Need A Pick-Me-Up? Add These 10 Healing Ingredients Into Your Meals

tea poured by kettle

As winter drags on, many of us find that our bodies and minds could use a bit of a boost. From combating colds or calming nausea to fighting the winter blues, there are healthy foods to eat that can help nourish and heal your body. Whether you need to bolster your immune system, boost your mood, hydrate your skin, or fight the achy bones and joints that accompany dry winter weather, these healing ingredients will help you do just that. Add them to your meal plan to give yourself a pick-me-up.


Guavas are fantastic for boosting your immune system and helping you stay healthy. They have one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin C among fruit, clocking in at 125 mg apiece. This is fantastic, because Vitamin C is involved in numerous processes that keep you healthy, according to the Mayo Clinic. It's a potent antioxidant, helping protect against free radical damage and speeding up the body's healing process. Vitamin C is also required to make collagen, a connective tissue that supports your bones and joints.


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplashoysters on plate

Another nutrient you'll want to have in your back pocket, especially during cold season? Zinc! According to the Mayo Clinic, zinc has been shown to help boost the immune system and is important in wound healing. There's even some evidence that taking zinc in the first 24 hours of having a cold can help you recover more quickly. Oysters are one of the best food-based sources of zinc, with 1.14 mg per oyster. An added benefit of oysters? They're absolutely delicious and said to be an aphrodisiac... another kind of healing, indeed!

Dark Chocolate

When keeping your health in mind, it's always crucial to consider the well-being of your brain. Flavonoids are compounds known to promote brain health as well as fight cell damage, along with numerous other health benefits, according to Harvard Health, and chocolate has a ton of them — particularly the subgroup known as flavonols. Cacao, and therefore chocolate, is an abundant source of flavonols, so grab a dark chocolate bar or make some hot cocoa in the name of wellness!


Don't underestimate the importance of hydration when it comes to healing. You've heard it all before: Water is crucial for the body, ensuring that biological processes go off without a hitch and helping to improve mood, cognition, and even sleep quality. Stocking up on cucumbers will help you eat your water, as they're made up of 95 percent water, according to Healthline.


Ginger is a soothing and super helpful ingredient when you're feeling sick. Studies have shown that ginger helps reduce nausea, proving that this ancient method of treating stomachache is actually effective. Make a ginger tea and you'll be getting the double benefits of both ginger and hydration, a must for combating any illness.


We can't state this emphatically enough: Mental health is just as important as physical health. One of the best mood-boosting and brain-protecting nutrients, according to studies, are omega-3s like DHA and EPA. Salmon is one of the most reliable sources for DHA and EPA, boasting 1.24 grams of DHA and .59 grams of EPA per serving, according to the NIH.

Split Peas

So far, we haven't yet mentioned fiber, but that's about to change. Fiber helps improve digestion, which not only eases stomach and digestive upset, but also helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, according to the Mayo Clinic. Turn to split peas for an excellent source of fiber that also has a healthy balance of carbs and protein to keep your energy levels up: They have 43 grams of fiber per cup (not to mention 45.3 grams of protein and 121 grams of carbohydrates).


Speaking of fiber, it's hard to find a better fruit-based source than raspberries, which has 8 grams per cup. But all fruits are rich in fiber; the reason we selected raspberries for our go-to healing foods list is because raspberries combine it with a super high level of disease-fighting antioxidants, which are beneficial for maintaining health.


Echinacea is one of those herbal remedies that seems to have stood the test of time. According to the NCCIH, taking echinacea can reduce your chances of catching a cold, and it doesn't hurt that making an echinacea tea is a calming and soothing act of self care. And just like with any kind of tea, it'll help keep you hydrated so you can increase your chances of staying alert and boosting your sleep quality while you're on the mend.

Bone Broth

We couldn't finish this list without rounding it off with bone broth. Bone broth is an incredibly soothing and fully natural way to help boost your nutrition and repair your gut, joints, and tissues, according to Healthline. It's rich in collagen, a protein that's found in abundance in your connective tissues (like your gut, bones, ligaments, and tendons). In the long term, collagen may can help repair the gut lining to help increase nutrient absorption of all the other nutrients mentioned above! And, of course, bone broth is also rich in energy-boosting protein and hydration.

Are these healing ingredients on your list of healthy foods to eat? Tweet us @BritandCo and let us know, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter!

Bloating is a common digestive issue that can make you feel sluggish, uncomfortable, and self-conscious. While bloating is often caused by overeating, there are other factors that can contribute to this uncomfortable sensation, such as consuming gas-producing foods or experiencing hormonal changes.

The thing is that bloating happens to the best of us so it doesn't mean you're weird if you haven't figured out what's causing your tummy issues. Between weight fluctuations and hormonal changes post-birth, I still haven't cracked the 'happy digestive system' code. But, that lack of knowledge is no match for the expertise of Dr. Brynna Connor, MD — a Healthcare Ambassador at NorthWest Pharmacy.

Based in Austin, Texas where she has her own private practice, Dr. Connor is a member of the Texas Academy of Family Practice, the American Academy of Family Practice, and the Texas Medical Association. In other words, she has nearly two decades worth of medical experience that makes her the right person to answer all our "How to get rid of bloating" questions.

Whether you're dealing with the occasional bloat or chronic digestive issues, Dr. Connor has expert tips to help you find relief and get back to enjoying healthy meals that your body loves.

How can I tell if I'm bloated?

