Science Says Women Need More of THIS Than Men

Are we all suffering from sleep deprivation? It seems like we’re always chasing that elusive eight hours, buying bedside gadgets to change how we sleep, downloading apps that teach us how to sleep better and even considering napping at work. If you’re reading this and nodding your head — and you also happen to be female — we’ve got some pretty validating news for you. According to a new study, you might actually need more sleep than men do. In other words, take that midday nap or press snooze a few times, and don’t feel bad about it!

The study from the Loughborough University Sleep Research Centre in the UK found that women need about 20 minutes more sleep per night than men do because women’s brains work harder than men’s do. The researchers studied 210 adult men and women and found that the way women’s brains work mean they need longer to recharge at night than men’s do.

“Women’s brains are wired differently… so their sleep needs will be slightly greater. Women tend to multi-task – they do lots at once and are flexible — and so they use more of their actual brain than men do,” Jim Holn, the director of the sleep center, told the New York Post. “For women, poor sleep is strongly associated with high levels of psychological distress and greater feelings of hostility, depression and anger. In contrast, these feelings were not associated with the same degree of sleep disruption in men.”

He added that 20 minutes more is the average, but some women might need more or less than that. Ahem, we’re gonna say we need a full extra hour.

Do you think you need more sleep than you’re getting? Tweet us your thoughts @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)

If you're struggling to get out of bed in the morning, it can feel hard to tackle the day with an energetic mindset and upbeat attitude. I personally have struggled with insomnia my entire life, and it's occurred to me multiple times that my body simply wasn't built for the society we live in. But if you're still clueless as to how to become a morning person (like I was), creating a routine can help coax your body into a rhythm so you wake up more refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Here are the seven steps I took to improve my sleep, reduce my insomnia, and become more of a morning person.

Go To Bed Earlier

Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

It sounds obvious, but going to bed earlier can have serious implications on your energy levels in the morning. I used to go to bed around 10 p.m., but due to my insomnia, it would often be 12 or 1 a.m. before I actually fell asleep, all before waking up at 6. Do the math on how many hours of sleep that is per night! (Hint: Not enough.)

In addition to implementing some good nighttime routine practices (we'll get there in a moment), I decided that due to my long window between going to bed and falling asleep, I should really be hitting the hay around 9 p.m. Even if you don't suffer from insomnia, it may be that you need more sleep than the average person. Studies have found that some people simply need more sleep than others.

Sleep In Darkness and Silence

Photo by Mingwei Lim on Unsplash

Another thing that really helps a lot of people is tweaking your sleeping environment so you can sleep in complete darkness and silence. Blackout curtains are a must if you live on a street that stays lit into the night, and it goes without saying that small lights from phone chargers or electronics should be moved into other rooms.

Getting total silence is another story. Many of us don't have the option, but if you have a finished basement in your home, it might be worth moving your bedroom downstairs so you can sleep in an area protected from noise pollution. If not, a white noise machine can help cover up loud or sudden noises so your sleep isn't disturbed at night.

In addition to curating the perfect environment for sleep, making your ideal bedding situation as cozy as possible will really help you relax. Get ready to crawl into your most comfortable nest, hot tea in hand.

Consider Your Lifestyle And Chronotype

Considering your lifestyle as well as your body's natural preferences can be crucial for setting a healthy sleep-wake schedule. If you work out after work, for example, you may want to set a later bedtime and later wake time, because exercise can trigger energy-boosting hormones that make it harder to fall asleep for about 90 minutes after activity. Do you work early in the morning? Adjust your bedtime accordingly.

One important factor in your ideal sleep-wake schedule is your chronotype. A chronotype is essentially an MBTI type for your sleep patterns; there are four basic chronotypes, and each has a different biological preference when it comes to sleep.

  • Lion: These people are early birds, and they probably aren't reading this article because they're already morning people!
  • Bear: Most people fall into this category. These individuals' sleep-wake preferences are generally aligned with the sun. They wake up relatively easily in the morning (provided they have good sleep hygiene) and start to tire around 8 p.m.
  • Wolf: If you absolutely loathe mornings and find yourself energetic long into the night hours, you may be a wolf chronotype. These people are classic night owls.
  • Dolphin: This is my personal chronotype. Dolphins are anxious sleepers, often remaining awake long after getting into bed, and sleeping lightly throughout the night.
You can discover your chronotype by taking this quiz.

Wake Up With What You Need

Photo by Jarek Ceborski on Unsplash

Now let's get to the fun part: Creating your actual routine. Half of becoming a morning person is, naturally, your morning routine. Give yourself a head start by waking up with whatever you need right next to you (or at least prepped nearby). Here are some examples:

  • If your plan is to work out in the morning, have your gym clothes folded on your nightstand.
  • Before going to bed at night, heat some water and pour it into a Hydro Flask, along with a few drops of lemon. Place it on your nightstand... it'll still be warm when you wake, making the healthy habit of drinking a morning lemon water incredibly easy.
  • Get a coffee maker with a timer so your coffee is already brewed when you wake up.
  • Wintertime chills got you cuddling in bed long after you should've gotten up? Keep your robe and slippers right next to your bed so they're ready to slip on as soon as you wake.

Create A Routine You Actually Like

This tip is super simple: Don't overcomplicate your mornings! People on social media tend to have aspirational morning routine ideas, but if journaling for 20 minutes isn't your idea of a good time, don't do it. Here are some easy and enjoyable activities you might want to add to your morning routine:

  • Eat a delicious breakfast (and it doesn't have to be a complex one! Nostalgic breakfast cereals are totally OK).
  • Read your favorite magazine or website.
  • Pull a tarot card.
  • Light a scented candleor some incense.
  • Listen to music.
  • Have fun playing with makeup and creating your look for the day.
  • Cuddle with your pet (just don't do it in bed, or you might never want to get up!).

Try Light Therapy

Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

Another way to help yourself wake up in the morning, especially if you're really struggling, is to try light therapy. The New York Times described just how big a role light plays in our circadian rhythms. If you're trying to reprogram your own sleep-wake cycle, using a light therapy machine when you wake up can help communicate to your body that it's time to be awake. If you live in a climate where it's appropriate, natural light works too:

“That means eating breakfast in a sunny place, opening the shades in the bedroom or getting outside” soon after waking, Dr. Jodi Mindell, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Saint Joseph’s University and associate director of the Sleep Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the Times. “It’s using that morning light time to keep their clock on track and not shift later.”

