12 Gratitude Quotes To Bring You Joy This Season

gratitude quotes from teach me something new

Gratitude isn't just a touchy-feely thing — it is literally part of our health and well-being and can even change the shape of our brain. And this time of year invites us to reflect on what we're most grateful for. To help you achieve that "attitude of gratitude" this season, we're looking back at some of Brit's favorite advice from guests who shared their expertise on the mindful topic, as well as how to use it to build a happier, healthier life. Listen below to hear the best gratitude quotes of the season.

People like Dr. Laurie Santos, Austin Kleon, Charles Duhigg, Mayim Bialik, and Lauryn Evarts Bosstick give us applicable tips to practice gratitude in our everyday lives. And Jeni Britton Bauer, Hilton Carter, Elaine Welteroth, David Allen, Cal Newport, and Dr. Ethan Kross show us the power of reflection. We'll be back next week with fresh interviews and exciting new guests, so stay tuned!

Top Gratitude Quotes From Teach Me Something New

Brit Morin on slowing down to find gratitude in 2021:

"Even in the chaos of everyday life, moments of gratitude remind us to hold on to the good things. Looking back on this year, there's so much that I'm grateful for. Many listeners might be surprised to hear I had to navigate my hardest parenting moment yet when my young son survived a near death accident earlier this year. We were in ambulances in hospitals for five days. I'm so grateful to say he walked away without any long-term damage other than some cosmetic issues. In contrast, I was eternally grateful to celebrate 10 years of marriage while renewing my vows with my partner Dave this summer.

On the business front, I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue challenging myself, like with Brit + Co's female entrepreneurship course, Selfmade, and my new venture fund, Offline Ventures. It's so exciting to be able to help shape the next wave of the internet and our digital world as we know it — all the while thinking about how to bring more women to the forefront of this shift. And it goes without saying I am so grateful for you, our listeners, who come back week after week to learn something new with me."

Dr. Laurie Santos on how happiness and gratitude tend to go hand-in-hand:

"One of my favorite mantras is this idea that you should react to all that comes to you with gratitude, because that is the path to happiness. We get kind of this wonderful, joyful hit from things we're grateful for, not just when we experience them, but when we re-experience them. One of the best things about having a gratitude journal is you can go back, right? You flip through a month ago, and you're like, oh, I remember when that happened. That was awesome! Or, that bird I saw it was so pretty. When you write them down, you can kind of re-experience them anew, and we experienced those things as, just as joyfully. It's really just about helping your memory along so that your brain, which is normally just going to go to all these negative things over and over again will find the good stuff too."

Charles Duhigg on how to form better habits (like adding more gratitude to your life):

"Well, I think the number one thing to do is to try and take a goal that you have and just break it into a plan. And a one week plan is a great plan, right? Like the nice thing about like a one-week plan is it can't be that intimidating cause we have to do it in the next week. What's the one thing you can do this week that's going to get you closer to your goal? Make it small and make it modest.

If you want to become a singer, what's the one thing you can do this week that gets you closer to that. And then when you do that one thing, when you book your first lesson with a singing coach, let yourself enjoy it. Reward yourself, pat yourself on the back, write down in your diary or on your calendar.

Like, you know what, today I killed it. I am awesome because I did this one small thing because the truth of the matter is that like every single big change in life, it starts with one small thing and we tend to beat up on ourselves because we're not doing the big change overnight, but nothing ever changes overnight.

It all changes because one person decided I'm going to do one small thing tomorrow morning or tomorrow night. And then they reward themselves for that. And it becomes easier and easier and easier until it becomes a part of their life."

Mayim Bialik on why we need to keep gratitude lists:

"Do a gratitude list in the morning, or do it before bed. This is one of those things that's often dismissed as pop psychology or positive psychology and a lot of people feel 'ick' about that. But having an awareness of any even small abundance in your life can really shift your perspective. And in science terms it does shift the way your brain starts to organize your day and the way your brain organizes how your day went as you go into the evening. And that's real science and that's a great example of the mind-body connection."

Lauryn Evarts Bosstick shares how to integrate reflection into daily to-do lists:

"Do this super simple exercise every morning to help you stay focused and productive. It's so easy. You just need a piece of notebook paper and a pen. It takes five minutes. I get it. We're all busy. The kids are screaming, we're ice rolling. We have to go. But what I do is I write the date at the top, and then I write the podcast, the book, the music and the workout that I'm doing. The book is what I'm reading for that day. The workout is the workout I'm doing, the podcast is what I'm listening to. And the music is whatever music I want in the background, usually it's Bossa Nova. And then under that, I write down my three must do's. I write down three gratefuls, and then I write down three people I'm sending love to — just taking a minute to be like, You know, my sister's in San Diego, my dad's in San Diego, just sending love to these people. And then I do the Ivy Lee method, which is so easy. You just write down six things that you want to do and you write them in order of importance. And that list gives me so much clarity. So your must do's are different than your six. Your must-dos are like, non-negotiable things you have to do. And then your six things are six extra things in order of importance and you don't move on until you finished the first. So you can't move to the second until you finished the first. It's very visual. I have this up on The Skinny Confidential so you can see how I plan my day."

Austin Kleon's Gratitude Quote About Getting Outside:

"If you don't take a walk every day, take a 15-minute walk every morning. See how you feel afterwards. When you walk in the morning, you've always had an adventure. The day never feels like a waste to me. And I usually come up with something worth doing later in the day, when I'm on my walk in the morning. I would encourage everyone to take a walk in their neighborhood and see what you see. Before you look at your phone for the day, take a walk and see how you feel."

Elaine Welteroth on how stories can be such a source of gratitude:

"During my twenties, I think I was in such forward motion. And I was so relentlessly in pursuit of my dreams that I didn't have the time or didn't feel it necessary to really look up, look back, contextualize my climb and put it in this larger context of what it means for my family and my people. But then I think there was a turning point and it came around the time I was writing my book, it made me more reflective about who I've come from and how that informs my walk in this world and what I owe them and how they continue to serve me. And it's almost like a relationship has been building and being able to have the opportunity to write a book that put me in conversation with my elders, asking them questions about their lives, to collect stories that I hadn't really heard before, gave me a sense of pride in where I come from and who I come from."

