sometimes it’s not as noticeable. Men and women have it, but it’s more noticable on women because our hips are usually more pronounced. Like I said earlier, it’s about fat and muscle distribution, as well as your own unique skeletal structure and shape. It's often more visible on those with wide, high-set hips. Some women have it more noticeable, some don’t, but it doesn’t mean it's not there. Everyone 👏 has 👏 them 👏 Seriously, you'll have one as long as you keep your skeleton. Can they be decreased in appearance by losing excess fat? Sure, to an extent. But guess what? I had quite pronounced ones even at my leanest, when I carried so little fat that I stopped getting my period (this was unhealthy, I know). Hip dips are NOT the same as a muffin top. Sometimes they can create a similar appearance in clothing, but it's not!!! The same!! Thing!!! I've also seen people saying that hip dips can be filled out by working on your gluteus medius. That could be true for some people to a certain extent, but unless your hip dips are already barely visible, it's absolutely fucking ridiculous to think they'll be significantly filled out by growing a part of your glute. I know mine sure won't. They're too big, and that's okay! But go throw your money at whatever booty builder program you want and see if I care. Honestly, the visibility of mine is my biggest insecurity. I don't know why or at what point I was taught to hate them, but I was, and I'm working on unlearning it. It's really helped me seeing other girls on here post about theirs and NORMALIZING it. So here are mine!

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International powerlifter Sophia Van Leeuwen, who goes by the user handle @oatsandsquats, explains that everyone has hip dips, but whether they’re visible “all depends on your body type, muscle, and fat distribution.” Basically, if you have a skeleton, you have hip dips.

Fitness Instagrammer @livjadefit urged others, “LADIES DO NOT FEEL SELF-CONSCIOUS ABOUT HIP HIPS! [sic]”

Photographer and fitness lover @kcrossonfitness made a super apt point about the internet “creating insecurities we didn’t know we had.”

User @girl.gets.sane captioned her photo: “I posted this image to my fashion Instagram. A couple of weeks ago a read an article that changed the way I looked at my body for the better. I’ve *always* hated my hips, the shape was not what I was told was attractive or fit. I learned the other day that #hipdips or #violinhips are *structural*, not fat or muscle. And many many women have them. I. Can finally stop trying to change them.”

And others just embraced and celebrated their dips.

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No struggle ➡️ no progress.

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And this ‘grammer used her hip dips for literally dipping. #Goals.

What do you think of the #hipdips trend? Tweet us @BritandCo!

(h/t Refinery29; photos via @jenneydoll/Instagram)

In a world full of eerily real-looking TikTok filters showing us what we could look like if only, authenticity shines like a beacon of hope. Millie Bobby Brown, the actress celebrated for her role in Stranger Things, recently lit up our Instagram feeds with a powerful message that resonated far beyond her 63.5 million followers. In a refreshing moment of transparency, Millie shared two photos that left us inspired and snapping our fingers in awe of her realness.

Image via @milliebobbybrown / Instagram

The post, shared yesterday, began with a captivating image of Millie Bobby Brown, looking like the Hollywood superstar she is, donning natural glam makeup. Her flawless skin, sparkling eyes, and radiant smize were a sight to behold. But this was just the beginning of her message to the world.

Scrolling left, we were met with a bare-faced Millie, sporting a patch of blemishes. Gone were the filters, the photo editing, and the retouching. Here was the real Millie, looking ethereal– embracing her “imperfections” with grace and confidence. Standing before a global audience of millions and essentially saying, “Here I am,” is a brave feat, but her comments were flooded by celebrities and fans alike shilling out rounds of applause.

Image via @milliebobbybrown / Instagram

Millie Bobby Brown’s post is a direct calling card to Gen-Z’s golden standard for authenticity–shining as an example of embracing one’s vulnerability and breaking the mold of society’s evolving yet stringent beauty standards. The young actress courageously stood before her global audience, showcasing that even celebrities have skin that isn’t always camera-ready.

By sharing her unfiltered self with the world, Millie invites us to embrace our own blemishes, be they physical or emotional, and to take pride in our individuality. In a world that often encourages conformity, her post is a valuable lesson in self-love.We are enough just as we are, blemishes and all. It's time we embrace our unfiltered, authentic selves with the same confidence and self-love that Millie has so beautifully exemplified.

