Nightly Journal Prompts For Personal Growth, Based On Your Enneagram Type

woman journaling with enneagram

The Enneagram isn't just a personality type system — once you dig into it, you'll learn that the system is actually all about overcoming the constraints of your personality. Once you've figured out your Enneagram type through lots of introspection, you can start to become aware of the habitual thoughts and behaviors you've developed in response to childhood trauma and societal pressures. If you already know your type, it can be really helpful to journal each night about the day that just went by, and how your type's issues may have manifested in your thoughts and actions. Here are nine journal prompts you can try, based on your Enneagram type, to help you reflect on and move past your type's personal challenges.

Type 1

Photo by George Milton/Pexels

"In what ways was I critical of myself and others today?"

Type 1 is characterized by the need to detect errors, improve the world, and make things more perfect. For some 1s, that manifests in being incredibly self-critical, while for others, that criticism may be directed toward the people and institutions around them.

At the end of the day, Type 1s can reflect on these tendencies by taking note of instances in which they were unnecessarily critical of themselves, others, and their environment. Noticing these patterns is the key to eventually overcoming them.

Type 2

Photo by cottonbro/Pexels

"During the course of the day, how did I shift my behavior to appear more likable and charming to others?"

Type 2 is often called "The Helper," but there's more to this type than simply lending a helping hand to other people. The biggest issue for Type 2s is their need to be liked, and while this can manifest as helping others, it can also take the form of being charming, cute, and likeable.

Each night, make it a point to reflect on how you may have shifted your behavior to earn others' approval, whether by being nice, acting upbeat, or even being seductive in your interactions.

Type 3

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"In what ways did I overly focus on my outward appearance, success, and competence today?"

Type 3s focus their attention on appearing successful, competent, and societally attractive. This can manifest as working too hard, dressing according to trends rather than their own tastes, showing off their wealth — really, anything that makes them look admirable in the eyes of others. What it all comes down to is that 3s focus on what's acceptable and prized by society, rather than knowing who they truly are or what they truly want.

The first step toward knowing your true self better is to realize how you prioritize appearing successful. At the end of the day, take note on ways you shifted your appearance or behavior in order to seem successful in the eyes of others.

Type 4


"In what ways did I compare myself to others today? Did I find myself to be better than or less than others?"

Type 4s often want to feel unique and special, and the reason for this is that deep down, they feel as though they are somehow deficient. They constantly reinforce these untrue thoughts by comparing themselves to others — often seeing themselves as lacking what others have, but sometimes by feeling superior to others as a defense mechanism.

Each night, it will be beneficial for 4s to sit down with themselves and have an honest conversation about how they compared themselves to others throughout the day. Notice whether you found yourself envying others, or feeling superior — both are a symptom of your inner tendency to constantly compare.

Type 5

Photo by Ivan Samkov/Pexels

"What are some examples of ways I isolated myself and detached from others today?"

Type 5s live in their heads because they find it safer than opening up to other people. A lot of this stems from a deeper fear that their energy will be used up or depleted by others — and especially by others' emotions. They fear being overwhelmed by others' needs, moods, and demands.

If you're a Type 5, take a moment to reflect on ways you may have purposely avoided other people, whether literally or emotionally. Perhaps taking your lunch break alone felt less scary than interacting with your coworkers, or maybe you preferred to watch a movie or have an intellectual discussion with your partner, rather than opening up emotionally.

Type 6

Photo by Liza Summer/Pexels

"In what ways did I anticipate worst-case scenarios today? Did I 'prepare' for these scenarios by confronting them head-on, worrying excessively, or relying on others?

Type 6s anticipate all the ways in which things could go wrong, and then make attempts to prevent worst-case scenarios. Some 6s try to prevent their fears from coming true by teaming up with others or following the rules, while other 6s (often called counter-phobic 6s), head these situations off by coming at them directly. Either way, these strategies can be problematic, because they consistently lead to worst-case scenario thinking and a profound sense of anxiety.

If you're a 6, journal about ways you anticipated the worst in all manner of situations. Some Type 6's fears manifest more socially (fearing that others are judging you or don't like you), while others are more situational (preparing for storms, catastrophic events, and problems at work). Take note of any and all of the above.

