5 Tips to Survive Wedding Season Without Going Broke

Wedding season is now in full swing! From finding the perfect outfits and gifts to traveling to a destination wedding to celebrating the big day with family and friends, the costs can definitely add up fast. Whether you’re a bridesmaid, family member, or plus one, many guests often find themselves feeling pressure to do more than makes sense for their wallets. Not to mention, it can also be tough to say no, as no one wants to disappoint the bride and groom. With this in mind, we collected five tips to help you show up in style during the wedding season — all without maxing out your budget.

1. Check your calendar. This year, you’ve been invited to more weddings than you thought you had friends. Before sending in your RSVP card, gather all the invites, see if any dates conflict, and highlight which weddings will require travel, bachelorette parties, showers, and more. Getting a sense early on of where you need to be and when will help you not only plan travel, but also think through the other hidden expenses and how you can fit them into your budget.

2. Create a checklist (and budget!). How much is airfare to that destination wedding? Where will you stay? Asking these questions early on and making a list of inevitable expenses (like Champagne and bachelorette party decor) will help you come up with creative solutions to help keep you on budget. If the wedding requires travel, check out discount sites and price out the cost difference between attending solo or with a plus one. Also, consider alternative accommodation options, such as Airbnb, with other friends or couples. You can also lower the cost of food by keeping the fridge stocked with snacks and drinks.

3. Mix and match your wardrobe. From barbecues to black tie affairs, weddings and the events surrounding them often require multiple outfit changes. So, spend some quality time in your closet, and consider taking a cue from Kate Middleton, who has been seen in the same frocks multiple times. If the Duchess can do it, so can you! Friends are also a great resource to borrow a dress or accessorize a favorite outfit in a fresh new way. Before you head to the mall, check out online consignment stores such as ThredUp for dresses. Or consider renting designer dresses and accessories from Rent the Runway, another potential source of wedding fashion inspiration that won’t break the bank.

4. Be honest about your role in the wedding party. It’s an honor to be asked to be part of your friend’s big day. As a part of the wedding party, you get a front row seat to all of the action, but the flip side is that there are often more commitments — especially ones that come with additional expenses. So, if you’re on the list to stand by the bride or groom, share any hesitancies you might have early on. Suggest hosting a bachelorette party close to home or go in on a group gift with the other bridesmaids. You may also consider a DIY gift, or tap Etsy for creative and inexpensive ideas for bridal shower decor and hostess gifts. Tossing out these ideas early and starting these conversations with your fellow bridesmaids will help you be an active and involved bridesmaid without popping a Champagne cork right through your wallet.

5.It’s okay to take a pass. If all this “I do” talk is still making you sweat, consider taking a pass and owning it. You don’t have to do it all! Forgo the plane ticket and hotel rooms, and instead, opt for a nice gift. The expense will still be just a fraction of what you would have spent. Send a personal note with flowers, a candle, or a spa gift basket to help the bridge and groom relax after all the hubbub. It can arrive on the wedding day or the day before, or set it up for delivery on their honeymoon. Either way, your creativity and thoughtfulness amid the blur of festivities will make them smile.

Regardless of where you net out with your budget this wedding season, remember that weddings are supposed to be a celebration. So, grab your calendar, talk to your partner or spouse, and think about what makes the most sense, given your other plans and goals. Doing so will help amp up the fun factor before, during, and after the happy couple walks down the aisle.

Do you have any other tips on how to survive wedding season? Let us know @BritandCo.

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Talking money doesn't have to feel monstrous — especially if you make it fun by setting a money date. No matter your current relationship to money, this should be a time that you set aside to demystify the basics, build a healthy relationship with money, and learn ways to grow your wealth. This intentional time together allows you to give your full attention to how you relate to money and how to create the habits and lay down a healthy foundation to create financial wellness. Hopefully, you'll walk away from your money date with a confident, stress-free relationship to money.

