Here’s What Happened When We Tried 3 New Age Treatments at Once

Almost everyone has heard of palm readings and tarot cards (which another B+C writer recently had read for the first time), but when it comes to the general public, little more is known about the rest of the New Age practices found within intuitive exploration.


Having exhausted my enthusiasm for regular run-of-the mill readings, I decided to see what else was out there — and Ruby Room in Chicago seemed the perfect place to look.

Far from the cramped, dark beaded room you might imagine or even recall from films such as Ghost, this overall wellness center provides everything from typical salon services such as haircuts and colors to colon hydrotherapy (that’s for another article!), to a barrage of what the company refers to as “healing services” — bingo.

With several options to choose from, I couldn’t pick just one, instead opting for a sampling of several of the center’s alternative wellness treatments: auratherapy, intuitive reading and energy Healing — whoa.

The day of my appointment, I was running late (thanks, Chicago traffic), so I arrived rather flustered and discombobulated — not a good look for my energy, which was just waiting to give me away.

Luckily, my healer Gladys was extremely accommodating and understanding, putting me right at ease.

She got to work at once with the auratherapy, determining which of the center’s own line of flower and gem essences ($32 each) would best be able to align any out-of-whack chakras I might be experiencing, through the healing powers of their specific gems. For example, should your root chakra be misaligned (the chakra that helps you to stay grounded), you might try a spritz of “b grounded.” Gladys had me select a card from a deck that would resonate with me and recommended a spray based on my pick — b creative: “The perfect essence for strengthening your relationships and connecting to your physical environment.” I let the pure cinnamon bark wash over me, and before I could determine whether my aura felt any different, it was onto the next step — the aura machine.

Essentially a computer that is connected to a heat hand sensor, I was instructed to place my palm onto the sensor to quite literally pick up energy from my fingertips, revealing insight into my auras and current state of energy.

Mine showed a very distinct line above the head — a sign that I’m often in my head and have strong mental activity occurring (True).

It also showed some imbalances in several of my chakras — where some were large, others were small — a sign, Gladys said, that something within may be slightly off.

Luckily, she seemed to have just the fix — a stone or two from the center’s crystal bar. She began shopping the wares to find a stone that would resonate with me; one that my energy would naturally respond to when placed into the palm of my hand.

Though it took several tries before she found the right one for me (angelite, which aids in spiritual-based connection), the machine did seem to register a change when I held the stone, shrinking oversized chakras and seeing small ones grow.

From there, it was onto the intuitive tarot reading. Gladys led me upstairs to the center’s healing hub, which was all large, open spaces and sounds of the sea. Despite the surroundings, I was admittedly a little apprehensive — what if the reading revealed something I didn’t like?

After cutting the deck three times, my first round of cards revealed a rather confusing lot, so Gladys asked her guides to give her some more insight into what they were trying to tell us. I was asked to focus on a specific question this time, but not before opening myself up to a memory which brought me joy, which Gladys helped me access through a series of questions.

Truth be told, once all was said and done, it felt much more like a therapy session than a reading — I found myself readily sharing details from my happy time and revisiting the memory with a powerful mix of joy and sorrow that it was over.

She reminded me that the memory was mine to access anytime that I wanted, whenever I felt stressed, angry or sad, and that it would always be there to return to.

Then, she drew my cards again, the second lot of which made far more sense with relation to my current life state — in fact, they were rather shockingly accurate. She again led me through a series of questions that saw us analyzing what the cards might mean (told you it was like therapy). While she gave some sage advice on how to proceed thereafter, much of the reading simply revealed truths I already knew for myself deep down, yet hadn’t addressed in my waking life.

Last but not least, it was onto the energy healing.

I was feeling a little weary after so much activity, so the spa-like bed with its heating pad and warm blankets was a welcome comfort. For the next 20 or so minutes, Gladys performed a mixture of auratherapy and light touches to areas such as my head and abdomen, meant to redirect energy into chakras that needed it most.

She mentioned that the energy in my kidney felt slightly bent, a sign of frustration, so she did some work on that area in particular to get things back in line.

By the end of the session, I can honestly say I was feeling far more relaxed and clear than I had all week. While I can’t attribute the feeling to any one treatment — was it the gem essences? The gem itself? Gladys’s healing touch? — I knew that I had come to the right place.

Do you believe in intuitive exploration? Share your thoughts over @BritandCo!

(Photos via Ruby Room)

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, falling between April 20th and May 20th. It belongs to the Earth element along with Virgo and Capricorn. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, rules this sign, which makes this sign notorious for sensuality, pleasure, and the desire for aromatic experiences. Taurus is associated with stability, sensuality, determination, and practicality. Like the bull, it loves to be in calm environments and indulge in the moment with the pleasures of life and luxury.

Taurus is a fixed sign, which means that individuals born under this sign tend to be stable and unwavering. They're known for their persistence, reliability, and resistance to change. Once they set their sights on a goal or a particular way of life, they are unlikely to steer off course easily – it may take a while. This makes them the most consistent sign of the zodiac, enabling them to see through their goals at their unique pace.

How A Taurus Sees Life

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova / PEXELS

Taurus individuals approach life with a grounded and practical outlook, grounded in their values of stability, security, and appreciation for simple pleasures. They have a fixed understanding that success and fulfillment often come from hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

Their practicality allows them to face challenges with resilience and determination. Fleeting trends or impulsivity do not easily sway Taurus individuals; instead, they prefer to take a steady and methodical approach to achieving their goals. They understand the value of patience and persistence, knowing that success is often the result of consistent effort over time.

At the same time, Taurus individuals have a deep appreciation for the beauty and pleasures of life. They take joy in the sensory experiences that life has to offer, whether it's indulging in delicious food, surrounding themselves with luxurious comforts, or immersing themselves in the beauty of nature. Taurus individuals understand the importance of savoring life's pleasures and finding moments of tranquility away from modern-day doom scrolling.