Jeni Britton Bauer gets reflective on her entrepreneurial journey:

"So my first business was called Scream and it was just me. I had a friend whose parents loaned us money for the business, but she otherwise had another business and she wasn't interested in doing much with it. So I was there every day and I really actually loved it. And then I also burned out because the only days we were closed were Mondays and I was there from morning to night and I made $638 a month for all of those years to live off of. So I didn't have a car. I walked to work, I rode my bike or I took the bus and had to rely on a lot of friends to help me in many ways. I literally traded ice cream for food, but to me it was like the greatest adventure ever. I would've way rather been there than in school. So I lived in a room for $238 a month in this like old apartment building.

I do think one of the reasons that I try to reach people who maybe have been in the struggle and like so many of us have in America is because you are more resilient in these early days of business. And maybe even grateful of this life that has potential freedom attached to it. And you can live on a shoe string and find your passion and gratitude comes from that versus the expectations.

It was just such a great adventure that I was grateful for it the whole time. It never bothered me. I never thought of entrepreneurship as gold toilets and Ferrari's, but I do think that some people are taught that now it's like that — and I'm not trying to glorify like hustle. It's not that it's not hustle and growth. It's hustle toward your idea. And it feels different, I think, then when you're just trying to make money, money, money, get attention, get attention, versus like creating something, creating a community with people who care about you and what you're making and growing together."

Hilton Carter on finding a gratitude practice in the most surprising of places:

The one thing I will say when it comes to the need to add plants to your home is that for me, plants allowed me to become a bit more aware of the things that are in my life that needed a bit more care and allowed me to slow down through the process of tending to other things in my life.

When I take those moments throughout the week to care for my plants, it is the therapy that I have always needed in my life. I'm not someone who tends to meditate, but I will say that plant care is my source of meditation. So I find myself zoning on these plants versus zoning out to the outside world and all of the things that can cause headache and stress and all of those things that we constantly have right in front of us when we're swiping through, on our phones or scrolling through emails and things of that nature.

And when you're caring for a plant where you're caring for this living thing, you are seeing the effort that you're putting into that particular living thing come to life, unfurl beautiful new growth, all of the things that you have decided to give to that plant, it is now giving back to you."

David Allen on how to be more productive through reflecting:

"Empty your head as best you can, get pen and paper and just literally write down little things, big things, the small things, personal things, business things: I need a vice president. Should we get divorced? Should we adopt? Get all that out of your head. And then take the next 30 minutes or so, and go through each one of those and say, well, what's the next thing I would need to do on that. What's my next action I ought to take to find out if we should adopt or not, and then write all those down somewhere. And then on some regular basis, at least by the end of the week, have some sort of reflection process where you step back and take a look at the contents of your commitments and all that stuff."

Cal Newport on the value of taking a break from distracting digital noise:

"I call it a digital declutter. You actually take a break from all of this stuff. During that time, reflect and experiment. What do I actually care about? What do I actually want to do? And then try to rebuild, repopulate that closet from scratch. What do I really want to bring back? And what are my rules for doing it? You're probably going to have to do this a bunch up front. It's hard to get right at first, but do that first, the clutter and your personal life, you're going to feel a huge difference."

Dr. Ethan Kross on how to leverage the chatter in our brains for gratitude:

"We all have a voice in our head that does a lot of good for us. People say to me, "Oh, please tell me how to silence that voice," and that's not what we want to do. I think we want to harness it. And so, so here's why. When I use this term, like the voice in your head or the inner voice, what that refers to is our ability to silently use language to reflect in our lives. So, if you can talk out loud, you can talk to yourself and it turns out that language is a really powerful tool."

Hope you enjoyed these gratitude quotes! To learn more about all the things with Brit, subscribe to Teach Me Something New on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, or wherever you get your podcasts.

My Facebook bio reads "I have a Narnia quote for every occasion," and the sentiment rings true. The hope and wonder found inside The Chronicles of Narnia played a huge role in shaping who I am as a writer and as a human. I'm a part of a Facebook group and keep up with some online forums, which means that I can spot clickbait or a fake poster from a mile away.

After Netflix acquired the rights to The Chronicles of Narnia in 2018, I was on the edge of my seat to see who would be involved. So, as you can imagine, when it was finally confirmed that Greta Gerwig (who directed 2019's Little Women, the other story that has heavily influenced my life) would write and direct the next two movies in the Narnia universe, I told *everyone.*

Although the books are no stranger to controversy, I'm confident Greta Gerwig will handle them with grace and tact because she has a knack for bringing stories into the 21st century while still feeling true to their original heart.

When is The Chronicles of Narnia coming out?

Image via Walt Disney Studios

It looks like we could see Narnia in 2026. Via What's On Netflix, filming will reportedly begin this August and will last around seven months. Check back here for more info on filming and the cast!

Who's in Greta Gerwig's Narnia cast?

Image via Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

While we also don't have word on Greta Gerwig's The Chronicles of Narnia cast yet, after a reunion with actress Brie Larson at the 2024 Golden Globes (the two women starred in 2010's Greenberg together), X users are hoping the Oscar winner will make an appearance! "She need to get in Narnia somehow," one user said when they retweeted a video of the reunion. The reunion in question features Brie hopping like a bunny over to Greta, who squeals as they hug each other. I don't know about you, but that's exactly how I greet my friends IRL.

"When [Brie Larson] gets the Best Supporting Actress nomination for playing the White Witch, wait," one user added.

Saoirse Ronan told The Wrap at the Sundance Film Festival that she's already asked to be in Greta Gerwig's Narnia movies! The actress played the lead in two of Greta's films: Jo March in Little Women and the titular character in Ladybird. When asked whether she's already asked to be in The Chronicles of Narnia, Saoirse responds with a firm "yes." "We have that kind of relationship where I’m like 'So I’ll be in the next one!,'" she says.

However, it looks like we do have an idea of who we *won't* see in the cast. Original Narnia cast member William Moseley (who played Peter Pevensie) recently told Bleeding Cool he doesn't expect to get a call from Greta Gerwig: "I’m not part of that world anymore, which sometimes makes me sad because I love the world of Narnia and becoming a part of it."

