Spring Cleaning 101: 10 Things to Toss from Your Closet NOW

March marks the beginning of spring, and with that comes new beginnings, (hopefully) sunnier days and that incessant need to purge, organize clutter and clean every single room in your home. To help kick off the spring cleaning season, we consulted with organization guru Jeffrey Phillip on exactly what needs to be purged come springtime. First up on the list: that overstuffed closet. If the thought of throwing out your precious wardrobe makes you cringe, there’s no need to run the other way and let that minor-ish hoarding habit of yours take over. Jeffrey’s suggestions are all about focusing on quality pieces and letting go of anything that’s just fluff. Plus, there’s even some shopping tips!

Jeffrey says that the key to successful closet organization is to not think of it as a chore: Think of it as an opportunity to make room for a wardrobe update (hello, leopard print). While a closet detox isn’t super fun, having a space that isn’t bursting at the seams with clutter will help you dress more creatively and make that morning routine a little bit easier. See all of the must-purge items below, and get ready to tackle this closet project in the coming week.

1. Smelly Athletic Gear: Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many cleaning tips and tricks you try. Those shirts can only handle so many sessions of hot yoga before they insist on holding on to the stink. If you can’t get it clean, get rid of it.

2. Clothing You Haven’t Worn in the Last Year: No excuses. Whether you’re thinking of trying a minimalist closet or you want to upgrade your essentials, the one-year rule is a great way to purge your space of the pieces you never wear, and make room for ones you will.

3. Wire Dry Cleaner Hangers: They’re ugly, they take up a lot of space, they’re noisy and they stretch out your clothes. It’s a no brainer, guys.

4. Socks and Underwear With Holes or Worn-Out Elastic: Holes are not sexy and neither are stretched-out intimates. Lose anything sagging, damaged or stained, and treat yourself to new underwear this month. You deserve it!

5. Socks Without a Friend: Sorry guys, but the dryer really does eat socks, and they’re never coming back. If those socks have been single for a while now, it’s probably time to throw them out. You’ll need the space for all that new underwear, after all.

6. Broken Hangers: There really is no way to fix a hanger. If it doesn’t hang, it’s time to toss it. Replace those broken ones with some slim velvet ones to really make the space feel clean and cohesive.

7. Stained Tees or Tanks: Just because you might use it as an undershirt or bottom layer doesn’t mean it gets a free pass. Ditch these sad duds, and you wont have to feel self-conscious while stretching at work.

8. Extra Buttons and Sewing Thread from New Clothes: These easily pile up and almost never get used. Put together a little sewing kit with all the essentials, and then throw away all the other buttons and threads.

9. Returns or Exchanges from Holiday or Birthday Gifts: After all the holiday gift-giving, it’s inevitable that you ended up with some things you don’t love. Instead of letting them take up space in the back of your closet, commit to getting everything returned or exchanged for things you’ll actually use.

10. Earrings Without a Mate, or Any Broken and Unfixable Jewelry: The craft lover in us wants to hang on to every bent piece of bling, but in reality, you’re probably not going to fix that necklace. Make space for new jewelry, accessories and sunglasses to welcome the spring season in style.

For more weekly organization inspo, make sure you’re following Jeffrey’s Instagram, and participate in his #TossItTuesdays challenge!

Ready to purge that closet? Follow us on Pinterest for more organization tips and hacks!

It’s never too early to get a start on a basic spring cleaning checklist that will make your home (and you) feel and look better. And as we all crawl out of our winter hibernation and inch towards the warmth of spring, it’s time to give your home some TLC. Staying on top of these maintenance to-dos will give you peace of mind and ultimately save you money in the long run — because we'd rather spend that money on a spring wardrobe, am I right?

I know the sheer volume of things to do can feel like a never-ending list, but there's no need to be overwhelmed or intimidated by these simple tasks! I’m here to hold your hand and walk you through each item on the checklist. Together, we’ll clean our way to a well-loved home, finding confidence along the way. And I have no doubt you've got this.

Each task on this spring cleaning checklist includes a fool-proof step-by-step guide, a time estimate, and level of difficulty so you know which ones to save for a Saturday morning, which ones to knock out after work on Tuesday, and which to add to your Sunday reset. Your home will thank you.

Deep Clean Your Most-Used Appliances

Image via Ello/Unsplash

Whether it’s your fridge, microwave, washing machine, toaster, or coffee machine — now is the perfect time to give your household appliances a good scrub with some cleaning tips. A deep clean keeps them working in tip-top shape and can keep you healthy. Over time, grease, grime, and food particles can accumulate, affecting just how well your machines work or how clean their output becomes.

How Long Should It Take: Approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the number and type of appliances.

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

How To: Each appliance will have its own cleaning requirements, but here's a general overview.

  1. Declutter or remove everything from inside the appliance. That could mean taking everything off the shelves of the fridge, or disposing of your coffee maker's filter and grounds. This is an excellent time to dispose of expired foods or takeout you’re never going to eat.
  2. Take out any removable parts and soak them in warm, soapy water. Dish soap and warm water in your sink work well.
  3. Wipe down surfaces with a suitable cleaning solution. I like vinegar and baking soda because it gets rid of odors and the chemical reaction can actually lift grime and dirt. Plus they’re both food-safe.
  4. Vacuum or wipe dust from coils, vents, filters, etc. Trust me, if you’ve never done this before — you will be horrified and never forget to do it again.
  5. Reassemble and restock.

Clear & Clean Your Gutters (& Check Your Roof While You’re Up There)

Image via Carter Baran/Unsplash

No one likes to realize their home has water damage, and regularly cleaning gutters and inspecting the roof will keep the surprises to a minimum. Leaves, debris, and even pests can accumulate in gutters, leading to clogs and water overflow that can damage your home's roof and foundation. Make sure you’ve cleared those gutters to keep rainwater flowing, especially if your home has lots of trees around it.

How Long Should It Take: 2-4 hours, depending on the size of your home

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

How To: Adjust this tip depending on if you live in a single- or multi-level home, and make sure to practice extra caution — feel free to have someone nearby keep an eye on you.

  1. Safely climb a ladder to access gutters. Have someone hold the ladder for you and make sure to wear shoes with a good tred and ankle support.
  2. Remove debris by hand or with a gutter scoop (make sure to wear safety gloves!). You’ll most likely find wet leaf clumps. Leaves fall into the gutters and when it rains, they stick together, clogging up your home’s way of redirecting water. You can use a leaf blower to lift some of the gunk too.
  3. Once the big pieces are out, flush out remaining dirt. Then, run a hose down the gutters to check for leaks. Take note of where the water funnels out and make sure it’s away from the house, ideally downhill towards your street’s gutters or another water source.
  4. Inspect the roof for damaged shingles or potential issues. Carefully walk the roof and feel for “soft spots,” where sitting water may have soaked into the roof, compromising the structural integrity. Cracks, punctures, or corrosion are common, but fixable.
  5. Make the necessary repairs or consult a professional for assistance. Many fixes can be done by simply visiting your local hardware store. But for any extensive damage, be sure to call your home insurance company first, and then a recommended professional.