Type 7

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

"What are some examples of how I removed myself from unpleasant feelings or situations today by turning to something more fun and interesting instead?"

If you're a Type 7, you often move away from sad, boring, or unpleasant feelings, and towards stimulating ideas and experiences. This is because unconsciously, you deeply fear being trapped, sad, or lonely. You avoid these feelings by turning toward more "positive" experiences instead. While that all sounds fun, this can lead to becoming emotionally detached, absent, and unable to navigate life's inevitable ups and downs.

Each night, tune into the ways you ignored the darker side of your emotions by focusing on the lighter, brighter aspects of being instead.

Type 8

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"In the course of the day, did I make powerful statements or attempt to make things happen by force of will and excessive action?"

Enneagram Type 8s avoid feeling vulnerable, preferring instead to believe they can accomplish anything. They overcompensate for their inner fears of vulnerability by standing up to others, fighting for the underdog, appearing larger-than-life, and sometimes, being combative or aggressive.

If you're a Type 8, it's important to notice how you bulldoze through life in ways that reinforce your inner fear of being vulnerable or ineffective. The truth is, you can't always manifest your desires into being by sheer force or will, and believing things to be true doesn't make them so.

Type 9

Photo by Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

"Did I have trouble saying 'no' to others today? If so, what conflict was I trying to avoid?"

Type 9s tend to overlook themselves and look instead to other people as a means of avoiding conflict and keeping the peace. This can look like people-pleasing, working when you don't want to work, tuning out your desires, and having trouble saying no.

If you're a Type 9, it can be very hard to notice these behaviors in yourself, because you've tuned your own needs and desires out so completely. As a first step, start taking notice of instances in which you had trouble saying no. This resistance to standing up for yourself is a good indicator of how you may be trying to avoid conflict with others.

Love these Enneagram journal prompts? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter for more personal growth inspo, typology content, and life hacks!

Featured photo by Ivan Samkov/Pexels.

Take it from my first-hand experience: daily journal prompts will totally transform your mindset. Not only does journaling help you put things into perspective (and improve your penmanship), but it also allows you to be more aware of what's going on around you, to get more in touch with your emotions, and help you grow. But journal prompts aren't just for us — celebs love them too.

In a recent installment of British Vogue's In The Bag, Emma Watson explains how important journaling has become in her life. "This is my ritual...Every single day I write in this," she says in the video. "If I had to choose one thing that I went on the plane with, with my passport, it would probably be this because [journaling] has been really important."

Her journal is covered in words, and seems to be full of different images, inserts, and notes. "Lots of thoughts, feelings, emotions," she continues. "It makes me look very emo. I really am a bit emo."

She continues to explain the daily journal prompts she follows, and they blew my mind because of how simple, but how impactful, they are. I've been journaling recently, and at the very least, writing in a stream of consciousness format (where I write down what I think as soon as I think it) helps me process thoughts that I haven't been able to process yet. I recommend you try the same! It might just help you think more clearly and feel less overwhelmed. Because the great thing about journaling is that no one has to see it but you. Here are some of our favorite Harry Potter alum's daily journal prompts to inspire you this week.

Emma Watson's Daily Journal Prompts

Image via Brit + Co

3 Things That Were Joyful

Whether you choose to write every morning about the day before, or you cozy up with your journal and a cup of tea at night to write about your day, highlight three things that encouraged you or made you smile. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the bad things happening, both personally and worldwide, but when you focus on the good, the good really does get better. It will also make a huge impact at the end of your week, then your month, then your year, to look back on all the goodness you experienced.

Image via Brit + Co

3 Acts Of Kindness

Remembering back on acts of kindness — either from yourself or from other people — will remind you of how many good people are in your life! These acts of kindness can be as simple as giving someone a compliment or paying it forward at your favorite Starbucks.

Image via Brit + Co

3 Self Affirmations

It's absolutely vital to growth and our relationships to others that we get to know ourselves. You can tailor your self affirmations to something you need to hear in the moment, write the same thing every day, or set the goal to write something new every single day. Once you understand the roots of everything from your insecurities to your favorite memories, then you'll be able to be a truer version of yourself!