Image via Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

Before I became a mom, it was easy for me to recognize the immediate signs of bloating. I only experienced it during PMS and the week of my cycle, but it always went away for a few weeks. Not only that, I used to be able to pinpoint which foods were the culprit of horrific period cramps and the inevitable gassiness that seemed to make my cycles 10x worse. Now, things are up in the air and I'm joining the ranks of other curious women who want to know what's considered bloating.

Dr. Connor says, "There are various symptoms a woman may experience if she’s bloated. Bloating may make you feel like your stomach is tight or full and can cause abdominal pain, swollen/distended stomach, flatulence, belching, and/or stomach cramps. It’s not uncommon to experience multiple symptoms of bloating at once."

I don't think I need to mention just how uncomfortable things can feel when experiencing multiple bloating symptoms.

What triggers bloating symptoms?

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

I mentioned my daily cycle as one of the reasons I knew I used to experience bloating, but there are more things that can trigger it. "Bloating occurs when your gastrointestinal or digestive system(s) are filled with gas or liquid and there are six common potential causes," says Dr. Connor.

She lists having gas as one of the first reasons. "It’s normal to experience symptoms of excess gas, especially after eating and/or drinking as you may have also swallowed small amounts of air. Certain factors may increase the likelihood that you experience bloating after eating, such as chewing gum, drinking carbonated beverages, and/or eating or drinking too fast."

Hearing this reminds me of the moments I was told to slow down when eating my food as a little girl.

Image via Maksim Goncharenok/Pexels

There's also the chance that you have a food intolerance. I only speak for myself when I say that I'm only able to consume dairy in small increments and tomato sauce? Well, I can just forget that because lately my stomach skips bloating and heads right to nausea. What gives, you ask?

Dr. Connor says, "You can experience bloating if your digestive system has trouble breaking down certain foods. Common food intolerances that can lead to bloating include lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and/or fructose intolerance." Feeling mind-blown about possibly having a fructose intolerance? Same here, but Dr. Connor explains what happens when our body breaks down certain foods.

"There are also chemicals found in particular foods that can increase the chances of bloating after they’re ingested, including histamine (found in wine and cheese), caffeine, alcohol, sulfites (found in beer and wine), and monosodium glutamate (MSG – found in ripe fruit and cured meat)," she says.

If you're hearing someone play the world's smallest violin, it's me mourning the fact that my two greatest loves — wine and cheese — may not be the best things to consume together.

Image via Miriam Alonso/Pexels

I can say it's been a while since I've been constipated, but only because my doctor all but demanded that I start taking probiotics and eating more probiotic-rich foods. Still, it always sucks when constipation happens which explains the bloating that tends to follow.

"When your large intestine absorbs too much water from your stool, it becomes harder and more difficult to pass. The resulting buildup of stool in your colon can lead to bloating, swelling, and stomach/abdominal pain, and you’re particularly susceptible to constipation if you’re not getting enough fiber, water, or exercise. Changes to your daily routine or an increased level of stress can also contribute to constipation and bloating," says Dr. Connor.

Somehow this is oddly comforting to know that stress can also be a culprit.

Image via Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Like I mentioned before, starting your period is one of the reasons you can experience bloat. What Dr. Connor says next will occupy a space in your mind if you're never considered what happens during that special time of the month.

"Certain hormones, like estrogen, can cause your body to hold onto water, which can cause swelling in the abdomen. Estrogen can also interact with progesterone in your digestive system, leading to increased gas in your intestines. Bloating prior to your period may also be caused by the increase in volume in your uterus just before your period starts," she says.

Image via Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

I've been prescribed different medications after two of my surgeries and found that I experienced unusual bloating that led to horrific cycles. Dr. Connor says there's a reason why certain medications or supplements can cause this to happen.

"...fiber supplements can cause bloating or constipation when the supplement isn’t taken with enough water. Other medications that can lead to bloating and/or constipation include opioids like hydrocodone or oxycodone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, iron supplements, and antihistamines like Benadryl," she offers.

Although I no longer take Benadryl, I can confirm I experienced a ton of bloating when trying to combat my allergies.

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

Lastly, Dr. Connor says there could be underlying medical reason you're experiencing bloating. "People living with gastrointestinal diseases like Celiac Disease, an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome are more likely to experience bloating, excess gas, and constipation."

She also says, "Underlying liver disease or cancers can also cause bloating in the abdomen, which is why you should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing prolonged symptoms associated with bloating, or if you’re having any additional symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, or pelvic pain, blood in your stool, difficulty swallowing, or any excess fatigue or unexplained weight loss."

What are some ways to reduce bloating in general and during PMS/menstrual cycles?

Image via KoolShooters/Pexels

Dr. Connor says managing bloating can depend on what's triggering your symptoms. It's always best to schedule an appointment with your doctor if you concerned about your digestive health, but there are things you can do at home to provide some relief.

"At-home solutions include over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Gas-X or antacids that can be taken together or separately. Probiotics can also help reduce gas and restore the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract. Herbal remedies like peppermint, chamomile tea, or turmeric, can aid digestion, and peppermint oil can help relax muscles in the stomach that aid in the passing of gas."

She also suggests that you increase your fiber intake, incorporate exercise in your routine, and stay hydrated.

By taking steps to reduce bloating, you can improve your overall health and feel more comfortable in your daily life.

Want more health tips? Sign up for our email newsletter!

This post has been updated.

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My Facebook bio reads "I have a Narnia quote for every occasion," and the sentiment rings true. The hope and wonder found inside The Chronicles of Narnia played a huge role in shaping who I am as a writer and as a human. I'm a part of a Facebook group and keep up with some online forums, which means that I can spot clickbait or a fake poster from a mile away.