Protect Your Home From Pests

Image via Oxana Doroshkevich/Unsplash

As the weather starts warming up, you may notice a few unwanted guests. Spring is a time when pests become more active, so don’t skip your pest maintenance or you’ll spend summer swatting away mosquitoes! Preventing infestations early on helps protect your home from potential damage and can make outdoor relaxation much more enjoyable.

How Long Should It Take: 1-2 hours, depending on the size of your home

Level of Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

How To:

  1. Seal cracks and crevices to prevent entry points. The first line of protection is prevention. Bugs come in through windows, doors, crawlspaces, porches, and more. Do a quick walkabout to ID any potential entry points and close them off.
  2. Remove standing water. Mosquitos love a resort-style pool so make sure your yard and surrounding areas are draining properly. Don’t let planters, wheelbarrows, chairs, or buckets fill with water. Turn them upside down to avoid creating bugs’ ideal vacation spot.
  3. Trim vegetation and keep a distance between plants and your home. Plants bring bugs and while they’re not all bad, if they’re too close to your house, they may try to break in. Keep everything manicure to avoid a breeding ground for bugs of any kind.
  4. Use natural repellents or consult with a pest control professional. Many pest control companies will come quarterly or monthly to spray and keep pests at bay. If you prefer to do it yourself, there are plenty of at-home kits or natural ways to deter bugs, like repellent plants or essential oils. Bugs are deterred by lavender, basil, peppermint, citronella, mint, and rosemary. Other solutions include neem oil, dryer sheets, vinegar, and Diatomaceous earth.
  5. Regularly inspect and clean areas prone to pests, such as basements and attics. Be vigilant, and stay on top of those suckers!

Declutter Closets/Donate:

Image via Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

This spring cleaning checklist definitely extends to decluttering closets, creating a more organized and spacious living environment. Donating unused items not only reduces clutter but also benefits those in need. You’ll be better to make some space and your home will be easier to maintain. Looking to make some extra money? Try these sites for selling your clothes.

How Long Should It Take: 4-6 hours, depending on the size of your closet.

Level of Difficulty: Easy

How To:

  1. Remove all items from the closet. Sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better. Don’t let the chaos deter you — it’s a crucial step in the process!
  2. Sort items into keep, donate, and discard piles. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and ask “does this bring me joy?” If the answer is no — let it go. Also consider how frequently you wear or use the item. If it’s been six months or more (and the item is in season), you can probably live without it.
  3. Clean and vacuum the closet space. Say goodbye to dust bunnies and hello to a blank slate. Wipe everything down and give your clothes or other items a clean place to live.
  4. Organize remaining items by category or use. For clothing, some people like to organize by color, others by article of clothing like jeans, sweaters, and tees. Find a system that not only looks nice but will easy to maintain. If you find yourself never putting your sweaters back on their hangers, maybe find some baskets to fold and store them in instead.
  5. Donate gently-used items to local charities or organizations. Or at least take it to your car. It’s ok if it sits there for three months. You’ll get to it eventually.

Change HVAC Filter

Image via Dan LeFebvre/Unsplash

Changing the HVAC filter on your heating and air conditioning is a simple yet crucial maintenance task that enhances indoor air quality, improves system efficiency, and extends the life of your HVAC unit. While you're at it, there are plenty of filters throughout your home that need to be cleaned or replaced including your water filters, air purifiers, and laundry filters. Keep a running list of each.

How Long Should It Take: 5-10 minutes

Level of Difficulty: Easy

How To:

  1. Turn off the HVAC system. You don’t want it to be blowing air out while you’re dusting and cleaning.
  2. Locate the filter access panel. It’s usually on a wall and looks like a grate with a small door that open and closes. You may even notice dust accumulating on the outside. Go ahead and vacuum that.
  3. Pull out the old filter and place the new one in. I buy filters in bulk so I have 6-12 at a time. I replace my filter once a month and only have to purchase filters 1-2 times a year. Each unit will have specific filters or sizes. Consider buying higher end filters if you have lots of pets or live somewhere that’s dusty or sandy often.
  4. Install a new filter, ensuring it's positioned correctly. It should slide right in, filling the existing hole in your system.
  5. Turn the HVAC system back on and keep an eye on it.

​Other Home Maintenance Tasks To Add To Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

Image via Volha Flaxeco/Unsplash

  • Check your windows and doors, and their weatherstripping, to ensure a proper seal and prevent drafts.
  • If you’ve been using your fireplace all winter, give it a good clean before closing it up for the season.
  • Fluctuating temperatures can be hard on your pipes. Inspect them for leaks or corrosion.
  • Prepare your outdoor living space for epic get-togethers. Wipe down patio furniture and clean your grill.

Looking for a full list of home maintenance tasks for your spring cleaning checklist? Check out my Homeowner Handbook, which includes seasonal cleaning tasks that make caring for your home so much easier. In addition to checklists for every season, it also includes an easy way to organize your home DIY projects, warranties and key home information, as well as a glossary of helpful terms and power tool cheat sheets.

The goal in keeping up with home maintenance is not only to keep your home looking beautiful, but to protect your investment and ultimately YOU. A healthy environment makes for a healthier you. And if we can avoid costly repairs by checking a few times each year, why wouldn’t we? Just a few hours a week can mean the difference between spending your bonus on a summer vacation or a new HVAC unit.

Together, we can hold each other accountable and tackle those daunting yet necessary tasks. If no one has told you today, I’m proud of you for creating and caring for your home, and by extension, yourself!

Loving this spring cleaning checklist? Check out our Weekend Scroll for more stories that'll get you in the mood for spring!

Lead image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

Every year, like clockwork, I have a very clear aesthetic shift when we hit March 1. Even if it's still chilly, I'm totally ready to say goodbye to the winter blues and hello to pastels, bouquets, and my personal favorite spring color combo: purple and green. And just like our world IRL, our favorite movies *also* experience a bit of an aesthetic shift. Instead of the boldness of summer movies, the cozy yet edgy quality of fall movies, or the magic of winter movies, these 2024 moviesare as fresh as a bouquet of flowers.

While you're adding some new spring break swimsuits and spring Target dresses to your shopping cart, check out these spring movies! They're fresh, fun, and ready to shake off their winter layers ;). If you're wondering what movies will be in theaters in March 2024, which April movies are headed your way, and what May movies are coming in 2024, stick around and find out. Check out The Best New TV Shows Coming In 2024 too!

Challengers — In Theaters April 26, 2024

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

In Challengers, we see Zendaya play a whole new role as tennis pro-turned-coach Tashi, who is determined to turn her husband Art into a pro. But things get a little messy when Art's pitted against his former best friend Patrick, who's also Tashi's ex. No biggie! This movie looks emotional, sexy, and edgy, and I literally can't wait. It's definitely shaping up to be one of the best spring movies this year. Read our Challengers review after you see the movie!

