What Your New Year's Resolution Should Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type

two friends talking outside

If you're aMyers-Briggs(MBTI) junkie, you're probably pretty invested in your own self-development. Perhaps you already have a New Year's resolution in mind. But if you don't, your personality type can give you a good starting point from which to consider your biggest opportunities for growth. If you already know your type, read on to discover some helpful advice for leveling up your habits and perspectives in 2022.


Pause more often to ask yourself how you're feeling.

ISTJs are hard-working, conscientious, dependable, and principled. They also have a huge capacity to be kind. Resolve to show yourself kindness this year by checking in more often on how you're feeling emotionally and physically. Rather than operating on autopilot, mindfully give yourself permission to take breaks when you need it, even if you haven't fully finished up the task you're working on.


Strike a balance between connection with others and your own solo time.

ISTPs are independent and talented at whatever projects and passions they pursue. But beneath that competent exterior is someone who values human connection as well. It can be easy for you to get lost in your own passion projects, rather than letting others in. This year, resolve to find ways to go deeper in your relationships with others while still carving out solo time for yourself.


Work on setting and honoring physical and emotional boundaries.

ISFJs are known to be extremely dedicated to helping others in their lives. However, that can leave them with a lack of energy for their own priorities. Beneath their giving exterior is someone who actually thrives on mental stimulation and adventure. This year, aim to set boundaries and limits around where you end and others begin. Use these new boundaries to create space for starting new hobbies, traveling more, and doing more of what you want to do.


Choose one of your passions as the main focus this year.

ISFPs are artistic, creative, free-spirited, and passionate. They often have many creative hobbies going at once, which fills their cup full of inspiration! However, sometimes that can lead them to becoming jacks of all trades, and masters of none. While it's fine to keep up with all your interests this year, choose one that takes the cake, and make it the primary focus for going deeper in 2022.


Give yourself the authority to recognize who and what just isn't for you.

INFJs are incredibly intuitive, thoughtful, and understanding of others. They don't see the world as black and white, and can easily appreciate all the aspects of any subject or situation. However, because they can find genuine interest in anyone and anything, they often find themselves feeling like they're on the receiving end of judgement — they worry: "Does this person like me?" or "Did I fit in with that group?". This year, give the authority back to yourself. YOU can be the person to say, "actually, this activity just really isn't for me," or "I don't really think this person and I have a lot in common." Work on recognizing that having your own preferences and interests isn't selfish or mean.


Practice trying on different perspectives and acknowledging nuance.

INTPs are smart, logical, and genuinely open to being proven wrong. In fact, they love when an idea can be shown to be flawed, because that gets them closer to their ultimate goal: Truth. However, this can make them rigid in their thinking, and can make them prone to believing that there's always one answer for everything. In reality, the world is much more nuanced than that. This year, try to find areas where you can authentically come to the belief that the answer isn't black and white. Learn to become comfortable with grey.


Practice sitting with your emotions without judgement.

INTJs are unique in that they're both emotionally and logically intelligent. Many of them can acknowledge emotional realities and psychological patterns just as easily as they can decipher rational truths. They only issue with this is that it can sometimes lead to intellectualizing their emotions, rather than feeling them. This year, take up the mindfulness practice of sitting with your emotions. Just let them come up, focusing on feeling them without attempting to rationalize or understand them.


Commit to doing something you don't feel like doing.

INFPs are the most likely of all types to find themselves practically incapable of doing something if they don't "feel" like it. Because they are led by their highly attuned emotions, if something doesn't feel good to their core, they make the judgement that it's not valuable and not worth their time. Unfortunately, this can lead to a lot of stumbling blocks for INFPs in the real world. Pick one thing you DON'T want to do every day, and commit to doing it. Over time you will build the muscle you need to accomplish the necessary tasks that don't sound fun and fulfilling, but ultimately need to get done.


Start or deepen a mind-body practice like yoga or breath work.

ESTPs love chasing adrenaline, and are fueled by their need for physical engagement with the outside world, whether that's through decorating their digs, dancing till dawn, or partaking in adventure sports. Take this love for physical sensation deeper with a mind-body practice that helps you slow things down, de-stress, and center yourself. Yoga, deep belly breathing, and certain martial arts are all great options.


Hone your listening skills and practice tailoring your communication style to others.

ESTJs can be no-nonsense, and often believe in telling it like it is. This can be great for asserting your boundaries, making your opinion heard, and leading groups — but without mindful communication and listening skills to balance it out, it can come across to others and cold or domineering. This year, read a book or two on communication best practices, and cultivate the art of listening deeply to others rather than thinking about what you're going to say in response.


Focus on the practical aspects of self-care, like financial literacy and nutrition.

ESFPs are light-hearted, fun to be around, and genuinely caring and uplifting. They can be impulsive, though, and they love to get carried away with all things fun. Unfortunately, this can lead to some very basic self-care needs — like proper nutrition, sleep needs, and financial health— being overlooked. This year, aim to establish a self-care routine that incorporates these basic needs, which you need to master as a physical baseline in order to thrive.


Volunteer your social skills in an area that feels important to you.

ESFJs are the people behind strong communities. They love to bring people together, genuinely care about their friends and neighbors, and throw great parties where everyone feels welcome and has a good time. So this year, why not put those skills to use by doing something good for your community? Start a volunteer gig that lets you bring your best self to the table.


Learn the art of saying "no."

ENFPs are so curious and imaginative, it can be tough for them to turn down any opportunity to learn, have a new adventure, or make new friends. Unfortunately, this can sometimes leave them feeling scattered and burnt out, because they end up with no energy left for themselves. As the most introverted of extroverts, ENFPs also just genuinely need alone time to relax and reflect. Cultivate the ability to say no to things that will leave you exhausted, don't add value to your life, or feel like too much.


Work on uncoupling your emotions from other people's.

ENFJs are so empathetic and people-focused, they often take on other people's baggage without realizing it. All too quickly, others' emotions become their emotions, and when a friend or family member is having a bad day, the ENFJ can find themselves taking it personally. This year, ENFJs should work on learning to separate themselves from others. Other people's moods are no one's business but their own, and they don't reflect on you. Learn to operate from your own thoughts and feelings, rather than taking on those of other people.


Catch yourself when you use humor or logic to avoid negative feelings.