After Netflix acquired the rights to The Chronicles of Narnia in 2018, I was on the edge of my seat to see who would be involved. So, as you can imagine, when it was finally confirmed that Greta Gerwig (who directed 2019's Little Women, the other story that has heavily influenced my life) would write and direct the next two movies in the Narnia universe, I told *everyone.*

Although the books are no stranger to controversy, I'm confident Greta Gerwig will handle them with grace and tact because she has a knack for bringing stories into the 21st century while still feeling true to their original heart.

When is The Chronicles of Narnia coming out?

Image via Walt Disney Studios

It looks like we could see Narnia in 2026. Via What's On Netflix, filming will reportedly begin this August and will last around seven months. Check back here for more info on filming and the cast!

Who's in Greta Gerwig's Narnia cast?

Image via Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

While we also don't have word on Greta Gerwig's The Chronicles of Narnia cast yet, after a reunion with actress Brie Larson at the 2024 Golden Globes (the two women starred in 2010's Greenberg together), X users are hoping the Oscar winner will make an appearance! "She need to get in Narnia somehow," one user said when they retweeted a video of the reunion. The reunion in question features Brie hopping like a bunny over to Greta, who squeals as they hug each other. I don't know about you, but that's exactly how I greet my friends IRL.

"When [Brie Larson] gets the Best Supporting Actress nomination for playing the White Witch, wait," one user added.

Saoirse Ronan told The Wrap at the Sundance Film Festival that she's already asked to be in Greta Gerwig's Narnia movies! The actress played the lead in two of Greta's films: Jo March in Little Women and the titular character in Ladybird. When asked whether she's already asked to be in The Chronicles of Narnia, Saoirse responds with a firm "yes." "We have that kind of relationship where I’m like 'So I’ll be in the next one!,'" she says.

However, it looks like we do have an idea of who we *won't* see in the cast. Original Narnia cast member William Moseley (who played Peter Pevensie) recently told Bleeding Cool he doesn't expect to get a call from Greta Gerwig: "I’m not part of that world anymore, which sometimes makes me sad because I love the world of Narnia and becoming a part of it."

"In terms of what I think about Greta Gerwig directing, I think she’s incredible," he continues. "Barbie was an amazing movie, and Little Woman was brilliant. Everything she touches turns gold, so I think Netflix is lucky to have her, and I’m sure she will embrace the challenge. I hope she enjoys it because it’s an incredible world to create, and I can’t wait to see what she produces."

Which Narnia story is Greta Gerwig adapting?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media

The specific Narnia movies the writer and director is making haven't been named, but an interview with TIME says that Greta Gerwig is adapting "the first book" in the series. The only hiccup is that they don't confirm whether they mean the first book chronologically (The Magician's Nephew) or the first book C.S. Lewis published (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe). I'm thinking it'll be The Magician's Nephew since we've never seen that story onscreen.

“[The films] won’t be counter to how the audience may have imagined those worlds,” Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos tells TIME, “but it will be bigger and bolder than they thought.”

While we don't have official confirmation on which movie Greta Gerwig is adapting, we know she wants it to have even more of an impact than Barbie.

"I want to make it feel like magic," she says. “C.S. Lewis said that the goal of writing fantasy — you know, something from his imagination — he’d say, let’s say you wrote about an enchanted forest. The goal would be that then every time you walk into a forest after you read it, you’d say to yourself, ‘maybe this is an enchanted forest.’ So that’s a tall order, but I guess re-enchantment of the world [is my goal].”

It looks like we can expect to come away from Greta Gerwig's The Chronicles of Narnia movies with even more love for the world, more childlike wonder, and more courage and kindness towards each other — and I am totally here for it.

How long has Greta Gerwig wanted to make a Chronicles of Narnia movie?

Image viaChang Ho/Warner Bros. Entertainment

Like the intentional planner she is, Greta Gerwig actually thought about directing a Narnia movie way before her involvement was ever confirmed.

"I’m writing and I’m sort of starting to dream and think about what I’m approaching," she says on The Empire Film Podcast. "I would say the land of Narnia is equally exciting and terrifying. I have nothing really to report on it other than it’s something I was actually talking about before I made Barbie. So, that’s been sort of in my unconscious working its way through. But that has been a pattern. I wrote a draft of Little Women before I made Lady Bird."

Narnia, Little Women, Barbie — Greta Gerwig has a knack for turning our beloved childhood stories into something complex and emotional that resonates with us even more as adults!

“I’m slightly in the place of terror because I really do have such reverence for Narnia,” Greta tells BBC Radio 4. “I loved Narnia so much as a child. As an adult, C.S. Lewis is a thinker and a writer. I’m intimidated by doing this. It’s something that feels like a worthy thing to be intimidated by."

"As a non-British person, I feel a particular sense of wanting to do it correctly," she continues. "It’s like when Americans do Shakespeare, there’s a slight feeling of reverence and as if maybe we should treat it with extra care. It is not our countryman.”

Are these new The Chronicles of Narnia movies a continuation or a reboot?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media

We don't have any info yet on whether this adaptation will pick up where The Voyage of the Dawn Treader left off, whether it will be a remake of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, or if it will be a totally new story within the Narnia universe (similar to Prime Video's The Rings of Power).

I'm personally anticipating that it will be the first option because I would love to see Greta bring something like The Magician's Nephew (which has never been adapted) to life onscreen.

What is The Chronicles of Narnia about?