Challengers hits theaters April 26 and stars Mike Faist, Josh O'Connor, and Zendaya.

Unsung Hero — In Theaters April 26, 2024

Image via Lionsgate

Inspired by the true story of the Smallbone family, this spring movie follows David (played by Joel Smallbone), who moves his wife and their six kids from Australia to the US after his music company falls apart. Forced to rebuild their lives from the ground up, mom Helen (Daisy Betts) helps the family hold on to their faith — leading to their daughter Rebecca and sons Luke and Joel to become international music artists.

Unsung Hero is in theaters April 26 and stars Daisy Betts, Kirrilee Berger, Diesel La Torraca, Jonathan Jackson, JJ Pantano, Joel Smallbone.

The Idea Of You — On Prime Video May 2, 2024

Image via Amazon Studios

In The Idea of You, Anne Hathaway stars as 40-year-old Solène, who chaperones her teen daughter's trip to Coachella. The music festival already promises to be an adventure, but the last thing Sophie expects is to strike up a romance with 24-year-old frontman Hayes Campbell (Nicholas Galitzine).

The Idea of You drops on Prime Video May 2 and stars Nicholas Galitzine, Anne Hathaway, Ella Rubin, and Reid Scott.

Turtles All The Way Down — On Max May 2, 2024

Image via Max

John Green fans will love this adaptation of Turtles All The Way Down. The spring movie follows the very-anxious Aza, who's trying her best to be the best daughter, student, and friend possible. And when she reconnects with her childhood crush Davis, Aza has to come face-to-face with ideas of love, happiness, and hope that she's been running from.

Turtles All The Way Down hits Max May 2 and stars Isabela Merced, Cree, Felix Mallard, Maliq Johnson, Poorna Jagannathan, Judy Reyes, and J. Smith-Cameron.

Prom Dates — On Hulu May 3, 2024

Image via Hulu

Jess and Hannah decided in middle school that they'd have the perfect senior prom. Everything's going according to plan...until 24 hours before the dance when they break up with their dates. Now, the best friends have to figure out what their dream prom will actually look like.

Prom Dates hits Hulu May 3 and stars Julia Lester, Antonia Gentry, Kenny Ridwan, JT Neal, Jordan Buhat, Zión Moreno, Terry Hu, John Michael Higgins, and Chelsea Handler.

The Fall Guy — In Theaters May 3, 2024

Image via Universal Pictures

Stuntman Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling) left Hollywood to prioritize his mental and physical health. But when the star of his ex's (Emily Blunt) blockbuster goes missing, Colt has to use all his stuntman skills to find him. This spring movie looks like pure, adrenaline-filled fun and I can't wait to see Ryan Gosling back on my screen after Barbie!

The Fall Guy hits theaters May 3 and stars Emily Blunt, Winston Duke, Ryan Gosling, Stephanie Hsu, Teresa Palmer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Hannah Waddingham.

Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story — On Netflix May 3, 2024

Image via Netflix

It's 1963 and Kellogg's and Post are cereal archenemies. Both teams find themselves in a race to create a brand new breakfast pastry and the sugar, ambition, and betrayal that follow literally change the world.

Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story hits Netflix May 3 and has an all-star cast including Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa McCarthy, Jim Gaffigan, Amy Schumer, Hugh Grant, Max Greenfield, Christian Slater, and Bill Burr.

I Saw The TV Glow — In Select Theaters May 3, 2024

Image via A24

Like so many of us, Owen is literally just trying to survive his teenage years in the suburbs. When his classmate introduces him to a strange late-night TV show that's basically a look into the supernatural world beneath ours, Owen's view of life — and reality — slowly begins to splinter.

I Saw The TV Glow hits select theaters May 3 and stars Justice Smith, Brigitte Lundy-Paine, and Ian Foreman.

Cuckoo — In Theaters May 3, 2024

Image via Neon

Gretchen (played by Euphoria's Hunter Schafer) is staying in a resort in the German Alps with her dad and stepmom when she begins to see visions of a woman chasing her. The more she learns about the visions, the more she learns about the strange experiments the resort has been hiding.

Cuckoo hits theaters May 3 and stars Hunter Schafer, Dan Stevens, Jessica Henwick, Marton Csókás, Jan Bluthardt.

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes — In Theaters May 8, 2024

Image via 20th Century Studios

This new 2024 spring movie opens 300 years after the reign of Caesar ends. Now, it's up to a young ape to go on a life-changing journey that will define the future for both apes and humans.

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes hits theaters May 8 and stars Owen Teague, Freya Allan, Kevin Durand, Peter Macon, and William H. Macy.

Mother of the Bride — On Netflix May 9, 2024

Image via Sasidis Sasisakulporn/Netflix

Lana's excited to see her daughter Emma after her time abroad, but when Emma announces she's getting married (in Thailand, in a month), Lana is less than thrilled. But what's even worse? Emma's future father-in-law is the man who broke her heart.

Mother of the Bride hits Netflix May 9 and stars Brooke Shields, Benjamin Bratt, Miranda Cosgrove, Rachael Harris, Sean Teale, and Chad Michael Murray.

Poolman — In Theaters May 10, 2024

Image via VerticalEntertainment

Darren (played by Chris Pine, who's also directing!) is your average poolman, and he's constantly fighting to make LA a better place to live. When he's suddenly tasked with uncovering the secrets behind a sketchy business deal, Darren gets his friends in on a mission that could change everything.

Poolman hits theaters May 10 and stars Chris Pine, Annette Being, Danny DeVito, Jennifer Jason Leigh, DeWanda Wise, Stephen Tobolowsky, Clancy Brown, John Ortiz, and Ray Wise.

The Image of You — In Theaters May 10, 2024

Image via Republic Pictures (a Paramount Pictures label)

Based on Adele Parks' bestselling thriller, this spring movie follows identical twins Anna and Zoe, who find their bond tested in a new way when Anna falls in love with Nick. Zoe isn't as trusting as her sister, and the deeper she goes to find the truth, the more danger both sisters encounter.

The Image of You hits select theaters and digital May 10 and stars Sasha Pieterse, Parker Young, Nestor Carbonell, and Mira Sorvino.

Back To Black — In Theaters May 17, 2024

Image via Focus Features

Starring Marisa Abela in the lead role, this biopic offers a look into Amy Winehouse's life — and her rise to fame — as she creates her iconic Back to Black record. This movie is *sure* to have an incredible soundtrack and I already can't wait!

Back to Black hits theaters May 17 and stars Marisa Abela, Juliet Cowan, Lesley Manville, Eddie Marsan, and Jack O'Connell.

The Strangers — Chapter 1 — In Theaters May 17, 2024

Image via Lionsgate

Maya and Ryan aren't expecting to spend the night in the middle of nowhere, but then again, they weren't expecting their car to break down, either. What starts off as a low-stakes accident spirals out of control when three masked strangers begin targeting the couple.

The Strangers: Chapter 1 hits theaters May 17 and stars Madelaine Petsch, Froy Gutierrez, Gabriel Basso, and Ema Horvath.