Stay Consistent On Weekends

Finally, don't let all the hard work you do throughout the week go to waste when the weekend comes along. The Monday through Friday, 9-to-5 schedule, while still not totally ubiquitous, is a fairly recent invention and doesn't mirror the cycles our bodies were designed for. Your body doesn't recognize Saturday as any different from Monday!

So while it can be tempting to let yourself sleep in on the weekends, keep up your new routine every day. Over time, it will grow to be so natural that you simply wake up around the same time each day, without even having to try.

As you begin to discover how to become a morning person, share your experience with us! Tweet us @BritandCo, and make sure to sign up for our newsletter.

Brit + Co may use affiliate links, but always provides genuine editorial recommendations.

This article has been updated.

The Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte is back on menus, baby! The iced latte went ballistically viral last year not only for its low price (a true win in times of shrinkflation), but for the fact that it literally tastes like a cookie, in latte form.

Apparently I was living under a rock before I knew about the Brown Butter Cookie Latte, because I didn’t know Whole Foods had a coffee bar. After seeing its return to menus, I was ecstatic. I’m all for grubbing on a budget, so the drink is already Meredith-approved.

What does the Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte taste like?

Image via Whole Foods / TikTok

Though cheap, is the Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte *actually* yummy? The internet is divided. While others are saying it’s way too sweet, some report that it tastes like… nothing. This discrepancy could be attributed to the fact that no two Whole Foods stores are the same (at least in my experience), and the baristas could be making the latte differently across states. Nonetheless, I’ve landed on a very important inside scoop from one of the Whole Foods latte-makers themselves!

What's actually in the Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte?

Photo by Cottonbro Studio / PEXELS

In 2023, TikTok user and Whole Foods barista, Madeline, spilled the beans (get it?) on what exactly goes into the Brown Butter Cookie Latte – and it’s hilariously easy to make at home.

Contrary to what you’d think, the latte doesn’t actually have brown butter in it. It’s crafted from a mix of pumpkin and caramel syrup that work together for that deliciously buttery taste. Who would’ve thought? Not I.

She details that Whole Foods coffee bars use the 1883 Maison Routin brand of syrups to make their drinks. Of all the fantastic flavors they offer (pistachio! lychee! blueberry muffin!), the pumpkin spiceand caramelsyrups can be purchased online for around $9 each. From there, you can be on your way to Brown Butter Cookie Latte heaven!

How To Make The Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte At Home

Image via Whole Foods / TikTok


  • 1-2 espresso shots
  • 8 oz cold milk, of your choice
  • 1 handful of ice
  • 2 pumps pumpkin spice syrup
  • 1 pump caramel syrup (Some reports differ, but the ratio of syrup to make the heralded latte is 2 pumps of pumpkin spice to one pump caramel. If you like your latte on the sweeter side, you can double the amount – or play around with different numbers of pumps.)


  1. Using an at-home espresso machine, moka pot, or Aeropress (basically any device that can make strong coffee), pull 1-2 shots of espresso into a small cup.
  2. While your espresso is pouring, mix the syrup and cold milk together in a tall glass.
  3. Once finished, pour your espresso shots into the tall glass and stir.
  4. Top off with ice, and your latte is complete!

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Lead image via Whole Foods / TikTok.

This post has been updated.

Chances are, you’re no stranger to the feeling of anxiety. MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine, defined the sensation as “a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness,” and the site went on to explain that anxiety “might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress, but for people with anxiety disorders, the fear is not temporary and can be overwhelming.”

Whether you experience anxiety from time to time or have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you know that these uncomfortable feelings can come up unexpectedly, especially when they’re not welcome. The end of the day is pivotal for rest and relaxation; it’s when we’re able to wind down, reflect on events that took place when the sun was still out, and prepare to fall asleep before the next day ahead. However, even if you’ve curated the perfect nighttime routine, there’s a chance that your body is anxious when you’re trying to go to sleep which can get in the way of a solid 8 hours of shut-eye.

We spoke with sleep expert and board-certified physician, Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell, to determine 10 signs that your body is anxious when you’re trying to fall asleep. Instead of feeling frustrated because you don’t know what’s getting in the way of quality sleep, we hope that understanding the tells of anxiety offer an explanation and aid in decreasing your pre-bedtime stress.

Sleep Anxiety Signs To Look Out For Right Now

Photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS

1. Difficulty Falling Asleep Despite Feeling Tired

Dr. Holliday-Bell shared that one sign that your body is anxious when you’re trying to go to sleep is that you find it difficult to fall asleep despite feeling tired. Combat these feelings by incorporating movement into your day via a workout at the gym or from the comfort of your own home.

Photo by Ephraim Mayrena / Unsplash

2. Increase In Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Or Blood Pressure When In Bed

An anxiety-inducing factor could be using your phone and/or exposure to other screens before bedtime. “Light is the strongest factor influencing your circadian rhythm in a way that tells you to be awake and alert, so it’s important to limit light exposure before bed as it can interfere with your natural melatonin release,” says Dr. Holliday-Bell. “Red light, on the other hand, has been shown to more effectively promote natural melatonin release making it easier to fall asleep;” our go-to red light device is the Helight Sleep.

Photo by Isabella Fischer / Unsplash

3. Racing Thoughts That Make It Difficult To Fall Asleep

If your to-do list for the next day is taking up mental real estate and inducing anxiety night after night, it could be beneficial to create a morning routine that you look forward to each day. The repetition will set your mind at ease, and you won’t have any surprises thrown your way when you wake up.

Photo by Poonam / Unsplash

4. Fear Of Not Being Able To Fall Asleep

This could also manifest as a fear of waking up in the middle of the night, but both make it hard for you to sleep at all. “Changes in volume or tone of sounds can lead to disrupted sleep, so listening to a soothing sound like white noise as you drift off to sleep can help prevent those disruptions and make it easier to fall and stay asleep,” says Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell. If you have white noise playing throughout the night, it will likely soothe you back to sleep even if you wake up before your alarm has gone off.