"In terms of what I think about Greta Gerwig directing, I think she’s incredible," he continues. "Barbie was an amazing movie, and Little Woman was brilliant. Everything she touches turns gold, so I think Netflix is lucky to have her, and I’m sure she will embrace the challenge. I hope she enjoys it because it’s an incredible world to create, and I can’t wait to see what she produces."

Which Narnia story is Greta Gerwig adapting?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media

The specific Narnia movies the writer and director is making haven't been named, but an interview with TIME says that Greta Gerwig is adapting "the first book" in the series. The only hiccup is that they don't confirm whether they mean the first book chronologically (The Magician's Nephew) or the first book C.S. Lewis published (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe). I'm thinking it'll be The Magician's Nephew since we've never seen that story onscreen.

“[The films] won’t be counter to how the audience may have imagined those worlds,” Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos tells TIME, “but it will be bigger and bolder than they thought.”

While we don't have official confirmation on which movie Greta Gerwig is adapting, we know she wants it to have even more of an impact than Barbie.

"I want to make it feel like magic," she says. “C.S. Lewis said that the goal of writing fantasy — you know, something from his imagination — he’d say, let’s say you wrote about an enchanted forest. The goal would be that then every time you walk into a forest after you read it, you’d say to yourself, ‘maybe this is an enchanted forest.’ So that’s a tall order, but I guess re-enchantment of the world [is my goal].”

It looks like we can expect to come away from Greta Gerwig's The Chronicles of Narnia movies with even more love for the world, more childlike wonder, and more courage and kindness towards each other — and I am totally here for it.

How long has Greta Gerwig wanted to make a Chronicles of Narnia movie?

Image viaChang Ho/Warner Bros. Entertainment

Like the intentional planner she is, Greta Gerwig actually thought about directing a Narnia movie way before her involvement was ever confirmed.

"I’m writing and I’m sort of starting to dream and think about what I’m approaching," she says on The Empire Film Podcast. "I would say the land of Narnia is equally exciting and terrifying. I have nothing really to report on it other than it’s something I was actually talking about before I made Barbie. So, that’s been sort of in my unconscious working its way through. But that has been a pattern. I wrote a draft of Little Women before I made Lady Bird."

Narnia, Little Women, Barbie — Greta Gerwig has a knack for turning our beloved childhood stories into something complex and emotional that resonates with us even more as adults!

“I’m slightly in the place of terror because I really do have such reverence for Narnia,” Greta tells BBC Radio 4. “I loved Narnia so much as a child. As an adult, C.S. Lewis is a thinker and a writer. I’m intimidated by doing this. It’s something that feels like a worthy thing to be intimidated by."

"As a non-British person, I feel a particular sense of wanting to do it correctly," she continues. "It’s like when Americans do Shakespeare, there’s a slight feeling of reverence and as if maybe we should treat it with extra care. It is not our countryman.”

Are these new The Chronicles of Narnia movies a continuation or a reboot?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media

We don't have any info yet on whether this adaptation will pick up where The Voyage of the Dawn Treader left off, whether it will be a remake of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, or if it will be a totally new story within the Narnia universe (similar to Prime Video's The Rings of Power).

I'm personally anticipating that it will be the first option because I would love to see Greta bring something like The Magician's Nephew (which has never been adapted) to life onscreen.

What is The Chronicles of Narnia about?

Image via Disney Enterprises/Walden Media

The Chronicles of Narnia revolves around the fictional land of Narnia, and the children in our world who find it. Time passes differently in Narnia than it does on earth, which means that even though around 50 years pass for the characters, they find themselves in a different decade or century every time they reenter the magical land.

Each book has themes like good vs. evil, family, and identity as the characters face different challenges and adventures. The coolest thing about these books is how open-ended C.S. Lewis wrote them — because your own personal experiences, life lessons, and worldview impact your imagination, you have a different experience every time you read them.

“It’s connected to the folklore and fairy stories of England, but it’s a combination of different traditions,” Greta Gerwig tells TIME. “As a child, you accept the whole thing—that you’re in this land of Narnia, there’s fauns, and then Father Christmas shows up. It doesn’t even occur to you that it’s not schematic. I’m interested in embracing the paradox of the worlds that Lewis created, because that’s what’s so compelling about them.”

Are these new The Chronicles Of Narnia movies for Netflix?

Image via Twentieth Century Fox Fim Corporation/Walden Media

Yes! Netflix acquired the rights to The Chronicles of Narnia (which were previously held by Walden Media) in 2018, but there wasn't much news for the next few years. The New Yorker confirmed that Greta is attached to write and direct these Narnia Netflix films in the near future.

Why did Disney stop making Narnia movies?

Image via Courtesy 20th Century Fox/Walden Media

The final Chronicles of Narnia adaptation for Disney was 2010's The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Even though the film set up a sequel, issues with the rights ended the film series early.

The Chronicles Of Narnia Adaptations To Watch

Image via Pierre Vinet/Disney Enterprises, Inc/Walden Media, LLC/IMDb

Animated Film:

BBC Miniseries:

Disney Feature Films:

Are you excited for Greta Gerwig's Chronicles of Narnia movies? Let us know in the comments and follow us on Facebook for more movie news!

Lead image via Chang Ho/Warner Bros. Entertainment

This post has been updated.

Met Gala Monday has arrived, and it's making me think about all my favorite red carpet couplesBlake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Shaun White and Nina Dobrev, Tom Holland and Zendaya (who's co-chairing the Gala this year!). But one of the couples at the top of my list is Miles and Keleigh Teller. This couple (who's BFF's with Taylor Swift, by the way) never miss a hot red carpet look but they're also so sweet and goofy. Fingers crossed they show up at the Gala tonight, but until then, keep reading for their cutest relationship moments!

Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller's Full Relationship Timeline

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty Images for MTV

May 11, 2013 — Miles Teller And Keleigh Sperry Meet

Miles Teller and his future wife Keleigh met at an after party for The Black Keys in 2013, and immediately clicked. "I told my buddy, 'I think I'm going to be with this girl for a long time,'" Miles tells People in 2017.

He also told Vogue in 2019 that he knew she was the one right after they met. "Keleigh had caught my eye early in the night, and we talked," he says. "I didn't think it went well, but after a few more attempts, I got her to dance with me, and a week later, we went on a date."

