9 Cheap (+ Free!) Apps to Replace Your Most Expensive Habits

The app world has come a long way. So it’s time to ask yourself why you’re spending an arm and a leg on some things you could be getting for nothing! These apps provide skills, training or services that used to be expensive before technology helped bridge the gap. From photo editing tools and style experts to personal trainers and drivers, start swapping your pricey picks for these apps. And how about you pocket that cash for shopping ;)

1. barre3: Barre is an uber popular workout that will quickly drain your bank account if you love it enough to go on a steady basis. This affordable app features workouts that can be done from anywhere, even to your own music. The nutrition tools are an added bonus. ($4.99 on iOS)

2. Light Meter: We all know light meters are super important for pulling off stellar shots, but they’re also expensive, yall! This app gives you the bang without the buck. ($1.99 on iOS)

3. Blynk: No one needs a stylist if they know their way around social media. This app rocks the fashion-meets-tech world by using your style preferences to send you outfits you’ll dig, offering up new looks and trends it’s pretty sure you’ll love. (Free on iOS and Android)

4. VSCO Cam: We love Photoshop as much as the next girl, but to have Photoshop-like tools on your smartphone for free? It doesn’t get better than that. (Free on iOS and Android)

5. Nike Training Club: Download this app and you’ll soon realize how easy it will be to ditch your personal trainer for the new one in your pocket. It houses step-by-step video instruction for countless exercises and routines, and features a community of female athletes to cheer you on along the way. (Free on iOS and Android)

6. TripIt: The only thing better than a vacation is a vacation planned by a travel agent, right? But save your cash for the trip and get this app instead. Just forward your confirmation emails to it and it creates a travel itinerary for you that even Dad would be proud of! (Free on iOS and Android)

7. Uber: It once seemed so glamorous to turn your nose up at a cab for a car you could just call up at the drop of a hat. Now a ride (often cheaper than a cab) is in our pocket at all times. (Free on iOS and Android)

8. Party Party: You can’t go wrong with having a photo booth at your party, but sometimes they can make a deep cut into your budget. Opt instead for this photo booth app that not only delivers incredible photos, but GIFs, too! ($0.99 on iOS)

9. Workout Trainer: This app replaces your pricey training sessions with thousands of workouts that are actually led by certified personal trainers. The tutorials range from yoga and HIIT to running and Tabata. (Free on Android and iOS)

What app have you downloaded to help you save $$? Share below!

"I love your aura." You may wonder what this means. We are now living in a time when we are beginning to wonder beyond the linear and physical reality of existence. The Age of Aquarius has been approaching these past years, encouraging us to look into spirituality and the collective consciousness. Our energy is precious – and learning about your aura can be the first stepping stone to level up your spirituality. Celebrities such as Emma Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Zosia Mamet have revealed their spiritual selves by promoting aura photography.

What are auras?

Getty/Aleksandra Konoplia

Auras are the unseen spiritual energy field surrounding all living things' bodies. They manifest as vibrations and colors throughout the body. Depending on what you are experiencing, it will manifest into the type of color filter around the body, revealing your spiritual and emotional self and state of wellness.

It is not always easily accessible to see auras, but it can be felt. Observe celebrities such as Taylor Swift or Beyonce. They have a magnetic yet powerful aura that swirls with creativity and prestige. Or suppose you are crossing paths with someone who gives off a warm and sunny persona. You can't help but smile. This indicates you are feeling or sensing their auric energy. The same also applies to those who store a negative vibe – only in this case, you decide (hopefully) not to engage due to the clashing of energies.

If you are an astrology lover like me, then there is a chance that you have invested time in learning about yourself, leading to non-stop Google searches. Learning about astrology can help you see things from an entirely new view because each zodiac sign holds strength and characteristics revealed in different aspects of energy and, best yet – self-acceptance.

How do I find my aura colors?

Lumi Pelinku

If you want to uncover your aura colors, one way is to get your aura photographed. A special camera, known as the Kirlian camera, captures your halo or colorful, energetic field using an electrified photographic plate. Or you can have a clairvoyant read your aura, and you will have a better idea about which parts of your birth chart you are in tune with your life story or address what needs work.

For example, five years ago, when I had my aura photographed, the most prominent colors in my energy field were bright red, green, and indigo. I was most in tune with my Mars, Venus, and rising sign. This was the time in my journey when I was unknowingly invested in my toxic relationship while over-compromising my individuality, which resulted in my Mars and Venus covering my indigo color. Last year, I took another photo of my aura that turned out burnt orange and murky while I still held on in the relationship. My indigo color was nowhere to be seen in my aura photo. This was a wake-up call and a red flag for me to realize what was in store for my well-being if I ignored my feelings about my relationship. Months later, and energetically depleted, I decided to part ways. Enlightening, isn't it?

Connecting with your aura will illuminate what part of your life needs attention. The colors of your aura correspond to one of the seven rays of the rainbow spectrum—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. With each life experience, traumatic or blissful, your colors are bound to change. It can appear clear and vibrant if you are on cloud nine or murky and dark if you are going through a tough time. The best part is that if you know this information, you can navigate past your life issues and figure out the core of your happiness, as each color has a theme.

However, everyone has a base color connected with their zodiac sign. Learning about your aura and what imbalances you will help you live a more authentic path in alignment with your sign.

Understanding your aura colors based on your zodiac sign

Getty/We Are


As the first sign of the zodiac, you are meant to step into the path of realizing the ability to initiate and set the tone of your success by being bold. The ram is notable for its ability to aim with its horns during conflict. Taking ownership of what you set your sights on will ignite willpower. You lead with great stride and confidence by emanating truth and authenticity behind your purpose. Hope and seeing life as a new conquest will help you see yourself through success.

Aura Color: Bright Red

You are the zodiac's spark of light radiating bright red in your aura. Red is the most primal and attention-grabbing of the colors. It connects with the Root Energy Center of the body, which stores your stability and security. This color embodies passion, sexuality, competitiveness, and persevering will – which are your major life themes. The ruling planet that is your support in this life is Mars, which adds fuel to your fiery spirit. This color adds momentum and confidence in pursuing your goals.

Imbalanced Aura

When imbalanced, Aries can hold an air of becoming overly authoritative, domineering, and untactful. To diffuse this tendency, this sign will have to shift the focus to the benefit of others instead of designating themselves as a priority.


As an earthy and patient being, you are a stabilizing energy force. You are legendary for persistence and known to take your time in moving. As the bull sign, you are granular in your energetic makeup and persevering. Your will is so strong that you do not lose yourself due to mental conflict, resulting in you connecting with the sensuality of life by living in the moment, which so many aspire to master.

Aura Color: Jewel Green

Green is the color of relaxation, abundance, and love. With your Venus-ruled energy, this color is linked to the Heart Energy Center, and it can help support you by living more consciously with your decisions involving love – or, on the flip side of that, transmuting jealousy. Green is often used as a supportive color in healing by enhancing feelings of balance and renewal. As the earthy sign, this color is associated with nature and growth.

Imbalanced Aura

If your aura is imbalanced, you may be prone to indulging in the extreme of earthly pleasures such as food, materialism, inflexibility, and sex. Observe your life logically and change your patterns to balance out these extremes.


Like the wind, you spiral out in different directions with your communication and ideas. As the messenger of the zodiac, you enable the conversations to flow in others. As seen in the Twins, this air sign reveals the polarity in situations and bridges the gaps of missed information. You are here to share the truth, strengthen yourself by confidently speaking openly, relate to all walks of life by embracing diversity, and engage the mind and instill this in others.