Photo by Kinga Howard / Unsplash

5. Muscle Tension

Muscle tension, especially in the neck, shoulders, and jaw when in bed is an uncomfortable side effect of anxiety. To combat this sensation, try a natural muscle relaxer like Magnesium. According to Forbes Health, “magnesium is an essential mineral involved in almost all major metabolic and biochemical processes, including protein and nucleic acid synthesis, regulation of metabolic pathways, neurotransmission, neuromuscular function and regulation of cardiac rhythm.” Taking this supplement before bed can ease tension and send you off to a restful sleep.

Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard / Unsplash

6. Sweating

Sweating before bed is a tell-tale sign of anxiety around sleep. If you experience these hot flashes, try Buffy’s Cooling Eucalyptus Sheets or silk pajamas from Petite Plume which use natural fibers that are naturally moisture-wicking.

Photo by Kinga Howard / Unsplash

7. Feeling Restless Or An Inability To Get Comfortable

If you suffer from anxiety, you may find it difficult to get comfortable in bed. Step one to achieving a more cushy rest is sleeping on the mattress of your dreams (no pun intended). I recently switched to an Emma mattress and have been sleeping through the night – which is rare for me – almost daily.

Photo by Anthony Tran / Unsplash

8. Frequent Awakenings

If you wake up often during the night and find it difficult to fall back asleep once you do, keeping a journal by your bedside could help to alleviate feelings of anxiety. If a blank notebook feels daunting, this journal with guided prompts from No Particular Order feels like a warm hug on nights when your mind is swirling.

Photo by Marcus Aurelius / PEXELS

9. It's Easier To Sleep Anywhere That's Not Your Bed

Prefer the couch to your bed? If you can sleep comfortably everywhere except for your own bed, you could benefit from a repetitive nighttime routine. Dr. Holliday-Bell shared that “ideally your bedtime routine should start about 45 minutes to an hour before your [actual] bedtime.” During this time, suggested activities include putting your screens away, taking a hot bath or shower, reading a book, or listening to a sleep-focused meditation.

Photo by Liza Summer / PEXELS

10. Dreading Going To Sleep At Night

Instead of dreading going to bed, incorporate a treat that you look forward to every night into your pre-bed rituals. Our favorite way to unwind is by sipping on a sleepytime tea; creating a routine that involves curling up on the couch with a warm mug before crawling into bed is sure to leave you feeling blissed out.

Wanna turn your bedroom into a sleep oasis? Check out our storefront for our fave ideas!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

The most notable news from our resident popstar BFF Taylor Swift (aside from her record-breaking Eras Tour movie, The Tortured Poets Department, and Reputation (Taylor's Version), of course) is her most recent boyfriend update. Kansas City Chiefs player Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift were first linked after Travis tried to give the singer his phone number during one of her concerts this year. And after a few NFL games, getaway car rides, and restaurant takeovers later, it looks like this relationship isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Here's a timeline on everything we know about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship!

A Timeline Of Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce's Relationship

Photo by Jason Hanna/Getty Images

September, 24 2023 - Taylor Swift Started Attending Kansas City Chiefs Games

Taylor Swift started attending Kansas City Chiefs games in 2023, seemingly after an indirect invite from Travis Kelce himself. When Taylor played her Eras Tour at Arrowhead Stadium (the Chiefs' home stadium), Travis tried to give her a friendship with his number on it.

“I was disappointed that she doesn’t talk before or after her shows because she has to save her voice for the 44 songs that she sings,” Travis told his brother after Jason during an episode of their New Heights podcast. “I was a little butt hurt I didn’t get to hand her one of the bracelets I made for her.”

Considering Taylor Swift has now gone to many Chiefs games — and nearly broken the internet — we're pretty sure he's not upset anymore!

On September 24, 2023, Taylor Swift watched the NFL game with Travis' mom, Donna. After the football game — in which Taylor sat with Donna, and created (another) pop culture phenomenon with a single photo — not only did Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce leave the Arrowhead Stadium locker room together, but they also drove away in Travis' convertible as a pair!

Photo by Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

October 1, 2023 - Taylor Brought Some Friends To Watch The Chiefs

On October 1, 2023, Taylor was joined by all-star BFFs Sabrina Carpenter, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Sophie Turner, and Hugh Jackman to watch the Chiefs play against the New York Jets. While Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift didn't leave the stadium together after *this* game was over, the fact that Taylor was surrounded by so many of her friends felt like they were there to support something quite special. 💓

We'd be remiss not to mention a few easter eggs from this game while we're at it! This romance feels so much like a callback to Taylor's 1989 era, where she spent a lot of 2013 to 2015 hanging with her friends in the coolest NYC spots. Plus, she's wearing all black (and some edgy accessories on her shorts) while we all speculate on what she's up to and who she's dating, which is not too dissimilar from her Reputation era. 👀

Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

October 12, 2023 - Taylor Swift Makes A Good First Impression

We know Taylor always tries to make a good impression (hello "Mirrorball!"), but it turns out, she also makes a good impression without even trying.

The first time Taylor met Travis Kelce's dad, Ed, he noticed how genuine she was when she started helping around the suite. “She gets up to go get a drink or something, and she starts picking up empty bottles, cans, plates that are scattered around," he toldPeople. “And I'm just thinking, 'I don't think she got the diva memo. She didn't get the spoiled musician. She doesn't know how to pull that off.' And that really to me said a whole lot.”

Photo by Will Heath/NBC

October 14, 2023 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Were On SNL

Yes, Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce were both on the October 14 episode of Saturday Night Live in 2023. The couple attended the SNL afterparty together and fans were very quick to spot how much the football player took care of the singer. He opened doors for her, made sure she was okay, and reportedly even told a bodyguard that he could step aside. When I first saw the images, they looked so much like a rom-com cover to me that I thought they were photoshopped!

Then on the following Sunday night, Travis and Taylor were seen in New York City again as they made their way into a restaurant (once again holding hands!). It might be important for Swifties to note that both of Taylor's outfits are black, edgy, and very Reputation-coded... I can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve!