Imaginary Friends — In Theaters May 17, 2024

Image via Paramount Pictures

Imaginary Friends (IF) follows Bea (Cailey Fleming), who starts to see everyone's forgotten imaginary friends and decides to reconnect them with their kids. This superstar cast features Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Fiona Shaw, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and Steve Carell, plus John Krasinski as director! We got a sneak peek at CinemaCon 2023 and cannot wait.

Imaginary Friends hits theaters May 17 and stars Steve Carell, Louis Gossett Jr., Cailey Fleming, John Krasinski, Ryan Reynolds, Fiona Shaw, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga — In Theaters May 24, 2024

Image via Warner Bros

Starring Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth, this 2024 spring movie follows the titular warrior (played by Anya) on her journey across the Wasteland with biker warlord Dementus and his gang. Furiosa's journey quickly becomes a fight for survival when they cross paths with the Immortan Joe.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga premieres May 24 and stars Alyla Browne, Tom Burke, Chris Hemsworth, and Anya Taylor-Joy.

Atlas — On Netflix May 24, 2024

Image via Netflix

Jennifer Lopez stars as Atlas, a brilliant data analyst who doesn't trust AI at all. But when she's sent on a mission to capture a robot who's gone MIA, she finds that AI might be her only hope of returning home successfully. With so much going on in our own technological advancements, this movie couldn't come out at a better time!

Atlas hits Netflix May 24 and stars Jennifer Lopez, Simu Liu, Sterling K. Brown, Abraham Popoola, Lana Parrilla, Mark Strong.

The Garfield Movie — In Theaters May 24, 2024

Image via Sony Pictures Releasing

I will never say no to a film that brings my favorite cartoons to life, and this spring movie is no exception. This is sure to be a hilarious and heartfelt story that that doesn't take itself too seriously. If you ask me, this is the *perfect* early summer movie night.

The Garfield Movie hits theaters May 24 and stars Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson, Nicholas Hoult, Ving Rhames, Cecily Strong, and Hannah Waddingham.

Young Woman and the Sea — In Select Theaters May 31, 2024

Image via Amazon

This spring movie, based on the book of the same name, stars follows Trudy Ederle, who became the first woman to ever swim across the English Channel on August 6, 1926. "What she accomplished was not only a personal achievement, but ground breaking for women in sport," lead actress Daisy Ridley tells PEOPLE. "I’m excited for people to see this film in all its beauty and experience this journey, with all its difficulty and hope and ultimately joy"

Young Woman and the Sea hits select theaters May 31 and stars Daisy Ridley, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Stephen Graham, Christopher Eccleston, and Jeanette Hain.

​Dune: Part 2 — In Theaters Now

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

I have not been able to stop talking about this franchise since I saw the first installment, and this spring movie looks like it's going to be even better than the original. Dune 2 follows Timothée Chalamet's Paul as he pairs up with the Fremen, confronts his enemies, and learns more about his destiny after his father's murder. Once again I say: I will never stop talking about this new spring movie!!

Dune 2 hits theaters March 1 and stars Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, Josh Brolin, and Rebecca Ferguson.

Spaceman — On Netflix Now

Image via Netflix

In this sci-fi drama, Adam Sandler plays Jakub, an astronaut who is desperate to return to earth so he can fix his marriage with Lenka (Carey Mulligan). Jakub isn't sure where to begin, until he finds an ancient creature hiding in his ship (voiced by Paul Dano) ready to help.

Spaceman hits Netflix March 1. The movie stars Adam Sandler, Carey Mulligan, Paul Dano, and Kunal Nayyar.

Ricky Stanicky — On Prime Video Now

Image via Prime Video

20 years after they created Ricky Stanicky, an imaginary friend, three childhood friends still use him as an alibi when they need a quick exit. But when their significant others demand to meet the infamous Ricky, the trio decides to hire actor Rod to play him — and end up regretting creating Ricky in the first place.

Ricky Stanicky premieres March 7 on Prime Video and in theaters. The movie stars Zac Efron, John Cena, Jermaine Fowler, and Andrew Santino.

Kung Fu Panda 4 — In Theaters Now

Image via Universal Pictures

Jack Black returns to our screens as Po, who has to find a new Dragon Warrior after he's chosen to be the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace. But the quest in this new spring movie gets more difficult when an evil sorceress plans to gather all the villain's Po's already defeated.

You can watch Kung Fu Panda 4 starting March 8. The film stars Jack Black, Awkwafina, James Hong, Dustin Hoffman, Bryan Cranston, Viola Davis, and Ke Huy Quan.

Damsel — On Now

Image via Netflix

In Damsel, powerhouse actress and entrepreneur Millie Bobby Brown stars as Princess Elodie, who agrees to marry the handsome Prince Henry. But after she's already agreed to the union, and realizes the entire set-up was a trap, Elodie finds herself trapped in a cave with a fire-breathing dragon.

You can watch Damsel on Netflix March 8. The movie stars Angela Bassett, Millie Bobby Brown, Nick Robinson, Ray Winstone, and Robin Wright.

Cabrini — In Theaters Now

Image via Angel Studios

In honor of International Women's Day, Angel Studios is releasing Cabrini, which follows the unbelievably inspiring true story of Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini. When she arrives in the US in 1889, Francesca, dealing with severe health problems, has to gather up all the strength she has in a mission to secure housing for orphans living on the streets of New York City.

Cabrini hits theaters March 8 and stars Virginia Bocelli, Cristiana Dell'Anna, John Lithgow, Romana Maggiora, and David Morse.

Love Lies Bleeding — In Select Theaters Now

Image via A24

Lou (Kristen Stewart) is an introverted gym manager who falls hard for bodybuilder Jackie's (Katy O'Brian) ambition and drive. Jackie intends to pop in and out of town on her way to Vegas — that is, until the pair gets pulled into the violence of Lou's criminal family.

Love Lies Bleeding hits theaters March 8 and stars Ed Harris, Jena Malone, Katy O'Brian, and Kristen Stewart.

Accidental Texan — In Theaters Now

Image via Roadside Attractions

Outer Banks star Rudy Pankow plays Erwin, an actor who's stranded in Texas after getting kicked off a movie. When he's taken in by oil driller Merle, he joins the family's quest to outwit their corrupt oil company.

Accidental Texan hits theaters March 8 and stars Rudy Pankow, Thomas Haden Church, Carrie-Anne Moss, Bruce Dern, and AnnaClare Hicks.

Little Wing — On Paramount+ Now

Image via Paramount+

Not only is Kaitlyn grieving her parents' divorce, but now she has to deal with the upcoming loss of her home. In an effort to solve her mom's money problems, Kaitlyn and her best friend decide to steal a valuable bird, but wind up becoming friends with its owner instead.

Little Wing drops on Paramount+ March 13. The movie stars Brian Cox, Kelly Reilly, Brooklynn Prince, and Che Tafari.