ENTPs' quick wit, logical minds, and creative brains are great for generating humor, sarcasm, and rational answers to complex emotional problems. That doesn't mean it's a healthy way to operate. This year, when you find yourself in an unpleasant emotional situation, notice if you use humor to mask your deeper feelings, or logic to rationalize the situation away. Focus instead on dealing with the problem from the heart space, rather than the head space.


Work on developing patience when making important decisions.

ENTJs can be very decisive leaders, and their natural intelligence makes them convinced that they know best in every situation (to be fair, they often do). The problem is that this deep inner conviction, while it can serve them well in many cases, can sometimes cause them to make decisions too quickly. They can overlook details, forget to factor in other people, or fail to recognize a lost cause. This year, hit the pause button when you have a decision to make. Practice analyzing the situation from multiple angles, seeking advice from trusted others, and obtaining all the necessary information you need before proceeding.

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July 1 — the officially mid-year point for 2024 — is fast-approaching, and it's a good checkpoint for how you’re doing when it comes to reaching your 2024 goals. Most of us rolled into the new year feeling hopeful that we could meet a list of resolutions by years-end. How are those going? If you’re not where you’d like to be by now, here’s a little help to get you back on track.

Image via Dream Inn

I recently spent a weekend at the Dream Inn in Santa Cruz, CA with meditation master Sarah Vie, author of I Wish I'd Known, and about 35 other women to uncover emotions that might be holding us back. A beachside hotel called the Dream Inn couldn’t have been a more perfect location to ponder life’s biggest questions – without kids, dogs, partners, work, and a house to pull us out of our “me” zone.

I started the weekend off a little bit of a mess: stressed from traffic, organizing a dog sitter, and making sure I could log off from work for the weekend. Any talk of meditation and manifesting my dreams was not on my radar when there was a house to clean! Bills to pay! Kid to care for! I realize now how close I was to burnout.

My weekend with Sarah manifesting my dreams at the Dream Inn pulled me back, set me straight, and transformed my mood and energy in ways I never expected.

Here’s what I learned about manifesting your dreams right now.

Photo by Arina Krasnikova

1.Write down your dreams: And don’t just write them down – be specific about what they look like and how they feel when you’ve finally reached them. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in that moment. Where are you? What does it feel, smell, sound like? What are you doing when you reach them? Use visualization tools like a vision board placed front and center; start a daily meditation routine that keeps you focused on your purpose; and try saying your goals aloud to yourself (if that’s not too weird). These practices can help keep you driven and focused.

2. Write down the “show-me’s”: According to Sarah, this is the how. Write down the small steps for achieving bigger goals. Be consistent. It’s a lot easier to give up on your dreams, when the steps for getting there are not already part of your routine. “We can't just do something one time and expect to change a habit,” said Sarah. Reframe how you think about reaching your goals – a mindset of will do vs. maybe will – and create a routine around the steps. 

Photo by Olia Danilevich

3. Practice gratitude. Practice gratitude for what you already have – this has a lot to do with shifting your energy and what you attract because what we feel inside attracts the same energy outside. Start a gratitude journal or try these gratitude prompts.

4. Set a daily intention. Sarah suggests using LSD: listen to yourself, stop negative thinking, and declare your goals. Every morning find a quiet space to listen to yourself and your needs – this may be actual meditation, or sitting with a cup of tea, or taking a walk or hike. Set an intention for the day that will help you reach your goals.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava/PEXELS

5. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. We talked a lot about energies and magnets – what we put out there, we attract so if you're feeling stressed and chaotic guess what's coming right back at you? Underneath that stress though is usually fear – fear of not seeming perfect or saying no or not doing what your true inner self wants to do. Replace those negative beliefs with positive ones; treat yourself with kindness and understanding; and allow yourself to heal slowly to reach a healthier way of living. "Replace those old stories you tell yourself and redefine them into something positive, so your conscious mind starts to believe you can," says Sarah.

6. Focus on what brings you joy. Spend more time doing the things that bring you joy and your energy will shift to a more positive mindset. A positive mindset is key to achieving your goals, attracting positive experiences, and living the life that you want.

7. Stay accountable. Whether it's a friend or partner or a journal that you check in with on a daily or weekly basis, find ways to hold yourself accountable for your goals and check off those small steps you decide are the best way to get there. You got this!

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Header image by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

If you're anything like us, you love a good bite-sized appetizer. Finger foods are just the best! Whether they're out on the table for birthday parties or potlucks, it's guaranteed that we're gonna be grabbing for them again and again.

Bite-size appetizers should be easy to eat, but more importantly, easy to make. These bite-size appetizers are a total breeze in the kitchen and will totally impress whoever you're serving them to. From pinwheels to puff pastry goodies, we've got your next sharable snack occasion covered. Let's dive in to the best (and easy!) bite-size appetizers!

Bacon Pastry Twists

Using pre-made puff pastry strips saves you so much time in the kitchen with these bacon-filled treats! If you want to go all out for your guests, make sure you don't skip the beer cheese meant to go alongside these dippable apps. (via Brit + Co)

Smoked Salmon Poke Bites

This bite-size appetizer recipe is a staple in our appetizer recipe roundups, and for good reason. They don't require any baking or cooking (other than the rice, which you could buy already made) – just pure passion for bite-size appetizers and a few minutes of your time. (via Brit + Co)

Cheesy Cauliflower Tots

For these tiny tots, simply combine all of the ingredients in a bowl, shape into bite-size portions, and bake for about 20 minutes. They'll be gone even quicker. (via Brit + Co)

Pineapple BBQ Chicken Meatballs

If you're short on time, you can use frozen meatballs to craft this delicious appetizer! Either way, the juicy bites still get swarmed in a sweet BBQ sauce that's downright addictive. (via The Real Food Dietitians)

Vegan Jalapeño Poppers

Ready in just 30 minutes, you truly cannot go wrong with jalapeño poppers for parties, movie nights, and backyard shindigs. Though this iteration is vegan, each bite is wondrously cheesy! (via Crowded Kitchen)

Baked Taco Cups

These easy baked taco cups hit all the marks in terms of texture: they're cheesy, soft, and crunchy all at the same time. You'll get a subtle kick of spice from the jalapeños and cumin, too. (via Averie Cooks)

English Muffin Pizzas

Okay – so these might actually require a bit more than a single bite, but they're so worth the extra chew. The best thing about these appetizers is they're entirely customizable, so simply pile on the toppings that speak strongly to you! (via The Girl On Bloor)