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

October 19, 2023 - Travis Apparently Plans To Visit Taylor On Her International Tour

At this point, ET had reported that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were "all in" on their relationship, according to an inside source. They told the outlet that Travis intended to head to Buenos Aires, Argentina while he was on a bye-week for the Kansas City Chiefs. We hope he was able to give her those friendship bracelets this time! 😘

Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

October 22, 2023 - Taylor Swift Is Improving Travis Kelce's Game

After a 31-17 win on October 22, 2023, Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid acknowledged Taylor's influence on Travis' game during a press conference. He noted that Travis' performance is only improving and that “Taylor can stay around all she wants.”

Image via @chiara_ / Instagram

The October 22 game also appeared to be the couple's official hard launch. Chiefs wide reciever Mecole Hardman Jr.'s girlfriend Chariah Gordon posted a series of photos with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce after the game — including this one where Taylor's kissing Travis on the cheek! Swoon!

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

October 31, 2023 - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Celebrate Halloween Together

On an episode of Jason Kelce's New Heights podcast, Travis said he loves the idea of a dinner party on Halloween night. "Like a Halloween dinner party. Everybody comes in costumes and we have a party," he says in the conversation.

But he also refuses to admit what costume he picked. "I'm gonna let mine be a surprise," he says. "I'll make sure everybody sees it, and we'll talk about it after Halloween."

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship only continues to get deeper in October 2023, especially since a source told ET Online that Taylor could be the one for Travis: "Everyone close to Travis loves that he is happy. He is on the path to finding that special person in Taylor."

However, given the frenzy around Taylor, and the media coverage of their relationship in general, Travis' family is also fairly concerned for their safety. (And after hundreds of fans showed up uninvited to see Taylor attend a private wedding, we kind of are too, TBH).

"They're so appreciative of their fans, but hope to keep some aspects of their relationship private going forward," the source continued. "This level of stardom is something new to Travis, and although he can handle it, he is still getting used to it. Safety is a major concern among everyone, especially given how passionate fans feel about their relationship."

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

November 5, 2023 - Taylor Swift (Virtually) Celebrates Travis Kelce's New Record

After the Kansas City Chiefs game on November 5, 2023, People posted on Instagram celebrating Travis Kelce's new title as the KC Chiefs' leading receiver with 10,941 receiving yards. Taylor Swift liked the post, and considering she's very strategic and intentional about her Instagram activity, Swifites were very excited.

"Me giggling cuz TS liked this post," one user commented. "It’s an interesting time for Taylor & Kelce" another said. "They are both at supremely high career success points. What joy!"

On November 9, 2023, a source told US Weeklythat Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce “actually spend a lot of one-on-one time together and have developed a very real connection," plus the fact that "they have very detailed plans coming up on how to stay together while she’s on tour and he has games.”

Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

November 11, 2023 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Have A Rom-Com Moment

On November 11, 2023, Taylor changed the lyrics of her song "Karma" from "Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me" to "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs coming straight home to me" (a move that seemed somewhat spontaneous considering how surprised her backup dancers were!).

Travis revealed on the November 15 episode of the New Heights podcast that he had a "little bit of a clue" she'd change the lyrics. 👀

"Definitely when I heard it come out of her mouth, [it] still shocked me," he said. "I was like...'Oh, she really just said that, alright.'" He was so shocked in fact, that he didn't even realize Taylor's dad was trying to high five him. "Mr. Swift, I apologize big guy," he continued. "I never miss a high five too, big high five guy!"

And, after the show, Taylor went straight up to Travis standing outside a VIP tent and the coupleshared a kiss. It felt like it was straight out of a rom-com — a pop star running up to a star football player and surprising him with a kiss! The crowd at the concert went wild, but the internet also couldn't stop talking about it!

"This is sooooo adorable," one X user said. "Her little run. His hands behind his back like he’s waiting for his prom date or something. Ughhh they’re both in deep."

Photo by Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

November 20, 2023 - Travis Kelce Spills On His Relationship In WSJ Magazine

Travis Kelce once again broke the internet with his WSJ Magazine cover story. In it, he talks about football, his family, and (of course) Taylor Swift. “I’ve never been a man of words. Being around her, seeing how smart Taylor is, has been f*cking mind-blowing," he says. “Obviously I’ve never dated anyone with that kind of aura about them…But at the same time, I’m not running away from any of it…She’s just living, enjoying life. When she acts like that I better not be the one acting all strange.”

Even Kelce's mom had something to add! “I can tell you this,” she says in the interview. “He’s happier than I’ve seen him in a long time… God bless him, he shot for the stars!”

Fans were also hoping to find out if Taylor and Travis were spending Thanksgiving together. Via Page Six, Taylor was set to fly back from her Eras Tour shows in Rio de Janeiro to spend the holidays in the states before heading back for another show on November 24. TMZreported that the couple "plans to be together for the holidays," which included lining their schedules up to spend as much time together as they can.

Taylor celebrated another one of Travis' milestones on Instagram, when she liked a post from the Kansas City Chiefs. "Fastest tight end to 11k receiving yards AND the only player in franchise history to do it," the post says. According to a Daily Mail source, as soon as Taylor Swift's Eras Tour wrapped up its 2023 dates, she moved into Travis' private Kansas City mansion (which he reportedly bought for them to spend time together) for the duration of her break — which included her birthday and Christmas.

Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images

December 3, 2023 - Taylor Shows Up To The Chiefs Game Looking Festive

Taylor Swift hung out in the box seats with Brittany Mahomes in Green Bay, Wisconsin during the Kansas City Chiefs game against the Green Bay Packers.

Not only is Taylor Swift's jacket KC Chiefs red, but it was also totally Christmas appropriate! "Travis' friends think this is the real deal for him,” an insider told Peopleat the end of November 2023. “They're still a little shocked by all of it — that he's dating the Taylor Swift, but they've seen how down to earth she is with his friends and family.”

But before Taylor donned her Elmo-approved red coat, the couple was already in the Christmas spirit. They showed up to Miracle, a pop-up bar in Kansas City, on December 1, for the Chiefs' holiday party. It appears they were wearing some festive sweatshirts (as well as Taylor's signature red lip). I hope they also got to have some more chicken with "seemingly ranch".