Frida — On Prime Video Now

Image via Lucienne Bloch, Courtesy Old Stage Studios

Get a brand new look into the life and art of Frida Kahlo with this movie that includes entries from her diary, letters, and essays. The film covers more than 40 years of her life, and the coolest part is that Kahlo's own words are brought to life by colorful and lyrical animation inspired by her work!

Frida hits Prime Video March 15.

Irish Wish — On Netflix Now

Image via Netflix

In Irish Wish, Maddie's in Ireland for her best friend's wedding, but it's not all rainbows and pots of gold — because Maddie's BFF is marrying Paul, the man *she's* in love with. When Maddie wishes that she was the bride instead, she wakes up to her dream relationship with Paul. But the more time passes, the more Maddie wonders whether Paul's actually the one she's supposed to end up with. Check out our interviews with Lindsay Lohan and Ayesha Curry, and Ed Speleers!

Irish Wish hits Netflix March 15 and stars Lindsay Lohan, Jane Seymour, Elizabeth Tan, Ed Speleers, Alexander Vlahos, and Ayesha Curry.

Snack Shack — In Theaters Now

Image via Republic Pictures//Paramount Global Content Distribution

It's the summer of 1991 in Nebraska City, and best friends AJ and Moose decide to turn the rundown pool snack shack into the hottest place in town. But when they meet lifeguard Brooke, their summer plans to strike it rich — and their friendship — get put to the test.

Snack Shack hits theaters March 15 and stars Conor Sherry, Gabriel LaBelle, Mika Abdalla, Nick Robinson, and David Costabile.

Arthur The King — In Theaters Now

Image via Lionsgate

Mikael Lindnord (Mark Wahlberg) is the captain of a Swedish adventure racing team in this spring movie, which which is based on a true story! When he meets a stray dog during his treacherous 400-mile race, he has to figure out how to get them both out of the jungles of Ecuador.

Arthur The King premieres March 15 and stars Nathalie Emmanuel, Simu Liu, Juliet Rylance, and Mark Wahlberg.

French Girl — In Theaters Now

Image via Paramount Global Content Distribution Group

Gordon plans to propose to his girlfriend — until a job offer from her ex gets her to move to Quebec. Determined to strengthen their relationship, Gordon follows her to Canada and winds up having to impress her entire family. Check out our interview with Zach Braff, Évelyne Brochu, and Vanessa Hudgens!

French Girl hits theaters March 15 and stars Zach Braff, Evelyne Brochu, Luc Picard, Antoine Olivier Pilon, Isabelle Vincent, Charlotte Aubin, Muriel Dutil, William Fichtner, and Vanessa Hudgens.

Road House — On Prime Video Now

Image via Prime Video

An 80s classic gets a modern, action-packed update with Road House, which stars Jake Gyllenhaal as an ex-UFC fighter named Dalton. When he takes a job as a Florida Keys roadhouse bouncer, he realizes this dreamy new life isn't exactly paradise.

Roadhouse hits Prime Video March 21 and stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Post Malone, Conor McGregor, Daniela Melchior, and Hannah Love Lanier.

Shirley — On Netflix Now

Image via Netflix

Take a step back in time to follow Shirley Chisholm's presidential campaign in 1972. Chisholm became the first Black congresswoman and a political icon, and this is one movie you cannot miss. Check out our interview with Shirley star Christina Jackson!

Shirley drops on Netflix March 22 and stars Regina King, Christina Jackson, Lucas Hedges, Michael Cherrie, Dorian Missick, Amirah Vann, W. Earl Brown, André Holland, and Terrence Howard.

Immaculate — In Theaters Now

Image via Neon

Cecilia is over the moon to join a convent in the beautiful Italian countryside. She welcomes the adventure with open arms, but things take a turn for the sinister when she begins to discover that the convent is hiding much more than they let on in the beginning. Check out our interview with Sydney Sweeney to hear more!

Immaculate hits theaters March 22 and stars Sydney Sweeney, Álvaro Morte, Benedetta Porcaroli, and Dora Romano.

Luca — In Theaters Now

Image via Disney/Pixar

This coming-of-age film is great for anyone who's dreaming of a summer adventure. Luca's enjoying the most magical summer in Italy. While all the gelato and scooter rides are fun, Luca's favorite part is spending every day with his new best friend. But Luca also has a secret that could threaten everything: he's actually a sea monster who's not supposed to be on land.

Luca is being rereleased in theaters on March 22. The film stars Emma Berman, Jim Gaffigan, Giacomo Gianniotti, Jack Dylan Grazer, Maya Rudolph, and Jacob Tremblay.

Problemista — In Theaters Now

Image via A24

Aspiring toy designer Alejandro is having a hard time bringing his unique and unconventional ideas into the real world. But when time begins to run out on his work visa, he becomes the assistant for a strange and passionate figure in the art world — a job that just might help save his dream.

Problemista is in theaters now and stars Julio Torres, Tilda Swinton, Greta Lee, James Scully, and RZA.

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire — In Theaters Now

Image via Columbia Pictures/Sony

This spring movie is more nostalgic than ever because the Spenglers are headed back to the New York City firehouse. When they accidentally release an evil force thanks to an ancient artifact, they have to team up to prevent a second Ice Age from taking over the world.

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire premieres March 29 and stars Carrie Coon, McKenna Grace, Emily Alyn Lind, Paul Rudd, and Finn Wolfhard.

La Chimera — On Apple TV Now

Image via Neon

The Chimera means something different to everyone. To find his Chimera — the woman he's lost — Arthur will go to the ends of the earth to find the door to the afterlife. This spring movie holds a tension between life and death in a way you won't be able to let go of.

La Chimera hits Apple TV March 29 and stars Josh O'Connor, Carol Duarte, Vincenzo Nemolato, Alba Rohrwacher, Isabella Rossellini, and Lou Roy-Lecollinet.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire — In Theaters Now

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

Godzilla and King Kong are two of the most iconic creatures in cinema, and they're back for another battle. But this time, it's a battle against a dangerous force hidden within the planet. Now, they have to team up to protect themselves — and everyone on earth.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire premieres March 29 and stars Fala Chen, Alex Ferns, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Kaylee Hottle, Rachel House, and Dan Stevens.

The Beautiful Game — On Netflix Now

Image via Netflix

Bill Nighy stars in this spring movie as Mal, manager for England’s homeless football team. When he decides to add Vinny as a striker ahead of the team's Homeless World Cup in Rome, they might have a chance at winning, but only if Vinny can learn to let go of the past.

The Beautiful Game hits Netflix March 29 and stars Bill Nighy, Micheal Ward, Callum Scott Howells, Sheyi Cole, Robin Nazari, Kit Young, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, Valeria Golino.

Someone Like You — In Theaters Now

Image via Karen Kingsbury Productions

Dawson (played by Jake Allyn) is mourning the sudden death of his best friend London (Sarah Fisher). When he learns that London has a secret twin sister, Andi, he sets out to find her. Turns out, Andi's looking for her biological parents — and it doesn't take long for Dawson and Andi's paths to cross in a way that changes everything.