Image via Disney Enterprises/Walden Media

The Chronicles of Narnia revolves around the fictional land of Narnia, and the children in our world who find it. Time passes differently in Narnia than it does on earth, which means that even though around 50 years pass for the characters, they find themselves in a different decade or century every time they reenter the magical land.

Each book has themes like good vs. evil, family, and identity as the characters face different challenges and adventures. The coolest thing about these books is how open-ended C.S. Lewis wrote them — because your own personal experiences, life lessons, and worldview impact your imagination, you have a different experience every time you read them.

“It’s connected to the folklore and fairy stories of England, but it’s a combination of different traditions,” Greta Gerwig tells TIME. “As a child, you accept the whole thing—that you’re in this land of Narnia, there’s fauns, and then Father Christmas shows up. It doesn’t even occur to you that it’s not schematic. I’m interested in embracing the paradox of the worlds that Lewis created, because that’s what’s so compelling about them.”

Are these new The Chronicles Of Narnia movies for Netflix?

Image via Twentieth Century Fox Fim Corporation/Walden Media

Yes! Netflix acquired the rights to The Chronicles of Narnia (which were previously held by Walden Media) in 2018, but there wasn't much news for the next few years. The New Yorker confirmed that Greta is attached to write and direct these Narnia Netflix films in the near future.

Why did Disney stop making Narnia movies?

Image via Courtesy 20th Century Fox/Walden Media

The final Chronicles of Narnia adaptation for Disney was 2010's The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Even though the film set up a sequel, issues with the rights ended the film series early.

The Chronicles Of Narnia Adaptations To Watch

Image via Pierre Vinet/Disney Enterprises, Inc/Walden Media, LLC/IMDb

Animated Film:

BBC Miniseries:

Disney Feature Films:

Are you excited for Greta Gerwig's Chronicles of Narnia movies? Let us know in the comments and follow us on Facebook for more movie news!

Lead image via Chang Ho/Warner Bros. Entertainment

This post has been updated.

Are you stressed right now? Maybe not so stressed that you curl up in a ball, or run around screaming, but most of us have at least some stress in our lives. And often that’s a good thing; the right amount of stress motivates us and gets us up in the morning. But if stress gets too much, we start to suffer, become demotivated, and eventually collapse as our nervous system falls apart.

Fortunately, there are ways in which we can build our resilience. Some of these are useful for everyone; getting support from your family and friends, nurturing a positive view of yourself, doing things that you enjoy and find relaxing, developing realistic goals and taking action to achieve them. But some will be unique to you, to your particular circumstances to your personality. If you know your personality type, you will have a head start on knowing what your stress triggers are (and so dealing with them), how you react to stress, and how to cope with that reaction. In other words, how to build resilience.

Personality Types And How They Deal With Stress

Image via Photo by Mikhail Nilov/Pexels

The personality type framework, as measured by the Myers-Briggs(MBTI) assessment, looks at four aspects of personality:

  • Extraversion-Introversion — People with an Extraversion personality preference are energized by and focus their attention on what’s happening around them, their external world. They are likely to find spending too much time alone without enough external stimulation quite stressful. People with an Introversion preference are energized by and focus their attention on their inner world of thoughts and feelings. They can become stressed if they are forced to spend too much time with others, or when they have to cope with too many external distractions.
  • Sensing-Intuition — is all about how we take in information. People with a Sensing preference prefer information that is realistic, practical, built on past or present real-life experiences, and often detailed. They can be stressed when things are ambiguous and unclear, without any clear direction. People with an Intuition preference are interested in the big picture, in how things connect, and in ideas rather than facts. They will find having to follow exact instructions stressful, and working with people who demand lots of detail.
  • Thinking-Feeling —People with a Thinking preference want to make decisions using objective logic and will be stressed when decisions seem to be subjective, or when they are forced to concentrate on people rather than the task at hand. People with a Feeling preference want to make decisions that line up with their values and they will be stressed if they feel that those values are not being respected, and when there is conflict.
  • Judging-Perceiving — People with a Judging preference want to live in an organized, planned way and will find dealing with disorganized people stressful, or having to rush things at the last minute. People with a Judging preference want to live in a more spontaneous, emergent way and will become stressed when they have to deal with inflexible people, or when they are forced to make decisions before they feel they really need to.

Image via Photo by Mike Jones/Pexels

Everyone will have a preference for Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), for Sensing (S) or for Intuition (N), for Thinking (T) or for Feeling (F), and for Judging (J) or for Perceiving (P). These four preferences combine together dynamically to give one of 16 types. For example, if someone has preferences for Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging, then their overall type would be ESTJ. If you know your type, you can identify your likely stressors (and so avoid or mitigate them), your typical behavior under everyday stress (so that you can recognize when you are stressed) and what to do to cope with that reaction, stop the stress cycle and so build resilience. Here’s the detail for each type.

Image via Photo by Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels



  • Lack of stimulation and excitement
  • Theoretical, abstract tasks without any practical application right now
  • Being physically confined, e.g. though illness or circumstance

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Seeks out more and more external stimulation and excitement
  • May behave in a thrill-seeking or dangerous way or over-indulge
  • Lives solely in the present moment and will not make any decisions

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Pause, stop what you are doing, or think through what you will do next before you do it

Image via Photo by Karolina Grabowska/Pexels



  • Inefficient people, systems, or organizations
  • Lack of closure, not being able to make decisions, blockers
  • Having to focus on people's feelings, rather than the task

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Becomes overly directive, forceful, or even aggressive
  • Makes snap decisions and imposes them on others
  • Dismisses evidence/other opinions that don't fir your view

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Stop making any decisions until you have taken some time out to explore all the available information.