Aura Color: Yellow

Yellow is the most polarizing of all colors. This color transmutes your moods and emotional needs and invokes productivity and movement. With Mercury as your ruling planet, your thoughts formulate your reality. Solar Plexus energy center becomes the driving force behind you finding empowerment in alignment with your ideas.

Imbalanced Aura

If experiencing imbalance, it can manifest in scattered ideas and fall prey to playing out the messages in their head, and have a hard time developing the context of their findings. Grounding is essential to help you balance this tendency and ensure the practicality and meaning behind your motivations.

More aura colors and their meanings

Getty/Justin Lambert


Naturally sensitive, you are here to establish your roots and build security in your relationships. Intuitive in nature, you are absorbent to the feelings of others and aim to extend empathy. Cancers are here to learn how to invoke self-care and safety to withstand the ebbs and flows of life while accepting help from others. Known to be compassionate and nurturing and possesses such camaraderie with humanity. You value tradition and have the talent for spreading wisdom to others.

Aura Color: Silvery White

White is the color in association with tranquility and surrender. However, it may be noted as an absence of color – quite the opposite. It stores all colors, like a spectrum. The Moon phases reflect your understanding of nature and experiences, and working with white helps you see and understand self-acceptance in alignment with your soul self.

Imbalanced Aura

With an imbalanced aura, you are prone to be excessively worried and become overly involved in others life problems, this leads to codependent routes in relationships. This stifling tendency can deplete your energetic capacity to build life as you see fit.


As the showstopper of the zodiac, you are the life of the party and child-like at heart. Even for Leos, who feel they are not outgoing, that spark hides somewhere. They lead by the heart and aim to immerse in their creativity. Leos are meant to stand on their pedestal, firmly holding their individuality. You generate your power by igniting and following through with your goals. As Leo instills hope, their inner radiance glows and inspires others to follow their dreams.

Aura Color: Orange

Orange combines the fiery energy of red with the optimism of yellow. With the Sun as your planetary guide, this color, too, emits the same effect of warmth, happiness, and high energy. Working with the color orange can curb procrastination and boost confidence to pursue your goals.

Imbalanced Aura

An unhappy Leo rarely goes unnoticed, and this is reflected in the aura. Imbalance manifests when you are not entirely accepted or feeling secure. To balance this out, look for the essential benefit of your life's work instead of surface-layered validation. This opens pathways for you to shine.


As the service-oriented sign, you are here to extend the purity of purpose while assisting others. They have a strong work ethic, and measuring up to their promise of crystal-clear delivery is guaranteed. Virgos are to live out a path of finding order in their lives and becoming comfortable with inevitable chaos. With a sensitivity to environmental imbalances and external influences, it is crucial for you to honor your body with wholesome foods, clear away self-deprecating thoughts, and be flexible to life's rhythms.

Aura Color: Blue-Green

Blue is a primary color associated with logic, honesty, trust, and communication, while green is associated with the grounding element of the earth. These two colors fused align with Mercury as your ruler planet. Working with these colors instills a laser focus to look at the minor details and modify anything to perfection.

Imbalanced Aura

Experiencing the darker shade of your aura can manifest in excessive perfectionism, self-doubt, and criticism. Once you learn the art of self-acceptance and humility while making mistakes, you will feel stronger and at peace when things go haywire.

What is your aura color?

Getty/We Are


Instilling balance within oneself while shifting the lens of the opposing forces of others is a part of your life purpose. You have a knack for challenging the status quo and aim to find justice and fairness in all aspects of life. Libra is also notable for their quest to find love. Attracting friendships or partnerships that challenge you will keep the spark alive. By having a natural gift of mediating amid conflict, you also desire to spread grace and beauty in the world.

Aura Color: Pink

Pink is associated with love, kindness, and compassion. Venus, your guiding planet, powers up your pink aura by supporting your mission to find beauty and love. Pink helps you connect with your heart center while boosting feelings of self-love.

Imbalanced Aura

An imbalanced aura manifests when you fall prey to codependent relationships or people-pleasing tendencies. Remaining in these scenarios to avoid confrontations dims your inner light and leads to delayed results in line with your goals. Mastering boundaries and sticking with assertion is vital for you to find balance.


Life is a rite of passage for you. Understanding the shadow and the light is not for the faint of heart, but as a Scorpio, you evolve and rise above life's trials. This stems from your psychic ability to see the darker depths of life and the shadows of others. The constant regenerating expression triggers inner conflict, but you emerge stronger as you learn to surrender to the process.

Aura Color: Indigo

Associated as the color of wealth, mystery, and spiritual awareness, you, too, hold these treasures within your auric field. With the shortest wavelength of light, this acts as a shield to your energy, protecting you from unwanted circumstances. Guided by the planet Pluto, this color extends support and boosts your connection to a higher level of awareness for creative flow and intuition work.

Imbalanced Aura

As the sign with its fair share of intensities in life, you have a gift of persevering. However, your inability to change your ways or views can result in a murky aura and, therefore, block opportunities to invite joy into your life. Embracing change and new opportunities leads to empowerment and soul fulfillment.


As the archer sign, they are on the path to spreading their joyful experiences and helping others see the silver lining even when things appear bleak. Their expansive and bright auras can stretch out to the heavens, and when they learn to bridge this connection down to earth, they can find their stroke of luck. They are here to bridge the philosophical connection from their past experiences by breaking free from the primal nature of ego expression. Teaching and empowering others is a part of their soul's fulfillment.

Aura Color: Gold

Governed by the sign Jupiter, its expansive energy extends a stroke of luck in whatever you set your heart on. In connection with your gold aura, this planet infuses you with the ability to absorb information. It is also the color of independence, confidence, and motivation. Working with gold will allow you to go after your dreams while remaining levelheaded.

Imbalanced Aura

When you experience disappointment with your goals not being met, you lose faith, leading to an imbalanced auric field. This in itself can close you off from life and its opportunity. Aiming to see the big picture and becoming receptive to other ideas can lead to fulfillment and a rebalanced aura.

Zodiac aura colors continued

Getty/Glen Pearson


As a Capricorn, you are the zodiac's powerhouse and capable of achieving your goals. Honing in on instilling structure while embracing discipline will ensure success in life. You are here to mark upon the world by reaching heights of success that align with your passion honorably. As you tap into your ability to rise above the physical pull of greed and live by authenticity, it will inspire many to step into their light.

Aura Color: Violet

Your auric field extends a pull of prestige, honor, and respect. Guided by the planet Saturn, it instills the need to preserve humility while igniting strength to power through obstacles. Violet helps you find your purpose while finding solutions to unresolved issues.

Imbalanced Aura

Capricorns within the materially driven path lead them to isolation and constant suspicion of others' motives. If you are disconnected from your energy, your emotive ability will be nonexistent, resulting in living on autopilot. Honoring everyone as your equal will instill trust in life and lead to a clean auric field.


Your purpose is to live an exciting life filled with innovation and to be a service to humanity. Their brilliance and intellectual capability come at lightning speed due to being one of the most innovative signs of the zodiac. Becoming involved in a cause greater than yourself drives you towards your soul's fulfillment. The ability to reinvent oneself is not easy, but as the water bearer sign, you can ease into changes better than any other sun sign.

Aura Color: Electric Blue

With an electric blue aura, you are infused with wisdom and innovation that inspires people in your life. This color invokes energy, action, and excitement for your future vision while extending support to see through your vision. With Uranus, the future-oriented planet, as your guide, you are given access to information that helps humanity evolve to a better place.