Someone Like You hits theaters April 2 and stars Jake Allyn, Lynn Collins, Sarah Fisher, Bart Johnson, and Robyn Lively.

Música — On Prime Video Now

Image via Prime Video

Calling all rom-com lovers! Once you finish rewatching Camila Mendes' Upgraded (one of the best winter movies, IMO), check out Música. This spring movie follows Rudy, a street performer living with his mom in Newark. Rudy's feeling stuck between his passion for music and the idea of settling down. But everything changes when he meets Isabella (Camila). My favorite part about this movie is that IRL couple Camila Mendes and Rudy Mancuso met while filming!

Música is available to stream on Prime Video April 4. The movie stars Rudy Mancuso, Camila Mendes, Francesca Reale, Maria Mancuso, and J.B. Smoove.

How to Date Billy Walsh — On Prime Video Now

Image via Prime Video

Amelia and Archie have been best friends since they were kids, but Archie's keeping a huge secret: he's been in love with Amelia their entire lives. When he's finally ready to tell Amelia how he feels, she falls for the new American transfer student Billy Walsh. And the more Archie tries to keep them apart, the more he risks losing Amelia forever.

How to Date Billy Walsh premieres on Prime Video April 5 and stars Sebastian Croft, Charithra Chandran, and Tanner Buchanan.

Monkey Man — In Theaters Now

Image via Universal Pictures

Dev Patel directs and stars in this spring movie, which follows an anonymous young man in a quest to bring down a group of corrupt leaders. Using a somewhat unhinged campaign against these men who continually and systemically victimize the powerless, Patel's character sets out to avenge his mother. Filmmaking icon Jordan Peele serves as producer.

Monkey Man hits theaters April 5 and stars Sharlto Copley, Sobhita Dhulipala, Ashwini Kalsekar, and Dev Patel.

The Absence Of Eden — In Theaters Now

Image via Roadside Attractions/Vertical Entertainment

In this spring movie, Zoe Saldaña stars as an undocumented woman trying to escape a cartel opposite an ICE agent (played by Garrett Hedlund) who's struggling with his role as a security agent at the border. When their paths cross, everything changes.

The Absence Of Eden hits theaters April 12 and stars Zoe Saldaña, Garrett Hedlund, Adria Arjona, and Tom Waits.

Civil War — In Theaters Now

Image via A24

In this star-studded film, which features Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemmons, Cailee Spaeny, Wagner Moura, and Stephen McKinley, a group of journalists travel across an alternate version of the United States where a new civil war has ripped the country apart.

Civil War premieres April 12 and stars Kirsten Dunst, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Wagner Moura, Jesse Plemmons, Cailee Spaeny.

The Greatest Hits — On Hulu Now

Image via Searchlight Pictures

In this spring movie, Harriet knows music like the back of her hand. However, the last thing she expects is for certain songs to literally pull her back in time. As she starts reliving the past through her ex's memories, she's also finding new love in the present, and all this back and forth leaves her wondering if she can change the past — and if she even wants to. Check out our interview with Lucy Boynton on YouTube!

The Greatest Hits is available to stream on Hulu starting April 12. The film stars Lucy Boynton, Justin H. Min, Austin Crute, and David Corenswet.

Abigail — In Theaters Now

Image via Universal Pictures

The mission was simple: kidnap the 12-year-old daughter of an underworld mastermind, watch her overnight, and collect the $50 million ransom. But as the night wears on, the criminals begin to disappear. Mystery turns to horror when they realize this is no ordinary little girl.

Abigail premieres April 19 and stars Melissa Barrera, William Catlett, Angus Cloud, Kevin Durand, Giancarlo Esposito, Kathryn Newton, Dan Stevens, and Alisha Weir.

Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver — On Netflix Now

Image via Netflix

Kora and the people of Veldt are ready to sacrifice everything to defend their home against the Motherworld. But the night before their battle, they must come together to reveal what they're fighting for — a night that will form unbreakable relationships and change everything.

Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver hits Netflix April 19 and stars Sofia Boutella, Djimon Hounsou, Michiel Huisman, Staz Nair, Donna Bae, E Duffy, and Cleopatra Coleman.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare — In Theaters Now

Image via Lionsgate

As someone who was obsessed with spies as a kid, I'm all about this new spring movie, which focuses on a secret Nazi-fighting organization founded by Winston Churchill. They use lots of unconventional (and apparently, ungentlemanly) methods.

You can see The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare on April 19. The movie stars Henry Cavill, Cary Elwes, Eiza González, Henry Golding, Alex Pettyfer, Alan Ritchson, and Til Schweiger.

Sasquatch Sunset — In Theaters Now

Image via Bleecker Street

Sasquatch Sunset stars Daisy Jones lead Riley Keough and follows the last family of Sasquatches as they fight for survival in the midst of an ever-changing world. It's hilarious, it's ridiculous, and it's surprisingly human. FYI — this spring movie might seem fantastical, but it's not for kids!

Sasquatch Sunset hits theaters April 19 and stars Riley Keough, Jesse Eisenberg, Nathan Zellner, and Christophe Zajac-Denek.

Check back here for the latest news on your favorite spring movies! And don't forget to check all of the best winter movies off your watchlist before you press play on this year's summer movies.

Lead image viaNetflix

This post has been updated.

Spring cleaning time is just around the corner, but why wait until spring? After all, the last thing you want to do when the weather warms up is stay indoors and clean! Get started now by decluttering, donating, and organizing your messiest spaces. Create a regular cleaning routine to keep your home organized and tidy and store seasonal items such as clothing, decorations, or sports equipment in labeled containers. You might already have the things you need to start getting organized. Here are 40 organization hacks to repurpose, sort, store, and tidy, all in the name of organization. Get creative with our DIY organization projects too!

Desk Drawer Organizer

Use this set of 32 containers in your desk, cabinets, closets, and more to organize all the little necessities in your life, from pencils and pens to makeup and hair accessories.

Get a Grip Mop and Broom Organizer

Install shelves, hooks, and racks on walls to make use of all your vertical space for storage. This can free up floor space and make your small space feel less cluttered.

Wall-Mounted Mail Organizer

Add this to your entry area for incoming mail, bills, and all the things you need outside, like keys and bags.

Mobile Filing Cabinet

Declutter your digital space by organizing files into folders, unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, and deleting old or unused apps.This filing cabinet doesn't look like your typical cabinet and can store all your tech, like your printer and charging station.

12-Pack Storage Bins

You can never have too many storage bins. This colorful 12-piece set can be used for art supplies, pantry items, socks, nursery items and more.

Backseat Organizer

Got kids? Car messes are a given. Create a backseat organizing station to keep messes at bay.

Makeup and Nail Polish Organizer

Makeup can make a mess in your bathroom. Store it all away in this neat caddy.

Art Supply Organizer

Stow away art supplies, from yarn to paint to kids art supplies, in this colorful rolling organizer.