Other Daily Journal Prompts

Image via Katya Wolf/Pexels

Daily Journal Prompts For Growth

Work through what growth looks like for you right now — and in the future — as well as any habits that might be preventing you from growing the way you need to. (via Brit + Co)

Image via Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels

Relationship Journal Prompts

These daily journal prompts will help you figure out what you're personally looking for in a romantic relationship, but also how to better relate to the people around you. (via Brit + Co)

Image via Arina Krasnikova / PEXELS

Mental Health Daily Journal Prompts

We mentioned the emotional and mental health benefits of journaling earlier, and these prompts will help you delve deep into emotions, gratitude, your imagination, and some time for self-reflection. (via Brit + Co)

Image via Gabrielle Henderson/Unsplash

Fall Journal Prompts For Creativity

Journaling is also great for creatives because it can serve as an outlet for so many different things. You can process events with poetry or short stories, or just work through a single idea by writing about it. You can't go wrong. (via Brit + Co)

What daily journal prompts do you like to work with? Check out our email newsletter for more creative inspo.

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This post has been updated.

To smooch or not to smooch? That was the question for Twisters director Lee Isaac Chung, who made the decision to cut a kiss from the end of the half-disaster-movie-half-rom-com. The film (in theaters now) follows Glen Powell’s Tyler, a viral social media storm chaser, and Daisy Edgar-Jones’ Kate, a former chaser. And when tragedy strikes, and the two team up to take down the storms, sparks fly. Cue "Sparks Fly" by Taylor Swift.

The two leads have electric chemistry, even the initial movie trailers, and fans went crazy when they realized Twisters ended without Kate and Tyler sharing a kiss — especially once footage of the cut scene went viral.

The Twisters ending features Tyler chasing Kate down in an airport — which, I might add, is another classic rom-com move! However, while the movie doesn't end with a kiss, a behind the scenes video shows the team did film one.

"Always remember what they took from us," one user says on X (formerly Twitter) alongside the behind the scenes clip, while another posted the same video, saying, "WHY DID THEY CUT THE KISS FROM TWISTERS?!?!?!???????????????"

Director Lee Isaac Chung finally weighed in on the debate, telling Entertainment Weekly, "I actually tried the kiss [with an audience], and it was very polarizing — and it's not because of their performance of the kiss."

"If it ends on the kiss, then it makes it seem as though that's what Kate's journey was all about, to end up with a kiss," he continues. "But instead, it's better that it ends with her being able to continue doing what she's doing with a smile on her face."

I totally hear that. However, I'm one of the masses who would have liked to see a kiss!

And the chemistry doesn't stop when the credits roll. Daisy Edgar-Jones and Glen Powell continue to have a blast doing press for the film, and fans are starting to draw parallels between Daisy & Glen and Zendaya & Tom Holland, who had similar press junket interactions before announcing their IRL relationship.

We may not get a kiss at the end of Twisters, but you can watch the behind the scenes footage as many times as you want. I know I will.

What do you think about the Twisters ending? Pucker up and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Check out our Facebook for more news on your favorite celebs.

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My recent favorite book discovery came from a random trip to Books-A-Million with my sister. It even seemed serendipitous given how often I've written about book clubs. Titled The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, it's the first book in a while to hold my attention and encourage me to read more books this year. Like many hopeful readers out there, I routinely get distracted whenever I try to focus on a new book and can rarely remember anything I've read once I finish it.

After a lot of trial and error, I figured out that I was paying attention to too many other things while diving into my latest read. Once I was able to quiet my mind and eliminate distractions, it only took me two days to finish Grady Hendrix' genre-bending horror book. If you've been trying to figure out how to read more books while navigating your growing TBR list, we've got you. After combing Reddit threads, tuning into our favorite BookTok-ers, and gleaning advice from disciplined readers who cycle through over 50 books each year, here are the eight best tips to help you read more books in 2024.

What's the #1 secret for reading more books in 2024?

Image via Photo by Joseph Ruwa/Pexels

Come in close. Closer. Okay, stop! The secret is that you need to decide how many books you want to read even if it's only 12. That's one book per month which is super doable! Also, it doesn't hurt to be genuinely excited about reading. With these two things in mind, you'll have space to read more books without it feeling like a chore! Apps like Goodreads help you set your personalized reading challenge and will give you updates throughout the year on your progress to keep you on track.