Image via Photo by Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels



  • People who say "it'll never work"
  • Too much seemingly irrelevant detail
  • Lack of variety; not being able to do anything new

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Shares increasingly impractical ideas with more and more people
  • Unable to take things seriously, becomes destructively 'playful'
  • Will be tied down to decisions

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Slow down. Take some time out to quietly decide on a course of action

Image via Anna Shvets/Pexels



  • Conflict with others and between others
  • Lack of warmth, not having friendliness reciprocated
  • Injustice in the world at large

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Become effusive and over-friendly
  • Becomes demanding in getting your own and others' needs met
  • Interprets situations in terms of your values, ignoring any other evidence

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Step back from the situation and the people involved and consider alternatives and the facts

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels



  • Having your carefully reasoned solutions dismissed or ignored
  • Illogical decisions that have not been thought through
  • Excessive displays of approval or emotion from others

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Withdraws to solve problems by yourself
  • Fixates on finding the one correct solution
  • Ignores other people; makes decisions without informing them

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to explore information and ideas

Image via Mizuno K/Pexels



  • Having to act without detailed, practical information or plans
  • Having the lessons of your experience dismissed by others
  • Changing things that already work

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Obsessively searches for that one important piece of information
  • Withdraws from the outer world
  • Cannot make a decision until all the information has been found

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to help you prioritize and make a decision

Image via Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels



  • People who ignore, dismiss, or contravene your values
  • Working in a job that is at odds with those values
  • Inflexible and unthinking people or organizations

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Withdraws into an inner dialogue
  • Obsessively works through decisions that fir your values
  • Ignores facts that do not fit with the picture you have painted

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to get their reassurance and help in considering the facts and alternatives




  • Not having time to think through possibilities before answering
  • Having your well-considered ideas dismissed or ignored
  • Disorganized, opinionated people

Behavior under everyday stress

  • Withdraws to build increasingly complex ideas in your head
  • These models may become divorced from reality
  • Unable to act under every possibility has been explored

How to stop the stress cycle

  • Talk to others to help decide which of your many ideas should be pursued

When you feel stressed, it can get in the way of dealing effectively with life’s demands, and it can affect everything you do. Understanding your MBTI personality type will help you to build resilience.

Looking for more advice geared towards your MBTI? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter!

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As the great Carl Sagan stated, "The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." The planets shift within moments in time, and we, too, reflect these rhythms in our unique way. It can place challenging yet enlightening moments in our lives. Astrology has given me this sense of peace in knowing what I can do to help best prepare me for those struggling moments in life and also reassured me. These hardcore moments, however, made me the person I am now, sharing the cosmic intel. In reading this, I hope you will find the peace, comfort, and inspiration to follow your stars. In my journey, I've discovered that in moments you believe you're lost, you're interweaving your unique constellation. With all this said, let's look at this upcoming New Moon in Taurus and see what's in store for you. Read for your sun, moon, and rising signs for extended insight!

What To Expect For The Taurus New Moon In 2024

Photo by Maria Orlova/PEXELS

This New Moon in Taurus brings a soothing sense of calm and stability, perfect for grounding and setting intentions.

This is the perfect opportunity to unlock your inner sage. Get that yoga mat out and begin that meditation practice you have been wondering about — and don't forget to use an aroma therapy diffuser to amp up your experience! Besides Pluto beginning its retrograde dance, it's a calm week in the cosmos, and what better time than now? The best part is that we can look forward to the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th, meaning that we're officially out of the eclipse fog from last month, along with Mercury retrograde. Phew. It will be steadily calm and attract a new flow of centeredness within your consciousness. There is serene magic in the air, and you cannot help but feel grace and composure. Get acquainted with earth-based practices such as crystal work, smudging your home, or becoming a plant parent.

Also, an overflow of earth energy (grand earth trine and stellium) will enable us to ground down our ideas. Venus, alongside Jupiter and Uranus, is trailing this New Moon. Although Taurus is seen as fixed and stagnant in energy, we can use this secure sign to our advantage when it involves our long-term ventures - romantically or life-purpose. This grand earth trine includes the asteroids Lilith in Virgo (the shadow feminine/magic) and Ceres in Capricorn (the earth mother/resources), along with the New Moon in Taurus (beauty and finances). This cosmic trio will promote a peaceful interchange of groundedness and realistic expectations that involve our long-term visions. It's also a powerful time to manifest our dreams. These earth goddesses will give you a clearer vision of what you truly want while you receive a download of information regarding the steps toward success. It's also a fantastic time to renew your vows or create that dating profile with Venus, the love planet, embodied in her sign, which means that our senses will be heightened and the romantic mood will be lit.

Friendly suggestion: Have a date with yourself, book a photoshoot, or visit the salon because your beauty will magnify and reflect in your aura. You may get lucky with Venus on your side.

This power day will also have support and backing from Saturn, the planet of structure and disciplines. With Saturn in Pisces, the line of structure involves our long-term dreams and addressing our past karma. You must face your past and address the missteps or unresolved matters to move forward in your journey. The great news is that this New Moon will be in a supportive position with Saturn, and this will grant you acceptance and resolution involving past dealings. You'll feel steady and ready to move forward. This aspect encourages discipline, responsibility, and practicality in your process. Use this energy to focus on long-term goals and take practical steps towards your ambitions. Once you remove that cosmic baggage (I'm sure you will at this point), it will awaken your magical self, and you will attract results.