“He was so charming and charismatic,” Keleigh tells Vogue. “I adored him from the first moment we met.”

Image via Keleigh Teller/Instagram

August 20, 2017 — Miles Teller Proposes To Keleigh Sperry

While on a trip to South Africa, Miles Teller proposed to Keleigh, starting the next chapter of their life! Except, the proposal didn't initially go as planned. "You do a coffee break after you do the morning sunrise safari and I said, ‘OK, wherever we’re going to be at, tie a rose to a tree and then put this note [with the day we started dating and the day we got engaged] on there,’" Miles says on an episode of Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. "So, we had our coffee break and she sees the flower [and] she thought someone had died. She thought it was an in memoriam kind of thing, and I’m just, like, staring.”

"I'll never get the image out of my head of him down on one knee with a tear in his eye," Keleigh told People. "He really thought about every detail and was so nervous!"

Image via Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

September 1, 2019 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Get Married

I thought this relationship couldn't get any more perfect, and then Miles and Keleigh Teller ended up getting married in Hawaii. The dreamy ceremony took place on Maui, and in addition to a beautiful Monique Lhuillier gown, Keleigh wore a necklace from her mom that all her sisters also wore when they got married. (Don't mind me, just brushing a tear from my eye!)

Image via Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images for BFI

September 1, 2020 — Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller Celebrate Their Wedding Anniversary

Everyday is a good day to celebrate your partner, and anniversaries are even more of an excuse! To celebrate their one-year, Miles and Keleigh Teller spent some time oceanside. "Happy 1 yr anniversary to my all-time love @keleighsperry," Miles tweeted. "You and me til the end, baby."

"1 year ago, till the end," Keleigh Teller said in her own Instagram post.

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty Images

December 21, 2020 — Miles Teller Reveals Keleigh Teller Always Has His Back

While speaking with Men's Health at the end of 2020, Miles revealed just how strong his marriage to Keleigh had become (and how they added a lemon tree, hydrangeas, and roses to their backyard!). "She keeps me calm. It's pretty great," he says. "We are really great. Once you get married and you make that ultimate commitment, life is just a lot less stressful. You just know that person is always going to be there."

Image via Christopher Polk/Getty Images for MTV

February 14, 2021 — Keleigh Teller Celebrates Valentine's Day

To celebrate their second Valentine's Day as a married couple, Keleigh wrote a beautiful message to Miles on Instagram. "8 years of being your valentine," she says. "I love you, the one I want to go through time with." I cannot get enough of this couple! Swoon!

Image via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

May 25, 2021 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Vacation With Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers

In addition to the critically-acclaimed Top Gun: Maverick and Whiplash, you probably recognize Miles Teller from the Divergent series. Well, apparently he still keeps in touch with his co-stars, and this vacation proves it! Ahead of the summer of 2021, Miles and Keleigh Teller took a trip to Hawaii with Shailene Woodley and her then-boyfriend Aaron Rogers (of Green Pay Packers fame).

Image via Jason Koerner/Getty Images

September 1, 2021 — Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller Celebrate Their 2nd Anniversary As A Married Couple

This social media savvy couple celebrated each other on their second anniversary, and their messages were the sweetest yet! "2 years ago today, I married the woman of my dreams," Miles tweeted. "There isn't a day that goes by where I'm not reminded of how much I truly love and adore you. Thank you for your kindness and unconditional support, Keleigh. I would be lost without you."

"Happy anniversary my booshki," Keleigh wrote on Instagram. "Not sure how to put 8 years into 10 photos but I love you forever more thanks for being a stud of a husband, I adore you."

Image via Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

November 15, 2021 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Star In Taylor Swift's Music Video

All of Taylor Swift's music videos are amazing in their own right but my personal favorite is "I Bet You Think About Me" from the Red (Taylor's Version) era. The costumes are beautiful, Blake Lively's direction is perfect, and the fact that Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller are in the video makes it even better!

"So grateful to Miles for being the greatest dance partner and friend to me," Taylor wrote on Instagram at the time. "And @keleighteller, who is the coolest living human on planet earth. The bride was willing to risk it all."

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

May 5, 2022 — Miles Teller's Wife Keleigh Celebrates Top Gun: Maverick

Top Gun was one of the hottest movies of 2022, and to celebrate its release, Keleigh showed up for her husband time and time again! "Loving the Rooster love! Miles says thank you to everyone who has seen the film and he shares in this moment with you," she says in one Instagram post, captioning another, "Just.. memories. so proud of you all. Congrats!!"

Image via Lia Toby/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

July 20, 2022 — Keleigh Teller Asks Miles Teller To Shave His Mustache

As much as Top Gun fans loved Miles Teller's mustache (and how much it made him look like his onscreen dad Goose, played in the original film by Anthony Edwards), Keleigh Teller wasn't a huge fan. "My wife made me shave it immediately [after filming wrapped]," Miles joked with People during the summer of 2022.

Image via Monica Schipper/Getty Images for Netflix

October 1, 2022 — Miles Teller Hosts Saturday Night Live

On the heels of the Top Gun craze, Miles Teller hosted SNL during the fall, and Keleigh was just as excited as him!! "I adore you, thank you for making this week what it was @rebeccaannes @colinjost @fayedunaway etc. you make dreams come true," Keleigh wrote on Instagram the next day.

"So proud of you ❤️🔥," she wrote in another post.

Image via Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

February 2, 2023 — Miles Teller and Keleigh Sperry Star In A Super Bowl Commercial

There aren't many Super Bowl commercials I can remember from the last few years, but the Bud Light ad with Miles Teller & wife Keleigh is one of my favorites! The ad really highlights how much fun this couple has as they dance around and have fun together. "There's a lot of improv," Miles tells People. "We did go to a rehearsal, just to be professional about it — but in the back of my head I was kind of figuring…I kind of knew the moves I wanted to do."

"It's really been an incredible year for both Keleigh and I, not just professionally but personally," he continues. "When Bud Light came and wanted us to be a part of a Super Bowl commercial, I mean, that's the top of the mountain as far as these things go. We always look forward to watching them."