Imbalanced Aura

Your pure and absorbent aura can absorb an overflow of information from people you connect with. The nature of the groups, negative or positive, can result in a murky aura. Remembering to honor your individuality and holding ground with your sense of self will enable you to discern your connections while keeping your aura pristine.


As a Pisces Sun, you are here to find groundedness while extending wisdom. You hold an archive of information within your consciousness that is otherworldly and yet archaic. Your sign can read into the auras of those you connect with by just feeling or strictly intuition. You are on this path to freely share divine wisdom while extending the lessons for others to understand the importance of unconditional love and acceptance. Since you hold etheric baggage of past lifetimes, your role in this lifetime is to learn how to surrender karmic ties and to live more in the present.

Aura Color: Pastel Purple

This shade of purple is tethered to the higher realms of existence, helping you coordinate your understanding of how life works in the present moment. It is magical and infuses you with the ability to draw in information and creatively utilize it. With the mystical planet Neptune as your planet, it powers up your ability to extend wisdom and empathy to each person you meet.

Imbalanced Aura

With an imbalanced aura, you can fall victim to disconnecting from reality and lose yourself in the pain of others and your own. You may feel lost and unmotivated in life if you do not practice discernment and personal awareness. Human connection and letting others know about your fears and insecurities can help you feel more in control and grounded.

I have such a love/hate relationship with haircuts. While I love the feeling of a fresh look as much as the next girl, I hate having to spend $100+ for a simple cut and blow dry session. During my recent trim, I talked with my hairdresser, Jack Rehak of Jack’s Hair Design in Hinsdale, Illinois, about ways to keep a haircut looking new and best practices for keeping hair healthy. Here's what he had to say!

Here's How Often You Should Cut Your Hair, According To Professionals

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

I’ll admit it — it had been eight months since my last haircut. My hair had lost its shape, my layers were nowhere to be found, and my ends were begging for mercy. Life got busy over the last few months and I was neglecting my haircare like never before.

My hairdresser could immediately see that I was beyond due for a cut and said I needed to get more taken off than I was hoping. I was definitely disappointed — I'd been working on growing out my hair for a while now, and it just felt like my hard work had completely gone to waste. He explained that getting consistent haircuts is the key to growing out healthy and strong hair, rather than letting it grow and grow until it eventually breaks. So let's dig into the top three things you can do to avoid this scenario!

1. Just Get The Dang Haircut

Photo by RDNE Stock project/PEXELS

Also avoiding a haircut like I was? You might want to schedule one at your nearest salon. Like my stylist said, when you wait too long between trims like I did, you risk your hair becoming heavy, dull, and lifeless. When the hair is dry or even dead, it’s nearly impossible for it to hold a curl or style, essentially collapsing on you and taking on more and more heat damage all the while. I know the pain of spending time on a blowout only for it to fall minutes later — it’s the worst.

According to Jack, getting a haircut every 10-12 weeks is the best time frame or your ends will pay the price. Between blow-drying, curling, straightening, sun, and weather, our ends get dry and start to break without the proper care. Getting consistent haircuts allows hair to bounce back, shine, and perform the way we want in a healthy way.

2. Leave-In Conditioners Are Your Friend

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

His top piece of advice to keep your hair looking and feeling hydrated between trims? Invest in conditioning treatments. Jack swears by the Olaplex conditioning system, specifically the No 3 Hair Perfector. Made with patented OLAPLEX Bond Building Technology™, this conditioning treatment repairs and prevents damage in as little as three minutes. No 3 promises to reduce breakage and visibly strengthen hair, so it’s the perfect assistance to keep ends fresh between cuts. Another conditioning treatments I’ve used and loved for years is the Moroccanoil Intense Hydrating Mask, which is designed to restore moisture, elasticity, and shine to dry hair.

3. Switch Up Your Shampoos

Photo by Karolina Grabowska/PEXELS

Switching shampoos frequently is a pretty hot tip that I honestly hadn't thought of. Our hair gets used to the same products and grows tired of them, resulting in lackluster locks. Jack’s advice is to switch brands after finishing every bottle of shampoo to bring life back to your hair. Have two brands that you’re loyal to? Even switching back and forth between them after every bottle should make a big difference in your hair. I’m a huge fan of the R+Co Dallas Biotin Thickening Shampoo, which makes my hair look thick and full, as well as the Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo, which is so hydrating and gives so much shine.

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

In the end, navigating your back-and-forth relationship with haircuts often feels like a rollercoaster ride between wanting that fresh look and cringing at the receipt. Luckily, by using conditioning treatments and switching up your products,, you can keep your locks healthy, shiny, and full of life between trims. But take a newly learned lesson out of my book: don't let your ends pay the price for procrastination and just book the haircut.

If you need some more hair inspo and advice, be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Nataliya Vaitkevich/PEXELS

When we think of Christmas, we think of gifts. And what's more special than the gift of life (okay, we know that's a little corny, but we're rolling with it)? Whether you just found out you're expecting or are about to pop, the holiday season is the BEST time to share your excitement with loved ones. Sneak a peek at these 11 ideas for a little inspiration for a festive Christmas baby announcement.

Minted Merriest Occasion Announcement

Share the big news with a foil-pressed announcement that can also serve as your holiday card - win, win! For a more festive approach, your shoes can be little Santa booties! Here are more pregnancy announcement ideas from Minted.

Sibling Wish List

If you already have kiddos, have one of them make a Wish List with the item "Brother or sister in {Month} 2021," and share the photo on social media. There's nothing cuter than your child's wishlist with a sibling listed as a gift. (via Blue i Style)

Winter Picnic

Pack up a cozy picnic and use some trendy chalkboard art to share the news. (via Alyssa Rock)

Minted Best Gift Ever Announcement

Shimmery rose gold add a festive flair to this sweet announcement. Belly photo optional!

Family of Snowmen

Don't let all that fresh powder go to waste. Build a family of snowmen and be sure to include any new ones on the way. (via Popcorn and Pandas)

Formal Affair

Leave all the gimmicks behind and strike a pose for a formal portrait. You'll look your best, and the baby will too. (via Emily Egan Photography / Pink Peonies)

Bow Tied Baby

Put a bow on it! Wrap some ribbon around that belly and create a giant gift tag for an adorable announcement. (via J Is for Jones)

Holiday Stockings Pregnancy Announcement

Santa's leaving something extra special in the mail for your relatives and close friends in the form of this cute holiday pregnancy announcement! They'll love placing it on their mantles or coffee tables. (via Minted)

The More, The Merrier Pregnancy Announcement

Spread your family's holiday cheer with this pregnancy announcement from Minted!

(via Minted)


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Letter Board

Savor your final silent nights and share the news via letter board with sweet holiday trimmings.


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Backlit Bump

Draw attention to your silhouette by backlighting yourself with a glowing Christmas tree. You'll get bonus points if there are gifts under it.


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Holiday Ornament

Announce the news with an ornament on the tree or tree stump.


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Santa Photo

A visit to Santa can serve as a holiday baby announcement for the ultimate #memories.

Tag us on your favorite Christmas pregnancy announcements @BritandCo and join our newsletter for more creative ideas and inspiration.

This post was updated in partnership with Minted. Shop Minted to find more creative birth announcements.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Minted.