The bull sign approach life with a balanced perspective, valuing both stability and enjoyment. They understand the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving their goals, while also taking the time to appreciate the beauty and richness of the world around them. With their practicality, determination, and appreciation for life's simple pleasures, Taurus individuals thrive in life with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Taurus Personality Traits

Photo by Samson Katt / PEXELS

A Taurus embodies solidity and reliability, grounded in their unwavering nature and practical approach to life. With a deep-rooted connection to the Earth element, they exude a sense of stability and dependability that others find reassuring. Their personality is a harmonious blend of strength, sensuality, and steadfastness, reflecting the influence of their ruling planet, Venus.

They delight in the sensory experiences that the world has to offer, from the taste of sumptuous cuisine to the feel of luxurious fabrics against their skin. Taurus individuals have an innate ability to find beauty every day, infusing even the most mundane moments with a touch of magic.

One of the defining traits of Taurus is their determination and perseverance. When they set their sights on a goal, they pursue it with relentless focus and dedication, refusing to be swayed by distractions or setbacks. Their tenacity is matched only by their patience, as they understand that true success often requires time and persistence.

Despite their strong-willed nature, Taurus individuals are known for their gentle and nurturing spirit. They are fiercely loyal to their loved ones, offering unquestionable support and encouragement when needed. Taurus can be relied upon in times of trouble to provide a steady shoulder to lean on and a listening ear to confide in.

However, Taurus individuals can also be stubborn at times, unwilling to compromise or yield to the demands of others. While their persistence is admirable, it can sometimes lead to conflicts or dead ends in relationships. Learning to balance their determination with a willingness to adapt and compromise is an ongoing journey for many Taurus individuals.

Taurus In Love And Relationships

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto / PEXELS

Taurus individuals are known for their loyalty and devotion to love and relationships. They seek stability and security in their romantic partnerships, valuing honesty, trust, and dependability above all else. With Venus as their guide, they desire a picturesque yet genuine love story. Showering their lovers with gifts and physical affection is their primary love language. Getting involved with a Taurus can make you experience love in the moment and safe. It is sensual, extrasensory, and at times can feel primal. A Taurus can extend the space for you to appreciate a simple life. There is a catch, the courting phase may take very long.

Taurus individuals are sensual beings who enjoy physical intimacy and the finer things in life. They often express their love through gestures of affection and support. They are patient and committed partners, willing to invest time and effort into building a strong and lasting bond with their significant other. As mentioned before, it takes a lot for a Taurus to make a move or change a pattern in everything – especially in love-related matters.

However, Taurus can also be possessive and stubborn in relationships, sometimes struggling to adapt to change or compromise. Taurus individuals are drawn to partners who share their values and outlook on life, seeking someone who can provide them with a sense of security and emotional fulfillment. A hot, quick affair is not an ideal situation for them – or at least they do not visualize this kind of love as long-lasting. They value stability and may resist upheaval or uncertainty in their romantic lives.

Trust is crucial for a Taurus; once established, they are fiercely loyal and devoted partners. Although a Taurus may take a long time to put a ring on it, the wait can be worth it. If their heart has been broken before, it will likely take them a long time for them to pick up the pieces and begin again or rebuild.

How A Taurus Handles Money

Photo by Karolina Grabowska / PEXELS

Taurus individuals have a practical and cautious approach to money matters. They value financial stability and security, often prioritizing saving and investing for the future. While they enjoy indulging in life's pleasures, they are also disciplined when managing their finances, preferring to live within their means rather than succumbing to impulse spending. If this doesn’t apply to you or the Taurus you are dealing with in your life now, this can be a hidden gem of ability if you learn through due diligence.

Typically, Taurus individuals are skilled at handling money and keenly eye for opportunities to increase their wealth. They are patient investors who are willing to wait for long-term returns rather than seek quick gains. However, they can also be possessive of their resources and may tend to hoard or hold onto material possessions. So if you owe a Taurus money or need to give back that sweater you borrowed, now can be a good time to do so.

At the same time, Taurus individuals are generous to their loved ones, often willing to lend a helping hand or provide financial support when needed. They take pride in their ability to provide for themselves and their families and obtain a sense of security and fulfillment from their financial achievements.

Taurus Career Fulfillment

Photo by Vlada Karpovich / PEXELS

For Taurus individuals, finding fulfillment in their careers is intricately tied to their values of stability, security, and tangible achievements. They are drawn to roles where they can utilize their practical skills and attention to detail, building something enduring and meaningful. Whether managing finances, cultivating the land, or creating aesthetic beauty, Taurus individuals seek careers that offer stability and fulfillment.

In their career ventures, Taurus individuals exhibit unwavering determination and perseverance. They are willing to put in the hard work and dedication necessary to achieve their goals, often taking a methodical and patient approach to their endeavors. This sign values tangible results and takes pride in seeing their earnings manifest through financial success, tangible assets, or aesthetically pleasing creations.

While Taurus individuals appreciate the material comforts and financial rewards that come with their chosen careers, they also derive fulfillment from the sense of purpose and accomplishment that their work provides. Whether it's helping clients achieve their financial goals, nurturing the earth and cultivating crops, or creating beautiful and harmonious spaces, Taurus individuals find meaning in contributing to something greater than themselves.

Ultimately, for Taurus, fulfillment in their careers comes from building a solid foundation of stability and security while making a tangible impact in their chosen field. They thrive in roles that allow them to combine their practical skills, attention to detail, and determination to create something enduring and meaningful. They find satisfaction in knowing their hard work makes a difference in the world.

Taurus souls bring a unique blend of traits to the table that define not just their personalities but also their entire approach to life. Grounded in the Earth element and influenced by Venus, they seek stability, security, and tangible achievements in everything they do. With their unwavering determination, keen appreciation for life's little pleasures, and steadfast loyalty to those they hold dear, Taurus individuals navigate their journeys with purpose and fulfillment. From indulging in sensory delights to building lasting bonds, managing finances wisely, and finding success in their chosen careers, Taurus individuals embrace life's adventures with a balanced outlook, cherishing stability, and joy along the way.

After you're done reading up on this zodiac sign, catch up on this month's Taurus horoscope. For a fuller look at your year, check out our astrologer's 2024 Taurus horoscope predictions.