What is a money date?

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko / PEXELS

A money date can take on many forms, but it should always align with where you are in life. If you're single — or choose to keep money separate in your relationship — then a money date can be carving out time for yourself to create a comfortable space and review your priorities, values, and overall financial goals and hopefully actually set a plan in motion to achieve those. If you're in a relationship with combined finances, a money date can also be a way for you and your significant other to come together to talk about money and what matters most to each of you in a way that makes you comfortable and makes finances more approachable. TBH, even a group of friends can also get together with the purpose of focusing on money and topics that can help each of you gain better insights and strategies into reducing financial stress and building financial wellness and wealth.

How do you plan a money date?


A good starting point is to simply just...begin. One step leads into the next and before you know it, you've built life-long healthy money habits. But what does "beginning" actually look like? If you have a S.O., it's important to quickly chat with each other and establish the importance of money dates. Let them know that you want to work together to build healthy conversations around your goals and values with an emphasis on money and how that plays into your financial success. If you want to create a group of friends to have more structured conversations together, then think of 5-7 people that you think would be interested in the topic, add value to the conversation, and benefit from the discussion. And yes, even if you decide you want to focus on your money individually, you still need to structure it just like you structure time for your workouts!

No matter who you have your money date with, my best advice is to keep it consistent and have some guidelines. Being consistent means that you plan accordingly and you do the work if you want to enjoy the benefits. Set a time for individual or couple conversations — once a week for an hour is reasonable. For a group, once a month is more realistic. It will be more productive if you have the conversation in a place where you don't get distracted and where you have privacy as money can be a sensitive topic. Over a cup of coffee on the deck or a glass of wine on the couch, whatever works best for you.

What should you talk about on a money date?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska / PEXELS

There are a number of topics you should cover during a money date, which is why I suggest scheduling yours for one hour a week, same day, same time, and same place. You're establishing a habit and this is the best way for you to be consistent and reach your goal of financial health and wellness. The topics will be broad and then there should be opportunities for you to dig further down. My favorite break the ice question to get things started? Ask someone what's important to them about money.

Starting with this question will bring down some barriers and take the focus off how much money you have (quantitative) to what is important to you (qualitative). There will be plenty of time to go over numbers, but the first money date should be focused on dreams, goals, and values.

It's also critical to avoid money shaming during your conversation. Think about your relationship with money. How did you grow up learning about money? Did your parents fight about it? Was it a taboo subject that nobody spoke about? Or was there a scarcity of money? Think about it — these memories we have about money and our first introduction to money can have a negative affect on us that we don't even realize until we start to ask these questions. By starting conversations with qualitative questions first, you will quickly find out what your differences are and what the pain points are and help you identify the areas that you will need to discuss and work through more carefully.

After that, the first step in any of the following topics is to gather the information. Bring all the details with you to the date. There will be time to dig in deeper, have discussions around it, and make a decision or two — although don't worry about solving it all in one date. The point here is to make process based on the information you have at hand. The areas that you should address include the following:

  • Cash Flow: What's coming in (salary, income) and what's going out (expenses). There's no way around it — your expenses must be less than your income to be financially successful. Budgeting is usually the first place to start, but can also be the most difficult. It's okay to skip this one for now and come back to it if needed. Think of this as taking charge of your money one step at a time!
  • Debt: Credit cards, car loans, mortgages, student loans... no matter what type you have, debt can be challenging and ultimately set you back years financially if you don't address it the right way. There's definitely a difference between good debt and bad debt, and knowing which one is which is important to help you understand the best way to tackle this.
  • Retirement: It can be hard to think about retirement when you're in your earning or accumulation years. The key is to set up an automatic process where the money goes into your retirement accounts before it ever hits your bank account. You won't miss it if you don't see it.
  • Insurance/Protection: There are many reasons to transfer risk away from you onto an insurance company. Start with the basics — life, auto, home, and consider your company's benefits here as well.
  • Investing: The time value of money and compound interest are your best friends. Automating monthly deposits into your investment account is a great way to build wealth over time.
  • Estate Planning: Nobody likes to think of this one, but it's important to address. Retirement accounts and insurance falls outside of the will so be sure to update your beneficiaries annually(who you want to get your money if something were to happen to you). You will need at least the three basic documents as well - will, (who gets your money, assets and personal items) power of attorney (who can make financial decisions for you if you are unable to do so) and health care proxy (who can make medical decisions on your behalf)
  • Education: If you have kids and want to plan for the growing costs of college, 529s custodial accounts and other investments are available to help do so.
  • Philanthropy: Are you charitably inclined? Do you have causes that are important to you? Did you know that there are other ways to donate other than writing a check? You can also donate stock (Most who donate stock will donate appreciated stock, or stock that has gone up in value).