With Mother's Day around the corner, it's time to celebrate moms of all kinds, and step moms deserve some special recognition, too! If you're grappling with finding the perfect gift that expresses your love and gratitude for your step mom, these 20 gifts are the way to go. This curated list of thoughtful step mom gifts for Mother's Day will get you going on a gifting kick and make any step mom's heart swell with joy and appreciation. 💓

Rinna Beauty Larger Than Life Lip Plumping Oil

The glossiness of this lip oil alone will feel like a total gift! One swipe using the soft, sizable wand delivers a sheer tint of color, all while encouraging plumpness and moisture with its peptide formulation.

The Larger Than Life Lip Plumping Oil from Rinna Beauty comes in 5 other shades for $24 on Amazon.

Anthropologie Faye Planter

For the step mom with an undeniable green thumb, this decorative purple planter from Anthropologie makes repotting process super fun! Dotted in adorable outdoor creature and plant motifs, the pot is not only practical, but looks good, too. It measures about 8 inches in diameter to fit a variety of small house plants.

The Faye Planter is currently on sale for $31 (was $44) for a limited time.

Barefoot Dreams CozyChic Cotton Checkered Throw

She's gonna want to live in this cozy throw blanket 24/7. It's crafted from a blend of Barefoot Dreams' CozyChic material and a light cotton for added breathability. The light, neutral checkered pattern makes it the perfect match for any space!

This stylish throw, made to last a lifetime, goes for $148 from Barefoot Dreams.

DedCool Room & Linen Spray

Think of this spray as an instant refresh for any bedroom, bathroom, or living room, supplying a saturated scent of bergamot, vanilla, and amber. It's also compatible to spritz on sheets, blankets, and pillows to create a soothing atmosphere every time your step mom comes home!

The DedCool Room & Linen Spray comes in two other scents for $40.

Compartés Mother's Day Chocolate Flowers 20-Piece Truffle Gift Box

When all your other gift ideas fail, there's nothing wrong with chocolate! This truffle box is perfectly elevated to give as a standalone gift – it's impressively decorated and seamlessly packaged for a memorable Mother's Day treat. Some of the spring-inspired flavors included are: raspberry rose, lavender, poppy seed, and passionfruit.

The Mother's Day Chocolate Flowers gift box is $60 and comes with 20 gourmet truffles.

Fig.1 Ceramide Moisturizer

This moisturizer delivers 24-hour hydration with a dense formula of peptides, hyaluronic acid, squalane, and glycerin. It has a lightweight yet creamy feel, perfect for slathering on under SPF and makeup. Your step mom's skin will absolutely soak this clinically-proven cream up, and she'll be feeling like a new woman every single time she puts it on!

The Fig.1 Ceramide Moisturizer goes for $32 and is also refillable once it's fully used up.

Little Secret Round Sunglasses

Keep her lookin' so cool with a pair of trendy sunnies! This timeless style from Free People channels the 90's and makes for chic everyday eyewear with any outfit.

The Little Secret Round Sunglasses are shoppable in 5 other colors for $30.

The Pioneer Woman 3-Piece Floral Check Ceramic Lidded Bowl Set

Your step mom's serving, baking, and cooking projects just got such a stylish upgrade! This trio of checkered ceramic bowls designed by The Pioneer Woman make every dish look stunning, plus each one comes equipped with a decorative wooden lid for convenient storage.

This 3-piece bowl set goes for $33 at Walmart.

Sand + Fog Pistachio Dream Eau De Parfum Oil

This perfume oil can be used sparingly – meaning it'll last a long time – and delivers delicious notes of pistachio, vanilla, brown sugar, and cream to make step mom smell like a total treat. She won't want to go a day without putting some on!

This perfume is $13 at Marshall's.

Versed Total Package SPF 30 Body Lotion

This body lotion is really a 2-in-1 deal: hydrating and protective against the sun. It's packed with SPF 30 to give the skin a light shield against harmful UV rays, all while replenishing moisture with a delightfully-smelling mix of cupuaçu butter and grapeseed oil. It's not sticky or oily at all!

The Versed Total Package body lotion is $20 at Target.

Maeve Buckle Slide Sandals

These trendy slip-on sandals from Maeve are the epitome of cool girl style for summertime. Your step mom will be stepping out looking so good with these as a gift! The upper is made from durable leather, while the sole is a comfortable rubber material to withstand walking.

The Maeve Buckle Slide Sandals are shoppable in 4 other colors and are on sale for $104 (was $130) for a limited time.

Chamberlain Coffee Strawberry Matcha Latte Mix

Switch up her morning routine with this deliciously sweet matcha mix from Chamberlain Coffee! It's earthy, fruity, and made with oat milk for otherworldly creaminess. All it requires is some hot water, a good froth, and from there, your step mom can customize her sip with more milk or creamer.

This drink mix goes for $19 at Target.

L.L. Bean Open-Top Boat and Tote

This classic tote bag from L.L. Bean is the perfect vehicle for carrying work essentials, groceries, clothing, and more! It can be ordered in small, medium, large, or extra-large sizes, with the option for short or long straps.

This bag comes in 11 other colors. The small size is $30 and the extra-large is $45.

Ban.do Oven Mitt Pot Holder Set

For the step mom that loves all things colorful, this oven mitt + pot holder set will bring some joy into her kitchen set-up. Both are crafted from cotton with quilted stitching and feature small loops for easy hanging.

The duo is shoppable for $30 from Ban.do.

Auburn Home 3-Piece Glass Taper Candle Holders

These funky candle holders can go together as a set, or spread out around the house for a unique touch. Bundle them with some taper candles to complete the gift!

This colorful trio goes for $25 at Marshall's.

Verloop Raffia Phone Sling

Any on-the-go step mom will appreciate this convenient phone sling for its carrying capabilities, but it's also supremely stylish! The bright colorway is summertime's perfect match, so she can take it along for vacations and outdoor outings alike. The thin shoulder strap is adjustable in length so she can find the best fit for her needs.

The Verloop Raffia Phone Sling is shoppable in three other colors for $38.

Osea Bestsellers Bodycare Set

Gift sets are always a good bet if you're stuck on what to get your step mom for Mother's Day. This luxe 4-piece set from Osea comes complete with body butter, body oil, body balm, and body scrub (all inside a cute zip bag) so she can treat herself to a full-on spa day right at home!

The Osea Bestsellers Bodycare Set is $52 (a $78 value).

UrbanStems The Parade Bouquet

Flowers are welcome any time of year, but a gorgeous bouquet like this one is so fitting for Mother's Day. With UrbanStems, you can select a specific delivery date, and your step mom will receive a fresh grouping, ready to display at home!

The Parade Bouquet is $60, with the option to add a vase for $15+.

Material Kitchen The Cloud Pitcher

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This meal planner is $15 from Ban.do and has 50 sheets.

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The most notable news from our resident popstar BFF Taylor Swift (aside from her record-breaking Eras Tour movie, The Tortured Poets Department, and Reputation (Taylor's Version), of course) is her most recent boyfriend update. Kansas City Chiefs player Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift were first linked after Travis tried to give the singer his phone number during one of her concerts this year. And after a few NFL games, getaway car rides, and restaurant takeovers later, it looks like this relationship isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Here's a timeline on everything we know about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship!

A Timeline Of Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce's Relationship

Photo by Jason Hanna/Getty Images

September, 24 2023 - Taylor Swift Started Attending Kansas City Chiefs Games

Taylor Swift started attending Kansas City Chiefs games in 2023, seemingly after an indirect invite from Travis Kelce himself. When Taylor played her Eras Tour at Arrowhead Stadium (the Chiefs' home stadium), Travis tried to give her a friendship with his number on it.