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La La Land might just go down in history as one of the best contemporary films of the 2010s. The soundtrack is amazing, the story is heartbreaking, and any movie that gives us Emma Stone & Ryan Gosling automatically deserves an award. I think about the dancing in this movie all the time, and apparently so does Ryan — just in a different way.

Image via Lionsgate

When WSJ Magazine asked if there was one movie from his career he'd redo, Ryan Gosling almost instantly mentions La La Land because of the iconic "A Lovely Night" scene. The number, in which Emma's Mia and his Sebastian (as well as the audience) overlook Los Angeles at sunrise, is one of the most recognizable moments in the movie because it became the film's poster.

“There is a moment that haunts me,” Ryan says during the interview. “We’re dancing, Emma and I, and I didn’t know this would become the poster for the movie. We were supposed to have our hands up, and I thought it would be cool to put my hand [at more of an angle] even though everyone told me it wasn’t cool. I was sure it was cooler."

When the interviewer tells Ryan dancers call that "hamburger hands," he continues the joke, calling himself "Hamburger Hands Gosling over here."


Well, the official La La Land account didn't waste any time and tweeted an edited version on May 3. "Fixed it for you @RyanGosling," the X post says.

While that one hilarious moment might haunt Ryan, the overall filming experience is close to his heart because it's the movie that changed his life. At the stage in his life, "I don't really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place," Ryan tells WSJ Magazine. "The decisions I make, I make them with Eva and we make them with our family in mind first."

"I think La La Land was the first," he adds. I"t was sort of like, 'Oh this will be fun for them too, because even though they're not coming to set, we're practicing piano every day or we're dancing or we're singing.'"

What do you think of the new La La Land poster? ;) Follow us on TikTok for more pop culture news and check out why Ryan Gosling Is The Ultimate Girl Dad!

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You’re sustainable. You use reusable bags for grocery trips and swore off plastic water bottles in favor of saving the earth, but have you ever considered the environmental impact of your period? The tampons or pads that you just used during your last cycle make up one small speck in the nearly 200,000 metric tons of landfill waste derived from period products every year. Yep – it’s an unfathomable number, and it doesn’t even begin to account for the period litter scattered across the world’s beaches *or* the microplastics derived from them (which we have yet to quantify and truly understand their impact).

In a time where our planet really needs it, a lot of us want to practice sustainability, but it’s time to actually mean it. The founders of Sunny Period agree. In response, they developed the Sunny Cup, a first-of-its-kind reusable menstrual cup that inserts like a tampon with the help of a unique applicator.

Cindy Belardo, 26, and Drew Jarvis, 23, might have come up with the Sunny Cup from opposite sides of the country, but both knew they needed to find a solution for traditional menstrual cups that just weren’t meeting their respective needs.

“I had not learned about menstrual cups before, and was so intrigued,” said Belardo. “But, the learning curve was something that was not ideal for me, and I really wanted to make it work. I knew that others would run into the same problem.”

Menstrual cups were downright frustrating to use.

“When I went to try menstrual cups, I was a little bit intimidated, but I was very willing to at least give it a shot. I spent an hour in the bathroom trying to put it in. I was laughing and crying, like “what the hell is this thing?” said Jarvis. “I ultimately realized, there's not really been much innovation with a period cup in years.”

That’s why they’re not only providing better solutions with Sunny, but working toward a more sustainable, more effective, and overall more inclusive approach to periods.

One menstruator will use an average of 9,120 tamponsor pads in their lifetime. More often than not, these single-use products (which are 90% plastic, BTW) end up in landfills, taking anywhere from 500 to 800 years to decompose, though plastic never truly decomposes.

In addition to the raw materials used to make tampons and pads themselves, manufacturing practices suck up energy and water sources, contributing to carbon emissions.

Menstrual cups can be reused for up to a decade with a lot less of an impact on the environment, but a very slim percentage of menstruators are actually using them. The Sunny Cup is reusable for up to a year, replacing an average of 225 tampons that one person can potentially use per year.

“I mean, billions of pads are going into landfills. You're not supposed to flush them, obviously, but people do,” said Jarvis. “After five years of prototyping, research, and development, we finally came up with a design that we feel will help beginner menstrual cup users switch to this really cool, sustainable option that saves you money and saves disposables from going into landfills.”