Image via Keleigh Teller/Instagram

May 27, 2023 — Miles and Keleigh Teller Watch Taylor Swift's Eras Tour

I was over the moon when I realized I was at the same Eras Tour show as Keleigh and Miles Teller! The couple, along with Aaron Rodgers, attended two of Taylor Swift's three concerts at the MetLife arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. They were a blast! "48 hours in ERAs heaven," Keleigh says on Instagram.

Image via Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

February 20, 2024 — Keleigh Sperry Celebrates Miles Teller's Birthday

I love birthdays just as much as other major holidays, and turns out Keleigh Teller loves them too! (Just, not as much as she loves Miles ;)). "Happy 37th birthday to my Phila-Florida-jersey-boy, you hung the 🌙 ," she says on Instagram. "Keep on flying, I’ll stand by and watch you shine forever."

Image via Miles Teller/X

April 30, 2024 — Miles And Keleigh Teller Dress Up In Honor Of The Fall Guy

After Ryan Gosling dressed up as Beavis during SNL and the premiere of The Fall Guy, Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller put their own spin on the costumes. Miles posted the photos to X with nothing but a rocker hand emoji as the caption.

Who is Miles Teller's wife?

Image via Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Miles Teller's wife is Keleigh Teller, who is a professional model and has starred in music videos like Opeth’s “The Devil’s Orchard" and Taylor Swift's "I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor's Version)."

How did Keleigh Teller and Miles Teller meet?

Image via Randy Shropshire/Getty Images for CAA

Miles Teller and Keleigh Teller met when they showed up to the same after party in 2013. It really goes to show that you never know where you'll find the love of your life!

Do Miles and Keleigh Teller have kids?

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

No, Miles Teller & wife Keleigh don't have kids — but they do have a French bulldog named Bugsy!

What's your favorite moment from Miles and Keleigh Teller's love story? Check out our Facebook for more news on your favorite celebrity couples!

Lead image via Lia Toby/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

After compiling my vacation reads, I'm *finally* ready to start combing through Reese Witherspoon's Book Club list. Her revelation about reading books in her cover feature interview with Harper's Bazaar made me realize I need to step my game up ASAP.

Her admirable hobby - that's since led her to create a bourgeoning book club— continues to highlight books with women at the center, girl does she have a great eye for stories that fit every mood. To date, her book club list has amassed over 90 titles of romantic beach reads, thrillers, and more.

Since it's a new year and we're sure you not ready to tackle that many titles, I went through the list to pick the top 26 books worth diving into. Buckle up because they're sure to take our emotions on a ride! After you finish your TBR (To Be Read list), check out 24 Standout Reads From Jenna Bush Hager's Book Club, 20 Captivating Shondaland Book Club Picks, and 16 Must-Reads From The Oprah Winfrey Book Club!

May 2024: How to End a Love Story

How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang

Trigger warning: This book mentions suicide and grief.
Helen Zhang and Grant Shepard are bound by an event that changed their lives forever. Before you ask, it's not a steamy one night stand where one of them ghosted the other.
Their paths actually crossed because of a pivotal accident that neither of them saw coming and it caused Helen to view Grant as her worst enemy for years. However, time passed and they moved on to separately create lucrative careers. What they couldn't have expected was for their paths to cross, especially not at work.
Given the amazing opportunity to be a writer for the TV adaption of her own successful YA books, Helen anxiously travels to LA to accept the position and hit the reset button on her life. She has a brief moment of euphoria until she realizes that Grant will also be in the writer's room.
Now they'll have to confront their complicated feelings for each other in order not to derail their jobs and lives. They know it's impossible for them to have a true love story, but sometimes the messiness of life is all it takes for two people to find common ground and decide how they want their stories to end.

April 2024: The Most Fun We Ever Had

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo

When Marilyn Connolly and David Sorenson fell in love, all they knew is that nothing could shake their foundation. Despite their unwavering hope in the past, their current reality looks differently than they imagined. Their four daughters — Wendy, Violet, Liza, and Grace — each have a unique set of problems that creates of chaos for the family. From the loss of one's husband to the secrets the youngest daughter keeps, the Sorensons are never quite sure what to expect.

In a shocking turn of events, a young man — Jonah Bendt — shows up and reveals that one of the daughters is his mom. He was placed up for adoption some time ago, but he's ready to come home to learn more about his biological family. There may be drama in The Most Fun We Ever Had, but there's still a family who finds a way back to the love that Marilyn and David have always believed in.

March 2024: Anita De Monte Laughs Last 

Art student Raquel only comes Anita de Monte's story after she starts feeling like she's starting to make a name for herself among College Hill's socialites. The more she learns about how Anita's life was horrifically cut short, she starts drawing parallels between their lives. It's almost like history is repeating itself and it's hitting too close to home.

As Gonzalez alternates between both of their perspectives, Raquel and Anita's lives begin to intersect in a way that makes Anita de Monte Laughs Last the kind of novel that'll have you thinking about it longer after you finish the last page.

February 2024: "Redwood Court" by DéLana R.A. Dameron

Redwood Court reads like a historical love letter to Black families and contains relationships that remind me of my own family. When Mika Tabor starts asking questions about her family's history, she receives much more than her class assignment asked for. The more she listens to her grandparents and observes her parents, she realizes they've been telling her meaningful stories all along. From tales of racism to the sweet grasp of a world that began moving past obvious racial tension, this novel offers a glimpse into the homes of many Black families.

While I often say I'd like to pass down books to my kids, Redwood Court has become something that I feel is mandatory to read.

January 2024: "First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston

Reese's Book Club is coming in hot with their first pick of the year! This thriller of a reader is all about "Evie Porter" and her separate identities. One paints the picture of who she truly is, but her job places her in the position of assuming a new name in order to complete the mission given to her by Mr. Smith. She's never met Mr. Smith, her boss, but she has the inkling that her latest mission hits a little too close to home.

Does he know more about her than she realizes and can she successfully fulfill the goal he has for? Buy your copy of First Lie Wins today to find out!

December 2023: "Before We Were Innocent" by Ella Berman

What would you do if you knew a terrible secret that involved the death of one of your best friends? In Before We Were Innocent, Bess and Joni find themselves trying to escape answering this. However, some things are hard to bury — especially when the past comes knocking in the form of Joni. Will the two former best friends be able to maintain their innocence or will they have to accept the truth about themselves?