“I was disappointed that she doesn’t talk before or after her shows because she has to save her voice for the 44 songs that she sings,” Travis told his brother after Jason during an episode of their New Heights podcast. “I was a little butt hurt I didn’t get to hand her one of the bracelets I made for her.”

Considering Taylor Swift has now gone to many Chiefs games — and nearly broken the internet — we're pretty sure he's not upset anymore!

On September 24, 2023, Taylor Swift watched the NFL game with Travis' mom, Donna. After the football game — in which Taylor sat with Donna, and created (another) pop culture phenomenon with a single photo — not only did Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce leave the Arrowhead Stadium locker room together, but they also drove away in Travis' convertible as a pair!

Photo by Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

October 1, 2023 - Taylor Brought Some Friends To Watch The Chiefs

On October 1, 2023, Taylor was joined by all-star BFFs Sabrina Carpenter, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Sophie Turner, and Hugh Jackman to watch the Chiefs play against the New York Jets. While Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift didn't leave the stadium together after *this* game was over, the fact that Taylor was surrounded by so many of her friends felt like they were there to support something quite special. 💓

We'd be remiss not to mention a few easter eggs from this game while we're at it! This romance feels so much like a callback to Taylor's 1989 era, where she spent a lot of 2013 to 2015 hanging with her friends in the coolest NYC spots. Plus, she's wearing all black (and some edgy accessories on her shorts) while we all speculate on what she's up to and who she's dating, which is not too dissimilar from her Reputation era. 👀

Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

October 12, 2023 - Taylor Swift Makes A Good First Impression

We know Taylor always tries to make a good impression (hello "Mirrorball!"), but it turns out, she also makes a good impression without even trying.

The first time Taylor met Travis Kelce's dad, Ed, he noticed how genuine she was when she started helping around the suite. “She gets up to go get a drink or something, and she starts picking up empty bottles, cans, plates that are scattered around," he toldPeople. “And I'm just thinking, 'I don't think she got the diva memo. She didn't get the spoiled musician. She doesn't know how to pull that off.' And that really to me said a whole lot.”

Photo by Will Heath/NBC

October 14, 2023 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Were On SNL

Yes, Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce were both on the October 14 episode of Saturday Night Live in 2023. The couple attended the SNL afterparty together and fans were very quick to spot how much the football player took care of the singer. He opened doors for her, made sure she was okay, and reportedly even told a bodyguard that he could step aside. When I first saw the images, they looked so much like a rom-com cover to me that I thought they were photoshopped!

Then on the following Sunday night, Travis and Taylor were seen in New York City again as they made their way into a restaurant (once again holding hands!). It might be important for Swifties to note that both of Taylor's outfits are black, edgy, and very Reputation-coded... I can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve!

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

October 19, 2023 - Travis Apparently Plans To Visit Taylor On Her International Tour

At this point, ET had reported that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were "all in" on their relationship, according to an inside source. They told the outlet that Travis intended to head to Buenos Aires, Argentina while he was on a bye-week for the Kansas City Chiefs. We hope he was able to give her those friendship bracelets this time! 😘

Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

October 22, 2023 - Taylor Swift Is Improving Travis Kelce's Game

After a 31-17 win on October 22, 2023, Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid acknowledged Taylor's influence on Travis' game during a press conference. He noted that Travis' performance is only improving and that “Taylor can stay around all she wants.”

Image via @chiara_ / Instagram

The October 22 game also appeared to be the couple's official hard launch. Chiefs wide reciever Mecole Hardman Jr.'s girlfriend Chariah Gordon posted a series of photos with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce after the game — including this one where Taylor's kissing Travis on the cheek! Swoon!

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

October 31, 2023 - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Celebrate Halloween Together

On an episode of Jason Kelce's New Heights podcast, Travis said he loves the idea of a dinner party on Halloween night. "Like a Halloween dinner party. Everybody comes in costumes and we have a party," he says in the conversation.

But he also refuses to admit what costume he picked. "I'm gonna let mine be a surprise," he says. "I'll make sure everybody sees it, and we'll talk about it after Halloween."

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship only continues to get deeper in October 2023, especially since a source told ET Online that Taylor could be the one for Travis: "Everyone close to Travis loves that he is happy. He is on the path to finding that special person in Taylor."

However, given the frenzy around Taylor, and the media coverage of their relationship in general, Travis' family is also fairly concerned for their safety. (And after hundreds of fans showed up uninvited to see Taylor attend a private wedding, we kind of are too, TBH).

"They're so appreciative of their fans, but hope to keep some aspects of their relationship private going forward," the source continued. "This level of stardom is something new to Travis, and although he can handle it, he is still getting used to it. Safety is a major concern among everyone, especially given how passionate fans feel about their relationship."

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

November 5, 2023 - Taylor Swift (Virtually) Celebrates Travis Kelce's New Record

After the Kansas City Chiefs game on November 5, 2023, People posted on Instagram celebrating Travis Kelce's new title as the KC Chiefs' leading receiver with 10,941 receiving yards. Taylor Swift liked the post, and considering she's very strategic and intentional about her Instagram activity, Swifites were very excited.

"Me giggling cuz TS liked this post," one user commented. "It’s an interesting time for Taylor & Kelce" another said. "They are both at supremely high career success points. What joy!"

On November 9, 2023, a source told US Weeklythat Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce “actually spend a lot of one-on-one time together and have developed a very real connection," plus the fact that "they have very detailed plans coming up on how to stay together while she’s on tour and he has games.”

Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

November 11, 2023 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Have A Rom-Com Moment

On November 11, 2023, Taylor changed the lyrics of her song "Karma" from "Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me" to "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs coming straight home to me" (a move that seemed somewhat spontaneous considering how surprised her backup dancers were!).

Travis revealed on the November 15 episode of the New Heights podcast that he had a "little bit of a clue" she'd change the lyrics. 👀

"Definitely when I heard it come out of her mouth, [it] still shocked me," he said. "I was like...'Oh, she really just said that, alright.'" He was so shocked in fact, that he didn't even realize Taylor's dad was trying to high five him. "Mr. Swift, I apologize big guy," he continued. "I never miss a high five too, big high five guy!"

And, after the show, Taylor went straight up to Travis standing outside a VIP tent and the coupleshared a kiss. It felt like it was straight out of a rom-com — a pop star running up to a star football player and surprising him with a kiss! The crowd at the concert went wild, but the internet also couldn't stop talking about it!

"This is sooooo adorable," one X user said. "Her little run. His hands behind his back like he’s waiting for his prom date or something. Ughhh they’re both in deep."

Photo by Dustin Satloff/Getty Images

November 20, 2023 - Travis Kelce Spills On His Relationship In WSJ Magazine

Travis Kelce once again broke the internet with his WSJ Magazine cover story. In it, he talks about football, his family, and (of course) Taylor Swift. “I’ve never been a man of words. Being around her, seeing how smart Taylor is, has been f*cking mind-blowing," he says. “Obviously I’ve never dated anyone with that kind of aura about them…But at the same time, I’m not running away from any of it…She’s just living, enjoying life. When she acts like that I better not be the one acting all strange.”

Even Kelce's mom had something to add! “I can tell you this,” she says in the interview. “He’s happier than I’ve seen him in a long time… God bless him, he shot for the stars!”

Fans were also hoping to find out if Taylor and Travis were spending Thanksgiving together. Via Page Six, Taylor was set to fly back from her Eras Tour shows in Rio de Janeiro to spend the holidays in the states before heading back for another show on November 24. TMZreported that the couple "plans to be together for the holidays," which included lining their schedules up to spend as much time together as they can.