What happens after your money date?

Photo by Thirdman / PEXELS

Having an easy way to approach your money and having a system to manage your money will help you reduce stress around money and build confidence to move forward successfully. With the above plan, you can address both the quantitative side of your life as well as your qualitative side of your life to build wealth well. It's critical to explore the emotional side of money and what it means to you so you can better understand the best way for you to approach the dollars and sense of it.

If you're single and are thinking about when to start a money date — the best time to start is now. You're not too young and you're not too old. If you start today, you're one step closer to reaching financial peace of mind. Step one is set up time for your first date.

If you're in a relationship, the best time to start a money date is when you're beginning to discuss building a future together. When you have an SO, it takes the complications of money one step further as you each have a history with money that you bring to the table and to the relationship. Unchecked, it can cause challenges when it may be too late. Building habits early on and normalizing conversations about money will help you to implement the steps and actions that are needed to realize your goals together.

Having money dates on a regular basis will keep you consistent, disciplined, and focused financially. The benefits to a money date (and a lifelong process of money dates) is financial confidence — knowing where you stand, having the choice to do what you want with your time and money, and building a healthier, wealthier you. Money touches every aspect of your life, but money dates help you feel less stress, more in control, communicate better, and make better decisions in all of those aspects. By addressing this now, you're navigating complicated but important differences that you will want to work through together and start setting up healthy money habits now for your future.

Looking for more tools to help you jump start your road to financial freedom? Look for courses, classes, podcasts, books, spreadsheets, websites, instagram accounts that focus on to help address all things money. Check out my blogs on http://www.themoneydatebox.com where I share strategies and tools to help you get smarter about your money.

Fans who were left on the edge of their seats after watching the first part of AHS: Delicate last year won't have to wait longer for part two! Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian are gearing up to pick up where their characters left off, and sinister twists are about to get much darker. While we know the focus revolves around their interactions, we can't wait to see how Gilmore Girls star Matt Czuchry fits into what's sure to be a big reveal.

Read on for a mini recap of part one of AHS: Delicateand learn all the juicy details about part two!

Recap of Kim Kardashian's involvement in AHS: Delicate

Image via FX Networks

Kim Kardashian as 'Siobhan' in "American Horror Story: Delicate"

As good as Kim Kardashian is as the icy publicist Siobhan on AHS: Delicate, don't expect her to watch herself onscreen. She appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and explained why she hasn't seen herself in clips of the show when Jimmy Kimmel played and unsettling one.

Her character can be seen intimidating a fertility doctor to do her bidding as she pierces the top of his neck with a long orange fingernail. She smiled before saying "It's so funny, I can't watch it back," and then added, "I get so nervous."

She even talked about the difference between filming for TV and working as an actual actress. She said, "I called my sisters and I go, 'Guys. You — not to say you'd ever want to get into acting — but you are so lucky you can wake up and just, we can sit in bed and film, and you don't have to get up...like there is no schedule."

However, it seems like the budding actress took her new schedule in stride because Star Trek actor and AHS co-star Zachary Quinto applauded Kardashian’s acting chops.