What do you think of your May horoscope for 2024? Maybe it’s written in the stars, or maybe it’s... just a coincidence. Our resident astrologer is weighing in on *all* of YOUR big questions, from your career and personal development to your wellness and love life. Fill out this form to get the expert advice you’ve been dreaming of in an upcoming astrology feature!

If you wish to discover how astrology can help you find empowerment, fulfillment, and clarity, click here to download Lumi’s free Astrology 101 eBook.

If there are two things you can count on, it's that I'm always thinking about Gilmore Girls and I'm always listening to Taylor Swift. As soon as I pressed play on The Tortured Poets Department, I could tell this album would resonate with so many experiences I had a child and a teenager. I've always been imaginative (and, admittedly, a bit spacey), and to this day, I never leave home without a book.

I've built thousands of imaginary worlds and crafted endless stories, but have always had difficulty keeping up with real-world relationships. So, needless to say, when I listened to Taylor Swift's new album and heard "I Hate It Here" and "The Bolter," I felt seen. I also realized these two songs would speak to Rory Gilmore in the same way!

Rory Gilmore Would Love "I Hate It Here" By Taylor Swift...

Image via Warner Bros. TV

"I Hate It Here" totally showcases Taylor Swift's ability to express raw emotions, and it also perfectly captures Rory Gilmore's struggles during certain periods of her life. The lyrics reflect frustration and dissatisfaction we can all feel sometimes (I know I've definitely felt them), and while Rory and Taylor's dreams in and of themselves are different, they both want to leave their small towns to achieve them. Whether it's feeling overwhelmed by expectations or facing setbacks in her career in Gilmore Girls season 5, Rory has moments throughout the series where she feels a bit trapped.

But even more than the physical meaning of the song is the imaginary one. Taylor sings about creating worlds in her mind and diving into books to escape the mundane. Rory reads more than any fictional character I've ever seen before because she also craves that escapism! The lyrics of "I Hate It Here" resonate with Rory when she wants to live different lives, and it encapsulates the moments when she struggles or questions her decisions — relatable!

...And She'd Feel Attacked By "The Bolter" By Taylor Swift

Image via Warner Bros. TV

TBH, I'm half convinced "The Bolter" is referencing Amy March (after all, Amy has been "reviled" by readers for hundreds of years, and she "almost frigid water" like Taylor sings), which is just another literary reference Rory would pick up on.

In "The Bolter," Taylor Swift captures the essence of a woman constantly seeking adventure and change, just like Rory Gilmore, and it's all about the idea of a restless spirit. While the lyrics can be taken from a hypothetical standpoint (feeling trapped by relationships or other people's expectations), we can also talk about it literally considering Rory physically runs away from Jess.

Rory might desire love, but the idea of it also scares her — two facts that don't cancel each other out! Just like Taylor Swift, I think Rory's thrilled by the idea of escape simply because she's so risk averse in other areas of her life. Once again, I say, relatable!!

"The Bolter" and "I Hate It Here" are both incredibly engaging songs because they highlight just how complex we are as humans — both in the ways we relate to ourselves and other people. And they're just two Taylor Swift songs Rory would definitely add to her playlist.

Which Taylor Swift and Rory Gilmore parallels do you see? Follow us on Facebook for more pop culture musings!

Lead image via Warner Bros. TV

In May 2024, a unique opportunity for personal growth and transformation awaits. As the communication Mercury regains momentum after last month’s retrograde and we emerge from the eclipse season, a new chapter is about to begin. This is your chance to gather the scattered pieces and rebuild a stronger, more enlightened version of yourself. Taurus season continues beckoning us to review our comforts, values, love stories, and finances. Although we live in uncertain times, note that no external source can dim your light as long as you remain heart-centered and in flow with your happiness.

Key Astrological Dates Of Taurus Season In May 2024

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
  • 5/1 Venus square Pluto
  • 5/7 Sun sextile Saturn
  • 5/8 New Moon in Taurus
  • 5/13 Sun conjunct Uranus
  • 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5/17 Mercury square Pluto
  • 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter
  • 5/20 Gemini Season Begins
  • 5/23 Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus enters Gemini
  • 5/26 Jupiter enters Gemini

What To Expect In Your May Horoscope For 2024

Photo by Aamyr on Unsplash

We enter this month with an intense exchange between Venus and Pluto. As they form a square on the 1st, it can manifest as power and control issues between love and values. This is the moment to embrace change involving your desires. The split between wanting stability with Venus in Taurus and the radical energy of Pluto in Aquarius can lead to a powerful transformation in your love story while opening the path to realizing your worth. There is a part of you or the relationship itself that needs to evolve to attract a healthier outcome. Hold still, and don’t react. Just observe your environment. Take this as a sign to reevaluate your priorities in your relationship and everything else that can deflect you from living authentically. On the 7th, things will lighten up as the Sun is in a supportive position with Saturn, the planet of structure and stability. Clarity will set as the Sun lets you see your life direction while Saturn supports your future ventures. This will all unfold in time for the new moon in Taurus to happen on the 8th. Finally, we are officially out of the eclipse mist and equipped to potentially set a different course to invoke success. The best part is that this new moon energy will be grounding and quiet, giving you the space to set clear intentions to support your needs instead of what you want. Remember that your “wants” will only take you so far, while honoring your needs will attract a better flow.

On the 13th, a day filled with potential breakthroughs awaits. The Sun will merge with Uranus, the rebel planet, invoking themes of innovation and freedom from the old constraints. This can manifest in your desire to change or break from the usual routine. Transparency and honest discussions will open that door for you. This day can be filled with serendipitous events as you trust in yourself and try something new. It's an amazing opportunity to begin brainstorming ideas or troubleshooting what is holding you back from living the life you want.

Our thinking process will slow down when Mercury, the communication planet, enters Taurus on the 15th. Our conversations will be more down-to-earth and intentional. The way to master this planetary transit these next few weeks is to become simpler and more organized. Focusing on one thing at a time will grant you the desired results.