New Moon In Taurus Horoscopes For Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs


This lunation will bring a flow of centeredness and certainty regarding the next steps in your journey. The New Moon in your 2nd house will help you see your wants and needs. Take a moment to pause and reflect on your deepest desires and aspirations. What truly brings you joy and fulfillment? Slow down and reconnect with your inner self. Saturn in your 12th house will help you see your past patterns (subconsciously) and grant you the grace to let go and rebuild your self-worth. Use this lunar energy to set intentions for nurturing your sense of security and stability. Whether financial goals, inner work, or cultivating a sense of belonging, trust that the Universe supports your journey toward manifesting abundance in all its forms. You will see the results when you make peace with the past. You are strong.


This cosmic alignment is like a fresh breeze sweeping your life, bringing a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. With the New Moon in your sign (lucky you) along with Venus, your aura will magnify in the best way possible. Use this time to plant seeds of intention that align with your confidence. What do you truly want to manifest in your life? Whether pursuing your passions, nurturing your relationships, or investing in your personal growth, the time is now to believe in the magic the Universe can grant. With all this earth energy on your side, you have endless support from networks and friends who will cheer you on. Factor in your dreams and aspirations and get ready to witness its progression. Let your light shine bright.


Saturn will place a challenge to your personal beliefs, but is it a challenge? Perhaps it's an opportunity to explore your journey's root cause of stagnation. As the New Moon phases into your 12th, it will enable you to step back from the hustle culture and carve out moments of stillness and introspection. This is a period for you to reflect on what truly matters. You will reach a breakthrough regarding what's holding you back from achieving your dreams. Become open-minded and curious (this is your jam). Use this lunar energy to recharge your spiritual batteries and set intentions for inner peace and emotional well-being. Whether through meditation, journaling, or simply spending time in nature, trust that this cosmic alignment guides you toward a more profound sense of connection and clarity. Approach life like a child.


Get ready to root down your aspirations and strengthen your connections, Cancer. This New Moon will power up your opportunity to build your dreams. If that book idea or business venture has been placed on hold, now is the time to build from the ground up. Nothing else can stand in your way if you store passion in your core. With Saturn positioned in your 9th house, you have the strength to get started. This is also a fantastic time to nurture your present connections or connect with your soul family that will cherish your devotedness. Nonprofit work or getting involved with causes will also attract serendipitous connections that can lead to your soul's fulfillment. Be open, and you will see the magic unfold. You are ready.


This lunar event will allow you to align with your long-term goals and public standing. The New Moon in Taurus, Venus, and Uranus will ignite inspiration and the grit to start anew or at least become bold in your approach. With Saturn residing in your resources and intimacy sector of life, it's time to get serious and begin planting your intentions involving these matters, and this requires you to hold still and analyze your inner world. Arrange a sit down with your partner or have a quiet moment to attract clarity. You will understand how to steer your professional path with determination and, most importantly, become more aligned with your heart. If you're feeling any sense of doubt in your direction, (don't) Venus will give you that dash of confidence, making it a magical moment for you to get what you want. Wear your crown proudly.


The world will be your oyster Virgo. These past few weeks have been intense; expect a second wind approaching. This New Moon will allow you to step into a new paradigm or venture. Take a class or start your meditation practice. With the moon taking place in your 9th house, you're in for a new awakening that involves your personal beliefs and vision. As a fellow earth sign like Taurus, your manifestation abilities will level up, and you will get ready to take the reins and take charge of your ventures. There is an opportunity to strengthen or form a love connection with Saturn, who supports you fully. Arrange a discussion or send that text message to clear the air. Observe what gets you excited or inspired, which jumpstarts things for you. Trust your gut.


Inner work is in store, with the New Moon phasing into your 8th house, it invites you to retreat. Meanwhile, Saturn's continued rein in your 6th house prompts a reevaluation of your daily rituals and health practices. Take this opportunity to refine your routines, prioritizing self-care and vitality. Whether single or in a relationship, this lunar event will ignite self-discovery and inner growth. Dedicate time to nurturing your relationship with yourself through self-love practices like meditation or journaling. This New Moon will be reflective but helpful for learning the importance of honoring your emotional depth and well-being. Believe in yourself.


Love approaches as this New Moon occurs in your 7th house of partnerships and commitment. Single or taken, you will feel a stirring in your heart filled with hope as love can be felt in every connection you make. Friends, family, or lovers, you will understand the roots of your love story and be given the antidote to break free from the past and start anew. This is your chance to manifest your dream partnership or breathe new life into your current relationship. Have a date with yourself or with your friends to open your heart. Saturn will also help you learn how to discern your connections and enable you to see what boundaries or structures need setting. Trust in the flow of genuine love and let your heart guide you towards the connection you deserve. Ah, l'amour!


Get ready to feel renewal as the New Moon powers up your 6th house of health and daily routines. Whatever is weighing you down in your daily life (physically or energetically), you will understand its root cause. Breaking free from toxic work environments or prioritizing your self-care will help you embrace healthier habits that nourish your mind, body, and spirit self. Book a spa day or get your aura photo taken. Meanwhile, Saturn's influence in your 4th house of home and family prompts you to find a balance between work and personal life. Schedule downtime and connect emotionally with loved ones to strengthen your emotional connections and well-being. Clear out and rejuvenate.