“I did a cameo on this season of ‘American Horror Story’ and I got to meet her,” the actor told People. “She was so lovely and warm and, really, I don’t think she needs my advice.” Quinto added, sharing that Kardashian, was “really in her element” on set and he was “really impressed by her spirit and her openness…I really look forward to seeing this season because I think she’s gonna do a wonderful job.”

Recap of AHS: Delicate Part 1

Image via FX Networks

The first part of AHS: Delicate premiered on FX September 20, 2023 and centered around actress Anna Victoria Alcott's desire to become a mother. Played by Emma Roberts, viewers watched as her husband Dexter Harding (played by Matt Czuchry) was supportive of her IVF procedure so the couple could conceive their first child. Despite the previous struggles, the procedure is a success and the happy couple learn they have a baby on the way.

However, things go horribly wrong when Anna starts being followed and eventually experiences a violent miscarriage during her first trimester. Somehow the baby actually survives, but Anna still experiences a series of strange hallucinations and events. From losing her hair to vomiting a foreign object, she starts to wonder if something is wrong with her baby. There's also the fact that she told her publicist Siobhan (played by Kim Kardashian) that she'd do anything to remain at the top of the her career.

What's revealed is that a baby cult does exist and Dexter's dead first wife knew all about it. However, the cult still looks at him as a threat so it's only a matter of time before they close in.

If you need a refresher, catch up on the first part of AHS: Delicate on Hulu and be sure to check out the eery trailer for a look at part two! Also, get your hands on a copy of Danielle Valentine’s novel Delicate Condition to see how the story truly unfolds.

Watch The Official Trailer For AHS: Delicate Part 2


American Horror Story: Delicate Part Two | Official Trailer - Emma Roberts, Kim Kardashian | FX

We suspected Siobhan may have a darker role than Anna thinks and the trailer confirms it. As Anna gets further along in her pregnancy, it's hinted that her growing baby may not be 'normal' and there's nothing she'll be able to do about it.

We're crossing our fingers for Anna and Dexter, but the baby cult may have the final say in AHS: Delicate Part 2.

The first portion of AHS: Delicate Part 2 premiered on FX April 3, 2024, but the series will come to a close beginning April 24. All we can say is things are about to get extremely bumpy 👀.

What do you think will happen during the final moments of AHS: Delicate Part 2? Let us know in the comments!

Stay updated on the latest entertainment news with Brit + Co.

This post has been updated.
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A good wallet is essential for everything from grocery shopping to bopping around town. And though most of us have graduated to a higher-quality solution (rather than a simple coin purse) for cards, bills, and coins, leather wallets are the premier choice for feeling put-together and ready to tackle anything that comes your way at the register.

These 8 leather wallets under $100 are all stylish choices for looking your best, but are completely no-fuss when it comes to everyday use. No matter your personal style, these leather wallets will elevate your purse game, pronto.

Coach Medium Corner Zip Wallet

All the nooks and crannies of this wallet provide the perfect place for multiple cards, bills, and coins. A simple snap closure holds all the good together. Black wallets are timeless, so this bad boy will match with any outfit or purse, if coordinating accessories is your jam. Originally sold for $198, this style currently goes for $59.40!

HOBO Gracie Leather Wallet

This muted green leather wallet is everything! One side is for cash, one side is for cards, and the middle section is meant for loose coins. The overall design is fairly minimal – no extra bells and whistles here. The muted colorway allows you to style this $69.97 wallet with any clothing combo!

Coach 3 In 1 Wallet

Deep red leather is popping off in the fashion world right now, so if you're searching for wallets to achieve the trend, this Coach one totally fits the bill. And it'll fit all your bills, too! There are 8 entire card slots for your ID, debit and credit cards, plus some loose gift cards you may want to keep on deck. Originally available for $228, this fiery red wallet now sells for $79.