Create a personalized reading nook

Image via Photo by George Milton/Pexels

You'll never have to ask me if I think it's necessary to carve out a small space for you to work or engage in a fun hobby. It's something I've done since I was a little girl and it's helped me to focus on whatever I'm doing. In terms of reading more books, I've found sectioning off a corner in my office to dedicate to reading has actually been inspiring. I have an inexpensive stand with some of my favorite books on it. Read more on our design inspiration for creating a perfect reading nook here.

Create a TBR pile for the books you want to read in order

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

As much as I love reading, it's easy to find books in random places because I've run out of room on both of my bookshelves. It's not hard to find rom-com, thriller, or self improvement books in the kitchen or on my bedroom floor so I came up with another solution: make reading piles. I have them sectioned by genre and it's actually helping me to focus on one book at a time.

Document your reading journey

Image via Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

You don't have to necessarily use a reading journal, but it's helpful to document when you started reading a book. You can also write down standout quotes and moments to help you remember the book long after you've read it. Summary Guru said, "A reading diary can help you set goals, will let you know when you need to have read each book by to hit your target, and will allow you to record your thoughts after you finish each book."

If you want to try another route, you can take a cue from BookTok and verbally review your books! Not sure about becoming an accidental book-influencer? Summary Guru suggests taking to Goodreads or Amazon to "publish a good review!"

Power up your kindle or try an audiobook

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I cherish having the physical copy of a book in my hands, but seeing my TBR pile can be overwhelming at times. I've found that I'm able to read more chapters when I'm utilizing a kindle or my iPad. Audiobooks can be a wonderful option if you’re looking for something to help you power through chores, or if you have tired eyes after using a computer all day. Swap out your go-to playlist or podcast for an audiobook on your next walk, and you'll be surprised by how much you can get through each week.

Eliminate distractions

Image via Andres Ayrton/Pexels

I've been known to have a book in my hand while listening to a podcast and a vlog on YouTube at the same. I call the latter my "background noise." The thing is, I don't focus on what I'm reading when I'm listening to two different things. If this sounds familiar, hi! Let's work on eliminating distractions so you don't have to worry about reading the same line in your books over and over.

If you have to have background noise, opt for turning your space fan on or instrumental music so it can serve as white noise.

Host your own book club meeting with a friend or two

Image via Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Starting your own book club doesn't have to be formal nor does it have to be documented for social media. You can round up one to two of your closest friends and create a bi-weekly or monthly get-together to discuss a book you're all currently obsessing over. In one our favorite romanticize your life tricks, you can host a picnic and bring a yummy charcuterie board to enjoy while your talk shop.

Read books you actually enjoy

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

It sounds simple, but why labor through the English lit classics when your heart yearns for a contemporary romance novel? Read what YOU want to read — not just a book that is critically-acclaimed, buzzy, or what other people rave and recommend to you. Once you find the genres that speak to you the most, you'll have no trouble cancelling your plans to sit down with a good book.

If you're not in the habit of daily reading, start with smaller texts like poetry books or short story and essay compilations. In building up the ritual, you'll train yourself to look forward to your quiet moment to read each day and will breeze through your reading goals in no time.

Which tip will help you read more books this year?

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Kaia Gerber is more than Cindy Crawford's daughter — she's a certified It Girl, actress, and model in her own right. From starring in projects like Palm Royale to popular fashion campaigns, it's amazing Kaia Gerber finds any time to herself, let alone time to read. But Kaia's shared that she's an avid reader, and even has her own book clubcalled Library Science. Her reading picks are unique, filled with stories that aren't always highlighted on other lists. Needless to say, this list is total reading goals. Here are 15 books off of Kaia Gerber's book club list to grab today!

Normal Peopleby Sally Rooney

Connell and Marianne may have different personalities and social standings in school, but there's no denying the unspoken chemistry between them. Their unlikely bond puts them in each other's orbit even as they move beyond high school and try to figure out where they stand in life during their college years. As they struggle to understand who they are, their bond may be the one thing that keeps them from veering too far into the deep end.

Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

This New York Times Bestseller is filled with nine essays that seek to expose the ways we don't always give ourselves permission to be exist without the confines of societal rules and structures telling us who to be. From growing up in the age of the internet to the relationship we have with our bodies, Trick Mirror is a thoughtful novel that anyone can find a piece of themselves in.