16 Pair Shoe Storage Cabinet

Keep shoes organized and your floors clear with this 16-pair cabinet.

Pant Hangers

Use slimline hangers to maximize closet space. You can also hang multiple items like scarves, belts, or ties on a single hanger using shower curtain rings.

Shelf Dividers

Keep sweaters, blankets, scarves and more tidy with these handy shelf dividers.

Sweater Organizer

Store seasonal items in these containers for when winter fades away.

Yamazaki Purse Organizer

Keep your favorite bags organized in your closet for easy reach.

6-Shelf Hanging Closet Organizer

Take advantage of vertical space with two three-shelf hanging shelves with three drawers for the perfectly organized closet on a budget!

Etsy Personalized Earring Holder

Organize your earrings with these sweet holders you can personalize. They make great gifts!


DIY Dreamcatcher Earring Caddy

Prefer to DIY? Check out this throwback project that gives your earrings good vibes and keeps them easily within view. (via Brit + Co.)

Jewelry Organizer With Earring Tray

Organize your necklaces, bracelets and earrings with this minimal jewelry organizer.


The Ultimate DIY Accessory Organizer

If all your jewelry won't fit on this huge organizer, you might have a hoarding problem. (Guilty!) (via Brit + Co.)

LED Light Jewelry Organizer

Keep your jewerly hidden in this vanity-style box with LED light.


DIY Wall Jewelry Organizer With Frame Front

We love the look of this for earrings and necklaces, and we could slide a few love notes in the picture frame front. (via House Full of Handmade)

Etsy Wipeable Weekly Planner

Let's not forget mental organization — it's just as important as home organization.


DIY Magnetic Whiteboard Calendar

Get your life organized with a weekly planner that's in clear view. Update every week! (via Damask Love)

Canvas Half-Wall Organizer

This elegant wall organizer is perfect for crafts, gardening, desk and art supplies -- all the little things you need in life.


DIY Wooden Bungee Organizer

Why settle for a boring shelf when you can easily make these? (via Brit + Co.)

Boho Printed Laundry Hamper

Brighten your laundry day with this boho-painted hamper.


Painted Laundry Basket

We're not sure if all the wash would actually get put away if we had one of these, but we'd still like to try it out and see if it solves our laundry pile issues. (via Brit + Co)

Filerix Portfolio Organizer with Clipboard

This organizer keeps your wallet, notes, calendar, receipts, and more organized in one pretty place.


DIY Notebook Organizer with Envelopes

This is genius! We're always tucking notes and receipts and business cards and who knows what into our notebooks, and now there is a great way to keep it all in there. (via Simple As That)

Skip Hop Grab & Go Stackable Food Container Set

Keep kid snacks organized for lunch and on the go with this stackable food container.


Repurpose Easter Eggs as Snack Containers

Does anyone else have a ton of plastic eggs lying around post-Easter? Now we for sure won't be throwing ours out. Yay for upcycling! (via A Kailo Chic Life)

World Market Natural Seagrass Utility Basket

Use these storage bins to store items in closets, under beds, or in cabinets.


DIY Storage Basket Centerpiece

It's amazing what you can do with some crates and paint. (via Brit + Co)

H&M Rainbow Hanger Rack

This adorable hanger rack is perfect for baby or kid rooms.


DIY Rainbow Hook Organizer Rack

This ivory rainbow organizer is a total DIY masterpiece. Consider hanging it by the front door for keys. (via A Bubbly Life)

Scout Regalia Wall Rack

Make a statement with this colorful wall rack in the kitchen, bedroom, or entry.


DIY Accessory Organizer

Admire your accessories with this simple shelf organizer, which is a total upgrade for any entryway. (via Brit + Co)

Wayfair Ladder Bookcase

Available in more than 10 colors, this ladder bookcase is the perfect addition to your living room.


DIY Ladder Shelf

Add some storage to that neglected corner with this easy to DIY ladder shelf. (via Brit + Co)

Storage Rack Boltless Shelving

Easy to assemble, these five adjustable shelves will keep your books and things organized and within reach.


DIY Modular Crate Bookcase

What a cute way to turn old crates into a colorful storage unit. Try a mix of colors for a mod effect. (via Brit + Co)

Follow us on Pinterest for more design inspo!

This post has been updated.

The first few trailers for Zendaya's Challengers hooked me with the promise of a steamy love triangle and plenty of drama on and off the tennis court. I can now confidently say this is one of the best movies of the year — if not Zendaya's entire career. The film (which just nabbed a 100 percent Rotten Tomatoes score) explores love and passion in a totally different way than I expected. And while it engages your senses, more than anything, it makes you feel.

"Challengers" Is A Fully Emotional Experience

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

Challengers (directed by Luca Guadagnino) is a full experience thanks to the visuals, sound design, and score. The first 10 minutes alone will make you want to re-enter your tennis era, and the vibrant feel of Challengers makes everything from a American college campus to a backyard feel like the Italian coast.

This backyard is where we see Mike Faist's Art, Josh O'Connor's Patrick, and Zendaya's Tashi truly mesh for the first time. Both Art and Patrick want Tashi's number, but while she's curious, she's not so sure she should offer it up. They spend time talking about tennis and college, and later that night, Tashi promises her number to the one that wins their match, rather than the one that catches her eye or moves her. It's a telling choice that has major ramifications later on in the story. Tashi just wants to watch drama unfold, especially if it makes the boys' tennis more emotional (she, as the kids say, loves mess).

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

From this point on, Tashi, Patrick, and Art move as a unit, even when their relationships end. Tashi's at the helm, and while she's definitely the mastermind, she's more like their North Star than a leader giving them direct orders. Patrick and Art follow her light over the course of the next 13 years, to a Challengers tournament that pits the estranged friends against each other.

It's very clear what both men think about her, and the smallest details reinforce they are in love. (For instance, at one of Tashi's early matches, their eyes linger on her even after she's hit the ball, while she barely moves a muscle to keep up with their match later in the movie).

"Challengers" Is More About The Characters Than Tennis

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

Even though all three leads are fully-formed, individual characters (with wildly different personalities, might I add), they switch places at any given point in the story to fill each other's emotional shoes. One moment, Art is hopeful, Tashi is calculated, and Patrick is driven. The next Tashi is entirely focused on tennis, Art is willing to bend the rules of right and wrong to get what he wants, and Patrick is left in their wake. You can never truly root for one person before the tables are turned, but despite it all, the tension between them always leaves you wanting more.

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

While the movie has a number of tennis matches (which means an endless amount of tennis grunts), the most impactful moments for me are the quiet ones. We know Art and Patrick are in love with Tashi, but we're never quite sure what Tashi thinks about herself.

The Spider-Man actress brings a nuance to the character we haven't seen from her before, and there's a cautious tenderness to the moments where Tashi's back is facing another character, or where she's standing alone. You can almost see the gears turning in her head. "Almost" is the most important word because Challengers is full of "almosts": Tashi almost apologizes, Art almost chooses himself over everyone.