Karla Hanson Women's RFID Leather Card Holder Wallet

This RFID-blocking brown wallet boasts a seamless, under-the-radar construction that wears well with any 'fit. If you tend to carry light, this is the best pick if you're in the market for a new wallet. It's on sale right now for $28.99!

Vulkitty Leather Wallet

I love this wallet because, unlike most other designs, it flaunts outside slots for easy card access. The outermost pocket has a zig-zagged stitch to bring some extra flair to what would've been a basic wallet. There's a substantial zippered pocket for stowing away cash and coins, plus a practical keyring that can attach to a wallet chain or lanyard. At only $19.99, leather wallets don't get more affordable than this!

Kate Spade New York Knott Pebble Leather Slim Zip Wallet

Stay pretty in pink with this Kate Spade wallet. This is one of the best leather wallets on our list because it has the most card slots in total: 14! Each one is super secure, ensuring your belongings won't slip out. The pebbled pink leather is to die for, too! At 58% off, this wallet will cost you just $69.97.

Coach Slim Zip Wallet

The Coach logo on this piece will earn you mad street cred, but you'll love it more-so for its carrying capabilities. This sleek leather wallet owns 12 card slots and a convenient coin purse situated in the middle. It's shoppable for $80.40!

Marc Jacobs Mini Compact Wallet

Mini is marvelous, especially if you're on the go a lot. Throw this compact guy into any bag, and you'll soon find how easy it is to access! The only caveat with this leather wallet is it only has 4 card slots. Shop it for just $74.97 (instead of $155) today!

Shop more of our fave style, home, + beauty picks on our Amazon storefront!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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Did you really grow up in the 90s and 00s if you didn't binge watch all of Dakota Fanning's movies? After a childhood in the spotlight, Dakota moved from Uptown Girls and Reese Witherspoon's Sweet Home Alabama to projects like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Ripley. And her newest summer movieThe Watchers is one of the wildest yet. The new trailer dropped April 22, and I love the immediate emphasis on eyes (and the idea of watching someone, naturally), and I can already tell Dakota's Mina will be a rebellious heroine I can't wait to watch. Here's everything you need to know about the new movie!

Where can I watch The Watchers?

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

The Watchers hits theaters June 14, 2024. Even though the story takes place in chilly Ireland (and the costumes feature a lot of chunky knits), the lighting and color palette still feel summery. Plus there's something about the edge of horror movies that feels just right for summer.

Who's in The Watchers cast?

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

Dakota Fanning stars in The Watchers as Mina alongside Georgina Campbell, Oliver Finnegan, and Olwen Fouere. Throughout the trailer, we can hear the titular Watchers (especially when they applaud Mina's arrival. Creepy!!) but we don't know who will be playing them — or if they're even human.

Is The Watchers a horror movie?

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

Yes, The Watchers is definitely a horror movie! It's officially described as a supernatural horror movie, and it looks like it'll be a blend of the contemporary horror we know and love, with additional fantasy elements. I would love if the Watchers end up being part of Irish lore or mythology.

What is the Watchers 2024 movie about?

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

The Watchers follows Mina (Dakota Fanning), an artist who gets stranded with her pet bird in a large Irish forest. Thankfully it doesn't take long for Mina to find shelter with three strangers, but her relief turns to fear when she learns they're being watched and stalked by unseen creatures every night.

The fact Mina and her new companions can hear the Watchers but can never see them feels like a contrast to John Krasinski's A Quiet Place, especially since the Death Angels and Watchers sound very similar to me. I love how A Quiet Place emphasizes family and connection in the face of horror and I hope we see the same in The Watchers!

What book is the movie The Watchers based on?

Image via Amazon

The Watchers is based on the novel by A.M. Shine. If you're into horror books, add these 20 Spine-Tingling Horror Books and The 17 Best Mystery And Thriller Books to your summer reading list!