Let your hair down and embrace your wild side, Capricorn. With the New Moon lighting up your 5th house of dating, children, and creativity, you hold a lot of cosmic support in these ventures. Create a dating profile or reignite the fires of your current relationship; this is your chance to feel love in its purest form. You're also supported if you're considering starting a family (this lunation will give you the green light). Saturn, your ruler planet, will emphasize the importance of practicality and clear communication this week. Although playful and fun, use this lunation to ground your long-term goals and plans, ensuring they are realistic and achievable. By articulating your ideas effectively, you will feel confident in your plans, setting the stage for success. Cheers to you!


Slow down and observe your family life, as the New Moon in your 4th house will inspire you to reconnect with your loved ones while also analyzing your stance on your connection. Prioritizing downtime and reconnecting with your family roots will create healing for unresolved issues. It's also a fantastic opportunity to renovate your home or relocate to a place that will nourish your soul. This week, Saturn will encourage you to take a grounded approach to your financial endeavors. Use this time to assess your financial situation and cultivate confidence in managing money effectively. Consider long-term investments and business ventures, and focus on budgeting more strategically to achieve your financial goals per your plans. You got this.


Have you been in hermit mode lately, Pisces? Get ready for a wave of creative inspiration and confidence, as the New Moon in your 3rd house will grant you a new flow of ideas. This alignment will allow you to start a new venture that aligns with your passion. Saturn's presence in your 1st house supports you in getting serious about your goals and aspirations. By preserving your energy and building solidity in your approach to life, you'll find more excellent stability and success in all areas of your life. Trust in your ability to articulate your thoughts and beliefs, and allow yourself to step into the spotlight confidently. Use this influence to discern where you invest your energy, focusing on activities and relationships that align with your long-term vision. Something magical is brewing.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook

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Header image via Caitlin Smith/Dupe

Saturday Night Live is back in full swing! We can use a good laugh now more than ever, and the lighthearted pop culture commentary (as well as the more biting satire) Saturday Night Live offers is very, very welcome. Here's everything to know about SNL season 49, including all the SNL hosts,guests, and a brand new SNL cast member!

Keep checking back here for the latest news all season.

Is Sabrina Carpenter playing SNL season 49?

Image via Arturo Holmes/Getty Images for Coachella

Yes, Sabrina Carpenter will be the final musical guest for SNL season 49. I hope we hear "Nonsense" and "Espresso"! The Eras Tour opener will play alongside host Jake Gyllenhaal, and considering he's the inspo behind Taylor Swift's "All Too Well," I simply HAVE to know what Taylor thinks. (And whether Sabrina and Jake will talk about the Taylor of it all).

Who is hosting Saturday Night Live?

Will Heath/NBC

Here's the full list of SNL hosts and SNL guests for Saturday Night Live season 49. Check back here for each week's update:

  • October 14, 2023: Host Pete Davidson and musical guest Ice Spice.
  • October 21, 2023: Host and musical guest Bad Bunny.
  • October 28, 2023: Host Nate Bargatze and musical guest Foo Fighters.
  • November 11, 2023: Host Timothée Chalamet and musical guest Boygenius.
  • November 18, 2023: Host Jason Momoa and musical guest Tate McRae.
  • December 2, 2023: Host Emma Stone and musical guest Noah Kahan.
  • December 9, 2023: Host Adam Driver and musical guest Olivia Rodrigo.
  • December 16, 2023: Host Kate McKinnon and musical guest Billie Eilish.
  • January 20, 2024: Host Jacob Elordi and musical guest Renée Rapp.
  • January 27, 2024: Host Dakota Johnson and musical guest Justin Timberlake.
  • February 3, 2024: Host Ayo Edebiri and musical guest Jennifer Lopez.
  • March 2, 2024: Host Sydney Sweeney and musical guest Kacey Musgraves.
  • March 9, 2024: Host Josh Brolin and musical guest Ariana Grande.
  • March 30, 2024: Host Ramy Youssef and musical guest Travis Scott.
  • April 6, 2024: Host Kristen Wiig and musical guest Raye.
  • April 13, 2024: Host Ryan Gosling and musical guest Chris Stapleton.
  • May 4, 2024: Host and musical guest Dua Lipa.
  • May 11, 2024: Host Maya Rudolph and musical guest Vampire Weekend.
  • May 18, 2024: Host Jake Gyllenhaal and musical guest Sabrina Carpenter.

When was Taylor Swift on SNL?

Image via Taylor Swift/Instagram

Taylor Swift made a surprise appearance on SNL season 49 on October 14, 2023 to introduce musical guest Ice Spice. Taylor also served as the musical guest on SNL in November 2021 ahead of her Red (Taylor's Version) release. And even though she didn't make an appearance on the April 13, 2024 episode of SNL, host Ryan Gosling (and special guest Emily Blunt) did a spoof cover of her hit song "All Too Well."

"All Too Well (Ryan and Emily's Version) !!! Watch me accidentally catch myself singing this version on tour," Taylor Swift wrote in an Instagram story. "This monologue is everything." The real question is, when will we see Ryan Gosling as one of the Eras Tour celebrity guests!!

When is Ryan Gosling hosting SNL season 49?

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Ryan Gosling is hosting an episode of SNL season 49 on April 13, 2024, alongside musical guest Chris Stapleton. Gosling is fresh off an Oscars nomination for Barbie and quite the energetic performance of his song in the blockbuster movie, "I'm Just Ken".

When was Kristen Wiig on SNL?

Image via Phillip Faraone/Getty Images

April 6 will be Kristen Wiig's fifth time hosting SNL! The comedian and Palm Royale actress became a cast member during season 32 in 2006, and later hosted episodes after she left the show in 2012. I'm really hoping we see a new sketch featuring her Target Lady!

How many times has Ryan Gosling hosted SNL?