Image via Amazon MGM Studios

Challengers is full of open-ended emotions that serve as an exploration of human nature in all its complicated, manipulative, dreamy glory. It's a movie about passion and love and desire — and it's one that leaves you wondering who, or what, the object of that desire is.

Let us know your thoughts on Zendaya's Challengers on Facebook. Check out the rest of our Spring Movie Preview and the Most-Anticipated 2024 Movies!

Lead image via Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris caused quite a stir at Elton John's Oscars afterparty, but for good reason! After dodging dating rumors for quite awhile, they dressed to impress and made their first public debut as a couple! Sophia even wore her best accessory — a mega-watt smile — that further confirms this blissful pair.

While some people love to know whencelebrity couples fell in love, the details about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris' relationship have people wondering when this couple actually got together. Well, our wait is over because Sophia decided to open about what led to her romance with Ashlyn Harris and why certain rumors hold no merit!

Since we're clearly tuned in to this love story, here's everything you need to know about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris's relationship!

Who is Sophia Bush?

Image via Robin L Marshall/Getty Images

Sophia Bush has had a lengthy career as an actress, and she's most recognized for her portrayal of Brooke Davis in the hit TV series One Tree Hill. She's also appeared in Nip/Tuck, Chicago Fire, Incredibles 2, and John Tucker Must Die. When she's not showing off her acting chops, she hosts the Drama Queens podcast alongside former One Tree Hill castmates Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz!

Who is Ashlyn Harris?

Image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for W Magazine

Ashlyn Harris is a former U.S. soccer player who had a successful run — no pun intended — as a goalkeeper during the career. She also won the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup in Canada and continued making an impressionable mark. However, she announced her retirementin 2022 and — per her Instagrampage — has gone on to become the Global Creative Advisor for Gotham FC and Adidas Football.

When did the dating rumors about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris start?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

June 2023

Rumors about a possible connection between Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris swirled last summer when Cosmopolitanreported they were on a panel at Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity. Sophia shared a pic of the two at the festival on Instagramand wrote, "Love you @ashlynharris24 and @sophieannkelly" towards the end of her caption.

A source told Page Six, "It’s very new...They are definitely a couple.” But, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris didn't confirm or deny anything at that time.

When did Sophia Bush file for divorce from Grant Hughes?

Image via Leigh Vogel/Getty Images

August 2023

A couple of months after Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were seen getting cozy together, Sophia filed for divorce from her former husband Grant Hughes. Peopleshared that they were only married for a little over a year — 13 months — but didn't end on a bad terms. A source then told Entertainment Tonight, "Grant and Sophia are better off as friends and they weren’t getting enough time with each other before their breakup."

When did Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger file for divorce?

Image via Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

October 2023

While things seemed to quiet down, Ashlyn Harris soon filed for divorce from Ali Krieger after getting married towards the end of 2019. What's interesting is that a source told Peoplethis decision wasn't surprising. "Although it’s new information to the public, Ashlyn and Ali’s divorce began months ago and they have been living apart since the summer,” the source said.

This is also around the time it was speculated Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris had their first official date. A rep told People, "Grant will always want the best for Sophia, and is supportive of all that makes her happy and fulfilled." We guess it helps he and Sophia had a solid friendship before getting married!

As for Ali Krieger, she basically let the world know things were business as usual with an Instagrampost. She captioned a pic of her playing soccer with, "Preparing for playoffs while in my Beyoncé lemonade era." A comment from user @lgbtlfg said, "the fact that a lot of players in these comment’s usually mind their business and stay out of drama but are supporting ali should tell everyone all they need to know."

The only thing Ashlyn said about it on Instagramis that she never intended for her and Ali's divorce to be made a public matter. A portion of her note says, "This process is never easy, but we were making our way through."

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris publicly talked about their relationship?

Image via Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Tequila Don Julio

March 2024

Besides showing up to Elton John's Oscars afterparty together, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were previously tight-lipped about their relationship. The only hint Sophia offered was much more of a reflective post about 2023 on Instagramat the beginning of January. She said, "This year taught me to listen to myself and no one else. To let go of expectation that wounds and grasp possibility that frees. To not care about optics and instead invest in honesty."

But, she's since chosen to own where she is in life.

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

Sophia Bush on the cover of Glamour Magazine

April 2024

Sophia Bush has now reached a point where she's publicly ready to stand in her truth regarding her life and her relationship status so much that she penned her own cover story for Glamour. The first thing she did was open up about how she really felt about her marriage and fertility struggles.

She wrote, "But after the wedding I found myself in the depths and heartbreak of the fertility process, which was the most clarifying experience of my life. It feels like society is finally making space for brutally honest conversations about how hard and painful any fertility journey is, but I kept mine private. I was trying to get through months of endless ultrasounds, hormone shots, so many blood draws that I have scar tissue in my veins, and retrieval after retrieval, while simultaneously realizing the person I had chosen to be my partner didn’t necessarily speak the same emotional language I did.”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

As far as her relationship with Ashlyn Harris is concerned, the star is enjoying the love that exists between them. Contrary to alleged rumors, their initial relationship was a platonic one that stemmed from a place of understanding and support.

She told Glamour,I didn’t expect to find love in this support system. I don’t know how else to say it other than: I didn’t see it until I saw it. And I think it’s very easy not to see something that’s been in front of your face for a long time when you’d never looked at it as an option and you had never been looked at as an option. What I saw was a friend with her big, happy life. And now I know she thought the same thing about me.”

She also added, "A lot of effort was made to be graceful with other people’s processing, their time and obligations, and their feelings. What felt like seconds after I started to see what was in front of me, the online rumor mill began to spit in the ugliest ways. There were blatant lies. Violent threats. There were the accusations of being a home-wrecker. The ones who said I’d left my ex because I suddenly realized I wanted to be with women—my partners have known what I’m into for as long as I have (so that’s not it, y’all, sorry!).”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

It's safe to say that Sophia Bush is thoroughly comfortable with her love life and identity as a queer woman. She said, "I’ve experienced so much safety, respect, and love in the queer community, as an ally all of my life, that, as I came into myself, I already felt it was my home. I think I’ve always known that my sexuality exists on a spectrum. Right now I think the word that best defines it is queer. I can’t say it without smiling, actually. And that feels pretty great.”

And this is what it looks like to reclaim your narrative when so many people are looking at a brief glimpse of the lives of celebrities. We love that Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris are loving each other on their terms without feeling pressured to share anything before they were ready to. Our hope is that their love story continues to unfold beautifully.

Be sure to watch Sophia Bush's interview with Glamour's Editor-in-Chief Samantha Barry here!

Full Credits From Glamour Magazine:

Writer: Sophia Bush

Photographer: Lauren Dukoff

Stylist: Deborah Afshani

Hair: Matthew Collins

Makeup: Afton Williams

Manicure: Brittney Boyce

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This article has been updated.

Lead image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Frazer Harrison/Getty Images