What horror tropes do you hope to see in Dakota Fanning's The Watchers? Or what do you hope not to see? Read up on the other 33 Most-Anticipated 2024 Movies coming soon!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

We know that Taylor just released The Tortured Poets Department, sending the internet (and us) into a frenzy to decipher her lyrics and determine who is the subject of each song (we're looking at you, Matty). But we’re still stuck on her last album, Midnights — and more specifically, "Lavender Haze." While we're still obsessed with that song — especially the acoustic version — we're even more obsessed with the shade of purple itself.

Lavender took over the 2023 spring/summer fashion shows, but lavender’s lighter cousin, lilac, is taking the crown as the costar of the season alongside butter yellow this year. This pastel shade has always been a springtime favorite, and it's honestly the perfect color to add to your wardrobe right now. With that in mind, here are a few on-trend pieces to add to your wardrobe to enjoy this season’s fave color.

Shop The Lilac Color Trend Here!

J.Crew Collection Layered Sequin T-Shirt

This sequined top and matching skirt from J.Crew could be my favorite set I’ve seen this season. The top is a sheer and shimmery short-sleeve with a matching colored camisole underneath. The shirt comes with a shorter liner for a fun and flirty evening look, without showing too much skin. Both pieces come in lilac and are covered in light-reflecting sequins.

Coach Jonie Bag

An easy way to incorporate a new color is through accessories, like shoes, jewelry, or bags. I adore Coach, and I'm always checking their website and socials for their latest drop. I’ve been eyeing this purple Jonie Bag for a while and it might be time to click “order.”

Abercrombie Textured Button-Through Shirt Dress

This loose and airy short-sleeve mini dress from Abercrombie is perfect for hot summer days in the office or running errands. Available in petite, regular, and tall, there’s a length for everyone. Pair with flats and a light jacket or blazer for an easy and cool office look.

GAP Mid Rise Crinkle Gauze Wide-Leg Pants

I practically live in linen pants once the temp hits 70 degrees. This style is a "breathable cotton" and comes in a variety of colors, including lilac. These are effortless and easy to throw on with an elastic waistband. I'd love to see them with a graphic tee and sambas!

Abercrombie Ottoman Slash Top

I’m a huge fan of the Ottoman tops from Abercrombie, and this lilac one is in my shopping cart as we speak. This fitted sweater top is a closet staple and easy to pair with linen trousers and sneakers or a mini skirt and heeled sandals.

Urban Outfitters Bri Double Bow Satin Mini Dress

As someone who is obsessed with bows, this lilac dress with bow straps is too cute. I’ll be wearing this satin mini all summer long.

H&M Open-Back Gathered Top

With a variety of purple, lavender, and lilac shades — and a just bit of yellowy orange — this tie-dye-inspired tank is the perfect going out top for spring and summer. The gathered seams on the side provide a great shape and the open back is perfect for a hot summer night.

Adidas Sambas OG

As someone who is getting bored of plain, white sneakers, I am seriously considering adding a colorful tennis shoe to my (overflowing) closet. Adidas Sambas are everywhere right now, and this purple pair is so cool.

J.Crew Garçon Classic Shirt In Striped Cotton Poplin

This everyday button down shirt is a classic from J.Crew, but the color and print make it feel fresh and new. This top is perfect with white trousers and white sneakers for a cute and casual daytime outfit or with black trousers and pumps for an office-ready look.

Lululemon Varsity High-Rise Pleated Tennis Skirt

Even Lululemon is into lilac. This trendy tennis skirt, which comes in a variety of colors, is now available in lilac. Designed for tennis but also perfect for all your Hot Girl and Wine Walks, this fun and bright skirt will make any workout better.

Banana Republic Ariella Taffeta Midi Dress

Midi dresses are the best for summer — they’re comfortable, easy to throw on, and always look cute. This purple one from Banana Republic is no exception, and would be a perfect pick for your next vacay.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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