Cheese & Tomato Pinwheels

Everyone loves bready. Everyone loves cheesy. That's exactly why you need to make these bite-size appetizers for your next function! Plus, they're ridiculously easy, being made with 5 ingredients in 30 minutes tops. (via The Fast Recipe)

Crab Rangoon

You'll find that putting in the work to make your very own crab rangoon bites pays off. After a single bite of these homemade ones, you'll never go back to takeout. (via Takes Two Eggs)

Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are an undeniable classic, and there's bound to be someone at your party that goes nuts for them. You can customize the filling any way you like, but we recommend keeping things simple. (via Culinary Hill)

Spinach & Brie Triangles

The phyllo dough in this recipe turns so scrumptious and flaky once baked. It's the perfect texture complement to the creamy, cheesy filling. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Buffalo Tofu Wings

Your vegan pals are definitely gonna want some substantial bite-size appetizers to fuel their fun. Opt for this vegan offering that assumes the iconic Buffalo spice! (via Earthly Provisions)

Spinach Artichoke Stuffed Mushrooms

Parmesan, artichokes, and spinach are a wonderful combo on their own, but when you stuff some mushrooms with it, you've achieved bite-site snack greatness. (via Completely Delicious)

Honey Glazed Halloumi

Halloumi is a very mellow cheese that flexes well for sweet or savory situations. In this case, it gets a generous glaze of honey that tastes like pure heaven alongside some fresh lemon, spices, and herbs. (via Hello Little Home)

Easy Italian Pinwheels

These pinwheels are the epitome of a make-ahead appetizer, but they'd also be a stunning spread for a quick weekday lunch! (via Kathryn's Kitchen)

Asparagus & Ham Puff Pastry Pockets

Store-bought puff pastry comes to the (very tasty) rescue in this bite-size appetizer recipe. If your crowd isn't big on eating ham and/or asparagus, you could easily swap the insides for something else based on personal preference. (via Woman Scribbles)

Air Fried Olives

Olives are ​too​ good, and this air fried recipe just ​screams​ happy hour! They're super easy to coat and air fry, then pop in your mouth for a satiating salty snack. (via This Wife Cooks)

Brie, Apple, & Honey Crostini

These elevated bite-size appetizers are speaking to our soul. They're gently sweet form the apple and honey, and ultra-creamy thanks to the melty brie cheese! Pair with wine for a super good time. (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

Antipasto Skewers

You gotta love a skewered snack! These take on the flavors of salami, olives, and artichokes for a savory bite you'll definitely want seconds of. And thirds. And fourths. (via Salt & Lavender)

Crispy Cheesy Brussels Sprouts

It's true, you can convince everyone that Brussels sprouts are the superior vegetable, as long as there's some cheese involved. Thankfully, this quick appetizer recipe includes plenty of parmesan. (via The Endless Meal)

Chicks in a Blanket with Everything Bagel Seasoning

Meaty and bready, these chicks in a blanket make for an amazing snack alongside some ice-cold beer in the summer. (via Cozy Cravings)

Baked Sweet Potato Wedges

These crispy potato pieces might just be better than any restaurant's version. They're oven-baked, which supplies a much healthier alternative to deep-frying. Simply slice, season, and bake to absolute perfection. (via Two Spoons)

Crispy Spicy Tuna Sushi Bites

These fresh bites of sushi-grade tuna sit atop tiny pieces of crispy rice, and they are very addictive. They have a bit of everything, flavor-wise and texture-wise, so no one at the snack table is left out. (via Cilantro Parsley)

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Lead image via Kathryn's Kitchen.

In May 2024, a unique opportunity for personal growth and transformation awaits. As the communication Mercury regains momentum after last month’s retrograde and we emerge from the eclipse season, a new chapter is about to begin. This is your chance to gather the scattered pieces and rebuild a stronger, more enlightened version of yourself. Taurus season continues beckoning us to review our comforts, values, love stories, and finances. Although we live in uncertain times, note that no external source can dim your light as long as you remain heart-centered and in flow with your happiness.

Key Astrological Dates Of Taurus Season In May 2024

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
  • 5/1 Venus square Pluto
  • 5/7 Sun sextile Saturn
  • 5/8 New Moon in Taurus
  • 5/13 Sun conjunct Uranus
  • 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5/17 Mercury square Pluto
  • 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter
  • 5/20 Gemini Season Begins
  • 5/23 Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus enters Gemini
  • 5/26 Jupiter enters Gemini

What To Expect In Your May Horoscope For 2024

Photo by Aamyr on Unsplash

We enter this month with an intense exchange between Venus and Pluto. As they form a square on the 1st, it can manifest as power and control issues between love and values. This is the moment to embrace change involving your desires. The split between wanting stability with Venus in Taurus and the radical energy of Pluto in Aquarius can lead to a powerful transformation in your love story while opening the path to realizing your worth. There is a part of you or the relationship itself that needs to evolve to attract a healthier outcome. Hold still, and don’t react. Just observe your environment. Take this as a sign to reevaluate your priorities in your relationship and everything else that can deflect you from living authentically. On the 7th, things will lighten up as the Sun is in a supportive position with Saturn, the planet of structure and stability. Clarity will set as the Sun lets you see your life direction while Saturn supports your future ventures. This will all unfold in time for the new moon in Taurus to happen on the 8th. Finally, we are officially out of the eclipse mist and equipped to potentially set a different course to invoke success. The best part is that this new moon energy will be grounding and quiet, giving you the space to set clear intentions to support your needs instead of what you want. Remember that your “wants” will only take you so far, while honoring your needs will attract a better flow.

On the 13th, a day filled with potential breakthroughs awaits. The Sun will merge with Uranus, the rebel planet, invoking themes of innovation and freedom from the old constraints. This can manifest in your desire to change or break from the usual routine. Transparency and honest discussions will open that door for you. This day can be filled with serendipitous events as you trust in yourself and try something new. It's an amazing opportunity to begin brainstorming ideas or troubleshooting what is holding you back from living the life you want.

Our thinking process will slow down when Mercury, the communication planet, enters Taurus on the 15th. Our conversations will be more down-to-earth and intentional. The way to master this planetary transit these next few weeks is to become simpler and more organized. Focusing on one thing at a time will grant you the desired results.