Focusing initially on this recent Mercury shift will be tricky as it squares off to Pluto on the 17th, staging a distress signal involving the FOMO. Pluto in Aquarius adds traction in the desire to evolve and look ahead to what’s next. At the same time, Mercury in Taurus promotes grounding and the desire to build solidity with our ideas. This planetary square can be gritty, leading to communication blunders or an inner mental conflict leading to a self-limiting belief. Let go and know that masterpieces of any kind were not created overnight. You are on the right path, and as long as you have self-acceptance, everything will fall into place as it should.

Your Astrological Forecast Continued For May 2024 Horoscopes

Photo by Hoang Huy on Unsplash

Expect an overflow of changes and certainty on the 18th with the celestial bodies of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is the sign that desires stability, finances, love, and sensuality. This day will highlight all these themes, pulling you into making the necessary decisions involving love and self-security. Your love story from earlier this month will continue today as Venus joins Uranus, igniting a new flow in your relationships and shifting your narrative. What part of your love life needs reinvention? This is the day you will get answers about its direction and what you can do to attract the changes you want. The Sun merging with Jupiter will ignite an unfamiliar wave of optimism and the desire to take a leap professionally or romantically. This is also a great day to begin a new project or relationship or renew your vows.

Now expect the fun to start as Gemini season begins on the 20th! Your hard work this month will pay off, and there will be a new wave of confidence or inspiration to expand your outlets involving your ideas. Remember that curiosity is vital to fully embracing this air season. Be like Alice in Wonderland and jump into the rabbit hole of possibility.

What’s more, this upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd will ignite fuel to your fire involving what needs to be done for you to break free from the mundane. It is time to reflect on your past perspective and old beliefs and release them once and for all. This May 2024 full moon will be ceremonial as you will feel a surge of optimism and feel comfortable with letting go. The best part of this day is that Venus will also enter Gemini, infusing the collective with a central focus on the betterment of humanity. While also learning the importance of embracing a love of all shades and shapes. This will be a positive phase in your life experience, and celebrating this milestone in your personal development with those who share your values will grant you that dash of magic you need.

We conclude this month with a momentous event. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, enters the sign of Gemini on the 26th and will remain in this sign for the following year. Moving forward, we are not being led by blind faith. We will embrace ideas and conventional thinking. Listening carefully and being open-minded to others' insights will ignite even more inspiration than you ever thought possible. Setting aside the conforms and old doctrines of what worked before will push you ahead of the curve.

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your May Horoscope For 2024

Brit + Co


Get ready to claim your power and momentum. After last month's solar eclipse, you are more than equipped to take charge of a matter on the back burner. On the 1st, Venus crossing paths with Pluto intensely can throw a curveball involving plans that involve networks or friendships. Remember to hold steady and not stress the results. Everything falls into place when you remain centered and calm. A second wind approaches when the New Moon in Taurus happens on the 8th extending you an opportunity to revamp your finances while powering up your self-esteem. Begin an abundance practice or begin a new mood board to help you get started while enabling you to hold onto your long-term vision. When Gemini Season begins on the 20th, this is your opportunity to share your ideas and strengthen your connections in your immediate environment. It is more lighthearted and joyful. These next three weeks will be creative and fertile–take advantage, and you might make a masterpiece. Witness a spiritual breakthrough and celebrate your past lessons involving your life experiences as the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd prompts you to reflect on your future direction. Practically, this is the moment to finish that book, launch your podcast, or make an aspiration of yours finite and see through to its completion.


Happy birthday, Taurus! As your season unfolds, you'll feel confident and truly in your element. The New Moon in your sign on May 8th extends a fresh start in how you present yourself to the world, signaling a moment of self-renewal and how you will share your radiance with the world by sharing your gifts. A pivotal moment arrives on the 13th when the Sun aligns with Uranus in your sign, marking a bold move aligned with your passions. However, be mindful of impulsivity during this exciting time. On the 18th, when Venus joins Uranus in your identity and self-expression sector, your love life receives an unexpected boost of support. This contagious energy invites you to leap and confidently achieve your wants. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd illuminates your 8th, urging you to release past fears and confront them head-on. This period offers opportunities to settle debts and receive unexpected financial blessings. It's also a time to deepen the intimacy with a partner or yourself.


Prepare for a journey of growth and transformation. As the month begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, you'll feel pressured to confront your limiting beliefs head-on. This intense transit catalyzes the importance of staying true to yourself, empowering you to embrace your rebellious spirit and make your mark on the world. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th plants a seed of innovation deep within your subconscious, allowing you to realign with new dreams and aspirations that resonate deeply with your soul. As Gemini season begins on the 20th, you'll feel renewed energy and perspective, infusing you with a fresh outlook on life and how you wish to share your ideas to the world. Despite Mercury, your ruling planet, being in Taurus, this grounding influence provides you with the stability you need to make tangible progress toward your goals. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd will illuminate your love life and partnerships, urging you to take your connections to the next level. Reflect on what needs to evolve within yourself to create space for deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation as you navigate the workings of love and self-discovery.

Brit + Co


Your focus turns towards your networks and friendships. The Sun sextile Saturn on the 7th presents an opportunity to ground your ideas and turn them into reality with the support of your current connections. With confidence and determination, you can contextualize and bring your passions to life, making it an ideal time to pitch ideas or seek career opportunities. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th, highlighting the sector of friendships and networks, energizes you with motivation and grit to renew your aspirations and long-term dreams. This lunar event empowers you to set new goals and strengthen your bonds with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. However, beware of potential miscommunications and blunders on the 17th, as Mercury squares Pluto. Emotions may run high, particularly in professional networks or friendships, leading to unforeseen arguments if not handled carefully. Stay mindful of your feelings and strive for open, honest communication to gracefully navigate this transit. As the Full Moon illuminates your health and daily life sector on the 23rd, it invokes the need to prioritize your physical well-being and letting go of old habits. Take this opportunity to care for your body and release any burdens weighing you down daily. Revive your mind-body-spirit connection through release work, allowing yourself to let go of what no longer serves you in your immediate surroundings.