Photos by Inez and Vinoodh for TIME

December 6, 2023 - Taylor Talks Travis In Her TIME Person Of The Year Article

There's been pleeeeenty of speculation about when Taylor and Travis actually started dating. Was it that first Chiefs game? Were they just friends still? Was it before that game? While only the lovebirds know their true timeline, Taylor gave us a peek behind the curtain in her TIME MagazinePerson of the Year article.

According to Tay herself, the pair started hanging out immediately after Travis first mentioned her on his New Heights podcast. She said, “We started hanging out right after that. So we actually had a significant amount of time that no one knew, which I’m grateful for, because we got to get to know each other. By the time I went to that first game, we were a couple. I think some people think that they saw our first date at that game? We would never be psychotic enough to hard launch a first date.”

Swift continued by explaining that she and Travis "show up for each other" and that they're "just proud of each other." BRB, sobbing.

On December 8, 2023, an insider told Life & Style Mag that Travis is planning something special for Taylor's 34th birthday on December 13. “Travis has something special planned,” they say. “He’s arranged a very intimate romantic dinner just for the two of them, and is also trying to pull off a semi-surprise party with the help of some of her closest friends."

The insider also says Travis could use the evening to propose to Taylor, which we would *totally* be in favor of.

Image via @patty_cuts on Instagram

December 10, 2023 - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Share Some Swoon-Worthy PDA

After the KC Chiefs and Buffalo Bills game on December 10, 2023, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce went out with the team to celebrate. They wound up back at the Miracle pop-up bar! The evening was sure to lift Travis' spirits after the Chiefs' loss, and I, for one, need to make Taylor's Christmapolitan drink ASAP.

Thanks to the Chiefs' barber, @patty_cuts, we also have a pic of Taylor and Travis embracing each other at the bar! If you ask me, this deserves to be a movie poster, because I feel like we're living in a real-life rom-com. And apparently, one of their friends agrees!

"We had an amazing time," Chetarah Jackson (a friend of Travis' who sat with Taylor in the suite at the game) told ET. "Taylor and Travis are so in love. It was so cute seeing them together and I can see them getting married."

Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

December 17, 2023 - Taylor Swift Gets Cozy At The Chiefs x Patriots Game

Taylor Swift showed up to the KC Chiefs vs. New England Patriots game looking both comfy and cute in a Chiefs sweatshirt and beanie. In addition to Alana Haim and Brittany Mahomes, Taylor's dad, Scott Swift, also showed up to the game, which ended up being a big deal because he wore KC Chiefs gear after he's been a lifelong Philadelphia Eagles fan! 👀

Scott wasn't the only one having fun with the couple! Kaleigh Teller (Miles Teller's wife and a good friend of Taylor Swift) recently liked a TikTok speculating Travis got Taylor a very special birthday present: the ring Taylor wore during her party. It appears to be an opal stone surrounded by blue topaz, and if that's true, it has so much meaning because Travis' birthstone is opal and Taylor's is blue topaz! Thoughtful gifts are our absolute favorites... and it looks like they're Travis' too.

Travis also told People that even though he had a game on Christmas Day (his brother Jason does, too), the holiday "will be a fun one."

"My brother sent me a text and said he’s going to be celebrating afterwards," Travis continued. He also confirmed that he's planning on celebrating Christmas after the 25th too — hopefully with Taylor!

According to Page Six, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce also spent the rest of the holidays together.

Photo via CBS Mornings

December 22, 2023 - Patrick Mahomes Talks Taylor And Travis 👀

Patrick Mahomes hopped on CBS Morningsin December and gave his inside scoop on Taylor and Travis. While noting how comfortable Taylor is with "Chiefs Kingdom," Patrick also took a moment to recognize her many achievements.

"He's lucky enough to be with a great girl and a great woman, and it's been cool to interact with her because she's top tier of her profession — and how she drives and she becomes that, it's really cool to hear about and to see." He followed up by saying, "I'm glad that she's the person that she is, and that's why I think her and Travis match so well."

Clearly, Tay got the BFF stamp of approval!

Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

December 25, 2023 - Taylor Swift + Family Attend Chiefs vs. Raiders

Taylor and Santa... I mean... Austin Swift hung out at Arrowhead stadium alongside their mom and dad, Andrea and Scott. The family had some holiday fun with the Mahomes family and Papa Kelce, with Austin allegedly tossing snowballs to the fans below. Merry Swiftmas to us all!

Image via chrispearson20/Instagram

December 31, 2023 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Share An NYE Kiss

After a Chiefs win, Taylor and Travis stepped out in style at a NYE party with their friends and family. Travis wore a Midnights-esque outfit, in head-to-toe brown courduroy — come on, '70s!

Of course, Taylor made the whole place shimmer in a stunning silver sequin dress by Cleo Peppiatt, paired with celestial hair pins and her signature red lip, which was allegedly smudged later on in the night. 😘

We got a peek at the kiss in question on Instagram, originally posted by @krystenrachelle. It's definitely giving, "I want your midnights!" 😍

Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images

January 21, 2024 - Taylor Swift Hangs Out With Jason And Kylie Kelce

After months of attending Travis Kelce's games, Taylor Swift was finally in the box at the same time as Jason Kelce's wife, Kylie, and this is a WAG friendship we are *totally* here for.

Despite the media pitting them against each other, the two women were seen laughing and spending time together in the box, which really just leads me to wonder why we're constantly obsessed with women not being friends? "Kylie is so great," a source told People. "Everybody loves her."

The most talked-about moment from the game, however, can be chalked up to Jason Kelce, who jumped out of the box shirtless and started yelling at the top of his lungs. He's since been called the KC Chiefs' “No. 1 hype man,”been compared to Gabriela Montez, and gotten people's hopes up for a very lively best man speech.

Someone also captured Taylor Swift's reaction to Jason's viral moment, and it's just as funny as the moment itself!

Taylor wasn't the only one who knows how to be goofy — Travis Kelce's teammate Patrick Mahomes told People that despite the newfound media frenzy over Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (and achieving his "dream" of being on SNL), Travis remains just as fun and down-to-earth as he always was.

“Travis has always been Travis,” Patrick told People. “He still will walk through the stadium and treat every single person like they’re his best friend. And he’s going to be like that in the locker room every single day.”

Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images

January 28 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Celebrate A Chiefs Win... And Break The Internet

After the Kansas City Chiefs won a game against the Baltimore Ravens on January 28, the team was headed to the Super Bowl! Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce celebrated with a kiss on the field, and fans have been comparing their total rom-com moment to everyone from One Tree Hill's Lucas and Peyton toA Cinderella Story's Austin and Samever since.

But the biggest moment of the night was when, during their embrace, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce could be heard saying "I love you." According a post-game video, Travis says, “Tay, I'm going to enjoy with the guys I love you... so much it’s not even funny.” And it appears Taylor responds with “I love you too... I’ve never been so proud, EVER.” Then they go in for a kiss and a bear hug. OMG!

Jason Kelce later went on to add Taylor in with the rest of the family on the New Heights podcast: “We had the whole family down on the field. We had me, Mom, Dad, and Taylor. Everybody was down there.” Stop it right now, Jason!

In addition to a mockneck red sweater, Taylor was decked out in a gold friendship bracelet of her + Travis' initials, as well as #87-themed jewelry to support her BF. I also find it *very* important info that Taylor Swift is a square nail gal (Will this inspire my next manicure? Only time will tell).

I predicted that Taylor would show up the the Super Bowl, despite wrapping up the Tokyo leg of the Eras Tour the day before. I thought this would be a huge moment because, despite being asked to perform multiple times, Taylor has never actually performed at the Super Bowl, so she's never really had a reason to go.

Another popular fan theory is that in the past, this was due to Taylor Swift being a face of Diet Coke (she really is just like us!), while the halftime show has historically had Pepsi as a sponsor.

Image via Taylor Swift/Instagram

February 5, 2024 - Travis Kelce Supports Taylor Swift's The Tortured Poet's Department

After Taylor Swift announced her new album, The Tortured Poets Department, at the 2024 Grammys, Travis Kelce showed support for the new album during a press conference — and he's just as excited about the new music as we are!

"She's unbelievable, she's rewriting history books herself," he said of her fourth Album of the Year win. "I told her I'll have to hold up my end of the bargain and come home with some hardware too...It's been fun to kind of gather the Swifties in the Chiefs' kingdom and open them up to the football world and the sports world."

"I have heard some of [Taylor Swift's new album], yes, and it is unbelievable," he continued. "I can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally drops."

Travis *also* responded to the rumors that he's looking to propose to Taylor Swift after a reporter straight up asked whether there'd be more than just a Super Bowl ring if the Chiefs won the Big Game.

"I’m focused on getting this ring, and that’s all that my mind’s focused on right now," Travis said.

Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

February 11, 2024 - Taylor Swift Attends The Super Bowl And Catches A Nail-Biting Chiefs Win

Taylor Swift was there to witness the Kansas City Chiefs spar off against the San Fransisco 49ers at Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas and ultimately see Travis' team win the game in overtime 25-22.

Taylor was spotted in box seats alongside her girl gang, Blake Lively, Ice Spice, and Ashley Avignone. Lana Del Rey joined the squad later in the game, too!

Taylor quickly tossed back a few drinks as the excitement ramped up (iconic if you ask me) in the first half of the game. After the big victory, she swiftly ran to the field to celebrate with Travis.

Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

“Come here, girl," he said to her. They instantly embraced and shared a long kiss in celebration of the Chiefs win. But that wasn't all!

Taylor tagged along with Travis and his teammates to the official Super Bowl after-party at Zouk Nightclub in Las Vegas. The couple danced and sang, and the club even played a few of Taylor's hits! The couplekissed during "Love Story"and even pointed at each other across the dance floorwhile a remix "You Belong With Me" blasted. Travis Kelce switched up the lyrics, singing "Are you in love with me?" instead of "You belong with me" — to which Taylor raised her glass, smiled, and danced the night away. 🎶 If you ask me, this viral moment is just the latest profession of love between the two.

“I love how he just came very quickly when your song was on,” model Marianne Fonseca tells Taylor Swift in a viral clip. “That was the most romantic thing ever.”

"We met in the middle, and I was like, 'What is my life right now?'" Taylor jokes.

The power duo left the function wearing matching glittery black outfits, holding hands the entire time. To say we're obsessed is a true understatement.

So, what's next for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?

Taylor will continue to embark on the international leg of her Eras Tour in Australia starting February 16. Based on everything the couple's been through so far, we don't see them going anywhere.

Photos by Amy Sussman and Jason Hanna for Getty Images

February 21, 2024 - Did Travis Kelce go to Australia to see Taylor Swift? Yes!

Our fave couple continues to enjoy their time together. A source told People that they are "really happy" and "having a lot of fun, but they're still seeing where it goes." Travis Kelce also landed in Sydney on February 21 to support Taylor Swift (and our gal Sabrina Carpenter) during the Australian leg of the Eras Tour. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce spent an afternoon at the Sydney Zoo, but did they act out any scenes from Anyone But You? We can only hope.

Travis Kelce had plenty to say about Taylor Swift in an episode of his podcast New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce. “They helicoptered us! Well, not us, Taylor,” he says. “This is all because Taylor is the biggest and the best thing possible."

While Travis was almost entirely focused on Taylor during the conversation about Australia, he couldn't help but mention his favorite zoo animals. "The kangaroos were pretty sweet, got to see a red panda up close and personal," he continues. "It’s like a friendly raccoon...saw a tiger sitting up in a tree house, that sh*t was f*cking sweet, ain’t gonna lie."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

February 23, 2024 — Taylor Swift Celebrates Travis Kelce At The Eras Tour

During her first concert in Sydney, Australia, Taylor Swift added a few blink-and-you'll-miss-'em details to her show in honor of Travis Kelce. She ended up pointing directly to him during "Willow," when she sings "that's my man," and during "Long Live," when she sings "when they gave us our trophies" (in honor of his Super Bowl win!). She also changed the "Karma" lyrics to "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs coming straight home to me." And when the concert was done? Taylor ran directly to him and gave him a big kiss. Rom-com energy!!

“When she started to come around, it was privately,” defensive backs coach Dave Merritt tells The Sports Shop With Reese & Kmac. “She was coming into the stadiums without people really knowing until the camera put a big spotlight on it.”