Focusing initially on this recent Mercury shift will be tricky as it squares off to Pluto on the 17th, staging a distress signal involving the FOMO. Pluto in Aquarius adds traction in the desire to evolve and look ahead to what’s next. At the same time, Mercury in Taurus promotes grounding and the desire to build solidity with our ideas. This planetary square can be gritty, leading to communication blunders or an inner mental conflict leading to a self-limiting belief. Let go and know that masterpieces of any kind were not created overnight. You are on the right path, and as long as you have self-acceptance, everything will fall into place as it should.

Your Astrological Forecast Continued For May 2024 Horoscopes

Photo by Hoang Huy on Unsplash

Expect an overflow of changes and certainty on the 18th with the celestial bodies of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is the sign that desires stability, finances, love, and sensuality. This day will highlight all these themes, pulling you into making the necessary decisions involving love and self-security. Your love story from earlier this month will continue today as Venus joins Uranus, igniting a new flow in your relationships and shifting your narrative. What part of your love life needs reinvention? This is the day you will get answers about its direction and what you can do to attract the changes you want. The Sun merging with Jupiter will ignite an unfamiliar wave of optimism and the desire to take a leap professionally or romantically. This is also a great day to begin a new project or relationship or renew your vows.

Now expect the fun to start as Gemini season begins on the 20th! Your hard work this month will pay off, and there will be a new wave of confidence or inspiration to expand your outlets involving your ideas. Remember that curiosity is vital to fully embracing this air season. Be like Alice in Wonderland and jump into the rabbit hole of possibility.

What’s more, this upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd will ignite fuel to your fire involving what needs to be done for you to break free from the mundane. It is time to reflect on your past perspective and old beliefs and release them once and for all. This May 2024 full moon will be ceremonial as you will feel a surge of optimism and feel comfortable with letting go. The best part of this day is that Venus will also enter Gemini, infusing the collective with a central focus on the betterment of humanity. While also learning the importance of embracing a love of all shades and shapes. This will be a positive phase in your life experience, and celebrating this milestone in your personal development with those who share your values will grant you that dash of magic you need.

We conclude this month with a momentous event. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, enters the sign of Gemini on the 26th and will remain in this sign for the following year. Moving forward, we are not being led by blind faith. We will embrace ideas and conventional thinking. Listening carefully and being open-minded to others' insights will ignite even more inspiration than you ever thought possible. Setting aside the conforms and old doctrines of what worked before will push you ahead of the curve.

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your May Horoscope For 2024

Brit + Co


Get ready to claim your power and momentum. After last month's solar eclipse, you are more than equipped to take charge of a matter on the back burner. On the 1st, Venus crossing paths with Pluto intensely can throw a curveball involving plans that involve networks or friendships. Remember to hold steady and not stress the results. Everything falls into place when you remain centered and calm. A second wind approaches when the New Moon in Taurus happens on the 8th extending you an opportunity to revamp your finances while powering up your self-esteem. Begin an abundance practice or begin a new mood board to help you get started while enabling you to hold onto your long-term vision. When Gemini Season begins on the 20th, this is your opportunity to share your ideas and strengthen your connections in your immediate environment. It is more lighthearted and joyful. These next three weeks will be creative and fertile–take advantage, and you might make a masterpiece. Witness a spiritual breakthrough and celebrate your past lessons involving your life experiences as the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd prompts you to reflect on your future direction. Practically, this is the moment to finish that book, launch your podcast, or make an aspiration of yours finite and see through to its completion.


Happy birthday, Taurus! As your season unfolds, you'll feel confident and truly in your element. The New Moon in your sign on May 8th extends a fresh start in how you present yourself to the world, signaling a moment of self-renewal and how you will share your radiance with the world by sharing your gifts. A pivotal moment arrives on the 13th when the Sun aligns with Uranus in your sign, marking a bold move aligned with your passions. However, be mindful of impulsivity during this exciting time. On the 18th, when Venus joins Uranus in your identity and self-expression sector, your love life receives an unexpected boost of support. This contagious energy invites you to leap and confidently achieve your wants. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd illuminates your 8th, urging you to release past fears and confront them head-on. This period offers opportunities to settle debts and receive unexpected financial blessings. It's also a time to deepen the intimacy with a partner or yourself.


Prepare for a journey of growth and transformation. As the month begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, you'll feel pressured to confront your limiting beliefs head-on. This intense transit catalyzes the importance of staying true to yourself, empowering you to embrace your rebellious spirit and make your mark on the world. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th plants a seed of innovation deep within your subconscious, allowing you to realign with new dreams and aspirations that resonate deeply with your soul. As Gemini season begins on the 20th, you'll feel renewed energy and perspective, infusing you with a fresh outlook on life and how you wish to share your ideas to the world. Despite Mercury, your ruling planet, being in Taurus, this grounding influence provides you with the stability you need to make tangible progress toward your goals. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd will illuminate your love life and partnerships, urging you to take your connections to the next level. Reflect on what needs to evolve within yourself to create space for deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation as you navigate the workings of love and self-discovery.

Brit + Co


Your focus turns towards your networks and friendships. The Sun sextile Saturn on the 7th presents an opportunity to ground your ideas and turn them into reality with the support of your current connections. With confidence and determination, you can contextualize and bring your passions to life, making it an ideal time to pitch ideas or seek career opportunities. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th, highlighting the sector of friendships and networks, energizes you with motivation and grit to renew your aspirations and long-term dreams. This lunar event empowers you to set new goals and strengthen your bonds with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. However, beware of potential miscommunications and blunders on the 17th, as Mercury squares Pluto. Emotions may run high, particularly in professional networks or friendships, leading to unforeseen arguments if not handled carefully. Stay mindful of your feelings and strive for open, honest communication to gracefully navigate this transit. As the Full Moon illuminates your health and daily life sector on the 23rd, it invokes the need to prioritize your physical well-being and letting go of old habits. Take this opportunity to care for your body and release any burdens weighing you down daily. Revive your mind-body-spirit connection through release work, allowing yourself to let go of what no longer serves you in your immediate surroundings.