All eyes are on you and your next move in the career and public life. The month kicks off with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, increasing pressure in your romantic or professional partnerships. This clash of beliefs regarding structure and risk may challenge you, but trust your inner voice to navigate any decisions. Impulsive actions should take a back seat during this intense period. The New Moon on the 8th allows you to plant a new seed regarding your career vision. Whether you're ready to go public with an idea or strive for tangible results, this is the moment to elevate your manifestation game and set your intentions for success. The 18th initiates a significant moment for you as Venus conjuncts Uranus. This could potentially bring a career advancement or a shift in status, such as marriage or its dissolution. As long as you grow, your love can strengthen. Embrace the unexpected as you navigate this transformative period in your life. As the Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates your romantic life, children, and creative pursuits, something within you is ready to be birthed into existence. Whether it's a boost in self-esteem, the completion of a project, or even news of pregnancy, receive the potential for new beginnings. If family planning is on your mind, this lunar phase offers favorable energy to start your journey.


Your focus shifts toward spirituality, dreams, and belief systems as you contemplate and reflect. With Venus square Pluto on the 1st, you may experience a shakeup in your process of the mind-body connection, prompting you to confront mental conflicts and past fears head-on. Mastering this ability to combat inner turmoil will pave the way for growth and expansion as you understand how your thoughts shape your reality. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th brings fresh air, allowing you to make heartfelt wishes and set intentions aligned with your true desires. Whether launching a passion project or setting a new course for your dreams, this lunar event empowers you to manifest your aspirations confidently. There's also a boost of support in manifesting future love or renewing present partnerships. On the 18th, as Venus conjuncts Uranus, expect unexpected changes in your life situation, whether it's a new romantic relationship blossoming or your dream project taking shape. It's a period of excitement as you witness your paradigm shift unexpectedly. As the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your home and family sector, it's time to reevaluate your emotional needs and address unresolved issues with loved ones. Whether you decide to move, renovate, or let go of the past, this lunar event will allow you to express your vulnerability and create a sense of emotional clarity. Embrace this clearance as you witness your dreams come alive in your inner and outer worlds.

Brit + Co


The focus turns inward as you invest time in inner work, seeking to align with your true path and live authentically. It begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, a pressure-filled transit that urges you to prioritize your happiness over others' expectations. While this may feel uncomfortable, especially in your partnerships, it's essential to clear out any lingering resentment and nurture the unseen aspects of life, including fears, intimacy, finances, and resources. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th provides a fresh start, allowing you to set intentions for how you want to show up in your intimate connections and be more intentional in your life. As Gemini Season begins, you'll feel light and optimism in your love life. Clarity and inspiration guide you towards passion-filled pursuits, encouraging you to align more closely with your heart and take chances in dating or exploring new depths in partnerships. However, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd may bring challenges in communication and mental overwhelm. It's important to prioritize tasks and avoid diving headfirst into new endeavors. Take the time to reflect on what truly aligns with your heart and reach resolutions where miscommunications occurred. This busy period calls for careful consideration of your priorities, ensuring that you conclude rather than start anew for now.


This month shines on your romantic and business partnerships as you navigate moments of renewal and growth. Whether finally calling someone bae or healing from a recent breakup, this period prompts a deep reflection on your beliefs surrounding connections and staying true to your vision. The month begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, adding intensity as you confront unresolved issues rooted in your family dynamics that influence your approach to relationships. This is a time for conscious awareness and understanding, recognizing that the past does not define who you are or what you deserve in love. On the 8th, the New Moon in Taurus marks a new phase in your love story, offering opportunities to create a fresh path in existing or new partnerships. Manifest your desires on this day, but take the time to reflect on what you truly want and need in relationships. As Venus conjuncts Uranus on the 18th, expect a twist of fate or serendipitous encounter that guides you toward the right partner or life path. Trust the Universe and allow your energy to align with your desired reality. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd provides a chance to tie up loose ends regarding finances and develop a healthier relationship with money. Take this opportunity to understand the root causes of any financial patterns, whether excessive spending or frugality and create space for abundance and stability in your life. Assess what is missing in your life to make meaningful connections and cultivate lasting prosperity.


The focus turns to your health and well-being, prompting you to engage in release work and eliminate toxic surroundings or situations from your life. Whether it's a change in the workplace or establishing boundaries, now is the time to energetically and physically pinpoint your needs. When Venus squares Pluto on the 1st this will be a pivotal moment for you to realize the root cause of your mental conflict while also developing better skills involving your long term aspirations. Starting over or learning something new will place you ahead of the curve and ensure success. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th will help you revive your body by establishing a new exercise routine or wellness practice. With Taurus' stability, consistency is key to attracting the desired outcome. Redecorating your surroundings or clearing your work desk can bring abundance and clarity to your core needs. As Gemini season begins, it's a chance to revitalize your relationships and discuss their direction. This period is favorable for romantic pursuits or forming new business connections. On the 23rd, the Full Moon in your sign puts you in the spotlight, urging you to embrace your true self and share your story with those who resonate with your values. It's a time of evolution and growth as you step into a more authentic life path and make peace with what you need to let go involving your old self.

Brit + Co


As someone driven by ambition, this is a period for you to reflect on what truly fulfills you and embrace the idea of having fun. The Venus square Pluto on the 1st prompts you to examine your self-esteem as you navigate this new course in life. It's essential to shift your focus from the need for status to the joy in relationships and heartfelt connections. By aligning with the heart, you deepen your bonds with others and ignite inspiration for creative pursuits. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th offers an opportunity to plant a new seed in your love life or creative endeavors. This is a favorable time to set intentions and perform manifestation work, whether attracting a future love partner or beginning a new creative venture. Embrace this energy to ignite a new phase filled with love, joy, and creativity. As Gemini Season begins, the focus shifts to the organization and daily rituals, prompting discussions about what truly brings you joy rather than simply what makes sense. Consider starting a somatic healing or meditation practice to help navigate these changes with ease. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd invites you to look inward and declutter your subconscious realms. While your dream life may be vivid and stimulating...journaling, meditating, and relaxation techniques can help you identify and release any emotional baggage or limiting beliefs. Embrace this opportunity to clear the path for personal growth and transformation.