"[Taylor Swift] actually affected the team in a positive way," Dave continues. "Everybody was excited that Travis was happy. So when my player, my brother, is happy beside me, that helps me and that encourages me."

And after Travis started dating Taylor, Dave saw even more of a shift! "And so Travis came in there a different man...She won a Super Bowl in her first year in the NFL," he jokes. "How about that?"

Image via Al Bello/Getty Images

March 13, 2024 — Travis Kelce Talks About The Eras Tour In Singapore

It looks like Taylor Swift and Sabrina Carpenter are in their lover era because both Travis Kelce and Sabrina Carpenter's boyfriend Barry Keoghan showed up to the Eras Tour in Singapore!

"Fun times in Singapore," Travis says on the New Heights podcast he shares with Jason Kelce. "I got to check out the world's largest greenhouse. How about that? I'm a big plant guy. Loved seeing f*cking enormous trees. It was cool as f*ck, they had the world's biggest waterfall in a greenhouse, too...It was awesome man. Everything was blooming at the same time, it was so f*cking unique and so nice."

But Travis *also* got to go to two Eras Tour concerts ahead of Taylor Swift's latest hiatus (she's on a break until her first Paris concert on May 9th) — and enjoyed the shows just as much as the sights!

"I got to see two amazing shows of the Eras Tour," Travis continues. "The last of the leg that Taylor has until she's back at it here in a couple months. Yeah outside of that, got to eat some lovely Singapore food and just catch the views. Everything over there just seems so nice."

Image via Netlix

March 20, 2024 — Travis Kelce Can't Stop Watching Love Is Blind

After a crazy year of the Eras Tour and the Super Bowl, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are focusing on their time together! "They’re focused on rest and recuperation and relaxing at home and having low-key and chill time together,” a source tells Us Weekly. “They are enjoying movie nights in her home theater, catching up on films and shows they’ve missed.”

We're always wondering what our favorite stars are binge watching right now, and apparently, Travis Kelce watchlist includes Love Is Blind. "You gotta watch Love Is Blind," he tells his brother Jason Kelce on a recent episode of New Heights. "It is the worst trash ever — it's worse than Catching Kelce — but it is so f*cking good." (Jason's not so convinced).

But considering Travis almost seems like he's loving the show against his will, it's making me wonder if he's watching it with Taylor Swift — or if Taylor's the one who got him to watch it in the first place. I could totally see Travis and Taylor curled up on the couch with a plate of chai cookies, a blanket, and Netflix. Cozy!

Image via Alex Grimm/Getty Images

March 20, 2024 — Travis Kelce Says He "Can't Wait" To Have Kids

On that same episode of New Heights, Travis Kelce also let it slip he may be ready for kids sooner than later. When the Super Bowl winner was talking about NBA player Victor Wembanyama, Travis joked he was so talented he must have been engineered.

“You can’t tell me that dude wasn’t made in a f*cking lab over there in France," Travis says. “Can’t wait til I f*ckin’ make one.”

“Don’t do this," Jason jokes. "Do not give any of these other conspiracy theorists anything else to latch onto, please.” Oops, it might be too late Jason!

Images via Amy Sussman/Jason Kempin/Getty Images

March 24, 2024 — Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Go On A Lunch Date

After a busy winter, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce finally took some R+R and went on a big trip together! “They vacationed in the Bahamas for several days," a source tells PEOPLE. "It was a much-needed break for both of them. They very much enjoyed it. They are so happy together.”

After their Bahamas vacation, Taylor and Travis grabbed a Sunday lunch in Malibu. They both looked super cute and springy with Taylor wearing a bright blue sweater, a tan skort, and loafers, while Travis wore an oatmeal-colored pullover, hat, and a friendship bracelet.

Image via Patrick Smith/Getty Images

April 1, 2024 — Travis Kelce And Taylor Swift's Relationship Has Been "Amazing"

On April 1, Kylie Kelce told the Today show just how happy their family is for the couple. “Ultimately, if Travis is happy, we’re happy,” Kylie says. “We are always cheering on Uncle Trav, it’s such a treat to be able to do that on and off the field...It’s been amazing.”

"I'm the happiest I've ever been," Travis Kelce tells People. "I'm a guy that some people say is glass half full, half empty, and my glass is all the way full. It's all the way full...I'm oozing life right now."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

April 2, 2024 — Travis Kelce Confirms He'll Be At The Eras Tour In Europe

Swifties might be gearing up for The Tortured Poets Department, but Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are still thinking about this year's stint of the Eras Tour!

“We are both very career-driven," he tells Entertainment Tonight. "I think we both love what we do and any chance that I can show my support to her — knowing that she has shown me all the support in the world throughout the season — it’s just been an amazing experience getting to know Tay."

Travis hasn't confirmed which concerts he'll show up to, but he does say the London shows are "can't-miss" concerts. "I think she’s at Wembley [Stadium] eight times?" he says. "Which is mind-blowing that she can do that many shows in one stadium and fill that thing up."

So, what's the relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?

Photo by Elsa/Getty Images

According to Taylor herself (via an interview with Time), the pair started seeing each other right after Travis "called her out" on his New Heightspodcast in July.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship continues to get more serious. “They share a strong work ethic and have a huge appreciation for life and their careers, strong family bond and values," the insider tells People.

An insider also shared that during Taylor's break from the Eras Tour (during September and October), she enjoyed catching up with all of her friends and “had fun spending time with Travis.“ We cannot get enough of this couple!

How old is Taylor Swift and how old is Travis Kelce?

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were both born in 1989. Travis just turned 34 on October 5, and since Taylor Swift's birthday is December 13, she's 34 now, too!

After Travis and Taylor left Arrowhead Stadium together, some Swifties noticed Travis was wearing a blue and white set, and wondered whether it served as a 1989 (Taylor's Version) double release Easter egg.

Check back here for the latest update on Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce!

Lead photo by Elsa/Getty Images

This post has been updated.

Though we're all about our reusable water bottles (and everything related to the Stanley tumbler), the love we have for fancy-shmancy bottled water is just undeniable. Despite the crisp, cold convenience associated with bottled water, there's a *huge* rift in which brands actually taste good.