Taylor celebrated another one of Travis' milestones on Instagram, when she liked a post from the Kansas City Chiefs. "Fastest tight end to 11k receiving yards AND the only player in franchise history to do it," the post says. According to a Daily Mail source, as soon as Taylor Swift's Eras Tour wrapped up its 2023 dates, she moved into Travis' private Kansas City mansion (which he reportedly bought for them to spend time together) for the duration of her break — which included her birthday and Christmas.

Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images

December 3, 2023 - Taylor Shows Up To The Chiefs Game Looking Festive

Taylor Swift hung out in the box seats with Brittany Mahomes in Green Bay, Wisconsin during the Kansas City Chiefs game against the Green Bay Packers.

Not only is Taylor Swift's jacket KC Chiefs red, but it was also totally Christmas appropriate! "Travis' friends think this is the real deal for him,” an insider told Peopleat the end of November 2023. “They're still a little shocked by all of it — that he's dating the Taylor Swift, but they've seen how down to earth she is with his friends and family.”

But before Taylor donned her Elmo-approved red coat, the couple was already in the Christmas spirit. They showed up to Miracle, a pop-up bar in Kansas City, on December 1, for the Chiefs' holiday party. It appears they were wearing some festive sweatshirts (as well as Taylor's signature red lip). I hope they also got to have some more chicken with "seemingly ranch".

Photos by Inez and Vinoodh for TIME

December 6, 2023 - Taylor Talks Travis In Her TIME Person Of The Year Article

There's been pleeeeenty of speculation about when Taylor and Travis actually started dating. Was it that first Chiefs game? Were they just friends still? Was it before that game? While only the lovebirds know their true timeline, Taylor gave us a peek behind the curtain in her TIME MagazinePerson of the Year article.

According to Tay herself, the pair started hanging out immediately after Travis first mentioned her on his New Heightspodcast. She said, “We started hanging out right after that. So we actually had a significant amount of time that no one knew, which I’m grateful for, because we got to get to know each other. By the time I went to that first game, we were a couple. I think some people think that they saw our first date at that game? We would never be psychotic enough to hard launch a first date.”

Swift continued by explaining that she and Travis "show up for each other" and that they're "just proud of each other." BRB, sobbing.

On December 8, 2023, an insider told Life & Style Mag that Travis is planning something special for Taylor's 34th birthday on December 13. “Travis has something special planned,” they say. “He’s arranged a very intimate romantic dinner just for the two of them, and is also trying to pull off a semi-surprise party with the help of some of her closest friends."

The insider also says Travis could use the evening to propose to Taylor, which we would *totally* be in favor of.

Image via @patty_cuts on Instagram

December 10, 2023 - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Share Some Swoon-Worthy PDA

After the KC Chiefs and Buffalo Bills game on December 10, 2023, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce went out with the team to celebrate. They wound up back at the Miracle pop-up bar! The evening was sure to lift Travis' spirits after the Chiefs' loss, and I, for one, need to make Taylor's Christmapolitan drink ASAP.

Thanks to the Chiefs' barber, @patty_cuts, we also have a pic of Taylor and Travis embracing each other at the bar! If you ask me, this deserves to be a movie poster, because I feel like we're living in a real-life rom-com. And apparently, one of their friends agrees!

"We had an amazing time," Chetarah Jackson (a friend of Travis' who sat with Taylor in the suite at the game) told ET. "Taylor and Travis are so in love. It was so cute seeing them together and I can see them getting married."

Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

December 17, 2023 - Taylor Swift Gets Cozy At The Chiefs x Patriots Game

Taylor Swift showed up to the KC Chiefs vs. New England Patriots game looking both comfy and cute in a Chiefs sweatshirt and beanie. In addition to Alana Haim and Brittany Mahomes, Taylor's dad, Scott Swift, also showed up to the game, which ended up being a big deal because he wore KC Chiefs gear after he's been a lifelong Philadelphia Eagles fan! 👀

Scott wasn't the only one having fun with the couple! Kaleigh Teller (Miles Teller's wife and a good friend of Taylor Swift) recently liked a TikTok speculating Travis got Taylor a very special birthday present: the ring Taylor wore during her party. It appears to be an opal stone surrounded by blue topaz, and if that's true, it has so much meaning because Travis' birthstone is opal and Taylor's is blue topaz! Thoughtful gifts are our absolute favorites... and it looks like they're Travis' too.

Travis also told People that even though he had a game on Christmas Day (his brother Jason does, too), the holiday "will be a fun one."

"My brother sent me a text and said he’s going to be celebrating afterwards," Travis continued. He also confirmed that he's planning on celebrating Christmas after the 25th too — hopefully with Taylor!

According to Page Six, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce also spent the rest of the holidays together.

Photo via CBS Mornings

December 22, 2023 - Patrick Mahomes Talks Taylor And Travis 👀

Patrick Mahomes hopped on CBS Morningsin December and gave his inside scoop on Taylor and Travis. While noting how comfortable Taylor is with "Chiefs Kingdom," Patrick also took a moment to recognize her many achievements.

"He's lucky enough to be with a great girl and a great woman, and it's been cool to interact with her because she's top tier of her profession — and how she drives and she becomes that, it's really cool to hear about and to see." He followed up by saying, "I'm glad that she's the person that she is, and that's why I think her and Travis match so well."

Clearly, Tay got the BFF stamp of approval!

Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

December 25, 2023 - Taylor Swift + Family Attend Chiefs vs. Raiders

Taylor and Santa... I mean... Austin Swift hung out at Arrowhead stadium alongside their mom and dad, Andrea and Scott. The family had some holiday fun with the Mahomes family and Papa Kelce, with Austin allegedly tossing snowballs to the fans below. Merry Swiftmas to us all!

Image via chrispearson20/Instagram

December 31, 2023 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Share An NYE Kiss

After a Chiefs win, Taylor and Travis stepped out in style at a NYE party with their friends and family. Travis wore a Midnights-esque outfit, in head-to-toe brown courduroy — come on, '70s!

Of course, Taylor made the whole place shimmer in a stunning silver sequin dress by Cleo Peppiatt, paired with celestial hair pins and her signature red lip, which was allegedly smudged later on in the night. 😘

We got a peek at the kiss in question on Instagram, originally posted by @krystenrachelle. It's definitely giving, "I want your midnights!" 😍

Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images

January 21, 2024 - Taylor Swift Hangs Out With Jason And Kylie Kelce

After months of attending Travis Kelce's games, Taylor Swift was finally in the box at the same time as Jason Kelce's wife, Kylie, and this is a WAG friendship we are *totally* here for.

Despite the media pitting them against each other, the two women were seen laughing and spending time together in the box, which really just leads me to wonder why we're constantly obsessed with women not being friends? "Kylie is so great," a source told People. "Everybody loves her."

The most talked-about moment from the game, however, can be chalked up to Jason Kelce, who jumped out of the box shirtless and started yelling at the top of his lungs. He's since been called the KC Chiefs' “No. 1 hype man,”been compared to Gabriela Montez, and gotten people's hopes up for a very lively best man speech.

Someone also captured Taylor Swift's reaction to Jason's viral moment, and it's just as funny as the moment itself!

Taylor wasn't the only one who knows how to be goofy — Travis Kelce's teammate Patrick Mahomes told People that despite the newfound media frenzy over Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (and achieving his "dream" of being on SNL), Travis remains just as fun and down-to-earth as he always was.