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Ryan Gosling has previously hosted SNL two times. His April 13th appearance will mark his third time hosting.

Is Sydney Sweeney hosting an episode of SNL season 49?

Sony Pictures Releasing

Yes, Sydney Sweeney hosted SNL on March 2, 2024. She was joined by Kacey Musgraves as the musical guest. This episode was Sydney's SNL debut, and after projects like Euphoria, Anyone But You, and Madame Web, there was *plenty* of material to pull from.

What episode of SNL is Ariana Grande on?

Universal Pictures

Ariana Grande joined host Josh Brolin for SNL season 49 on March 9, 2024 in honor of their respective projects Eternal Sunshine and Dune 2. I hope we get to see Ariana (or Cynthia Erivo) again later this year for Wicked!

How can I watch SNL season 49?

Rosalind O’Connor/NBC

Musical guest Ice Spice, host Pete Davidson, and Kenan Thompson during Promos in Studio 8H on Thursday, October 12, 2023.

Saturday Night Live premieres every Saturday at 11:30pm EST, but you can also stream new episodes on Peacock!

Who is the new cast of SNL Season 49?

Will Heath/NBC

Anchor Colin Jost, anchor Michael Che and Molly Kearney during Weekend Update on Saturday, April 15, 2023.

While no SNL season 49 cast members are leaving the show, NBC did add a new face to the cast: comedian Chloe Troast, who's based in New York City. In addition to Troast, the other featured cast members are Marcello Hernandez, Molly Kearney, Michael Longfellow, and Devon Walker.

The main Saturday Night Live cast members include Michael Che, Mikey Day, Andrew Dismukes, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, Punkie Johnson, Colin Jost, Ego Nwodim, Kenan Thompson, Bowen Yang, James Austin Johnson, and Sarah Sherman.

Who is leaving SNL Season 49?

Fred Jagueneau/NBCUniversal

There are no cast departures for Saturday Night Live season 49. After long-time SNL cast members like Cecily Strong, Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant, Pete Davidson, Melissa Villaseñor, and Chris Redd recently left, we're glad that we won't have to say goodbye to anyone else for a bit.

How to get Saturday Night Live tickets in 2024?

Will Heath/NBC

Host Quinta Brunson during the Monologue on Saturday, April 1, 2023.

Unfortunately, the Saturday Night Live season 49 ticket lottery is closed, but it'll open back up this summer! But you do have the opportunity to do the SNL standby line. The link to apply for standby tickets opens at 10am the Thursday before a show.

All you have to do is make a standby reservation for either the rehearsal or live show, and if you get approved, arrive at the 49th Street NBC Studios Marquee between 6pm and 7pm the Friday before a show. Standby cards will be handed out at 12:01am the Saturday morning of a show!

You can read the full instructions here — and read our entertainment editor Chloe's experience attending SNL here! Just make sure your entire party is with you, and good luck!

When is Ayo Edebiri hosting Saturday Night Live?

Rodin Eckenroth/Stringer/Getty Images Entertainment

Ayo Edebiri attends the 29th Annual Critics Choice Awards at Barker Hangar on January 14, 2024.

The Bearstar Ayo Edebiri hosted SNL on February 3, 2024, with Jennifer Lopez as musical guest for the evening. Ayo's sense of humor is dry, witty, and sharp, which was perfect for Saturday Night Live! The best sketch of the night (aside from a pre-tape about the Dune 2popcorn buckets) was Solomon and the school hypnotist. I almost cried from laughing so hard!

What episode of SNL is Jacob Elordi hosting?

Will Heath/NBC

Host Jacob Elordi, musical guest Renée Rapp, and surprise guests Rachel McAdams and Megan Thee Stallion on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

Jacob Elordi hosted SNL season 49 on January 20, 2024. The episode featured Mean Girlsactress Renée Rapp as the musical guest, but there were also two surprise additions to the SNL cast that night!

Both Megan Thee Stallion, who joins Renée on the Mean Girls song "It's Not My Fault" and Rachel McAdams, who played Regina George in the original movie, showed up to the show as well!

How many times has Billie Eilish been on SNL?

Will Heath/NBC

Host and musical guest Billie Eilish during the Monologue on Saturday, December 11, 2021.

December 16, 2023 was Billie Eilish's third time on SNL. She hosted in 2019, and then was the host and the musical guest in 2021. This time around, she was joined by host Kate McKinnon, who's an SNL and Barbie movie alum. We were ready for an all-out Barbie extravaganza — and they didn't disappoint.

When was Travis Kelce on SNL?

Will Heath/NBC

Host Travis Kelce during the Monologue on Saturday, March 4, 2023.

Travis Kelce's most recent SNL appearance came on October 14, 2023, at the end of a skit about hisrecent relationship with pop star Taylor Swift. Watch the skit (and Travis Kelce's cameo) here!

When did Saturday Night Live season 49 premiere?

Will Heath/NBC

Bowen Yang, Sarah Sherman, Heidi Gardner, Marcello Hernández, Host Ana De Armas, Mikey Day, Musical guest Karol G, Chloe Fineman, and Michael Longfellow during the Goodnights & Credits on Saturday, April 15, 2023.

Saturday Night Live season 49 premiered on October 13, 2023! We've seen some amazing sketches, musical performances, and very special guests so far. The final episode of SNL season 48 aired on April 15, 2023 with Ana de Armasas the host and performances from singer Karol G.

Check back here for the latest news on SNL season 49!

Lead image via Rodin Eckenroth / Stringer / Getty Images Entertainment.

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.