All eyes are on you and your next move in the career and public life. The month kicks off with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, increasing pressure in your romantic or professional partnerships. This clash of beliefs regarding structure and risk may challenge you, but trust your inner voice to navigate any decisions. Impulsive actions should take a back seat during this intense period. The New Moon on the 8th allows you to plant a new seed regarding your career vision. Whether you're ready to go public with an idea or strive for tangible results, this is the moment to elevate your manifestation game and set your intentions for success. The 18th initiates a significant moment for you as Venus conjuncts Uranus. This could potentially bring a career advancement or a shift in status, such as marriage or its dissolution. As long as you grow, your love can strengthen. Embrace the unexpected as you navigate this transformative period in your life. As the Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates your romantic life, children, and creative pursuits, something within you is ready to be birthed into existence. Whether it's a boost in self-esteem, the completion of a project, or even news of pregnancy, receive the potential for new beginnings. If family planning is on your mind, this lunar phase offers favorable energy to start your journey.


Your focus shifts toward spirituality, dreams, and belief systems as you contemplate and reflect. With Venus square Pluto on the 1st, you may experience a shakeup in your process of the mind-body connection, prompting you to confront mental conflicts and past fears head-on. Mastering this ability to combat inner turmoil will pave the way for growth and expansion as you understand how your thoughts shape your reality. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th brings fresh air, allowing you to make heartfelt wishes and set intentions aligned with your true desires. Whether launching a passion project or setting a new course for your dreams, this lunar event empowers you to manifest your aspirations confidently. There's also a boost of support in manifesting future love or renewing present partnerships. On the 18th, as Venus conjuncts Uranus, expect unexpected changes in your life situation, whether it's a new romantic relationship blossoming or your dream project taking shape. It's a period of excitement as you witness your paradigm shift unexpectedly. As the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your home and family sector, it's time to reevaluate your emotional needs and address unresolved issues with loved ones. Whether you decide to move, renovate, or let go of the past, this lunar event will allow you to express your vulnerability and create a sense of emotional clarity. Embrace this clearance as you witness your dreams come alive in your inner and outer worlds.

Brit + Co


The focus turns inward as you invest time in inner work, seeking to align with your true path and live authentically. It begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, a pressure-filled transit that urges you to prioritize your happiness over others' expectations. While this may feel uncomfortable, especially in your partnerships, it's essential to clear out any lingering resentment and nurture the unseen aspects of life, including fears, intimacy, finances, and resources. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th provides a fresh start, allowing you to set intentions for how you want to show up in your intimate connections and be more intentional in your life. As Gemini Season begins, you'll feel light and optimism in your love life. Clarity and inspiration guide you towards passion-filled pursuits, encouraging you to align more closely with your heart and take chances in dating or exploring new depths in partnerships. However, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd may bring challenges in communication and mental overwhelm. It's important to prioritize tasks and avoid diving headfirst into new endeavors. Take the time to reflect on what truly aligns with your heart and reach resolutions where miscommunications occurred. This busy period calls for careful consideration of your priorities, ensuring that you conclude rather than start anew for now.


This month shines on your romantic and business partnerships as you navigate moments of renewal and growth. Whether finally calling someone bae or healing from a recent breakup, this period prompts a deep reflection on your beliefs surrounding connections and staying true to your vision. The month begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, adding intensity as you confront unresolved issues rooted in your family dynamics that influence your approach to relationships. This is a time for conscious awareness and understanding, recognizing that the past does not define who you are or what you deserve in love. On the 8th, the New Moon in Taurus marks a new phase in your love story, offering opportunities to create a fresh path in existing or new partnerships. Manifest your desires on this day, but take the time to reflect on what you truly want and need in relationships. As Venus conjuncts Uranus on the 18th, expect a twist of fate or serendipitous encounter that guides you toward the right partner or life path. Trust the Universe and allow your energy to align with your desired reality. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd provides a chance to tie up loose ends regarding finances and develop a healthier relationship with money. Take this opportunity to understand the root causes of any financial patterns, whether excessive spending or frugality and create space for abundance and stability in your life. Assess what is missing in your life to make meaningful connections and cultivate lasting prosperity.


The focus turns to your health and well-being, prompting you to engage in release work and eliminate toxic surroundings or situations from your life. Whether it's a change in the workplace or establishing boundaries, now is the time to energetically and physically pinpoint your needs. When Venus squares Pluto on the 1st this will be a pivotal moment for you to realize the root cause of your mental conflict while also developing better skills involving your long term aspirations. Starting over or learning something new will place you ahead of the curve and ensure success. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th will help you revive your body by establishing a new exercise routine or wellness practice. With Taurus' stability, consistency is key to attracting the desired outcome. Redecorating your surroundings or clearing your work desk can bring abundance and clarity to your core needs. As Gemini season begins, it's a chance to revitalize your relationships and discuss their direction. This period is favorable for romantic pursuits or forming new business connections. On the 23rd, the Full Moon in your sign puts you in the spotlight, urging you to embrace your true self and share your story with those who resonate with your values. It's a time of evolution and growth as you step into a more authentic life path and make peace with what you need to let go involving your old self.

Brit + Co


As someone driven by ambition, this is a period for you to reflect on what truly fulfills you and embrace the idea of having fun. The Venus square Pluto on the 1st prompts you to examine your self-esteem as you navigate this new course in life. It's essential to shift your focus from the need for status to the joy in relationships and heartfelt connections. By aligning with the heart, you deepen your bonds with others and ignite inspiration for creative pursuits. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th offers an opportunity to plant a new seed in your love life or creative endeavors. This is a favorable time to set intentions and perform manifestation work, whether attracting a future love partner or beginning a new creative venture. Embrace this energy to ignite a new phase filled with love, joy, and creativity. As Gemini Season begins, the focus shifts to the organization and daily rituals, prompting discussions about what truly brings you joy rather than simply what makes sense. Consider starting a somatic healing or meditation practice to help navigate these changes with ease. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd invites you to look inward and declutter your subconscious realms. While your dream life may be vivid and stimulating...journaling, meditating, and relaxation techniques can help you identify and release any emotional baggage or limiting beliefs. Embrace this opportunity to clear the path for personal growth and transformation.