November Pick: "Maybe Next Time" by Cesca Major

If the past few years have felt like you've been stuck in a weird time loop, you'll love this page turner by Cesca Major. Maybe Next Time follows Emma as she navigates being a busy literary agent, wife and mother - except she only seems to have time for her career. When her husband is involved in a tragic car accident, Emma finds herself distraught only to wake up and see him alive again.

As the scenario continues to repeat, Emma will have to dig deep inside herself to correct patterns she's been a part of her to save not only her husband but life as she knows it.

October Pick: "Starling House" by Alix E. Harrow

Starling House is a daring tale of what happens when dreams meet determination, grit and evil. All Opal wants to do is create a haven for herself and her brother Jasper but she'll have to fight for it once she finds herself in the mysterious mansion of author E. Starling. In the depths of the shadows, she'll come face to face with things that'll test her resilience.

September Pick: "Mother-Daughter Murder Night" by Nina Simon 

Image via Target

The women of the Rubicon family have a lot to tangle with in Mother-Daughter Murder Night. When powerful matriarch Lana's granddaughter Jack becomes the prime suspect in an unsolved murder, Lana becomes determined to find a killer instead of waiting for her disease to have it's last say. Find out what Nina Simon has in store for the town the Rubicons find themselves living in.

August Pick: "Tom Lake" by Ann Patchett

Image via Target

Tom Lake weaves a beautiful tale of remembered love and viewing the humanity of one's parent. When Lara begins to regale her three daughters of a former romance she shared with actor Peter Duke at Tome Lake, they begin to take stock of what they know about their mom as well as their own love lives.

"Romantic Comedy" by Curtis Sittenfeld 

Heartbreak has the potential to make you swear off love, which is something that late night writer Sally Milz knows all too well. She's also a firm believer in the "Danny Horst Rule," the phenomenon where average looking men exclusively date women more attractive than them — until pop star Noah Brewster shows up to host the late night show. Join her for an intoxicating love ride that makes her change her perspective.

"Where The Crawdads Sing" by Delia Owens 

If you love a good romance-murder mystery, you'll fall in love with Kya's story. After the town's golden boy winds up dead, everyone in town begins blaming Kya for his murder. With heartbreak and triumph woven throughout, Where The Crawdads Sing will become the summer read you can't put down.

"The House of Eve" by Sadeqa Johnson

Even when forbidden, love seems to find a way in The House of Eve. 15-year-old Ruby is set to be her family's first college attendee, until it appears a scandalous affair will bring her back into poverty. Meanwhile, Eleanor's in love with William, a member of an elite Black family in D.C. that doesn't let just anyone in. The lives of both women will collide in an unexpected way as they forge their own paths.

"The House in the Pines" by Ana Reyes 

Maya witnessed her friend's sudden death in the woods seven years ago. Now, with nothing except a few hazy memories, she's determined to figure out what she saw, and who's behind it. The House In The Pines is proof that sometimes our past — and their secrets — don't stay dead.

"Tiny Beautiful Things" by Cheryl Strayed 

Life can feel like a dumpster fire sometimes which is why Tiny Beautiful Things feels like a soothing hug. If you love advice columns, you'll love the beautiful compilation of questions "Dear Sugar" answers within the pages as Clare sets out to offer advice while her own life falls apart. After you read the book, check out our interview with Sarah Pidgeon, who stars in the Hulu series!

"Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng 

New friends Mia and Elena are pitted against each other when everyone in town splits over a custody battle. Adapted into a mini-series on Hulu at the beginning of the pandemic, Little Fires Everywhere is a tale that shows everything isn't always what it seems, and there are always secrets to be discovered.

"Wrong Place, Wrong Time" by Gillian McAllister 

Wrong Place, Wrong Time is a novel that explores the lengths a mother is willing to take to prevent her son from doing something unspeakable. Will she be able to piece together clues in time or will all hope remain lost?

"Daisy Jones and The Six" by Taylor Jenkins Reid 

This titular novel turned Emmy award-nominated Amazon Prime series Daisy Jones & The Six explores the rise — and fall — of a legendary (and fictional) band.

"True Biz" by Sara Nović 

This heartwarming book about life at the River Valley School for the Deaf, and all of its students with completely different backgrounds, will make you laugh and cry with its beautiful depiction of human connection.

"The Club" by Ellery Lloyd 

If you've never liked hearing "How can you hate from outside the club? You can't even get in," you'll be glad you're not a part of this members-only society. The club has been pushed to its limit and everyone has something to hide.

"The Christie Affair" by Nina de Gramont 

Nan infiltrates Agatha Christie's home in 1925, intent on luring her husband away. There's something about love, affairs, and dark secrets that make for a good read, and you won't be able to get enough of this tale where things aren't always what they seem.

"Lucky" by Marissa Stapley 

"She's so lucky" ...or is she? Lucky redefines what it means to be honest when the titular character completes a million-dollar heist, and is left stranded by the very people who taught her how to scam.

"Sankofa" by Chibundu Onuzo 

When Anna learns the father she never knew is still alive, she travels to West Africa in search of answers. The tale of self-discovery through one's history, as well as the themes of home and belonging, is something we all long to understand at some point.

"L.A. Weather" by María Amparo Escandón 

Families can be complicated, and the Alvarados are no different. If you're looking for a little break from your own family dynamics, you'll get a kick out of reading along as they navigate evacuations, relationship problems, and their father's obsession with the Weather Channel.

"The Paper Palace" by Miranda Cowley Heller 

What happens when desire spills over and threatens to unravel everything two friends have built? The Paper Palace answers that as Elle must choose between continuing the life she has dedicated herself to and the life she never got to live.

"Seven Days in June" by Tia Williams 

When former lovers Eva and Shane reunite in the midst of their successful literary careers, they find that their chemistry is still as strong as it used to be. But, will the flame fizzle before their lingering questions are answered or will Eva choose vulnerability before Shane disappears again?

"The Last Thing He Told Me" by Laura Dave 

What would you do if your significant other disappeared without a trace, only leaving a cryptic note behind? In Hannah's case, she sets out on an unpredictable mission for answers — regardless of what lies ahead. After you read the book, check out our interview with Angourie Rice, who stars in the Apple TV+ series!