There’s a bias for tampons and pads because they offer convenience at the tear of a wrapper – but convenience isn't the only factor driving it. Many menstruators simply do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to period products.

This fact became a reality for Belardo in 2018 when she began working with menstruators in India through a research grant. Her team had the opportunity to survey 200 first-time menstrual cup users on their experience with the device.

“One important takeaway was the taboo around periods and the female body. That was not unique to the individuals we surveyed in India – it's here in the US and globally,” said Belardo. “It became very apparent that period poverty is a worldwide issue that needs to be addressed.”

Medical News Today defines period poverty as “the social, economic, political, and cultural barriers to menstrual products, education, and sanitation.” It’s estimated that 500 millionmenstruators around the world lack proper access to a few or all three of these things. Though not exclusively tied to a specific demographic, period poverty is most commonly present in low income, impoverished, and food insecure communities.

“Unfortunately, [period poverty] is everywhere. I think we don't really realize that where there's food insecurity, there’s poverty,” said Jarvis. “That can be in any community. You may not know those people are dealing with those circumstances.”

Period poverty can put a lot of stress on menstruators, depending on their situation. For those without proper access to period products, scarcity can cause physical stress. For those living in poverty, affording period products in the first place can cause financial stress. For those shamed for having a period, the embarrassment can cause emotional stress.

“When you don't have access to period products, a lot of young menstruators will miss school, which is driving a gap in education, and then ultimately leading into a gap in income for people with periods, which is disproportionately women, and is even more challenging for women menstruators of color,” expressed Jarvis. “Of course, that's no place that we should be living in.”

Societal stigmas and myths surrounding menstruation further the divide between menstruators and access to period-related resources. The belief that periods are gross, unnatural, or perverted comes from a lack of education and understanding, according to Belardo.

“We understand that periods are a bodily process that have been punished, stigmatized, and shamed by society, and we committed to educating and working with our community to co-create solutions to unmet needs,” said Belardo. “The only way we are going to see change is if we can shift society's understanding.”

Sunny is combatting period poverty in the states and abroad by simply normalizing periods. In addition to their menstrual cup, they’ve created a graphic novel for young people that aims to educate about periods. They continue to have candid conversations surrounding periods, sexual health, and period poverty through their social media channels. Sunny is also dedicated to donating products and resources to those who need them through Period.org, a non-profit that advocates for menstruators.

In addition to these things, Jarvis and Belardo are ensuring their efforts with Sunny are oriented towards menstruators of all backgrounds in order to serve the community at large.

“It's vital to openly combat the stigma associated with our bodies in order to advocate and sustain our community's mental health. Part of that is being inclusive,” said Belardo. “Truly including everyone in this conversation, cis and trans men, cis and trans women, non-binary folks, menstruators and non-menstruators, lower-income countries and higher-income countries, people of color, et cetera, so that we can normalize our bodies.”

“We've had people get frustrated by that at times. But the reality is, we're a period care company, and we are addressing people with periods and we're not going to exclude anyone from that,” said Jarvis. “We knew that it was going to be political because we wanted to include everybody with a period. We realized that while we are passionate about earth-friendly products, inclusive education, and global impact, we were always going to be more than just a period product.”

Learn more at SunnyPeriod.com. Sign up for our email newsletter to stay in the know about all things health + lifestyle!

Photography by Scott Vo Photography.

Some quotes have been edited for clarity.

There are some casting decisions that feel like they're written in the stars. Margot Robbie as Barbie, Lola Tung as The Summer I Turned Pretty's Belly, and Pedro Pascal as Joel in The Last of Us definitely make the list. What I never expected, however, was for Pedro Pascal to be in talks to join two of my other fave actors in a rom-com!! (The other two actors are Dakota Johnson and Chris Evans, in case you're wondering). If you're as excited as I am but don't know much about the new movie, don't worry — I've done all the work so you don't have to. Here's everything we know about director Celine Song's new movie Materialists!

What is Materialists about?

Image via JC Olivera/Getty Images

While we haven't gotten an official synopsis on Celine Song's follow up to Past Lives, it looks like Materialists follows a professional NYC matchmaker (likely played by Dakota Johnson), via Deadline. When the matchmaker gets involved with a wealthy man, she realizes she can't shake her feelings for an actor-waiter from her past. Juicy!! It's giving a little bit of It Ends With Us, it's giving a little bit of Playing With Matches. I'm totally here for it!