The focus will be on your family and home life, prompting you to reflect on your emotional security and find comfort in slowing down. With Venus square Pluto on the 1st, pressure arises regarding your place within the home and defining your sense of security. This transit encourages you to let go of outdated outlooks and make room for deeper emotional connections with family. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th offers a fresh start in your home dynamics. It allows you to renew your perception of family values and perhaps even consider a move or set new roots for generational healing. This is an ideal time to turn over a new leaf and embrace positive changes in your home life. When Gemini Season begins, expect to dive deeper into your true passion pursuits. While the new moon in Taurus may prompt a need to slow down and reflect, Gemini Season brings a new vision and energy to your creative process. Embracing a lighthearted approach, like a child, can lead to breakthroughs and fresh insights. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd encourages you to tie up loose ends in your friendships as you explore new ideas and possibilities. This lunar event extends a chance to reconnect with old friends, seek resolution, or pick up where you left off. Through this healing process and understanding, you'll gain clarity on your aspirations and begin to see the bigger picture of your place in the world.


This month, your mind is buzzing with ideas and while igniting endless discussions with those in your immediate surroundings. It's a stimulating period that can enforce the need to learn a new skill or share your ideas with others to witness your dream come alive. The new moon in Taurus on the 8th opens up endless possibilities for sharing your vision and setting intentions related to your passions. By immersing yourself in your local community and remaining receptive to information from all sides, you'll find yourself increasingly inspired in the long run. On the 18th, Venus conjuncts Uranus, bringing unexpected brilliance and otherworldly ideas your way. While this transit may feel overwhelming, jotting down your stream of consciousness can help you make sense of it later. Be open to initiating outings, as they may lead to romantic connections, but be mindful of potential situationships. Trust your intuition to navigate any curveballs Uranus may throw your way. This period will be essential for you to learn the importance of asserting boundaries and holding true to your beliefs. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd closes a chapter in your career. This lunar event may bring a promotion or signal the need to move on to something that brings you fulfillment. Take stock of where you are in your career path and assess opportunities for progression to help you maintain confidence and clarity moving forward.

What do you think of your May horoscope for 2024? Maybe it’s written in the stars, or maybe it’s... just a coincidence. Our resident astrologer is weighing in on *all* of YOUR big questions, from your career and personal development to your wellness and love life. Fill out this form to get the expert advice you’ve been dreaming of in an upcoming astrology feature!

There's NOTHING like the Disney magic I felt in my favorite series growing up. Sometimes, it was the magic of coming of age, like in Lizzie McGuire, and sometimes, it was literal magic, like in Wizards Of Waverly Place. Turns out, I'm not the only one who misses Waverly Place because Selena Gomez and her onscreen brother David Henrie are returning for another installment of the hit series! Here's everything we know about the Wizards Of Waverly Place revival (fittingly titled Wizards Beyond Waverly Place) so far.

After starring in the series, the Wizards of Waverly Place movie, and The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex reunion special, the cast is "so excited" to return, according to executive producer Selena Gomez' Instagram story. "The Russo’s are excited to become a part of your family, once again, but we’ve grown," David says in an Instagram post. "2024, the year magic comes back!"

What is the Wizards of Waverly Place revival about?

Image via Disney

In this new take on the Wizards of Waverly Place world, Justin has traded his powers for a regular life without magic. But when a young wizard named Billie seeks him out, he learns that the future of the wizard world is at stake. We don't know what role Alex will play in the pilot, but we do know Selena is set to make an appearance. I'm definitely expecting her to give Justin some sassy advice — it's what Alex does best!

When does Wizards Beyond Waverly Place come out?

Image via Disney Channel

We'll see Wizards Beyond Waverly Place later this year!

Is Wizards Beyond Waverly Place a reboot?

Image via Disney Channel

The new Wizards of Waverly Place TV show will serve as a revival rather than a reboot. Instead of a new Justin and Alex, we'll see new characters as well as reappearances from our faves! In addition to David Henrie starring as a series regular and Selena Gomez making a guest appearance, the duo will executive produce.

Who's in the Wizards Beyond Waverly Place cast?

Image via Disney

Along with Selena Gomez and David Henrie, we'll see Janice LeAnn Brown as Billie, Mimi Gianopulos as Justin's wife Giada, and Alkaio Thiele as Justin's son Roman. We don't have other official cast members, but according to David Henrie (via People), they "definitely plan on bringing back the original cast for the series order."

Why did they stop making Wizards of Waverly Place?

Image via Disney Channel

There was a rumor that Wizards of Waverly Place ended so Selena Gomez could move on to different acting roles, although the actress never confirmed it. But as opposed to some of our favorite series that were cancelled out of the blue, Wizards of Waverly Place came to more of a natural stopping point by the end, and a finale made sense!

Where can I watch the Wizards of Waverly Place movie?

Image via Disney Channel

You can watch the Wizards of Waverly Place movie, all four seasons of the show, and Alex Vs. Alexon Disney+ now!

Are you excited to see the Wizards Beyond Waverly Place revival, as well as Selena Gomez and David Henrie as Alex and Justin again? Follow us on Facebook for more breaking news in the pop culture space!

Lead image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

This post has been updated.

While the summer of 2023 (AKA the summer of Barbie and The Summer I Turned Pretty and Taylor Swift and Beyoncé, hello!) is over, there is still plenty to look forward to in 2024. Things are a little bit more relaxed on the new TV show front, which means all my energy can go towards watching as many movies as I can. We've already made our way through this year's winter movies and spring movies, and up next: 2024 summer movies. Keep reading for all the best 2024 movies to watch after a long day on vacation ;). And after you've seen all these new movies, check out these 6 Nostalgic Movies That Feel Like Summer Vacation!

Hit Man — On Netflix June 7, 2024

Image via Netflix

Glen Powell isn't slowing down after Anyone But You, and his first movie of 2024 is Hit Man, where he stars as a Houston, Texas undercover cop posing as a hitman. When he meets a woman stuck in an abusive marriage, and then falls for her, he decides to break protocol to help her. Watch the Hit Man trailer here.

Hit Man premieres June 7 and stars Austin Amelio, Adria Arjona, Glen Powell, and Retta.

The Crow — In Theaters June 7, 2024

Image via Lionsgate

Eric and Shelly are soulmates in this modern adaptation of James O’Barr's graphic novel. But when Shelly's past catches up to them, and the couple is murdered, Eric has an opportunity: save his one true love by sacrificing himself. What follows is a merciless quest for revenge, and the desire to bring their murderers to justice.

The Crow hits theaters June 7 and stars Bill Skarsgård, FKA twigs, and Danny Huston.