"The Sanatorium" by Sarah Pearse 

Le Sommet is a sanatorium-turned-luxury hotel in the Swiss Alps. Detective Elin arrives to celebrate her estranged brother Isaac's engagement to Laure, and her discomfort turns to all-out horror when Laure goes missing.

"You Have a Match" by Emma Lord 

DNA tests can reveal new information about our ancestry, but when Abby learns that she has an older sister — and that her older sister is an Instagram star — the women decide to meet up and get to the bottom of why their parents split them up in the first place.

"The Chicken Sisters" by KJ Dell'Antonia 

Nothing brings families together like food and age-old rivalries, something that sisters Amanda and Mae learn firsthand when they end up on opposite sides of a cooking competition. If you love hit TV series The Bear, you'll love The Chicken Sisters.

Other Stories On Reese Witherspoon's Book Club List

  • "Yellowface" by R.F. Kuang
  • "Cassandra in Reverse" by Holly Smale
  • "Did You Hear About Kitty Karr?" by Crystal Smith Paul
  • "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah
  • "The Marriage Portrait" by Maggie O'Farrell
  • "Our Missing Hearts" by Celeste Ng
  • "On The Rooftop" by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
  • "Honey & Spice" by Bolu Babalola
  • "Counterfeit" by Kirstin Chen
  • "The Dictionary of Lost Words" by Pip Williams
  • "Anatomy" by Dana Schwartz
  • "Honor" by Thrity Umrigar
  • "The Island of Missing Trees" by Elif Shafak
  • "Within These Wicked Walls" by Lauren Blackwood
  • "We Were Never Here" by Andrea Bartz
  • "The Downstairs Girl" by Stacey Lee
  • "Tokyo Ever After" by Emiko Jean
  • "Northern Spy" by Flynn Berry
  • "Firekeeper's Daughter" by Angeline Boulley
  • "Infinite Country" by Patricia Engel
  • "Outlawed" by Anna North
  • "The Light in Hidden Places" by Sharon Cameron
  • "A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow" by Laura Taylor Namey
  • "Group" by Christie Tate
  • "Fable" by Adrienne Young
  • "His Only Wife" by Peace Medie Adzo
  • "Furia" by Yamile Saied Mendez
  • "The Last Story of Mina Lee" by Nancy Jooyoun Kim
  • "You Should See Me in a Crown" by Leah Johnson
  • "Everything Inside" by Edwidge Danticat
  • "I'm Still Here" by Austin Channing Brown
  • "The Guest List" by Lisa Foley
  • "The Henna Artist" by Alka Joshi
  • "UNTAMED" by Glennon Doyle
  • "The Jetsetters" by Amanda Eyre Ward
  • "The Scent Keeper" by Erica Bauermeister
  • "Such a Fun Age" by Kiley Reid
  • "Conviction" by Denise Mina
  • "The Giver of Stars" by Jojo Moye
  • "Fair Play" by Eve Rodsky
  • "The Secrets We Kept" by Lara Prescott
  • "The Last House Guest" by Megan Miranda
  • "Whisper Network" by Chandler Baker
  • "The Cactus" by Sarah Haywood
  • "From Scratch" by Tembi Locke
  • "The Night Tiger" by Yangsze Choo
  • "The Proposal" by Jasmine Guillory
  • "The Library Book" by Susan Orlean
  • "One Day in December" by Josie Silver
  • "The Other Woman" by Sandie Jones
  • "This Is How It Always Is" by Laurie Frankel
  • "Still Lives" by Maria Hummel
  • "Next Year in Havana" by Chanel Cleeton
  • "Something in the Water" by Catherine Steadman
  • "You Think It, I'll Say It" by Curtis Sittenfeld
  • "Happiness" by Heather Harpham
  • "Erotic Stories For Punjabi Widows" by Balli Kaur Jaswal
  • "The Light We Lost" by Jill Santopolo
  • "Braving the Wilderness" by Brené Brown
  • "The Last Mrs. Parrish" by Liv Constantine
  • "The Is the Story of a Happy Marriage" by Ann Patchett
  • “The Rules of Magic” by Alice Hoffman
  • "The Lying Game" by Ruth Ware
  • "The Alice Network" by Kate Quinn
  • "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman

Whether you want to challenge yourself to read a book every couple of days like Reese or choose a few books to get you through the summer, I'm sure you'll find titles to add to your growing library. I already have my eyes on Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens and The Club by Ellery Lloyd!

Be sure to follow our weekly newsletter for more updates!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

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If there’s one thing about the weather outside warming up, it’s that it has us itching to wear all white and only white. Because of the “no white before Memorial Day or after Labor Day '' rule that was put into place who knows how long ago by we don't-know-who, the color doesn’t get a lot of love during the winter months, but wearing all white is SUCH a vibe. However, thanks to this rule, all-white ensembles are always reminiscent of long summer days that lead into long summer nights.

In fact, wearing all white is such a striking fashion moment that ‘white parties’ have become a popularized summer event thanks to mentions in the media like Gossip Girl’s acclaimed Hamptons white party, or RHOBH’s Kyle Richards’ annual ivory-only summer soiree. Even if you aren’t a part of New York’s elite or a housewife in Beverly Hills, that doesn’t mean that you can’t partake in this seasonal trend, too.

Flowy dresses, linen sets, eyelet details, and delicate cuts all bring so much versatility to the soft colorway that is white. If you’re feeling inspired to host your own white party this summer, or if you already have a few on your calendar to attend, find our top apparel selects that fit the theme below.

Shop White Party Outfits Here!

H&M Linen Blended Pants

These pants are so effortlessly cool, both literally and figuratively. The wide legs, oversized back pockets, and low waist keep them on-trend, while the breathable linen fabric makes them perfect for hotter temps. Not to mention, they’ll pair easily with just about every top that’s already in your closet.

Sabo Skirt Marita Dress

Want to know how to look super chic with minimal effort? This delicate maxi dress is your answer. The dramatic ankle length of this dress makes it an obvious choice for nighttime white parties, but the playful back cut-out and tie maintain the youthful energy that comes out in all of us during the summer.