Some drinkers prefer Aquafina over Dasani (or even artesian water cuvée, like the cast of Vanderpump Rules), and that's okay – but sommelier Belinda Chang has an immeasurable wealth of knowledge to dictate which ones are worth sipping on based on their flavor (and yes, they differ).

Not every bottled water is created equal, and this expert-backed ranking is proof. Onward!

What type of bottled water is healthiest?

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / PEXELS

Mineral water is considered the healthiest bottled water since it contains additional minerals and vitamins.

What is the top-rated bottled water?

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya / PEXELS

According to our ranking of the best and worst bottled waters, Roundy's bottled water is #1.

Is bottled water safe to drink?

Photo by Mart Production / PEXELS

In terms of your health, all plastic bottled waters are the worst – they can contain hundreds of thousands of microplastics that harm the body. The safest bottled water you can drink is likely some filtered water that you put into a reusable water bottle.

What are the top 5 worst bottled waters?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska / PEXELS

Propel, Dasani, Ice Mountain, Aquafina, and Naleczowianka are the top 5 worst bottled waters according to their taste.

What is the top 5 best drinking water?

Photo by Nerea Arance / PEXELS

According to expert water sommelier rankings, the top 5 best drinking waters are: Evian, Smeraldina, SmartWater, Fiji, and Roundy's.

Meet Sommelier Brenda Chang

Image via

Belinda Chang hails from Chicago, and was formerly the head of the wine and spirits program at upscale steakhouse Maple & Ash, so she knows her drinks. While she usually puts her skills towards perfect pairings of wine and sumptuous meals, Belinda welcomed Thrillist into her domain to put water to the ultimate test.

Belinda compared ten different bottled water brands by evaluating their flavor, aroma, texture and finish of each, giving them a score out of a possible 100 points. Her bottled water ratings shed light on which brands you should drink!

“A good bottled water shouldn’t have any off-putting aromas or flavors – that would be an automatic negative,” Belinda explained. “In wine, we always talk about terroir, and I think for water, it’s the same. You want it to speak of the place where it comes from. And, of course, you want it to be delicious.”

The Best Bottled Waters, Ranked

10. Propel: 69/100

Image via Propel

When it came to tasting Propel bottled water, Belinda was immediately put off by the odor, saying it smells "salty, metallic.” Ew. When it came to taste, it might not have been as bad, but it certainly wasn’t an A+.

“When it gets onto your tongue, the impact is bizarre. The texture and flavor is a lot like Gatorade, but not masked with orange or blue raspberry.”

9. Dasani: 70/100

Image via Dasani

Dasani was another bottled water that was... somewhat stinky. “See, this one does not smell good — it smells like a wine that’s been dosed with sulphates.” What’s with all the smelly water?

Belinda deemed that when it comes to Dasani, “The thirst-quenching quotient is really low on this guy.”

8. Ice Mountain: 81/100

Image via Ice Mountain

Ice Mountain bottled water got it right if you’re looking for nothing but water – tasteless water.

“It’s completely neutral in almost every way, which I think is a total positive.” In this case, definitely. Though Belinda did note a slight “mineral-y” aftertaste, a “pipe-like flavor.” No thanks.

7. Aquafina: 84/100

Image via Aquafina

Instead of tasting pipe-like, Belinda felt Aquafina tasted “a little powdery, with some dissolved minerals and a little bit of salt.” Still, she felt that this was a decent thirst-quencher.

“For an inexpensive water that you’re just drinking because you’re in the airport and you want to hydrate before you go on a flight, I think this is a good option.”

6. Naleczowianka: 89/100

Image via Nateczowianka

Naleczowianka bottled water was another water with a “distinctive” smell — this time, a stony hint. Kinda strangely, it made Belinda think of “a salt character — I want it with a pierogi.” That’s… specific.

Overall, this one failed where it seems to matter the most, with the skilled sommelier noting, “It’s not that thirst-quenching. It dries out the palate.”

5. Evian: 90/100

Image via Evian

Evian bottled water is better when it comes to the smell, Belinda claiming it’s “really clean on the nose.” But interestingly, she also noted, “I do taste the Alps — I don’t smell them, but I taste them. And I can definitely imagine myself après-ski with a bottle of Evian.” That’s a plus for Evian!

4. Smeraldina: 92/100

Image via Smeraldina

Smeraldina bottled water scored slightly higher than Evian despite the fact that “after you have a sip of it, it feels like there’s this fine silt lying on your tongue.”

Besides that, however, “this would transport you back to the south of Italy.” Whoa. First the Alps, now Italy. We’re globetrotting with every sip.

3. Smartwater: 93/100

Image via Drink Smart Water

Smartwater is actually something that Belinda is familiar with herself, but admitted, “I’ve always chugged this the next morning when I’m hungover.” However, when she took some time to consider it, she claims, “it’s probably 1000% the marketing, but it does taste different,” i.e. a really interesting texture in the mid-palate, which Belinda assumes is the added electrolytes.

2. Fiji: 98/100

Image via Fiji Water

Fiji took the runner-up spot of the best bottled water to drink, partly due to the fact that it’s “totally neutral on the nose, which [Belinda thinks] is important,” but it was also the fact that it’s a heavy water that got Belinda’s stamp of approval.

“[If] you want to drink a glass of water after a spectacular dish or, like, a great bite of a burger, you want something that cleanses, and this is it. I really love this water.”

1. Roundy's Purified Drinking Water: 99/100

Image via Roundy's

And the bottled water winner is… Roundy’s! First, the smell won Belinda over. “This is going to sound so weird, but it’s a little sweet-smelling — which I like!” But, of course, that wasn’t all. Taste is the major factor here, and the sommelier thought this option was delicious. “It has no pretension, it’s incredibly thirst-quenching.

It doesn’t taste like anything, which is perfect. When you’re drinking water you just want to be drinking water, and this is the most watery of all the waters. This is the Moet Imperial of bottled water — it’s simple, it’s classic and it does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It delivers and that’s my professional opinion.”

Do you notice differences in the taste of water from different brands and your tap? Tweet us @BritandCo!

H/T Thrillist.

Lead photo by Bogdan Kosanovic / iStock.

This post has been updated.