The focus will be on your family and home life, prompting you to reflect on your emotional security and find comfort in slowing down. With Venus square Pluto on the 1st, pressure arises regarding your place within the home and defining your sense of security. This transit encourages you to let go of outdated outlooks and make room for deeper emotional connections with family. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th offers a fresh start in your home dynamics. It allows you to renew your perception of family values and perhaps even consider a move or set new roots for generational healing. This is an ideal time to turn over a new leaf and embrace positive changes in your home life. When Gemini Season begins, expect to dive deeper into your true passion pursuits. While the new moon in Taurus may prompt a need to slow down and reflect, Gemini Season brings a new vision and energy to your creative process. Embracing a lighthearted approach, like a child, can lead to breakthroughs and fresh insights. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd encourages you to tie up loose ends in your friendships as you explore new ideas and possibilities. This lunar event extends a chance to reconnect with old friends, seek resolution, or pick up where you left off. Through this healing process and understanding, you'll gain clarity on your aspirations and begin to see the bigger picture of your place in the world.


This month, your mind is buzzing with ideas and while igniting endless discussions with those in your immediate surroundings. It's a stimulating period that can enforce the need to learn a new skill or share your ideas with others to witness your dream come alive. The new moon in Taurus on the 8th opens up endless possibilities for sharing your vision and setting intentions related to your passions. By immersing yourself in your local community and remaining receptive to information from all sides, you'll find yourself increasingly inspired in the long run. On the 18th, Venus conjuncts Uranus, bringing unexpected brilliance and otherworldly ideas your way. While this transit may feel overwhelming, jotting down your stream of consciousness can help you make sense of it later. Be open to initiating outings, as they may lead to romantic connections, but be mindful of potential situationships. Trust your intuition to navigate any curveballs Uranus may throw your way. This period will be essential for you to learn the importance of asserting boundaries and holding true to your beliefs. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd closes a chapter in your career. This lunar event may bring a promotion or signal the need to move on to something that brings you fulfillment. Take stock of where you are in your career path and assess opportunities for progression to help you maintain confidence and clarity moving forward.

What do you think of your May horoscope for 2024? Maybe it’s written in the stars, or maybe it’s... just a coincidence. Our resident astrologer is weighing in on *all* of YOUR big questions, from your career and personal development to your wellness and love life. Fill out this form to get the expert advice you’ve been dreaming of in an upcoming astrology feature!

Bathroom decor is having a moment, becoming more than just a place to wipe and wash. Instead, they're turning into what some are calling spathrooms with big bathtubs, open showers, saunas, and spa-like amenities, according to 2024 design trend report by Cosentino. One trend putting the "room" in bathroom is the bathroom library, which fits right into the vintage, grandmillennial and cottagecore trends, with built-in shelves above vanities, around commodes, and front and center to warm up a bathroom vibe. Here's the skinny on these neat nooks and how you can make one yourself!

Design: De Rosee Salon | Photo: Astrid Templier

But some of us at here aren't so sure. What do you think? For me, I'm a bath lover and reader, so the combo is definitely appealing. However, I definitely would worry about moisture ruining my precious novels, or guests lingering in the bathroom too long, wrapped up in a good book. But those cons aside, I dig the idea of a book nook in my bathroom, especially for my kiddo who loves when I read to her in the bath, and is even now a voracious reader herself.

Photo by Levi T./Unsplash

If you're into the idea and want to start with a small library vs. splurging on some fancy built-ins, then here are some shelving ideas that are perfect for books in a bathroom.

Shop Book Nook Bathroom Decor Ideas Here!

Mason Curio Cabinet

Display your favorite books, trinkets and towels in this arc-shaped cabinet with glass door and five adjustable shelves.

Mayfair Wall Cabinet

This bathroom-rated cabinet is perfect for hiding literary treasures. Love the green stain inside!

Camylle Bookcase

Add a pop of pink to your paperbacks with this mid-century piece, perfect for larger baths.

PB Haven Arched Bookcase

Create a little book caddy with this arched bookcase made of mango wood.

IKEA Billy Bookcase

This is IKEA's best-selling cabinet and for good reason: glass doors keep your book collection dust-free but still visible and the sleek design is space-saving.

Ederra Accent Shelf

Hang this shelf vertically or horizontally and showcase your best reads to reflect your good taste in books and design.

Crate And Barrel White Oak Reversible Shelf Set

Make the most of your bathroom wall space with this modular piece that allows you to attach three shelves to a mounted panel — one flat and two reversibles that can be hung on top or underneath to give you lots of storage options.

Hefling Metal Wall Bathroom Cabinet

This vintage-inspired cabinet would look charming above a sink instead of a mirror.

Ajax Narrow Ladder Bookcase

Save space with this vertical stainless steel bookcase available in several eye-catching colors. Once filled, the floating shelves vanish, keeping your tower of literature clean and organized.

Etsy The Curious Shelf

Have fun with your library with these whimsical shelves available in mustard, sage, white, lilac and pink.

Babyletto Spruce Tree Bookcase

Encourage future bibliophiles with a little bathroom library of their favorite books. Each shelf on this pine wood tree holds 12 to15 books.

Oscar Bee Scalloped Shelves (set of 2)

Love the scallop design here. Mount a set of these near your bathtub so a great read is always within reach.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Main Photo by Vlada Karpovich

When you think of sandwiches, your head goes to lunch — an ooey gooey grilled cheese and tomato soup combo, or perhaps the beloved panini. We'd argue that sandwiches hit the spot any time of day. Truth is, a creative sandwich makes for a totally appropriate dinner option as well — when done right. And by “right," we mean stuffed to the brim with more flavorful goodies and ingredients than your hungry self can handle. Brace yourself, because these dinner-friendly sandwich recipes will have your tummy grumbling hard.

Chrissy Teigen’s Pork Bánh Mì With Quick Pickles & Roasted Broccoli

Enjoy this pork banh mi the Chrissy Teigen way - A.K.A. the delicious way! (via Brit + Co.)

Cloud-Egg Croque Madame

This cloud-egg croque madame is a mash-up of a classic French croque madame (basically a toasted cheese and ham sandwich, which is usually topped with a simple fried egg) and the cloud egg, which has a fluffy texture that really makes it feel like you’re eating a cloud. (via Brit + Co.)

BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Sandwiches

Rock your next summer get together with vegan BBQ pulled jackfruit sandwiches. They’re hearty, savory, and filling for a hungry crowd. Jackfruit is a tropical fruit with a neutral taste that has a similar texture and appearance to pulled pork or chicken. Sauté it in a savory-sweet sauce like BBQ and pile high on top of buns for an easy vegan sandwich. (via Brit + Co.)

Instant Pot French Dip Sandwich

We love a good reason to use our Instant Pot and this French Dip sandwich is better than any we can think of this week. Juicy and delicious, it's comfort food at its best. (via Brit + Co.)

5 Tasty Tea Sandwiches

This is a fun kid-friendly dinner that goes a step above your plain PB&J. You can make each one of these delightful tea sandwiches in under 5 minutes, and you can use cookie cutters to cut them into fun shapes for the kiddos (or for yourself!). Here are five quick and easy takes on the ultimate finger food. (via Brit + Co.)

Lazy Girl Breakfast Sandwiches

Batch out your fancy sandwiches to maximize the yumminess of this recipe. (via Brit + Co.)

Hawaiian Chicken Sandwich

There's a whole slice of pineapple on this baby! (via Brit + Co.)

Classic French Dip

Nothing screams fancy sandwich quite like a thick loaf smothered in hearty beef and a single serving of rich au jus broth to go with it. (via Brit + Co.)

TikTok Grinder Sandwich

We have to hop on the trending grinder sandwich how-to. (via Rachel Mansfield)

Grilled Tomato, Chèvre, and Thyme Baguette Sandwich

This toasted baguette is stuffed with so many incredible flavors, it would be a shame to not share the joy with someone. Find your most favorite person ever, and split this with them stat. (via Eat In My Kitchen)

Antipasto Mozzarella Sandwich with Lemony Basil Pesto

This sandwich is spruced up with homemade pesto that carries a strong citrus flavor. It'll be your new favorite bite! (via Half Baked Harvest)

Savory Waffle Sandwiches

These sweet and savory sandwiches are fancy like you've never seen before. TBH, we'd scarf this down any time of the day. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Chickpea Salad Sandwich

This vegetarian sandwich take on chicken salad is a healthy mouthful. (via Salt & Lavender)

Brie and Prosciutto Sandwich

It's like a charcuterie board-turned-sandwich. This fancy stack of brie cheese and prosciutto will hit those Italian food cravings every time. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Chicken Caesar Sandwich

If you truly believe that you can’t make friends with salad, you can at least appreciate this recipe. This ‘wich takes your favorite salad and stuffs it between some grilled bread for a filling and satisfying dinner. (via Eat Good 4 Life)

Vegan Smoky Tahini Jackfruit Sandwich

Smokey flavors aren’t reserved for meat, and this sandwich proves it. Vegans get to enjoy the essence of BBQ with this glorious pulled jackfruit phenomenon. (via The Colorful Kitchen)

Green Goddess Chicken Sandwich

You'll love the fresh flavors included in this chicken sandwich. Don't fret about a dry bite – this recipe encourages a homemade green goddess dressing to add some moisture. (via Salt & Lavender)

Chicken Caprese Sandwich

You only need a few ingredients to build this 'wich. Gather some chicken cutlets, mozzarella cheese, roasted red peppers, vinegar, and a baguette for the best easy fancy sandwich ever. (via Cilantro Parsley)

Crispy Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan is, hands down, one of the *best* vegetarian spins on a meaty classic. Even the leftovers are irresistible, especially when turned into a big ol’ sandwich. (via Vegetarian Gastronomy)

Pesto, Artichoke, and Havarti Grilled Cheese

Grown-up grilled cheese is a thing of beauty, and this one is no exception. Treat yourself to a simple yet nostalgic dinner that will tug at your childhood fave. (viaTwo Peas & Their Pod)

Fancy Muffaletta

This concoction just screams Italy. Layers of cold cuts and cheese are slathered with a tangy olive spread to bring the elements of an antipasto plate to your mouth in one magnificent bite. (via Honestly Yum)

10-Minute Easy Vegan Grilled Mac and Cheese Sandwich

This grilled vegan mac and cheese sandwich is the epitome of indulgence with its gooey, melty plant-based cheese and creamy macaroni nestled between perfectly toasted bread. It's a quick and easy comfort food creation that will satisfy your cravings and take your taste buds on a mouthwatering journey. (via The Edgy Veg)

Thai Basil Steak Sandwich

We're obsessed with this take on a Vietnamese banh mi. With every bite, you'll taste the fresh flavors of basil, cilantro and lime that all come together for a fantastic meal. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Monte Cristo Sandwich

We'd gladly do breakfast for dinner every day if it meant we get to munch on this Monte Cristo sandwich. The mustard-jam in this recipe adds a fancy flavor element, too. (via Culinary Hill)

Baked Rueben Party Sandwich

Reach for this easy recipe when you need to prepare a hearty meal for a group. They hold a perfectly tangy flavor and look gorgeously elevated on a mixed rye bread. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Connor's Ultimate BLT

This isn’t your average “BLT,” folks. The open-faced sandwich gives us some more breakfast for dinner in the most delicious way with the addition of creamy avocado, peppery arugula, and a Sriracha mayo spread. (via A Beautiful Plate)

Sweet Potato Sandwich with Beetroot Cashew Cheese

If you haven’t tested out that sweet potato toast trend yet, this might be a good time. The low-carb option is filling, colorful, and full of refreshing flavors. (via My Berry Forest)

Mini Grilled Cheese Sandwich Appetizers

Why not make things mini? With this recipe, you can enjoy the gooey goodness of grilled cheese in the palm of your hand! (via The Girl On Bloor)

Cajun Panko Crusted Shrimp Po Boys

All of the shrimp, please! These crispy Cajun-spiced gems make for a fab homemade Po Boy, and you’ll probably crave it on the regular. #SorryNotSorry. (via Savory Spice Rack)

Sweet Chili Pesto Burger Sliders

A fun mix of sweet chili sauce and pesto puts a unique twist on these addictive fancy sliders. (via Happy Foods Tube)