“Travis has always been Travis,” Patrick told People. “He still will walk through the stadium and treat every single person like they’re his best friend. And he’s going to be like that in the locker room every single day.”

Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images

January 28 - Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Celebrate A Chiefs Win... And Break The Internet

After the Kansas City Chiefs won a game against the Baltimore Ravens on January 28, the team was headed to the Super Bowl! Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce celebrated with a kiss on the field, and fans have been comparing their total rom-com moment to everyone from One Tree Hill's Lucas and Peyton toA Cinderella Story's Austin and Samever since.

But the biggest moment of the night was when, during their embrace, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce could be heard saying "I love you." According a post-game video, Travis says, “Tay, I'm going to enjoy with the guys I love you... so much it’s not even funny.” And it appears Taylor responds with “I love you too... I’ve never been so proud, EVER.” Then they go in for a kiss and a bear hug. OMG!

Jason Kelce later went on to add Taylor in with the rest of the family on the New Heights podcast: “We had the whole family down on the field. We had me, Mom, Dad, and Taylor. Everybody was down there.” Stop it right now, Jason!

In addition to a mockneck red sweater, Taylor was decked out in a gold friendship bracelet of her + Travis' initials, as well as #87-themed jewelry to support her BF. I also find it *very* important info that Taylor Swift is a square nail gal (Will this inspire my next manicure? Only time will tell).

I predicted that Taylor would show up the the Super Bowl, despite wrapping up the Tokyo leg of the Eras Tour the day before. I thought this would be a huge moment because, despite being asked to perform multiple times, Taylor has never actually performed at the Super Bowl, so she's never really had a reason to go.

Another popular fan theory is that in the past, this was due to Taylor Swift being a face of Diet Coke (she really is just like us!), while the halftime show has historically had Pepsi as a sponsor.

Image via Taylor Swift/Instagram

February 5, 2024 - Travis Kelce Supports Taylor Swift's The Tortured Poet's Department

After Taylor Swift announced her new album, The Tortured Poets Department, at the 2024 Grammys, Travis Kelce showed support for the new album during a press conference — and he's just as excited about the new music as we are!

"She's unbelievable, she's rewriting history books herself," he said of her fourth Album of the Year win. "I told her I'll have to hold up my end of the bargain and come home with some hardware too...It's been fun to kind of gather the Swifties in the Chiefs' kingdom and open them up to the football world and the sports world."

"I have heard some of [Taylor Swift's new album], yes, and it is unbelievable," he continued. "I can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally drops."

Travis *also* responded to the rumors that he's looking to propose to Taylor Swift after a reporter straight up asked whether there'd be more than just a Super Bowl ring if the Chiefs won the Big Game.

"I’m focused on getting this ring, and that’s all that my mind’s focused on right now," Travis said.

Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

February 11, 2024 - Taylor Swift Attends The Super Bowl And Catches A Nail-Biting Chiefs Win

Taylor Swift was there to witness the Kansas City Chiefs spar off against the San Fransisco 49ers at Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas and ultimately see Travis' team win the game in overtime 25-22.

Taylor was spotted in box seats alongside her girl gang, Blake Lively, Ice Spice, and Ashley Avignone. Lana Del Rey joined the squad later in the game, too!

Taylor quickly tossed back a few drinks as the excitement ramped up (iconic if you ask me) in the first half of the game. After the big victory, she swiftly ran to the field to celebrate with Travis.

Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

“Come here, girl," he said to her. They instantly embraced and shared a long kiss in celebration of the Chiefs win. But that wasn't all!

Taylor tagged along with Travis and his teammates to the official Super Bowl after-party at Zouk Nightclub in Las Vegas. The couple danced and sang, and the club even played a few of Taylor's hits! The couplekissed during "Love Story"and even pointed at each other across the dance floorwhile a remix "You Belong With Me" blasted. Travis Kelce switched up the lyrics, singing "Are you in love with me?" instead of "You belong with me" — to which Taylor raised her glass, smiled, and danced the night away. 🎶 If you ask me, this viral moment is just the latest profession of love between the two.

“I love how he just came very quickly when your song was on,” model Marianne Fonseca tells Taylor Swift in a viral clip. “That was the most romantic thing ever.”

"We met in the middle, and I was like, 'What is my life right now?'" Taylor jokes.

The power duo left the function wearing matching glittery black outfits, holding hands the entire time. To say we're obsessed is a true understatement.

So, what's next for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?

Taylor will continue to embark on the international leg of her Eras Tour in Australia starting February 16. Based on everything the couple's been through so far, we don't see them going anywhere.

Photos by Amy Sussman and Jason Hanna for Getty Images

February 21, 2024 - Did Travis Kelce go to Australia to see Taylor Swift? Yes!

Our fave couple continues to enjoy their time together. A source told People that they are "really happy" and "having a lot of fun, but they're still seeing where it goes." Travis Kelce also landed in Sydney on February 21 to support Taylor Swift (and our gal Sabrina Carpenter) during the Australian leg of the Eras Tour. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce spent an afternoon at the Sydney Zoo, but did they act out any scenes from Anyone But You? We can only hope.

Travis Kelce had plenty to say about Taylor Swift in an episode of his podcast New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce. “They helicoptered us! Well, not us, Taylor,” he says. “This is all because Taylor is the biggest and the best thing possible."

While Travis was almost entirely focused on Taylor during the conversation about Australia, he couldn't help but mention his favorite zoo animals. "The kangaroos were pretty sweet, got to see a red panda up close and personal," he continues. "It’s like a friendly raccoon...saw a tiger sitting up in a tree house, that sh*t was f*cking sweet, ain’t gonna lie."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

February 23, 2024 — Taylor Swift Celebrates Travis Kelce At The Eras Tour

During her first concert in Sydney, Australia, Taylor Swift added a few blink-and-you'll-miss-'em details to her show in honor of Travis Kelce. She ended up pointing directly to him during "Willow," when she sings "that's my man," and during "Long Live," when she sings "when they gave us our trophies" (in honor of his Super Bowl win!). She also changed the "Karma" lyrics to "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs coming straight home to me." And when the concert was done? Taylor ran directly to him and gave him a big kiss. Rom-com energy!!

“When she started to come around, it was privately,” defensive backs coach Dave Merritt tells The Sports Shop With Reese & Kmac. “She was coming into the stadiums without people really knowing until the camera put a big spotlight on it.”

"[Taylor Swift] actually affected the team in a positive way," Dave continues. "Everybody was excited that Travis was happy. So when my player, my brother, is happy beside me, that helps me and that encourages me."

And after Travis started dating Taylor, Dave saw even more of a shift! "And so Travis came in there a different man...She won a Super Bowl in her first year in the NFL," he jokes. "How about that?"

Image via Al Bello/Getty Images

March 13, 2024 — Travis Kelce Talks About The Eras Tour In Singapore

It looks like Taylor Swift and Sabrina Carpenter are in their lover era because both Travis Kelce and Sabrina Carpenter's boyfriend Barry Keoghan showed up to the Eras Tour in Singapore!

"Fun times in Singapore," Travis says on the New Heights podcast he shares with Jason Kelce. "I got to check out the world's largest greenhouse. How about that? I'm a big plant guy. Loved seeing f*cking enormous trees. It was cool as f*ck, they had the world's biggest waterfall in a greenhouse, too...It was awesome man. Everything was blooming at the same time, it was so f*cking unique and so nice."

But Travis *also* got to go to two Eras Tour concerts ahead of Taylor Swift's latest hiatus (she's on a break until her first Paris concert on May 9th) — and enjoyed the shows just as much as the sights!