Current Air Cara Sleeveless Pleated Mini Dress

If you are as obsessed with tenniscore as we are following the premiere of the Challengers movie, then this mini dress is the white party ‘fit for you! The drop waist and subtle ruffled collar detail make it feel like it could be worn court-side if the party you’re attending happens to have a net and a few extra rackets handy; you’ll be sure to channel your inner Zendaya in this piece.

Diarrablu Satu Dress

Caftan dresses are the best for keeping you cool while still making you look majestic af. This one-shoulder shift dress has gorgeous details including monochrome appliques and a scalloped slit that sits beautifully on all body types. Available in a size range of XS to 3XL, it beautifully fuses elegance and comfort for a timeless look that transitions seamlessly from season to season.

Cupshe Ivory Textured Square Neck Lace-Up One-Piece

If your white party doubles as a pool party, then showing up in an ivory one-piece is a must. The full coverage bum will keep you feeling secure, while the lace-up back invites an element of edginess to this modern take on a classic bathing suit.

Showpo Tommy Two Piece Set

If I were to go to a white party this summer (read: someone please invite me to your white party this summer), then I’d wear this matching set. I love that it comes off as fashionable thanks to the on-trend sheer element and flattering fabric composition while feeling as comfortable as pajamas.

Praerie Margaret Dress

This high-low dress is simply stunning. With a square neck, romantic floral design, and puff sleeves, the Margaret dress is playful yet sophisticated and can be dressed down for lunchtime get-togethers, or styled more formally for evening events.

Petite Plume Women's Silk Pajama Set

Once the party is over and you’re ready to slip into something a bit more comfortable, this milky white set made from 100% mulberry silk will make you feel beyond luxe. The quintessential, timeless silhouette is sure to turn heads, so much so that if you throw this set on while your guests are still present, they’ll get the subtle hint that it’s time for them to go home; only after they ask where your set is from.

Abercrombie Curve Love A&F Sloane Tailored Short

Look and feel posh in a pair of tailored shorts if a dress just isn’t your thing. Abercrombie’s pleated highrise shorts bring an element of functionality to white party dressing. These shorts feature front and back pockets for your trinkets, belt loops that provide the opportunity for accessorizing, and a partially elasticated waistband offers extra comfort.

Pistola Grover Short Sleeve Field Suit

This jumpsuit is giving stylish mechanic, and we’re totally here for it. The all-white colorway offers an elevated, yet essential appeal to this all-in-one outfit. To make it feel a bit more feminine, pop the collar, roll up the pant legs, add some kitten heels, and as many accessories as you can handle.

Looking for more shopping and style advice? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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A 5K is a 3.12 mile race, and it's one of the most popular distances around the world for hobby joggers and elite athletes alike. Unlike a half marathon or full marathon, the 5K leaves you feeling tired, but able to actually walk afterwards — and with the same sense of accomplishment. Some seasoned runners may look down on the 5K, but I'm here to tell you that it's no small feat. In fact, in my 14 years of competitive running, the 5K was my main focus for 12 years.

If you're looking to run your first 5K and have no background in cardio or endurance sports, a simple google search for “beginner 5k workouts” will lead you to dozens of workout plans. While I have coached true beginners, my coaching specialty is with more intermedia runners, or runners trying to run their fastest 5K. You don't have to be a standout athlete or elite runner to set goals, and there are some simple steps everyone can take to get faster. Heres how to train for a 5K race, the Paxton way.

Photo by RF._.studio/PEXELS

The first step to bettering your 5K is to pick a race and sign up for it — most cities have a few 5K to choose from each weekend, so there should be plenty to choose from. Having a race on the calendar ensures you won’t skip out on your training. I recommend giving yourself 8-10 weeks to properly train.

The best 5K training plans, in my opinion, include 4-5 days of running a week. Every week should include:

  • One or two speed workouts
  • A few easy jogs
  • A long run

You should never run hard or fast two days in a row — easy jogging and rest between speed workouts are both essential for rebuilding muscles damaged with hard workouts. Here's how each of the three main training workouts should go.

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Speed Workouts

Every speed workout should begin with a 5-10 minute jogging warm up and a 5-10 minute jog/walk cooldown. This will help ensure you do not pull or strain any muscles.

The actual "speed" part of speed workouts can go one of two ways:

  • Run 2-3 minutes at a harder 7 out of 10 effort, with a standing or walking rest of 2-3 minutes between each push.
  • Run 6-8 repeats of a steep hill for 45-60 seconds in length with a walk back down, before repeating again.
Note: These are not sprint workouts, and you should never push yourself so hard that you're lying on the ground gasping for air afterwards.

Easy Jogs

Easy jogs should be kept at a conversational pace, so this would be a good time to grab your girlfriend or hop on the phone if you want some company. The best jogs should be about 2-3 miles in length, or 20-35 minutes in duration.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/PEXELS

Long Runs

Long runs are arguably the most important workout of the week, and anyone trying to better their 5K time should make sure to include them in their training plan. Like the name suggests, a long run should be your longest run of the week. Your longest run can be anywhere from three miles at the beginning of the plan to 12 miles if you're an experienced and seasoned vet. I recommend starting with 3 miles at the beginning of your 8-10 week plan and working your way up to 5-8 miles by the end. You should do this by adding one half to a full mile each week. Although it may sound silly to run 8 miles in order to run a 3.1 mile race, this will help build your endurance more than any of your other weekly runs. Having endurance will make the race seem easier, and I can guarantee you'll pass people left and right in your final mile.

Note: You should also have at least 10 days between your longest long run and your 5k race so that you can feel as fresh as possible on race day.

Photo by Blue Bird/PEXELS

The most important thing to remember on race day is to not go out too fast. If you sprint the first mile, the rest of the race will be miserable. Race day adrenaline will make you jittery and willing to sprint at the start, but working on controlling that will ensure a better race experience. Try to make your second and third mile faster than your first and give it all in the last .1 mile. After you’re done, soak in the race day atmosphere and grab a free banana! Don’t forget that the post race pain is temporary and remember not to sign up for another race while on an endorphin high!

Looking for more workout inspo? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Header image by Ashvin Praveen/Dupe