Spicy Maple Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Smoky Bacon Corn

A spicy and sweet flavor combo is to die for in this fancy sandwich recipe. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Sweet And Tangy Homemade Vegetarian Sloppy Joes

You should make these sammies for dinner tonight to experience the *perfect* balance of smoky, savory, and sweet. Each one is packed with a mix of plant-based protein and vibrant vegetables that will leave you wanting seconds. (via Pink Owl Kitchen)

Roasted Vegetable Grilled Cheese

Pack your regular grilled cheese full of peppers and zucchini to get a healthy boost of veggie goodness. (via Feel Good Foodie)

Vegan Egg Salad Sandwich

Prep this vegan egg salad ahead of time using a few ingredients to have an easy healthy lunch option during the work week! You won't even have to press the tofu that makes this recipe super protein-packed. You can thank us later. (via Two Spoons)

Turkey Avocado Grinder

This delicious sandwich is another take on the viral TikTok grinder recipe, full of healthy ingredients and fresh taste. (via Barley & Sage)

Turkey BLT Croissant Sandwich

Building a sandwich on a croissant just adds a whole other fancy element to the process. Get into the buttery, flaky layers of the beloved French bake while balancing it out with creamy mayo and fresh turkey. (via Culinary Hill)

Grilled Ham & Cheese Cranberry Sandwich

Savory meat cuts meet a sticky-sweet cranberry jelly that'll remind you of all the best flavors of Thanksgiving! (via The Bossy Kitchen)

Chicken Cutlet Sammies

Stack a flavorful chicken cutlet on your favorite bread for an easy dinner hack. This recipe recommends reaching for a sharp-tasting provolone cheese to pair. (via Most Hungry)

Baked Salmon Sandwich with Zesty Lemon Mayo And Arugula

This yummy bite comes together in no time, but tastes like it takes hours to prepare. Full of flavor, you'll want to eat this baked salmon sandwich every day of the week. If you don't feel like baking the fish, try out this super convenient air fryer hack. (via Salt & Lavender)

Porchetta Sandwich

Porchetta, AKA thinly sliced roasted pork belly, completes this sandwich easily for the ultimate fancy meal. (via The Endless Meal)

Grilled Cheese And Apple Sandwich with Sriracha Butter

Try stacking apple slices on your savory and spicy grilled cheese. You might surprise yourself with how delectable the flavors are! (via The Endless Meal)

Shredded Rotisserie Chicken Sliders

These sliders are irresistibly good with their tender, breaded chicken, gooey melted cheese, and zesty marinara sauce, all nestled between soft slider buns. It's a bite-sized explosion of flavor that brings the classic Italian dish to a handheld delight. (via Cozy Cravings)

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese

Putting jalapeno poppers on a sammie is the best meal idea we've seen in a while. When you're feeling cheesy, check out this easy recipe. (via Cozy Cravings)

Lion's Mane Benedict Sammie with Hollandaise

Lion's mane mushrooms are the star of this recipe. They are easy to prepare, full of adaptogenic health benefits, and soak up any flavor they're cooked with. You'll prep a "crab" cake to be presented on a full plate of fresh ingredients. Dig in! (viaChef Bai)

Japanese Egg Sandwich

This Japanese egg salad sandwich recipe is exceptionally delicious, due to its creamy and flavorful filling combined with crunchy vegetables, all sandwiched between soft, pillowy slices of Japanese milk bread. It's a harmonious blend of textures and flavors that will leave you craving more. (via Takes Two Eggs)

Vegan Chickpea Tuna Sandwich

Chickpeas take the place of tuna for this fancy chickpea salad sandwich recipe. Get a boost of protein for your lunch or dinner, whenever you decide to enjoy this sammie. (via Two Spoons)

Hot Honey Fried Chicken Sandwich

Hot honey pairs well with the spicy and savory flavors on this fancy sandwich. Make this recipe for when you're feeling like getting take-out. Trust us, it'll taste so much better than the drive-thru. (via Cilantro Parsley)

15-Minute Avocado Sandwich

We have to hand it to this recipe. This easy sandwich is stuffed with healthy ingredients and makes a quick lunch option. (via Live Eat Learn)

Barbecue Chicken Sliders

It's football season which means it's likely you'll be going to or hosting parties to celebrate your favorite team. Whip up these quick and easy BBQ chicken sliders as an appetizer! (via Averie Cooks)

Chicken Shawarma Sandwich with Tzatziki Sauce and Feta

Tzatziki sauce and feta cheese don't have to be reserved for your favorite healthy bowl. They're also a great addition to this chicken shawarma sanwich. (via Completely Delicious)

Italian Pressed Sandwich

Move over panini press, this Italian pressed sandwich can be made without you. It's filled with yummy roasted veggies and an olive tapenade that'll send your taste buds over the moon. (via Vanilla And Bean)

Avocado Tempeh Sandwich

This avocado tempeh sandwich is a great option if you're looking for a healthy yet fulfilling snack. (via Veggie Society)

Slow Cooker Italian Beef Sandwiches

Slow cooker recipes are often filled with appetizing flavors and this Italian beef sandwich recipe is no different. It's one of those recipes whose combined ingredients will make you do a happy dance every time you take a bite. (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

Falafel Sandwich with Pita and Tahini Sauce)

Nothing is more yummier than this homemade Falafel sandwich that's filled with Tahini sauce. (via The Fast Recipe)

The BEST Vegetarian Breakfast Sandwich

Sunny-side-up eggs are wonderfully versatile and can be incorporated into any breakfast recipe you can think of. If you're tired of eating them the traditional way, pair them with this vegetarian breakfast sandwich. (via Bowl of Delicious)

Danish Open-Faced Sandwiches – Smørrebrød

For a completely different version of a fancy sandwich, try making this Danish open-faced sandwich recipe. It's not meant to be hand-held so be sure to use a fork to indulge in all it's goodness. (via Where Is My Spoon)

Find more sandwich recipes on Brit + Co's Food page and Pinterest!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This article has been updated.

Lead image via Cozy Cravings.