"I got to see two amazing shows of the Eras Tour," Travis continues. "The last of the leg that Taylor has until she's back at it here in a couple months. Yeah outside of that, got to eat some lovely Singapore food and just catch the views. Everything over there just seems so nice."

Image via Netlix

March 20, 2024 — Travis Kelce Can't Stop Watching Love Is Blind

After a crazy year of the Eras Tour and the Super Bowl, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are focusing on their time together! "They’re focused on rest and recuperation and relaxing at home and having low-key and chill time together,” a source tells Us Weekly. “They are enjoying movie nights in her home theater, catching up on films and shows they’ve missed.”

We're always wondering what our favorite stars are binge watching right now, and apparently, Travis Kelce watchlist includes Love Is Blind. "You gotta watch Love Is Blind," he tells his brother Jason Kelce on a recent episode of New Heights. "It is the worst trash ever — it's worse than Catching Kelce — but it is so f*cking good." (Jason's not so convinced).

But considering Travis almost seems like he's loving the show against his will, it's making me wonder if he's watching it with Taylor Swift — or if Taylor's the one who got him to watch it in the first place. I could totally see Travis and Taylor curled up on the couch with a plate of chai cookies, a blanket, and Netflix. Cozy!

Image via Alex Grimm/Getty Images

March 20, 2024 — Travis Kelce Says He "Can't Wait" To Have Kids

On that same episode of New Heights, Travis Kelce also let it slip he may be ready for kids sooner than later. When the Super Bowl winner was talking about NBA player Victor Wembanyama, Travis joked he was so talented he must have been engineered.

“You can’t tell me that dude wasn’t made in a f*cking lab over there in France," Travis says. “Can’t wait til I f*ckin’ make one.”

“Don’t do this," Jason jokes. "Do not give any of these other conspiracy theorists anything else to latch onto, please.” Oops, it might be too late Jason!

Images via Amy Sussman/Jason Kempin/Getty Images

March 24, 2024 — Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Go On A Lunch Date

After a busy winter, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce finally took some R+R and went on a big trip together! “They vacationed in the Bahamas for several days," a source tells PEOPLE. "It was a much-needed break for both of them. They very much enjoyed it. They are so happy together.”

After their Bahamas vacation, Taylor and Travis grabbed a Sunday lunch in Malibu. They both looked super cute and springy with Taylor wearing a bright blue sweater, a tan skort, and loafers, while Travis wore an oatmeal-colored pullover, hat, and a friendship bracelet.

Image via Patrick Smith/Getty Images

April 1, 2024 — Travis Kelce And Taylor Swift's Relationship Has Been "Amazing"

On April 1, Kylie Kelce told the Today show just how happy their family is for the couple. “Ultimately, if Travis is happy, we’re happy,” Kylie says. “We are always cheering on Uncle Trav, it’s such a treat to be able to do that on and off the field...It’s been amazing.”

"I'm the happiest I've ever been," Travis Kelce tells People. "I'm a guy that some people say is glass half full, half empty, and my glass is all the way full. It's all the way full...I'm oozing life right now."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

April 2, 2024 — Travis Kelce Confirms He'll Be At The Eras Tour In Europe

Swifties might be gearing up for The Tortured Poets Department, but Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are still thinking about this year's stint of the Eras Tour!

“We are both very career-driven," he tells Entertainment Tonight. "I think we both love what we do and any chance that I can show my support to her — knowing that she has shown me all the support in the world throughout the season — it’s just been an amazing experience getting to know Tay."

Travis hasn't confirmed which concerts he'll show up to, but he does say the London shows are "can't-miss" concerts. "I think she’s at Wembley [Stadium] eight times?" he says. "Which is mind-blowing that she can do that many shows in one stadium and fill that thing up."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

April 10, 2024 — Travis Kelce Doesn't "Know How" He Managed To Date Taylor Swift

On a spring episode of his New Heights podcast, Travis Kelce admits he's still shocked he's dating Taylor Swift. "I don't know how I did it because she wasn't into sports," he says. "So I don't know how the f*ck I did it." But considering Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are two of the biggest people in the entire world, I am more than happy they found each other!

Image via Sean Hutchinson/Instagram

April 15, 2024 — Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce Attend Coachella

The first weekend of Coachella was full of incredible performances from Lana Del Rey and Sabrina Carpenter (plus a very cute moment from Justin and Hailey Bieber) but it also gave Taylor Swift the opportunity to enjoy a concert from the audience! The Tortured Poets Department singer showed up to support Jack Antonoff and Bleachers, and even hung out with the band afterwards.

Taylor and Travis also attended Ice Spice's set and the rapper (who's featured on Midnights) performed her remix of "Karma"! That means Taylor finally got the full Swiftie experience, dancing to her music in the audience, and I love that for her.

Image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images

April 16, 2024 — Patrick Mahomes Says Taylor Swift Picked Up A Few Things From The NFL

In his TIME100 interview, Patrick Mahomes says Taylor Swift has learned a lot about football. “Even when she’s taking her downtime, she’s working on something," he says. "Shooting a music video or singing a song or writing a song. You can see it by how she talks. Even when she’s talking about football, when she’s learning it, you can see her business mind putting it together. It’s almost like she’s trying to become a coach. ‘Why can’t you try this, this, and this?’ She’s asking the right questions.”

“I’ve met a lot of famous people now in my life,” Patrick continues. “Taylor’s probably the most down-to-earth person that’s been on that stage for that long.”

Image via Taylor Swift/Universal Music Group

April 19, 2024 — Taylor Swift Releases The Tortured Poets Department

We all knew Taylor Swift's new album would reference Joe Alwyn, and I'll admit I was surprised just how much of it referenced Matty Healy. But the most pleasant surprise (in addition to some tracks Rory Gilmore would love) is that at least two of the songs are clearly about Travis Kelce! "So High School" and "The Alchemy" both use football metaphors to emphasize how exciting and youthful her relationship with Travis makes her feel. I'm obsessed!!
And on their latest date, Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce are cozied up in an LA restaurant booth. I don't know about y'all, but nothing screams '00s rom-com like hanging out in your favorite restaurant after a football game or a concert (both of which are very on brand for this couple).

Images via Jamie Squire/Getty Images/Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

April 22, 2024 — Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Could Attend The Met Gala

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have reportedly been invited to the 2024 Met Gala and I would love for this to be their red carpet debut (and for it to end up being a song on TS12?!) We'll have to wait until May 6 to find out!

So, what's the relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce?

Photo by Elsa/Getty Images

According to Taylor herself (via an interview with Time), the pair started seeing each other right after Travis "called her out" on his New Heightspodcast in July.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship continues to get more serious. “They share a strong work ethic and have a huge appreciation for life and their careers, strong family bond and values," the insider tells People.

An insider also shared that during Taylor's break from the Eras Tour (during September and October), she enjoyed catching up with all of her friends and “had fun spending time with Travis.“ We cannot get enough of this couple!

How old is Taylor Swift and how old is Travis Kelce?

Photo by David Eulitt/Getty Images

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were both born in 1989. Travis just turned 34 on October 5, and since Taylor Swift's birthday is December 13, she's 34 now, too!

After Travis and Taylor left Arrowhead Stadium together, some Swifties noticed Travis was wearing a blue and white set, and wondered whether it served as a 1989 (Taylor's Version) double release Easter egg.

Check back here for the latest update on Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce!

Lead photo by Elsa/Getty Images

This post has been updated.