This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel

This Is How It Always Is revolves around a family's desire to protect the identity of one of their own from the cruelty of the world. With young Claude at the center of the secret, his parents try their hardest to give him space to evolve into who he feels he is. However, it's only so long that a secret can stay closed off from the world and in Claude's case, it's begging to be free without constraints.

Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Featured on Reese Witherspoon's book club list, Where The Crawdads Sing seeks to unearth the mystery of the "Marsh Girl" by following Kya Clark's story. She's mislabeled by those in town because she's happily grown up outside the confines of what's considered 'normal.'

But when tragedy strikes and someone loses their life, Kya is immediately blamed. It's a novel that's rife with finding freedom in nature, learning to open one's heart, and burying secrets that threatened to cause harm.

Well-Read Black Girl by Glory Edim

This Kaia Gerber book clubrecommendation is a collection of essays that seek to explain the importance of representation in books. With words written by Gabourey Sidibe and Jesymn Ward, Well-Read Black Girl offers readers a chance to think about certain characters who may have flown under the radar in literature.

Broken People by Sam Lansky

Sam is looking for an unconventional way to heal from his past trauma and current mental health struggles in Broken People. When he learns about a gifted and powerful shaman, he believes he'll be the answer to this prayers. This encourages him to go on a weekend journey that involves being healed by this shaman, but Sam begins to question if there's any help for him when it seems like his past is more troublesome than anyone can help fix.

Bad Feministby Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay takes us down memory lane as she introduces us to things that shaped her youth and feminist views. It's one that includes what some would consider to be unpopular opinions, but it's written in a way that makes the reader understand that Roxane never claimed to be the perfect spokesperson for feminism.

People You Follow by Hayley Gene Penner

Hayley Gene Penner's powerful and insightful memoir unravels her past decisions, and how she looks at them now. From impulsive decisions to a work relationship without boundaries, People You Follow is a poignant recollection that we recommend you read sooner vs. later!

Severance by Ling Ma

Severance reads like a modern day tale of Moses' biblical story. Instead of being shaken by the deaths of her parents, Candace Chen decides to continue living like nothing has changed. Her laser focus causes her to miss the warning signs that a shift is taking place in the world around her and she notices changes when it's too late.

Left to her own devices, she decides to dabble in photography until she runs into a group of survivors who offer companionship and a way out. However, Candace knows something they don't and she's terrified of what the response will be if the survivors' leader ever finds out.

My Body by Emily Ratajkowski

Determined to take back her power and narrative, Emily Ratajkowski lets readers into the crevices of her mind to understand where she stands on, well, a lot of things. From feminism to sexism, Emily has an opinion about it all and she's not afraid to share it in My Body.

In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado

In The Dream House is a Kaia Gerber book club pick that's written to help Carmen Maria Machando understand how her former queer relationship became home to mental abuse. She talks about her upbringing and uses various chapters to break down what could've led her to entertain someone like her former partner.

Honey, Baby, Mine by Laura Dern and Diane Ladd

Most memoirs feature a first-person account of their past, but rarely do they feature the thoughts of people who may be mentioned in them. What makes Honey, Baby, Mine so unique is the way Laura Dern includes thoughts from her mother Diane Ladd throughout the pages. They cover different topics in life — talking as mother and daughter — which makes it an endearing read.

Don't Call Me Home: A Memoir by Alexandra Auder

Don't Call Me Home is another memoir that's full of the wonderful rollercoaster known as memories. Alexandra Auder writes about how the beginning of her life was shaped by her larger-than-life mother and father. Understanding that she an unconventional childhood, Auder explains how this shaped who she is today.

Remember Love: Words For Tender Times by Cleo Wade

It's no secret that we've been living in stressful and scary times, but Cleo Wade aims to ask us to check in with our hearts in Remember Love: Words For Tender Times. While it's good to stay informed, Wade's tender prose invites us to remember the things we can control.

Crying In H Mart by Michelle Zauner

Michelle Zauner's home has been full of music, food, and family for as long as she can remember. It's not lost on her that she grew up under the strict, watchful eye of her Asian mother and how she secretly strived to move away from her traditional past. But, she realized over time that there's no need to shed all the parts of herself in favor of a life that no longer mirrors what she's used to.