According to Merriam Webster, a materialist is someone who has a "preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things." This feels like an indication we'll see these characters have to figure out what's important to them, and whether they prioritize material things or relationships. (But don't we all have to do that?).

Is the Materialists movie filming?

Images via @mickmicknyc

Yes, Materialists is filming in New York City as of April 2024! The first leaked videos from set (thanks to @mickmicknyc) appear to revolve around a wedding (which would make sense if Dakota's character is a matchmaker!). Based on the costumes, my guess is Chris Evans plays the actor-waiter, while Pedro Pascal plays the new man in our leading lady's life. The Vampire Diaries, The Summer I Turned Pretty, Friday Night Lights — will the love triangles never cease?!

Who's in the Materialists cast?

Image via Emiliano Bar/Unsplash

Materialists stars Dakota Johnson, Pedro Pascal, and Chris Evans. We're still waiting to hear about supporting cast! I'd also love to know whether Celine Song will pull a Greta Gerwig (who frequently recasts her beloved actors) and include Past Lives' Greta Lee in the cast.

When is Materialists coming out?

Image via Myke Simon/Unsplash

Materialists just started filming in New York City during the spring of 2024, so my guess is we'll see the movie in the summer or fall of 2025, but it all depends on when filming wraps!

Did A24 produce Past Lives?

Image via A24

Yes, A24 helped produce Celine Song's directorial debut Past Lives (which she also wrote). Past Lives follows childhood friends Nora and Hae Sung, reconnect two decades after Nora's family leaves South Korea. The week they spend together in New York will bring up questions they've both been holding onto — about love, life, and destiny.

The film was met with rave reviews from both critics and the Brit + Co team, and remains one of the most beautiful contemporary films in recent years.

What else has Pedro Pascal been in?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

While The Last of Us catapulted Pedro Pascal even MORE into mainstream media, he's starred in a variety of shows and movies over the last 20 years! He was in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and played the recurring role of Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones. Pedro Pascal joined the Star Wars universe with The Mandalorian in 2019, and was also in my personal favorite movie of 2022, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent.

In addition to Materialists, we'll see him in the MCU's Fantastic Four and Gladiator 2. Talk about a packed schedule! I'd like to get his agent to schedule my entire life because that's some insanely impressive time management skills.

What has Chris Evans been in?

Image via Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

You probably recognize Chris Evans the most as Steve Rogers/Captain America in Marvel Studios' superhero flicks, but he's also done a number of other movies, too (including the 2005 Fantastic Four, which is funny considering Pedro Pascal is in the new installment!). Chris Evans has some great range, and is in everything from the wacky Scott Pilgrim vs. the World to the action-packed Snowpiercer to the mysterious Knives Out with Ana de Armas.

If you're a fan of romantic dramas and haven't seen Before We Go (which is also Chris' directorial debut), I totally recommend it. I've seen Chris in so many action movies that I loved how much space there is for the characters to get to know each other!

Where can I watch Dakota Johnson?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

You can see Dakota Johnson in 2024's Madame Web, but you can also catch her in The Social Network, the Fifty Shades of Gray series, and two beloved YouTube videos: Dakota Johnson’s Favorite Comedian Isn’t Ellen and Inside Dakota Johnson's Serene Hollywood Home.

I also wholeheartedly recommend The Peanut Butter Falcon, which was written and directed by Outer Banks native Tyler Nilson alongside Michael Schwartz. The film follows a young man with Down syndrome who escapes an assisted living facility and becomes fast friends with a fisherman on the run as a social worker (played by Dakota) tries to track them.

Are you excited for the Materialists movie? What are your favorite Chris Evans + Pedro Pascal + and Dakota Johnson movies? Follow us on TikTok for more movie news!

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This post has been updated.

Met Gala Monday has arrived, and it's making me think about all my favorite red carpet couplesBlake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Shaun White and Nina Dobrev, Tom Holland and Zendaya (who's co-chairing the Gala this year!). But one of the couples at the top of my list is Miles and Keleigh Teller. This couple (who's BFF's with Taylor Swift, by the way) never miss a hot red carpet look but they're also so sweet and goofy. Fingers crossed they show up at the Gala tonight, but until then, keep reading for their cutest relationship moments!

Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller's Full Relationship Timeline

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty Images for MTV

May 11, 2013 — Miles Teller And Keleigh Sperry Meet

Miles Teller and his future wife Keleigh met at an after party for The Black Keys in 2013, and immediately clicked. "I told my buddy, 'I think I'm going to be with this girl for a long time,'" Miles tells People in 2017.

He also told Vogue in 2019 that he knew she was the one right after they met. "Keleigh had caught my eye early in the night, and we talked," he says. "I didn't think it went well, but after a few more attempts, I got her to dance with me, and a week later, we went on a date."

“He was so charming and charismatic,” Keleigh tells Vogue. “I adored him from the first moment we met.”

Image via Keleigh Teller/Instagram

August 20, 2017 — Miles Teller Proposes To Keleigh Sperry

While on a trip to South Africa, Miles Teller proposed to Keleigh, starting the next chapter of their life! Except, the proposal didn't initially go as planned. "You do a coffee break after you do the morning sunrise safari and I said, ‘OK, wherever we’re going to be at, tie a rose to a tree and then put this note [with the day we started dating and the day we got engaged] on there,’" Miles says on an episode of Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. "So, we had our coffee break and she sees the flower [and] she thought someone had died. She thought it was an in memoriam kind of thing, and I’m just, like, staring.”

"I'll never get the image out of my head of him down on one knee with a tear in his eye," Keleigh told People. "He really thought about every detail and was so nervous!"

Image via Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

September 1, 2019 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Get Married

I thought this relationship couldn't get any more perfect, and then Miles and Keleigh Teller ended up getting married in Hawaii. The dreamy ceremony took place on Maui, and in addition to a beautiful Monique Lhuillier gown, Keleigh wore a necklace from her mom that all her sisters also wore when they got married. (Don't mind me, just brushing a tear from my eye!)

Image via Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images for BFI

September 1, 2020 — Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller Celebrate Their Wedding Anniversary

Everyday is a good day to celebrate your partner, and anniversaries are even more of an excuse! To celebrate their one-year, Miles and Keleigh Teller spent some time oceanside. "Happy 1 yr anniversary to my all-time love @keleighsperry," Miles tweeted. "You and me til the end, baby."

"1 year ago, till the end," Keleigh Teller said in her own Instagram post.

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty Images

December 21, 2020 — Miles Teller Reveals Keleigh Teller Always Has His Back

While speaking with Men's Health at the end of 2020, Miles revealed just how strong his marriage to Keleigh had become (and how they added a lemon tree, hydrangeas, and roses to their backyard!). "She keeps me calm. It's pretty great," he says. "We are really great. Once you get married and you make that ultimate commitment, life is just a lot less stressful. You just know that person is always going to be there."

Image via Christopher Polk/Getty Images for MTV

February 14, 2021 — Keleigh Teller Celebrates Valentine's Day

To celebrate their second Valentine's Day as a married couple, Keleigh wrote a beautiful message to Miles on Instagram. "8 years of being your valentine," she says. "I love you, the one I want to go through time with." I cannot get enough of this couple! Swoon!

Image via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

May 25, 2021 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Vacation With Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers

In addition to the critically-acclaimed Top Gun: Maverick and Whiplash, you probably recognize Miles Teller from the Divergent series. Well, apparently he still keeps in touch with his co-stars, and this vacation proves it! Ahead of the summer of 2021, Miles and Keleigh Teller took a trip to Hawaii with Shailene Woodley and her then-boyfriend Aaron Rogers (of Green Pay Packers fame).

Image via Jason Koerner/Getty Images

September 1, 2021 — Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller Celebrate Their 2nd Anniversary As A Married Couple

This social media savvy couple celebrated each other on their second anniversary, and their messages were the sweetest yet! "2 years ago today, I married the woman of my dreams," Miles tweeted. "There isn't a day that goes by where I'm not reminded of how much I truly love and adore you. Thank you for your kindness and unconditional support, Keleigh. I would be lost without you."

"Happy anniversary my booshki," Keleigh wrote on Instagram. "Not sure how to put 8 years into 10 photos but I love you forever more thanks for being a stud of a husband, I adore you."