Bad Boys: Ride Or Die — In Theaters June 7, 2024

Image via Sony Pictures Releasing

Following 2020's Bad Boys For Life, this new summer movie has the action and hilarious comedy that you expect from the franchise. This time, Mike and Marcus are on the run themselves, which is sure to add even more chaos than before.

Bad Boys: Ride Or Die hits theaters June 7 and stars Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, Paola Nuñez, Eric Dane, Ioan Gruffudd, Jacob Scipio, Melanie Liburd, Tasha Smith, Tiffany Haddish, and Joe Pantoliano.

The Watchers — In Theaters June 14, 2024

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

Dakota Fanning is back in this new horror thriller that follows Mina, an artist who gets stranded in a huge, untouched Irish forest. Things take a turn for the better when Mina finds shelter with three strangers — until she learns they're being watched by mysterious creatures every single night.

The Watchers hits theaters June 14, and stars Dakota Fanning, Georgina Campbell, Oliver Finnegan, and Olwen Fouere.

​Inside Out 2 — In Theaters June 14, 2024

Image via Disney/Pixar

Like all Pixar sequels, Inside Out 2 has evolved with its main character Riley as she grows into a teenager. But that means there's a new emotion in town — Anxiety — and she's not going anywhere (don't I know it). This summer movie promises to be just as colorful and emotional as the first one, and I can't wait to cry in my chair at the theater. Watch the Inside Out 2 trailer here.

Inside Out 2 hits theaters June 14, 2024 and stars Lewis Black, Tony Hale, Maya Hawke, Liza Lapira, Diane Lane Amy Poehler, and Phyllis Smith.

The Bikeriders — In Theaters June 21, 2024

Image via Focus Features

Your favorite actors like Austin Butler, Mike Faist, and Jodie Comer are back in this edgy summer movie, which follows a Chicago motorcycle club for over a decade. While the story is fictional, it was inspired by the real 1967 photobook by Danny Lyon! Watch The Bikeriders trailer here.

The Bikeriders hits theaters June 21, 2024 and stars Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Mike Faist, Tom Hardy, Boyd Holbrook, Norman Reedus, and Michael Shannon.

Janet Planet — In Theaters June 21, 2024

Image via A24

It's the summer of 1991 and 11-year-old Lacy has nothing but her imagination and her mother to keep her company — neither of which she minds. That is, until they get three visitors who pull her mother's attention away. This summer movie holds incredible tension between a deep mother-daughter relationship and figuring out pre-teen independence.

Janet Planet will release on June 21 and stars Julianne Nicholson, Zoe Ziegler, Elias Koteas, Will Patton, and Sophie Okonedo.

Kinds of Kindness — In Theaters June 21, 2024

Image via Searchlight Pictures

After the success of Poor Things, Emma Stone and Yorgos Lanthimos are reuniting for a brand new summer movie. Kinds of Kindness is an anthology movie, tying together three different stories full of memorable characters. Knowing Yorgos, the movie will be wild, wacky, and absolutely memorable.

Kinds of Kindness hits theaters June 21 and stars Emma Stone, Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe, Margaret Qualley, Hong Chau, Joe Alwyn, Mamoudou Athie, and Hunter Schafer.

Firebrand — In Theaters June 21, 2024

Image via Roadside Attractions/Vertical

History lovers won't be able to get enough of this summer movie, which follows Katherine Parr as she fights to survive the final months of Henry VIII's life. It's a realistic and brutal take on Tudor England, but promises to be more than compelling.

Firebrand hits theaters June 21 and stars Alicia Vikander, Jude Law, Eddie Marsan, Sam Riley, Simon Russell Beale, and Erin Doherty.

A Family Affair — On Netflix June 28, 2024

Image via Netflix

Summer rom-coms are back and better than ever thanks to A Family Affair ! The summer movie follows Zara (Joey King), who's left reeling when her mother (Nicole Kidman) strikes up a relationship with her famous actor boss (Zac Efron). And, as expected, hilarity unfolds from there.

A Family Affair hits Netflix June 28 and stars Joey King, Zac Efron, Nicole Kidman, Liza Koshy, and Kathy Bates.

A Quiet Place: Day One — In Theaters June 28, 2024

Image via Paramount Pictures

While we got a glimpse of A Quiet Place: Day One at CinemaCon, we'll finally get to see the whole story when it hits theaters at the end of June! The movie will open on the first day the alien Death Angels came to earth (which we briefly saw in A Quiet Place 2). Watch The A Quiet Place: Day One trailer here.

A Quiet Place: Day One hits theaters June 28, 2024. The movie stars Djimon Hounsou, Lupita Nyong’o, Denis O’Hare Joseph Quinn, and Alex Wolff.

Horizon: An American Saga: Chapter 1 — In Theaters June 28

Image via Warner Bros.

You're going to want to add this summer movie to your list of favorite Westerns. The film covers 1861 to 1865 during the Civil War, and explores themes of family, identity, and good and evil as the United States goes to war. Chapter 2 will premiere August 16.

Horizon: An American Saga: Chapter 1 hits theaters June 28. The movie stars Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, Jena Malone, Owen Crow Shoe, Tatanka Means, Ella Hunt, Isabelle Fuhrman, and Jamie Campbell Bower.

Despicable Me 4 — In Theaters July 3, 2024

Image via Illumination

This is one animated sequel I cannot wait to watch in theaters — even if we can't partake in the Gentleminion TikTok trend anymore. Gru and his family are up against a new villain, voiced by Will Ferrell (who played a not-quite-cutthroat villain in Barbie). The whole gang is back together, including a new baby Gru Jr.! Watch the Despicable Me 4 trailer here.

Despicable Me 4 hits theaters July 3 and stars Steve Carell, Pierre Coffin, Steve Coogan, Miranda Cosgrove, Joey King, Will Ferrell, Sofia Vergara, and Kristen Wiig.

MaXXXine — In Theaters July 5, 2024

Image via A24

Mia Goth is back for another stint as Maxine and I'm happy to report that, after the clip of Maxine screaming "I'm a star" went viral across social media, she FINALLY gets her big break. But when Hollywood's newest stars begin turning up dead, Maxine's future is threatened by her past secrets.

MaXXXine hits theaters July 5 and stars Mia Goth, Elizabeth Debicki, Moses Sumney, Michelle Monaghan, Bobby Cannavale, Halsey, Lily Collins, Giancarlo Esposito, and Kevin Bacon.

Fly Me To The Moon — In Theaters July 12, 2024

Image via Apple TV+

If you loved the vintage style of Lessons in Chemistry, you'll definitely want to press play on Fly Me To The Moon. Set during the Apollo 11 moon landing, the new movie follows Kelly Jones, a marketing expert tasked with fixing NASA's public image, while launch director Cole Davis is just trying to get the mission off the ground (literally).

Fly Me To The Moon hits theaters July 12 and stars Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Nick Dillenburg, and Anna Garcia.

Descendants: Rise of Red — On Disney+ July 12, 2024

Image via Disney+

'90s kids, rejoice — Brandy's back! After starring in Best. Christmas. Ever!, the singer and actress is reprising her iconic role as Cinderella in this new Descendants installment. Uma is now headmaster of Auradon Prep, and when she invites the Queen of Heart's daughter Red to join her, the Queen uses it as an opportunity to get revenge on Cinderella.

Descendants: Rise of Red hits Disney+ July 12 and stars Brandy, Rita Ora, Kylie Cantrall, Malia Baker, China Anne McClain, Jeremy Swift, Dara Reneé, Ruby Rose Turner.

Longlegs — In Theaters July 12, 2024

Image via NEON

FBI Agent Lee Harker is an FBI Agent who's assigned to a serial killer case that's never been solved. When the case takes an unexpected turn — and shows evidence of occult activity — Harker is horrified to learn he has a personal connection to the killer. Watch the Longlegs trailer here.

Longlegs hits theaters July 12 and stars Maika Monroe, Nicolas Cage, Alicia Witt and Blair Underwood.

Twisters — In Theaters July 19, 2024

Image via Universal Pictures/Warner Bros.

Glen Powell returns to our screens again in Twisters with a star-studded cast. This summer movie seems to serve as a sequel to the original 1996 film, with just as much disaster and pure terror to help it stand on its own. Hold on folks, we're in for a bumpy ride. Watch the Twisters trailer here.

Twisters hits theaters July 19, 2024 and stars Daisy Edgar-Jones, Sasha Lane, Brandon Perea, Glen Powell, Anthony Ramos, and Maura Tierney.

Deadpool 3 (Deadpool & Wolverine) — In Theaters July 26, 2024

Image via Marvel Studios/Disney

The MCU is in for a wild ride with Ryan Reynolds'Deadpool & Wolverine. Not only is the TVA involved and Hugh Jackman is bringing the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but we might also see Taylor Swift make an appearance as a brand new character. (Yes, please!). Watch the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer here.

Deadpool 3 hits theaters July 26, 2024 and stars Morena Baccarin, Emma Corrin, Brianna Hildebrand, Hugh Jackman, Stefan Kapičić, Matthew Macfadyen, and Ryan Reynolds.

My Old Ass — In Select Theaters August 2, 2024

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

Elliot is totally not expecting to meet her future self, but when the shock finally wears off, she agrees not to fall in love. She feels confident in her decision, thanks to her own advice, but everything changes when she meets the boy her older self warned her about.

My Old Ass will have a limited theatrical run starting August 2. The movie stars Maisy Stella, Aubrey Plaza, Maddie Ziegler, Kerrice Brooks, and Percy Hynes White.

Harold And The Purple Crayon — In Theaters August 2, 2024

Image via Sony Pictures Releasing

The Harold we all knew as kids has grown up and drawn himself right off the pages of his book. Now, he's got to figure out how to operate in the real world — especially once the power of unlimited imagination (AKA his purple crayon) gets into the wrong hands.

Harold And The Purple Crayon hits theaters August 2 and stars Zachary Levi, Lil Rel Howery, Benjamin Bottani, Jemaine Clement, Tanya Reynolds, Alfred Molina, and Zooey Deschanel.

Borderlands — In Theaters August 9, 2024

Image via Lionsgate

Fans of The Last of Us will want to strap in for this video game adaptation (and not just because it's written by TLOU showrunner Craig Mazin!). The movie follows treasure hunter Lilith, who returns to her home planet of Pandora to find a missing girl, and the rag-tag team she puts together along the way. Watch the Borderlands trailer here.

Borderlands hits theaters August 9, 2024 and stars Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, Ariana Greenblatt, Kevin Hart, Jamie Lee Curtis, Gina Gerson, Florian Munteanu, and Edgar Ramierez.

It Ends With Us — In Theaters August 9, 2024

Image via Amazon

When Lily Bloom falls in love with Ryle, she's excited to start their life together. But she never expects her first love, Atlas, to reenter the picture — or for all the consequences that come with them reconnecting.

It Ends With Us premieres June 21 and stars Blake Lively, Jenny Slate, Brandon Sklenar, Justin Baldoni, and Hasan Minhaj.

Alien: Romulus — In Theaters August 16, 2024

Image via 20th Century Studios

This follow-up to the iconic Alien franchise is for sci-fi and action lovers! The summer movie follows a group of young space colonizers on a mission to explore an abandoned space station. But the deeper the go, they closer they get to the most terrifying life form in the whole universe.

Alien: Romulus hits theaters August 16, 2024 and stars Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Isabela Merced, Spike Fearn, and Aileen Wu.

Blink Twice — In Theaters August 23, 2024

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

Frida is a cocktail waitress who gets whisked away from her regular life to philanthropist Slater King's private island. But the more time she spends on the intoxicating island, the more she realizes just how unsettling — and horrifying — it really is.

Blink Twice hits theaters August 23 and stars Channing Tatum, Naomi Ackie, Christian Slater, Alia Shawkat, Geena Davis, Adria Arjona, Haley Joel Osment, Liz Caribel Sierra, Levon Hawke, Trew Mullen, Saul Williams, Cris Costa, Simon Rex, and Kyle MacLachlan.

Kraven The Hunter — In Theaters August 30, 2024

Image via Sony Pictures Releasing

You've never seen a super-hero flick quite like this. Consider this summer movie the origin story of the titular Kraven the Hunter, and discover why he becomes the feared figure we all know so well.

Kraven the Hunter premieres August 30, and stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger, Alessandro Nivola, Christopher Abbott, and Russell Crowe.

Which 2024 summer movie are you looking forward to this year? I cannot wait for Inside Out 2! Follow us on Facebook for more movie news and check out this year's Most-Anticipated Fall Movies.

Lead image via Pixar/Disney

This post has been updated.