Want more book recs? Be sure to check out our Amazon storefront!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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This post has been updated.

Hearty and full of flavor, sausage is comfort food at its finest. And if someone forced us to pick our favorite sausage, we’d have to say chorizo. This spicy sausage comes in plenty of forms — Mexican, Spanish and Portuguese — and can be used easily as a side dish or stand alone as the star of the show (AKA dinner). Here are 17 delicious chorizo recipes to heat things up in the kitchen.

The Endless Meal

Chorizo Breakfast Casserole

Start your day off right with this hearty breakfast casserole packed with chorizo and veggies. The best part of this recipe is the leftovers, so it's meal prep-ready! (via The Endless Meal)

Where Is My Spoon?

Chorizo Chicken Paella

Paella is an absolute must-make come fall and winter time. This dense dish gets most of its flavor from delicious chorizo! (via Where Is My Spoon?)

Two Peas & Their Pod

Chorizo Corn Pizza

Switch your next pizza pie up a bit by opting for chorizo, jalapeños, and corn as the toppings instead of your regular ol' cheese and pepperoni combo. You can thank us later. (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

The Original Dish

Pumpkin Chorizo Chili with Yogurt & Herbs

This chili is gonna warm you from the inside out, not only because it's served warm, but because the spicy chorizo has a nice kick to it! (via The Original Dish)

The Real Food Dietitians

Chorizo Stuffed Mushrooms

Looking for a reliable party appetizer? These chorizo stuffed mushrooms are so here to please. (via The Real Food Dietitians)

Half Baked Harvest

Chorizo Bolognese Pasta with Sourdough Pangrattato + Burrata

Chorizo and pasta go together surprisingly well. This cheesy bolognese is proof! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Lady and Pups

Mexican Chorizo + Garlic Shrimp Burger

This burger is a powerhouse. A savory Mexican chorizo patty topped with garlic shrimp will have anyone drooling. (via Lady and Pups)


Chorizo Sausage Rolls

Take the pig out of the old blanket and wrap it in a new one. Make tons of these light and puffy chorizo rolls for a party appetizer, then watch them disappear. (via Vikalinka)

Leite’s Culinaria

Spanish Pizza with Chorizo and Peppers

Who doesn’t love a yummy slice of pizza? This Spanish-inspired pizza switches up the game with thinly sliced chorizo and every sort of pepper in your vocabulary. (via Leite’s Culinaria)

New York Times Cooking

Tofu Chorizo

Vegetarians, we haven’t forgotten about you. A medley of seasonings works to transform plain tofu into flavorful chorizo. (via New York Times Cooking)

Leite’s Culinaria

Potatoes With Mexican Chorizo

Papas con chorizo is a staple in Mexican cuisine. To make your own, boil some potatoes, fry up a serving of chorizo, and stuff them into your fave tortillas. Easy! (via Leite’s Culinaria)

Gimme Some Oven

Creamy Queso With Chorizo

Here’s a good dip recipe to help you kick off sports season! This queso is not doctor-recommended on a daily basis, but for the occasional beer-laden Sunday afternoon, it's totally appropriate. (via Gimme Some Oven)

Yes to Yolks

Fresh Corn Ravioli with Chorizo Sauce

We love stuffed foods! These wonton wrapper raviolis are packed with corn, melted ricotta, and thyme, then bathed in a rich and meaty chorizo sauce. (via Yes to Yolks)


Chorizo, Rice and Bean Soup

With the winter chill comes the sniffles and coughs. Swap out the plain chicken noodle soup for this chorizo, rice, and bean medley that will definitely hit the spot and knock any sort of sickness out of your system. (via Diethood)


Shrimp and Chorizo Skewers

Any food on a stick is amazing in our book! Take your meal to the next level with the help of a little shrimp and a little chorizo. (via PopSugar)

Boulder Locavore

Mexican Lasagna with Hatch Chilies

Wow your guests with this hearty Mexican lasagna, chockfull of chorizo, cheese, and chilies. (via Boulder Locavore)

BS in the Kitchen

Spanish Deli Sandwich

You simply can’t say 'no' to this masterpiece. Crafted out of a trio of Spanish deli meats and loaded with veggies, this is no ordinary sandwich. (via BS in the Kitchen)

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This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.