Image via Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

November 15, 2021 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Star In Taylor Swift's Music Video

All of Taylor Swift's music videos are amazing in their own right but my personal favorite is "I Bet You Think About Me" from the Red (Taylor's Version) era. The costumes are beautiful, Blake Lively's direction is perfect, and the fact that Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller are in the video makes it even better!

"So grateful to Miles for being the greatest dance partner and friend to me," Taylor wrote on Instagram at the time. "And @keleighteller, who is the coolest living human on planet earth. The bride was willing to risk it all."

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

May 5, 2022 — Miles Teller's Wife Keleigh Celebrates Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun was one of the hottest movies of 2022, and to celebrate its release, Keleigh showed up for her husband time and time again! "Loving the Rooster love! Miles says thank you to everyone who has seen the film and he shares in this moment with you," she says in one Instagram post, captioning another, "Just.. memories. so proud of you all. Congrats!!"

Image via Lia Toby/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

July 20, 2022 — Keleigh Teller Asks Miles Teller To Shave His Mustache

As much as Top Gun fans loved Miles Teller's mustache (and how much it made him look like his onscreen dad Goose, played in the original film by Anthony Edwards), Keleigh Teller wasn't a huge fan. "My wife made me shave it immediately [after filming wrapped]," Miles joked with People during the summer of 2022.

Image via Monica Schipper/Getty Images for Netflix

October 1, 2022 — Miles Teller Hosts Saturday Night Live

On the heels of the Top Gun craze, Miles Teller hosted SNL during the fall, and Keleigh was just as excited as him!! "I adore you, thank you for making this week what it was @rebeccaannes @colinjost @fayedunaway etc. you make dreams come true," Keleigh wrote on Instagram the next day.

"So proud of you ❤️🔥," she wrote in another post.

Image via Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

February 2, 2023 — Miles Teller and Keleigh Sperry Star In A Super Bowl Commercial

There aren't many Super Bowl commercials I can remember from the last few years, but the Bud Light ad with Miles Teller & wife Keleigh is one of my favorites! The ad really highlights how much fun this couple has as they dance around and have fun together. "There's a lot of improv," Miles tells People. "We did go to a rehearsal, just to be professional about it — but in the back of my head I was kind of figuring…I kind of knew the moves I wanted to do."

"It's really been an incredible year for both Keleigh and I, not just professionally but personally," he continues. "When Bud Light came and wanted us to be a part of a Super Bowl commercial, I mean, that's the top of the mountain as far as these things go. We always look forward to watching them."

Image via Keleigh Teller/Instagram

May 27, 2023 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Watch Taylor Swift's Eras Tour

I was over the moon when I realized I was at the same Eras Tour show as Keleigh and Miles Teller! The couple, along with Aaron Rodgers, attended two of Taylor Swift's three concerts at the MetLife arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. They were a blast! "48 hours in ERAs heaven," Keleigh says on Instagram.

Image via Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

February 20, 2024 — Keleigh Sperry Celebrates Miles Teller's Birthday

I love birthdays just as much as other major holidays, and turns out Keleigh Teller loves them too! (Just, not as much as she loves Miles ;)). "Happy 37th birthday to my Phila-Florida-jersey-boy, you hung the 🌙 ," she says on Instagram. "Keep on flying, I’ll stand by and watch you shine forever."

Image via Miles Teller/X

April 30, 2024 — Miles And Keleigh Teller Dress Up In Honor Of The Fall Guy

After Ryan Gosling dressed up as Beavis during SNL and the premiere of The Fall Guy, Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller put their own spin on the costumes. Miles posted the photos to X with nothing but a rocker hand emoji as the caption.

Who is Miles Teller's wife?

Image via Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Miles Teller's wife is Keleigh Teller, who is a professional model and has starred in music videos like Opeth’s “The Devil’s Orchard" and Taylor Swift's "I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor's Version)."

How did Keleigh Teller and Miles Teller meet?

Image via Randy Shropshire/Getty Images for CAA

Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller met when they showed up to the same after party in 2013. It really goes to show that you never know where you'll find the love of your life!

Do Miles and Keleigh Teller have kids?

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

No, Miles Teller & wife Keleigh don't have kids — but they do have a French bulldog named Bugsy!

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Lead image via Lia Toby/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures