13 Aquamarine Engagement Rings That’ll Sweep You Off Your Feet

It wasn’t that long ago that cool translucent opal engagement rings were on our mind, bright red garnet rings stole our hearts and pretty purple amethyst rings took our breath away. Next up on the list of must-have birthstone engagement rings is March’s watery-hued aquamarine. This stone makes for a one-of-a-kind ring because of its cool palette and wide range of hues, from diamond-esque white to tropical water blue. If you’re on the hunt for a unique but meaningful engagement ring — or just want to flaunt that birthstone the right way — the 15 aquamarine engagement rings below will blow you away. You could drop the *hint* with a few of ’em or pin them to your Dream Rings board.

The days are getting longer and spring is fast approaching as we enter the month of March. Amid Pisces season, the veil is thinner, luring us to listen intently to our intuition and engage more with our artistic selves. This season is filled with mystical and serendipitous events prompting you to take out your old deck of tarot cards or book a visit to the nearest psychic, aching to make sense of it all. The thing is, Pisces season is filled with magical moments, and it's meant to help you pay more attention to the greater context of life instead of materialistic desires. This is the moment to look deep inside yourself and assess your reach in alignment with your dreams while living your authentic path. Think beyond the confines of structure and expectations and step into your ability to make the magic happen through belief. Allowing the Universe to fall into place will invoke inner peace and calm in your heart. Surrendering while honoring the light you hold inside is key to mastering Pisces season — don’t forget to sprinkle a bit of sparkle dust everywhere you go. 😘

​What To Expect In Your March Horoscope For 2024

Photo by pixel parker on Unsplash

At the beginning of this month, Mercury continues to swim through Pisces’ waters. Envisioning our ideas coming to life through rose-colored glasses is expected. Jot down your ideas and work in small steps to stay grounded and organized. The love planets Venus and Mars are in the sign of Aquarius, and our creative process still feels out of reach. Don’t give up because all the alchemizing and formulating will pay off as you remain consistent. The same applies to your love story.

On March 3rd, your values and views towards love will march to a different beat as Venus crosses into an intense square with Uranus. You may see what could be in the name of love and your endeavors, but this planetary mixture can brew blunders or impulsive decisions. Cultivating patience and understanding will buffer your day and extend clarity. Don’t worry! Later this month, on the 28th, when Venus and Uranus are in sextile, you'll find a resolution, and all will make sense by then.

The mist will thicken, involving our mental clarity and awakening the dream realms on the 8th when Mercury conjoins Neptune. The conversations will slow down and feel illusory, and it's totally normal to feel more reflective during this. time. Start journaling your thoughts and begin an art or creative project because your intuitive self will expand, and the receptivity to new forms of information will lead to solutions you will need later this month.

Watch out for heated discussions or the urge to rebel against your superiors as Mars faces Uranus in an intense square on March 9th — Mercury will pick up speed later in the day as it enters the sign of Aries. This pioneer sign desires initiation and grit. The conversations exchanged will be rapid, and your confidence will skyrocket, but it can lead to a face plant moment if you're not careful. This action-packed day will also be supported by the Sun meeting Uranus in a supportive position, which can help you assess your limitless possibilities as you become open to trying something new. In work or your personal life, this day can pull you in different directions. It would be in your best interest to observe what makes you feel good in alignment with future decisions or ideas. Go with your gut, not your emotions.

Your Astrological Forecast Continued For March 2024 Horoscopes

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

We now meet with the ethereal New Moon in Pisces on the 10th, igniting a need to plant a seed of intention concerning our dreams and the bigger picture. Mercury, also in a supportive connection with Pluto, will help you realize your inner truth and the root of your needs. As Pisces is the sign that involves karma and the past, allow yourself the space to observe where you're in your path. Becoming detached from the material and self-serving tendencies will help you realize what should be your priority. This new moon enwrapped with Saturn and Neptune will solidify your promise. You will excavate the desired results as you lean into belief and alignment with an endeavor without selfish ties.

Love will be on the radar on the 11th, taking on a more ethereal tone as Venus enters the unconditional sign, Pisces. Relationships will be generated from a more heart-centered approach. The conversations will be passionate with Mercury in Aries, fully supporting you to speak truthfully rather than egocentrically. Be mindful, as these next several weeks can lead to codependent relationships or sacrificing tendencies. Orienting your values based on soul-filled connections will deepen the bonds and help you see the truth. Focus on the spirit rather than what looks good on paper.

Your dreams will likely be more lucid, and the imaginary realms will be fertile with endless thoughts and possibilities of what could be. The Sun infused with Neptune in conjunction on the 17th extends a technicolor response to life, helping you pay close attention to what you truly want in your story. Ignoring your feelings will backfire, leading to confusing results. Today is when you can take a chance to shift your life direction in correspondence to your dreams. Listen carefully and take notes.

Energetically, things will lighten up and spark a new wave of motivation when the Sun enters Aries on the 19th. This season motivates and extends an initiatory path for passion projects to come alive. As reflective as you were during Pisces season, Aries season will allow you to become fiery and courageous with your next steps. Arrange spring cleaning and begin a new routine that will inspire you to keep the momentum.

Expect solidity involving your relationships and creative endeavors when Venus sextiles Saturn on the 21st. This is the moment for you to see what is working involving the matters of the heart. This transit will be serious in tone, and if you're up for the commitment discussion involving your relationship, now is the time to get answers.

Our physical drive will be aligned with our emotions when the power planet Mars enters Pisces on the 22nd. Actions involving our love story will slow down, instilling the need to analyze its direction in line with compassion. It will soften the hard edges of what has transpired these last few weeks, and you will focus on what is most important in your connection. Your motivation will be steered in an energetic sense. What feels right will give you the boost you need.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 25th will guide our next steps involving our love story. Lunar Eclipses are essential in figuring out our current views on relationships. Venus leading this moon’s culmination will expose the truth while helping us navigate what we truly want in love. Remember that whatever is weighing you down, unpack the root cause in this, and then let it go.

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your March Horoscope For 2024

Photo by Spencer DeMera on Unsplash


This month, the focus of your lessons will be on your relationships, both current and future. Venus, the planet of love, will be in your friendship and networks zone and in a square aspect with Uranus on the 3rd. This may bring unexpected challenges that test your self-worth and loyalty. However, the beginning of the month will help you become more assertive and understand the importance of setting boundaries. The new moon on the 10th will help you emotionally focus on your long-term endeavors, but it's not a time to get to work. Establishing a new sacred practice to deepen your connection with your Higher Self is best to work with this lunation. This will level up your manifestation game and help you navigate what’s of the highest priority in your life. It’s about to get serious as Venus enters Pisces on the 11th, motions you to slow down and analyze your connections because when the love planet joins with Saturn on the 21st, this is the moment when you understand where your love is heading. The Lunar Eclipse on the 25th will lift the veil involving your love story. As you dig deeper into your partnership or revisit past unresolved matters, you will find clarity and understanding of what you can do to improve your outcome.


Taurus, you can make changes this month and work toward your desired goals. On the 3rd, Venus will square off with Uranus, motivating you not to take "no" for an answer in your career or when dealing with authority figures. It's important to maintain optimism and avoid burning bridges. This will help you showcase your talents to your superiors or in your public life. When the new moon in Pisces arrives on the 10th, it's a great time to plant a new seed that involves collaboration for future endeavors. This will ensure success. Later in the month, on the 22nd, Mars enters your social zone, and it's an auspicious time for you to participate in group activities or assert your goals through your networks. Send your cover letter, resume, or pitch–a breakthrough will likely happen. The Lunar Eclipse on the 25th will magnify your focus on your daily routines. This lunation will highlight the importance of connecting to your body and its vitality and letting go of toxic situations. If you plan to begin a health regimen or leave an environment, this is the moment to witness the changes in your body in retrospect to your life experience. This process requires you to master your self-limiting beliefs and implement a metaphysical or alternative approach to your lifestyle.


Some changes are expected to happen this month for you, Gemini. Your energy is magnetic and full of possibilities. It's a strength of yours to be curious and experimental. You can name your terms in your career or pinpoint your aspirations. However, on the 3rd of this month, Venus squares Uranus, and you may have doubts regarding your inner beliefs and confidence. Use this as an opportunity to be bold and start charting out your desired dreams. This pressure you feel can be fuel to your motivation. On the 9th, when Mars squares off with Uranus, you will see the truth regarding your determination and what aligns with your higher purpose. The new moon in Pisces on the 10th will help you turn over a new leaf and begin a new endeavor. You might experience a change in your work-life status, and setting your intentions about what you truly desire will attract results. The lunar eclipse phases in your romantic zone on the 25th will allow you to close a chapter regarding a storyline you no longer wish to live out. This could manifest in your romantic patterns or conclude a creative project. On the 28th, when Venus sextiles Uranus, expect a powerful breakthrough and momentum building up. You will be magnetic on this day, and this is an opportunity to get answers about your relationship status or career position. Arrange a sit-down with your partner (or yourself) and clearly express what you want for your future.


Cancer, your approach to life this month will be like walking in a dream, as everything you set your heart on will take root. Your relationships will deepen with the love planets Venus and Mars advancing in your spiritual zone. On the 3rd, when Venus and Uranus meet in an intense square, expect to be swept off into a new phase in your love story – such as a long-distance romance or engaging in higher learning together. On the 8th, when Mercury and Neptune are in conjunction, your higher mind will regenerate, stimulating you to engage in a new belief system or finally launch your passion project. The new moon on the 10th will set you on a refined path involving your long-term dreams, inspiring you to go back to school or begin a new spiritual practice. Becoming more engaged in the energetic side of life instead of the material realms will give you a powerful boost in your love story or endeavors. Your love story will get serious on the 21st as Venus aligns with Saturn – this is your opportunity to ascend your relationship status and plan your next steps. The lunar eclipse on the 25th will illuminate your emotional foundations and family connections. This can close the chapter on your current residence or inspire you to evolve your family line by adding a new addition.

Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash


Your focus this month will be on where your loyalties lie in your partnerships, Leo. With Venus and Mars approaching your private life zone, this is where you will begin to see the areas that have been overlooked. On the 3rd, Venus and Uranus will add a pivotal moment in your stance in your relationship or partnership in a challenging sense. As a bold sign, you're equipped for confrontation, and that feeling of friction will taper off as you hold steady and observe from a different perspective – positivity and detachment are key. When Mercury aligns with Neptune on the 8th, you will be inspired to pay attention to your priorities and begin to navigate your future decisions guided by your intuition. Begin a meditation practice or create a sacred space to boost your skills and instill clarity. The new moon on the 9th will bestow a great opportunity to strengthen your trust in your most intimate relationships or begin a new chapter after past setbacks or disappointments. When Aries season begins on the 19th, things will lighten up for you, as you will feel renewed and inspired to take on new endeavors guided by your passions. The lunar eclipse on the 25th will prompt you to reflect on your ideas, communication, and inner connections. A part of you has to evolve to make room for better opportunities, which may involve your perception of the world. Let go and become open to new information to gain better traction.


As a service-oriented sign, you have been wearing many hats at work, dotting too many I’s and crossing T’s lately – and may have been experiencing borderline burnout. With Venus and Mars crossing over your daily life zone, this is your month to name your terms while prioritizing self-care and passion-related pursuits. Romance is in the works, but this part of your journey requires boldness, and on the 3rd, this can be your window of opportunity with Venus in square to Uranus. If you feel courage brimming inside your heart, make a move. If you're in a stable partnership, leave your comfort zone to elevate your love life. With the new moon on the 9th in your partnership zone, you can manifest the love you deserve and list your intentions. With the love planet Venus and Mars phasing in your relationship sector these next few weeks, expect upgrades in your partnerships, leading to solidity and commitment on the 21st. An engagement, marriage, or a shift in your partnership status will result. The lunar eclipse will conclude this month with revelations involving your views towards money and financial stability. Closing a chapter or refining your skillset will open doors to increasing abundance. Future collaborations and negotiations are favorable at this time – be open-minded.


Being the social butterfly of the zodiac, you thrive on forming connections, and this month will allow you to shine in this department with Venus and Mars, activating your romantic sector and creativity. Venus in square to Uranus on the 3rd will add a challenge involving your current connections, signaling you to analyze the state of your needs. Focusing on the purity of purpose in your relationships will help you navigate its direction. On the 9th, with the war planet Mars, in an intense position with Uranus, will invoke the necessary changes desired in your love story and creative endeavors. This requires reinvention and detachment from the outcome. The new moon on the 10th will be a great opportunity to begin a fitness regimen, self-care practice, or trigger movement in your work environment. Investing time in your health and well-being will keep your body balanced in time for the lunar eclipse on the 25th. This lunar eclipse in your sign is a big deal as it will shift the importance of paying attention to your vulnerability while incorporating your needs. The people-pleasing tendencies will fade away these next few months, helping you live a more authentic and magical path.


The mysterious yet intense energy you possess is a gift because you have the innate ability to get to the bottom of things. This month will be filled with revelations involving your emotional security and family connections. Venus and Uranus form an intensity in your home life on the 3rd, requiring you to slow down and analyze the state of your surroundings – personally or investment-wise. Change is necessary to navigate this transit soundly, and it would be best to arrange a family meeting and get your priorities in order. When Mercury meets with Neptune on the 8th you're granted a silver lining and a restful period to reflect by engaging in fun. Let your hair loose and orchestrate time with your children or nurture your inner child by connecting with your creative self. The new moon on the 9th will also extend a second wind in your life direction, helping you to ground down what’s next involving your happiness and your emotional satisfaction – begin a new passion project that makes you smile. When Venus connects with Saturn on the 21st, your love life will feel more solid and hopeful. Connect with the heart to realize your true wants and needs, and this will extend clarity involving your love story and what needs strengthening. The lunar eclipse on the 25th will help you release past unresolved issues while enabling you to experience spiritual renewal. It's a time for healing and letting go of things that cause repression – get ready to level up.

Photo by Ferdinand Stöhr on Unsplash


This month will be a great time to improve your communication skills. Venus and Mars will align with your beliefs, giving you the power to speak confidently and effectively. However, be cautious with your words, especially at work or around others, as the Venus-Uranus square on the 3rd may lead to a confrontation. It's important to think carefully before making any important decisions. On the 9th, Mercury will enter Aries, making you feel confident and articulate in your speech. The new moon on the same day will encourage you to focus on building solid foundations in your personal life. This could mean restructuring your home or planning for your family's future. Later in the month, your passion projects will take root as the Sun connects with Pluto on the 21st. Your ideas will magnify, and you'll have the chance to connect with others who share your vision. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities that come your way, as they may hold clues from the Universe. Towards the end of the month, the lunar eclipse phase on the 25th will prompt you to evaluate your friendships and networks. Let go of any groups or activities that no longer serve your growth, and find your tribe by being true to yourself. Taking chances and speaking about your passions will help your dreams take flight.


Money and status will be the framework for you this month, Capricorn. Venus and Mars, located in your financial sector, will require you to analyze your income and investments. Be mindful of making major purchases from the 3rd to the 9th when Venus and Mars are in challenging positions with Uranus. This transit will entice you to make bold moves, but it will be favorable to review the realistic aspect before leaping. A new wave of inspiration will take root during the new moon on the 10th, igniting the need to open your heart to new experiences involving your skills or locally. It's favorable to learn something new and detail your daily life while figuring out how “present” you are. Later this month, the love planet Venus will conjoin Saturn on the 21st, creating stability in your ideas and allowing you to share your gifts with others. You will be in the limelight and form incredible connections – romantically or professionally. When the lunar eclipse phases into your career zone on the 25th this marks the end of a chapter involving your role. This can manifest as a shift in your position, helping you realize what gifts you wish to utilize moving forward. Remember to implement all you have learned during the month to navigate your course these next few months.


Life will be like a stage for you this month, Aquarius. A group of planets — Venus, Mars, and Pluto — are aligning in your sign, making it the perfect time for you to share your light with others. You should hold on to this confidence, as a moment of doubt could arise between the 3rd and 9th of this month. During this time, Venus, Mars, and Uranus will square each other, which could throw you off balance. This could make you question your self-worth and leave you feeling vulnerable in the face of your family's opinions. In such times, it's important to honor your individuality and pursue what aligns with your happiness, as this will help you make progress. The new moon in Pisces on the 10th will empower you to build on your financial traction, through your self-esteem and earnings. There is a lot of magic in the air for you here, and planting the seed of intention for a business endeavor or project pitch at work will attract the desired results. Dream big because this lunation will be a win for you. On the 21st, expect your ideas and dreams to come alive, as the Sun in Aries powers up Pluto in a supportive sextile. Your wishes will be cultivated. The lunar eclipse on the 25th will conclude a phase in your personal beliefs. It will encourage you to explore the uncharted. This could manifest in many ways, such as travel, different courses of study, or going public with your wisdom.


Congratulations, Pisces! Last month was intense, but this month you will achieve closure on your subconscious beliefs. You will revisit and make peace with unresolved issues from your past, as Venus and Mars continue to influence your subconscious realms. From the 3rd to the 9th, Venus, Mars, and Uranus will form a square, which presents an opportunity to recognize and overcome your self-limiting beliefs about the past, and gain mastery over mental conflicts. With patience and compassion for yourself, your perspective will shift when Mercury and Neptune connect in your sign on the 8th, offering you a bigger picture of your place in the world and your experiences. Engaging in consistent spiritual practice will help ground your discoveries. On the 10th, the new moon in your sign will ignite your enthusiasm to reinvent yourself and make a significant impact on society. Share your unique story with those who can benefit, as authenticity is key. When the lunar eclipse occurs on the 25th, your intimate connection with yourself or your partner will undergo a period of reflection. You have the next few months to review your long-term plans and resolve old buried traumas or dependencies while merging resources. You got this!

March Horoscope 2024 Astrology Forecast | Predictions For Pisces Season


March 2024 Astrology Forecast | Predictions For Pisces Season

Curious what's in store for March 2024? Brit + Co's Expert Astrologist Lumi Pelinku is sharing her predictions for the lunar eclipse and planetary movements...

If you wish to discover how astrology can help you find peace, fulfillment, and clarity, click here to download Lumi’s free Astrology 101 eBook. And stay tuned next month for more astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.

Looking for more astrological advice? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

I'll admit it: while I don't miss school at all, I was wildly unprepared for what it would feel like to NOT get a summer vacation. Three whole months with nothing to do but read, watch movies, and play outside? I took it for granted! That's why I love watching nostalgic summer movies from the '90s and '00s because they give me that same vacation feeling — without any of the schoolwork that comes with being a kid. Here are 6 of the best nostalgic movies you can stream right now! Plus, our most-anticipated upcoming summer moviestoo.

​Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants — Rent On Amazon

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is one of the best movies of all time, and I will stand by that statement for the rest of my life. The cast! The denim! "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield! The story follows best friends Tibby (Amber Tamblyn), Carmen (America Ferrera), Lena (Alexis Bledel), and Bridget (Blake Lively) as they spend their very first summer apart from one another. Tibby stays home to work (both at a minimart and on her documentary), Carmen visits her dad in South Carolina and learns he's started a whole new family, Lena's visit to Greece pokes at a decades-old family feud, and adventurous Bri bites off more than she can chew at soccer camp in Mexico.

There are so many relatable aspects of this nostalgic movie, and story doesn't shy away from how much growing up can suck. It taught me what it looks like to be there for my friends, how to navigate complicated relationships, how to build my confidence, and how to confront grief and anger. Plus, the movie takes you to four totally separate locations, and it's left me dreaming about Greece on more than one occasion.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is available to rent on Amazon Prime and stars America Ferrera, Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel, and Amber Tamblyn.

Aquamarine — Stream On Disney+

Image via 20th Century Fox

If you didn't have a mermaid phase as a child, did you really grow up in the 2000s? Aquamarine is just one nostalgic movie I can attribute that aquatic craze to, and the story follows BFFs Claire (Emma Roberts) and Hailey (JoJo) as they make the most out of the end of summer vacay. Hailey's mom is moving them to Australia, and when she prays to the ocean gods for a miracle, the girls find Aquamarine (Sara Paxton), a mermaid who's trying to escape an arranged marriage.

This is just another film that emphasizes how deep, selfless, and beautiful female friendships are. Hailey and Claire are willing to do whatever it takes to help Aquamarine, even when it puts them in danger. And for her part, Aquamarine teaches Hailey and Claire (not to mention me!) how to make the most out of spontaneous adventures. Plus, it gave us so many iconic fashion moments like A's seafoam dress. Thank goodness for that.

Aquamarine is available to stream on Disney+ and stars Emma Roberts, JoJo, and Sara Paxton.

The Cheetah Girls 2 — Stream On Disney+

Image via Disney Channel

At this point, The Cheetah Girls 2 is in the Disney Channel Original Movie hall of fame. The songs are catchy, the sets are gorgeous, and the cast is cheetah-licious! This nostalgic movie follows our favorite girl group: Galleria (Raven-Symoné), Chanel (Adrienne Bailon), Aqua (Kiely Williams), and Dorinda (Sabrina Bryan) as they swap New York City for Barcelona, Spain. They plan to win a local music festival...if the group doesn't fall apart first.

The most iconic part of this movie is definitely "Strut," and women from all over the world have recreated it on their own trips to Barcelona. Work it! Cheetah Girls 2 is the dreamiest summer vacation ever, but it also has so many messages about working hard to follow your dreams. The movie touches on honesty, sacrifice, and what it looks like to be bold, all of which are ideas I STILL need to be reminded of.

Stream The Cheetah Girls 2 on Disney+ now. The movie stars Raven-Symoné, Adrienne Bailon, Kiely Williams, and Sabrina Bryan.

Holiday in the Sun — Buy On Apple TV+

Image via Warner Home Video

It's always a good time to watch a Mary Kate and Ashley movie, and Holiday in the Sun is perfect for when you have summer vacation FOMO. Mary Kate and Ashley play Madison and Alex, sisters who are overjoyed when they realize their Atlantis Resort vacation comes with their own suite. But when their new friend Jordan is blamed for theft, the twins decide to figure out who's really behind the crime. If you ask me, it's not a Mary Kate and Ashley movie without a little sleuthing!

This nostalgic movie is also a comfort film thanks to MK and A (I was obsessed!). And nothing says summer like the beach — it doesn't matter whether you're laying in the sun or playing with dolphins. There's also just something so sweet about young love, and when those relationships are paired with the twins having to stand up to mean girl Brianna (Megan Fox), it's like the perfect recipe for a 00s movie. Plus One Tree Hill's Austin Nichols?! Say no more.

You can buy Holiday in the Sun on Apple TV+. The movie stars Mary-Kate Olsen as Madison, Ashley Olsen as Alex, Austin Nichols as Griffen, Ben Easter as Jordan, and Megan Fox as Brianna.

The Parent Trap — Stream On Disney+

Image via Walt Disney Pictures

Thanks to Lindsay Lohan movies like Irish Wish, our favorite redhead is back! And every time I think about my favorite Lindsay flicks, The Parent Trap tops the list. Lindsay plays both Hallie and Annie in this Nancy Meyers movie, twins separated at birth who accidentally cross paths at summer camp. Armed with sass, pierced ears, and photos of their parents, the gals decide to swap places and get their divorced parents to fall in love. No big deal.

Movies about sisters always make me a little weepy (I really love my sister, okay?) and I love the extent to which Annie and Hallie look out for each other...after their summer camp feud ends, of course. From rainy days in their cabin to Hallie's California home and Annie's London flat, this film gives me all kinds of wanderlust, but the best part is the cast of characters. Elizabeth and Nick, Chessy and Martin, even the sneaky Meredith all come together to make this nostalgic movie one of the best Disney films ever!

You can stream The Parent Trap on Disney+ now. The movie stars Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson as Elizabeth, Elaine Hendrix as Meredith, Lisa Ann Walter as Chessy, and Simon Kunz as Martin.

Blue Crush — Stream On Peacock

Image via Universal Pictures

I had SUCH a surfer phase in middle school, and watching Blue Crush is sure to bring that back to the surface ;). Best friends Anne Marie (Kate Bosworth), Eden (Michelle Rodriguez), and Lena (Sanoe Lake), plus Anne Marie's sister Penny (played by Mika Boorem) live together in a house on the North Shore. They all dream of becoming pro surfers, and when Anne Marie is invited to join a local competition, she has to face her fear of wiping out head-on.

There is so much to be said for how much these women take care of each other, both physically (they're all helping raise Penny), and emotionally. Plus, Anne Marie's biggest dream also being her biggest fear feels so personal as a viewer because that's exactly what happens in real life: the thing you want the most can also be the thing that scares the living daylights out of you. This summer movie also makes me think about the real-world female surfers who paved the way for the next generation — and I'm sure Blue Crush will be a nostalgic movie that inspires surfers for years to come.

Blue Crush is available on Peacock and stars Sanoe Lake, Michelle Rodriguez, Mika Boorem, and Kate Bosworth.

What's your go-to nostalgic movie? Check out all the 2024 Movies coming out this year!

Lead image via Warner Home Video

Your favorite dreamy Pisces may have their head in the clouds sometimes, but their hearts are typically in the right place. This water sign has big feelings and big ideas — both traits that are lovely in theory, but not always compatible with every sign in the zodiac. Where some may find a Pisces' emotions endearing, others may find them excessive. And while big ideas are inventive and exciting, some might want more direct follow-through on them. Either way, there's a good match for every astrological sign, and this is how Pisces compatibility adds up there.

Key Pisces Personality Traits

Pisces tend to be one of the more intuitive zodiac signs, leaning on that intuition to guide their relationships and overall morals. Their empathetic nature leads them to helping others before themselves, which is noble, but can be a blocker for them overall. Still, they'll ensure the needs of those around them are taken care of, often making them good caretakers in their friendships, relationships, and partnerships in general. One thing to remember, dear Pisces? Please don't let this inclination lead to martyrdom — that can cause a ton of resentment in any type of relationship.

Outside of their penchant for empathy, Pisces also lean on the more romantic side. They love noticing the little things like the shells on the beach, or the stars in the sky, and they especially love to share those moments with the people around them. They also love to share their dreams, thoughts, and ideologies with friends, partners, and strangers alike — and they love when others return the favor so they can expand their mindsets.

When it comes to romantic relationships specifically, a Pisces will value intimacy and partnership to the utmost degree. If someone isn't bringing that same energy to the relationship, it's likely that they just aren't compatible with a Pisces. And while a Pisces loves to nurture and take care of their romantic partners, they also don't want to be taken advantage of or neglected in that regard either. If you're with a Pisces, be sure to thank them for the little things they do, and see how you can return the favor. It's not that Pisces are tit-for-tat, but they don't want to exhaust their delicate emotional energy on someone who doesn't seem to feel the same way about them.

Zodiac Signs That Are Most Compatible With Pisces

It probably comes as no surprise that other water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, are likely the most compatible with Pisces. These signs all tend to understand each other's emotional and intellectual wants, needs, and desires. This allows the water signs to interact a little more freely with one another without having to learn how to lean into these proclivities. That being said, sometimes too much of the same can be too much. Big emotions on both sides can clash and lead to a little bit of chaos, but hopefully each person in the relationship can bring themselves back to center and work towards a solution together.

A Pisces would also be compatible with the earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. These signs, though very different from a Pisces, bring a grounding mentality to the relationship. When a Pisces may go off on a tangent about all the things they want to do over the next year, an earth sign may be able to help them make (and enact) a plan to make those dreams a reality. Or, if an earth sign is getting too bogged down in the day-to-day mundane tasks of life, a Pisces can liven things up and remind them that the world is so much bigger than their to-do list.

Zodiac Signs That Are Least Compatible With Pisces

There are three signs that aren't particularly compatible with Pisces — Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius. When it comes to Geminis, this air sign's indecisiveness can clash with a Pisces. Where a Pisces wants to make clear (though at times, emotionally-driven) decisions, a Gemini may flip back and forth between their options. Geminis might not have the emotional vernacular to match a Pisces either, leaving them to potential lapses in communication and relatability.

When it comes to fire signs of Sagittarius and Leo, their fiery nature might not nurture a Pisces' emotional needs either. Though a Sagittarius and Pisces are both dreamier beings, a Sagittarius will likely come off too blunt for a Pisces at the end of the day. And Leos are often more invested in their own personal journey — not inherently bad when paired with the correct partner — that it could leave a Pisces feeling left out and lonely.

Pisces Compatibility With Every Zodiac Sign

Pisces and Aries:

Cupid's arrow doesn't seem to be aimed at this pair. The assertive (and sometimes stubborn) nature of an Aries doesn't match well with the more emotional needs of a Pisces. That doesn't mean it can never work out between these two signs — opposing viewpoints can bring balance at times in a yin-and-yang sort of way. As long as a Pisces and Aries can find a middle ground, they can ultimately compliment each other well.

Pisces and Taurus:

These two signs are definitely a good match for each other. Both Pisces and Taurus value true, intimate connections, leading them to a very romantic, loving partnership. Both signs want stability, and a Taurus does a great job at implementing that with a Pisces and all their big, dreamy ideas for their life together. Though a Taurus can also be stubborn at times, a Pisces will know how to coax them out of it.

Pisces and Gemini:

Pisces and Gemini don't seem to speak the same language most of the time. Geminis can be indecisive in a way that Pisces won't put up with. On the other hand, Pisces need more emotionally support than a Gemini can often offer given their laissez faire approach to life. If these two signs want to make it work, they will definitely need to dig into communicating clearly with one another.

Pisces and Cancer:

These wonderful water signs are ready to wade in the emotional tide pool together. Pisces and Cancer both feel everything deeply, and they're not afraid to shine a light on those emotions and dig into what they mean. This shared understanding allows them to communicate more freely, support each other, and show love more easily. That being said, beware not to wallow too much in the depths of your emotions — it can be hard to make your way out of that if you're unable to ground yourself.

Pisces and Leo:

Listen, Pisces and Leo are cut from very, very different clothes. In different factories. Potentially in different universes from one another. All joking aside, these two just aren't compatible, plain and simple. Where a Leo wants to be the center of attention and life of the party, a Pisces may prefer to be more laid back. Plus, Leo's need for that spotlight can lead to Pisces taking on too much of a burden in supporting and shining for them. That imbalance does not lead to a positive partnership to say the least. If these two really wanna make it work, they've got to find balance in how they show up for and with each other at home and otherwise.

Pisces and Virgo:

A Virgo can be very good for a Pisces in a partnership. As mentioned many times, a Pisces dreams big, but they don't always innately have the tools to make them happen. Virgos? They're doers, masters of making plans and lists and strategies to get things done. When paired together, there's nothing these two can't accomplish. Even when a Virgo is struggling to express their emotions as well, a Pisces can jump in and inspire them to dive into their feelings. Virgos, do note that your dry sense of humor could potentially hurt a Pisces' feelings.

Pisces and Libra:

Pisces and Libra love the prettier, finer things in life. Both of them want the world around them to be beautiful and balanced, making them extremely compatible. At times, their need for harmony could lead them to ignore problems and impede more solid judgment, but as long as they keep each other in check they should be alright. Plus, who doesn't want a little more peace and gentleness in their partnerships? Pisces, try not to be too emotionally intense with Libras so you don't throw them off. And Libras, don't let your indecision get in the way of your relational happiness.

Pisces and Scorpio:

The signs of Pisces and Scorpio are particularly passionate beings. Their intense feelings can be a lot for some, but when shared with each other are well-matched. Neither sign is afraid to dish on their desires, dreams, and otherwise because they inherently trust each other in a way they can't with everyone. That kind of intimacy is powerful in partnership, but both should be mindful of any boundaries the other sets. Understanding doesn't always mean readiness to talk about the tough topics, so go gently into that great, talkative night.

Pisces and Sagittarius:

While a Pisces and Sagittarius may seem similar in all their dreamy glory, at the end of the day...there's a reason opposites attract sometimes. While a Pisces needs someone to bring them down to earth, a Sagittarius often wants to fly off on their next big adventure. This can lead to a lack of intimacy, which is a major no-go for a Pisces. If these two are able to find a way to meet each other where they're at, they can have a really intense spiritual connection, though. grow together.

Pisces and Capricorn:

Much like the other earth signs in this list, Pisces and Capricorn can actually work very well together. Capricorns can bring that steadiness and stability that a Pisces actually craves to balance out their bigger feelings. However, Capricorns can be withholding emotionally at times, so a Pisces will definitely have to work a little harder to break down their walls and bring about that emotional intimacy they need as well. As long as Capricorns don't stick to their rise-and-grind mentality at all times and still make efforts to be present with their Pisces partner, things should be golden!

Pisces and Aquarius:

These two signs definitely get their signals crossed, making Pisces and Aquarius...less than compatible. Pisces needs more one-on-one time, needing that emotional intimacy and physical closeness, but an Aquarius is one of the single most independent signs in the zodiac. Both signs want the best for the world around them, so if they can harness that and get on the same page, it can be magnificent. However, at the end of the day, it just doesn't seem like this partnership has staying power.

Pisces and Pisces:

These two will see each other, and see each other so incredibly deeply. Just be careful not to get too caught up in your own emotional whirlwinds — it could cause absolute chaos.

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"I feel like there can never be enough stripes, or fringe, or tassels in a house," Emma Roberts said in her Architectural Digestinterview. And same, Emma, same. It's the season for stripes, and they're blowing up in the best ways. Stunning color combos are turning this classic pattern into a modern must-have. I literally want to drape my house in all of them. But a little goes a long way when it comes to making an impact with bold stripes. Here are fun ways to bring them into your home decor this season.

Shop Stripes For Your Home Here!


IKEA's new comforter set is so cheerful – and affordable – there's nothing not to love.

Maeve by Anthropologie Striped Ruffle Indoor/Outdoor Pillow

Ruffled stripes add a whimsical touch to your indoor or outdoor space.

Etsy Scalloped Stripy Matchstick Pot

Sometimes it's the little things...these scalloped matchstick holders are just about the cutest things I've ever seen.

UO Roma Sofa

Commit to your stripe obsession with this European-inspired wavy sofa in a dreamy butter yellow.

Piglet in Bed Pembroke Stripe Linen Sheets

Stripes aren't just for summer – these stonewashed French linen sheets have that earthy look for all seasons.

Avenie Fruit Salad Collection Stripes Removable Wallpaper

Try this playful pastel stripe in a bathroom or on an accent wall. It's easily removable so it works for rentals too!

Dusen Dusen Earth Stripe Bath Towel

These generously sized bath towels are your go-to summer beach towel too.

Damato Round Outdoor Pouf Ottoman

Place this adorable striped ottoman in your living room or on your deck and instantly upgrade your decor.

Dusen Dusen Oven Mitt

Bring stripes into the kitchen with these cool color combos.

H&M Tasseled Seat Cushion

These rectangular seat cushions in striped cotton fabric are a fun way to dress up your outdoor lounge chairs.

DUSEN DUSEN Striped Bathrobe

Walk out on your porch/patio/veranda in this charming cotton terry bathrobe, which is Oeko-Tex Standard 100% certified.

Etsy Linen Heart Shape Ruffled Cushion

You can personalize this sweet ruffle heart pillow (names, dates, phrases) with embroidery as the perfect handmade gift.

Amanda Jane Jones X Revival Navy Stripe Jute Rug

This classic color combo in a 100% jute rug is calling my name – omg, love.

Boho Beach Umbrella with Fringe

Protect your skin (it's UPF 50+) in style with this 6.5-foot tasseled umbrella with carry bag.

Etsy Painted Mugs

These cute mugs are handmade and hand-painted in a small workshop in Paris, and are dishwasher and microwave safe.

QUIET TOWN Ojai Towel Hike

Made in Portugal with 100% organic cotton, this bath-and-beach towel is inspired by vintage hotel towels with color-blocking on the other side.

Crate and Barrel Harriet Stripe Velvet Bolster Pillow

These velvety bolster pillows are part of C&B's kids collection, but they can add a pop of stripe to any bed or chair.

Meri Meri Striped Ruffled Fabric Napkins

Every table is a party table with these festive linen napkins. The sweetest!

Remember Storage Basket

Love the unique way these baskets show off their stripes. Use them for magazines, books, blankets and more.

Amalfi Stripe Linen Table Throw

Italian countryside meets your table with this 100% linen tablecloth in a sunny yellow stripe. Buon Viaggio!

Subscribe to our newsletter for more home decor ideas!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

I can give you two reasons why Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard's marriage sits high on my admiration list — Veronica Mars and Punk'd. I was in barely in middle school when these two stars graced my TV screen on their respective shows, but they've always stood out to me. Discovering they were dating just seemed to make sense in the grand scheme of good romantic pairings and — as we can see — it turns out Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard think so too.

From their first meet-cute that wasn't actually that cute to the ways they've loved each other through dark times, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard almost make being in love look easy. Here's a breakdown of some of the most important moments of their relationship timeline.

Kristen Bell And Dax Shepard's Relationship Timeline:

Image via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

2007: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Meet + Begin Dating

The couple haven't been shy about revealing their first time meeting was exactly love at first sight. Kristen Bell admitted during an Instagram Q&A in 2018 that they actually met at a party for producer Shauna Robertson. E! News recalled that the actress said, "2 weeks later I saw him at a hockey game and he asked for the gum in my mouth." Knowing Dax's personality, that actually checks out.

She also revealed his unconventional pickup line. "Truly, his first text to me was: ‘Hi. My name is Dax. I violated your privacy and got your number from Shauna. How do you feel about that,'' she remembered.

Though they did start dating, Kristen regularly trolls Dax about the time they briefly broke up. She told Popsugar, "He sat me down and said, 'I can't have this right now. I think you're wonderful, but I am still dating other people.' And then I, like, liquefied and fell to the ground, but I felt incredibly respected that he had the balls to tell me we weren't in the same place."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

2009: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Work As Co-Stars During Filming Of When in Rome

Who can forget the hilarious rom-com movie When in Rome? Kristen starred as the 'unlucky in love' main character Beth who finds herself being pursued by a handful of romantic prospects after she picks up coins from a fountain that's supposed to grant love those who dare to take from it. Dax played the role of Gale, a model who was very into himself, and it was funny watching them interact on-screen.

According to People, the couple got engaged shortly after filming ended.

Image via Rick Diamond/Getty Images for CMT

August 2012: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Work Together Again On Set Of Hit & Run

Written by Dax Shepard, Hit & Run revolved around a former getaway driver's attempt to flee his past while making sure his girlfriend makes it to her job interview on time. The couple reprised their romantic relationship onscreen and continued to prove that they work really well together.

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

November 2012: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Announce They're Expecting Baby No. 1

A source relayed the news to People in 2012 by sharing the following statement, "They’re so excited — they’re both ecstatic. They can’t wait to become parents." They also shared that Kristen had been dealing with a bit of morning sickness, but she started doing better as time passed.

March 28, 2013: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard's First Daughter Arrives

Several months later, Kristen gave birth birth to her and Dax's first daughter, Lincoln Bell Shepard.

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty Images

June 2013: Kristen Bell Pops The Question To Dax Shepard

In 2013, People shared that Kristen proposed to Dax Shepard after The Supreme Court overturned California's Prop 8 that was meant to ban same-sex marriage.

October 2013: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Tie The Knot

The couple celebrated their union by exchanging vows at a courthouse. Kristen previously told People they didn't want a grand celebration and they managed to keep their word.

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

June 2014: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Prepare For Baby No. 2's Arrival

The couple happily announced they were growing their family in 2014 via their rep's statement to People. "I can confirm that Kristen and Dax are expecting their second child and a sibling for Lincoln," the rep shared. They also touched on how much their family was looking forward to the arrival of a new bundle of joy.

December 2014: The Couple's Second Daughter Is Born

Finally, the couple welcomed their second daughter, Delta Bell Shepard, before Christmas in 2014.

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

2017: Dax Shepard And Kristen Bell Star in CHiPS

A couple who works together, stays together — at least that seems to apply Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. They starred together again in the movie CHiPS, but Kristen starred as Dax's ex-wife this time.

Image via Michael Buckner/Getty Images for FIJI Water

September 1, 2018: Kristen Bell And Dax Shepard Celebrate His Sobriety Journey

Dax Shepard has never been ashamed to talk about his sobriety journey and shared a personal moment with that made him question everything He appeared on Blake Griffin's podcast, The Pursuit of Healthiness to talk about his struggles in 2021. "What I would do is I would get sober for movies. I cared more about movies — it was the only thing I was more addicted to was being in movies — and so I would get sober for movies and then in between movies it was getting more and more dangerous," he recalled.

It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror during a trip to Hawaii that he realized something was wrong. He remembered thinking, "I have every single thing I've ever wanted, and I'm at my lowest point emotionally and something has got to be very broken about that. If I have everything I said was going to make me feel good and I feel terrible, I've got to look at some other thing."

To celebrate her husband's commitment to remaining sober, Kristen wrote a heartfelt message on Instagram to encourage him to keep going. "I'm so proud that you have never been ashamed of your story, but instead shared it widely, with the hope it might inspire someone else to become the best version of themselves...I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, and I want you to know, I see you. I see how hard you work," a portion of the lengthy message reads.

Addiction in any form is never easy to navigate so we admire how much Kristen's been supportive of Dax.

Image via John Sciulli:Getty Images for UNICEF

February 2019: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Launch A Baby Brand

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard decided to launch Hello Bello— a brand with everything from diapers to sun and bug protection — for several reasons. "I want something that's going to fill my soul. I want access to be able to give a lot of stuff away just as gifts, as a way of saying thank you for existing in this hard time called parenting," she told People in 2021.

Image via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

September 2023: Kristen Bell And Dax Share The Secret To Their Happy Marriage

It's no doubt that Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard have experienced a lot throughout their marriage, but they've managed to stay the course. Kristen actually shared some amazing advice for other couples during a conversation with Entertainment Tonight that we're thinking about applying to our own relationships. "Common goals, seek them out," she stressed.

The other thing she feels is crucial to making a relationship work is truly seeing and valuing your partner as a person. "Understanding that your partner used to be a little person is the best thing you can do. Sometimes if we're ever on the verge of a fight, one of us will say — it's usually Dax — 'I feel like 8-year-old Dax right now.' And I'm able to see him like I see my kids, which is in a very different way and go, 'Oh yeah, you're a little person that had trauma and triggers and it's not about me,'" she added.

That's powerful because it can be hard to remember that it's not just about you in a relationship. We don't think people intentionally mean to be selfish, but it can be happen and the key is to acknowledge it instead of doubling down on a particular stance that may not be helpful in the heat of an argument.

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